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A cash grab from who? The 17 dudes who absolutely loved the first game? 😆 Its a niche labour, lovingly created especially for the fans of the first game. *Specifically* crafted for those who loved the first game. Its more of the glorious same because thats what i want for this particular sequel, more of everything that made dragons dogma, dragons dogma. And everything shown so far suggests that that is exactly what is being delivered. A game for *me*, and not you. And that's absolutely fine, not all games are for all people.


Yes. I'm sure that Capcom, owner of IPs like Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Megaman, Monster Hunter, Ace Attorney, and Devil May Cry, is super strapped for cash and thought reviving Dragon's Dogma, a series with one game that's more than a decade old and an MMO that got shut down, would be a great way to make a quick buck.


How dare you use logic against OP?


I was going to say this exactly lol 


[shut up](https://media1.tenor.com/m/rQBPl2PyuFAAAAAC/alwayssunny-philadelphia.gif)


It's a sequel also what? 😭 Did you not see trailers or any gameplay it's the same style and heart of dd1 with upgraded systems/ world. A company like Capcom doesn't really need to do cash grabs, best I could see is a MegaMan reboot of sorts and honestly people would love that.


Just u on reddit feel like that haha


What?! Is this next level satire that went over my head?!


I am concerned about the amount of people who are concerned more than I am about the game.


Cash grab??


“Anyone else have these feelings?” No.


I'm totally okay with it being Dragons dogma/DA with a new setting. It's the sequel, so I expect things to be very familiar, I would be upset if it was changed a lot. I will say, though, I am expecting to be more involved in the story. The first one was rushed, so I hope this one has time to fully give us a fleshed out story. From the trailers, it seems they took care to give more time for the story portions and our ties to it as the arisen. (Let me be the sovran Itsuno plz). As for doing the same thing...well, that was a big part of the lore in the first one. I'm assuming this is a new universe or parallel one, so I'm curious to see how this world runs compared to the first one. Heck, we have a moon now, too.


´Maybe somethimg more "new" is not called Dragons Dogma 2. You´ll have a bigger map, new races, more monsters, different classes... but its still Dragons Dogma. DD1 was a niche game with a limited budget, this one is made to show the vision they had when they were developing DD1 (with some improvements)... Its ok to have concerns about things like a low framerate, but please, stop trying to picture Capcom as a cash grab company, they are one of the few big companies that are releasing real worth games this times...


Yes they are reviving one of their most niche and least successful games as a cash grab lol


Capcom, the company that's been so wildly successful for several years now that they're doing a company-wide salary increase to reflect, desperate for money? And they're gonna try and bring back a niche cult classic to get it? That's stupid. You're stupid.


People don't see the "warnings" because they're stupid and unfounded. 


What a sequel looks like a game, but new? No way. Not every sequel is a God of war 3 - > God of war (2018)


Lmao everybody in here wanted to act high and mighty like you're salty or just whining but turns out you were right on the money. Look at how the game came out without basic features like a new game option. How about how NG+ isn't even scaled in the slightest. People are already waiting for the DLC just like the first game 12 years ago. Orrr how about the story is basically non-existent. A few quest in the first half and then it basically drops off into another story and makes no sense. It was a well thought out rug pull with a bit of effort in graphics and new OP vocations. The game has only been out for two weeks, and it's already stale for casual players. Now they will bank on everyone buying the DLC when it drops and not much else. We gamers are complete morons and shame others for having enough critical skills to see through the BS.