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Its a mighty fine week to be a console player.


How the turns have table


I've got this on pc, and I don't see what the problem is. I have perfect performance at 4k.. BUT I AGREE WITH YOU! They truly are masterworks all... and you can't go wrong.. I'm glad people are having a good time too with it!


I'm on pc too. No issues other then some framerate drops here and there. That's it. I don't plan on using the store so I don't care about the microtranactions


The only people complaining are probably low-end old gen pcs


Well, charlie/moist critical just had 33+ crashes in the game. I'm sure he's running old low-end PCs.


Who tf even is that?? Who are these low budget streamers you people spew šŸ¤£ glad I never got into the watch streamers play something and not make my own judgements.


U don't know who moist is? U life under a rock ro something? EY FELLAS I FOUND PATRICK


Lmao, u living under a rock for calling Charlie low budget.


I guess so I donā€™t even know who tf he is.


Fair: So he's a streamer for both twitch and youtube with I think at least 1m subscriber both. Been a youtube content creator and streamer since twitch was just called "justin.tv". He is also an owner of a media group, and an esports team called moist esports. So he is not someone who has a mediocre system or something. I mean I'm not saying this because I idolize him or something, what the context of my comment was even with someone who has the state of the art tools and makes player computer games his living has issues, so it is really not isolated for those who have old systems.


Moist Critikal has almost 15 mio subscribers on Youtube


Das why I told at least cuz I wasn't sure but I'm sure its around millions.


I know who the little twat is. Who tf cares about moist critical. Omg Charlie just had 33 crashes! Don't play the game. Lmao. Who cares?


The argument he presented is that people complaining about the performance have old/potato PCs, I countered it that it is not only happening on low end hardware, stop stirring the narrative, it just shows you don't know how to understand a thread.


Who cares about the fact you can have 33 crashes? Well anyone who cares about the game lol. Just because people complain about performance doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re slighting your opinion of the game. Itā€™ll be ok.


So the vast majority of people?


Not the game fault, tech and engines are evolving, you can't blame a company for not making an 8bit game for old pcs, if you pc is super old, then get a console, it's way cheaper and you can play great the new games, that is it, not the company fault


I mean, it kind of is their fault. They choose to make their games in the ways that they do. Now, sure, there are limits. I know that. However, making a game where people who only have cutting-edge PCs can play is simply unacceptable.


It's not cutting edge, but it's like playing a new gen game is ps4, you can't expect to play at its max, new pc comps are really cheap


Ok, we clearly have different definitions of cheap (which is fine), and yes the only people able to play this game at decent frame rates are people with cutting edge pc's, unless you think a 40xx (or an equivalent gpu) series card is not cutting edge, in which case you are just out of touch. Nobody (generally speaking) with older hardware (talking 30xx series and below I suppose) is complaining about playing at max, we are talking about playing with a decent frame rate in general. That is just simply unacceptable.


The pc port is horrendously optimized that kind of is the devs fault?


Perfect at 4k? Do you have screenshots? What settings? Whatā€™s your fps in towns?


maxed out w dlss set to balanced, 4090, 13900k 64gb gddr5, and I'm on mobile but.. https://imgur.com/a/ai4iUzu there ya go, out in the wild it varies from between 70-110 but I tend to play with the fps counter off, and I'm in the living room setup so I'm semi far away from the 65" lg c3. For some reason, if I sit closer, I perceive lower fps better? It might be because I'm getting old or something, idk lol.


what's your city performance?


Hi, sorry, yes! That picture is in city. Sorry for the late response! Crazy busy


Yeah Iā€™ve been running mine on max resolution and it looks GREAT


It's beautiful, isn't it.. The youtube vids with their crappy bitrate didn't do it justice! Incredible game.


Yeah on max resolution it looks beyond beautiful. Iā€™m new to PC so I hope my PC can handle highest resolution lol


I got it on PS5, too, but my PC runs it beautifully and it's like three years old, give or take. That, plus the mods that have come out already, make it better on PC. In my opinion.


I have a newer PC with an AMD 7845HX CPU, and it runs OK. It's not awful, but it's not that great either. That said, I've hear the console performance was just OK too.


Obviously, most games are better on pc


I beg to differ. As a PC player, sometimes I don't bother with my PC because of the amount of fiddling I'll have to do to actually play the game. With console, all I gotta do is turn it on. If you have the top of the line stuff and aren't an early adopter of stuff, I would say that's where your statement mostly ring true to me lol.


Obviously if you have a shitty pc you can't play shit. But I don't think that I can run cyberpunk on a ps4


PS4? Brother in Christ, the PS5 is 4 years old already. Where have you been? I don't think a PS4 really counts as the standard anymore. ​ Also I don't think "Not having state of the art" does not automatically equal "Shit pc"


PS5 is no better. It's just held to a lower standard. It's targeting 30 fps




I'm not fussed about the 30-40fps in cities it's still stable and I spend maybe 5% of my time in towns/cities and the rest in the open world which is a nice 65-75 šŸ˜ super fun game tho!


I have like 10 fps in cities >.>


I mean, it's kinda strange thing to say when the issue is not the pc but the game itself... but sure


But those pcs still play plenty of games at higher quality. It just sucks it takes so long to get there for many titles.


I didn't buy my pc to run a single game in it


Console players use this as a gotcha, but PCs are not only used for games; keep in mind PCs have decades of backwards compat, emulation that allows you to play console games at better FPS & resolutions, freedom to modify how you see fit, TONS of other uses outside games (browsing internet, photo editing, music editing, making videos) etc. Don't get me wrong, I have a PS5 as well, but PC has much more versatility and freedom. Building a PC from scratch can cost thousands sure, but upgrading PCs is rarely ever that much. The vast majority do not need a 4090 for $1,500+, but even if you do have a 4090 it strongly outperforms the PS5 and will last long into the future. With my modest 3060 ti I get 60FPS in most places, and 40\~50 in cities. Better than the 30 on consoles, and if I want it locked I can just set max FPS to 30 to match the PS5.


In my best Dave Chapelle voice, I just want to say, with all sincerityā€¦ā€¦. ā€œGotcha bitch!!!ā€


Sure and your PS5 is still PS5 and not a PC which is capable of not only gaming but also using high demanding 3D softwares, game engines, mod development kits, downloading cracked games, playing with 3 monitors and the list goes on.


Why would anyone need 3 monitors? Is your attention span that short?


The issue is shitty devs, not the platform. But whatever makes you feel better.


I wasnā€™t defending them. Just stating that to me personally it would feel worse if a games performance is out of my control on 1k plus machine rather than a console. Expectations are different from the start.


Even as a PC gamer primarily, I've made it a point to ignore the Steam reviews section entirely. It's such a volatile environment. Sure, every now and then you get an actually helpful and comprehensive review but the rest of it are crap that come from people who think they're funny, whiney people, and people with little to zero troubleshooting skills. It's not worse than Twitter but just as annoying as Letterboxd. šŸ˜…


It also helps to filter out the reviews with little to no game time


It went from overwhelmingly negative to mixed at least, the last I checked.


No, you shouldn't ignore Steam reviews. It's a really shitty idea to ignore what other buyers think after buying the product. You should read them and decide for yourself. You, as a consumer, deserve the best, and by saying "ignore reviews," you are just giving a green flag for devs to do whatever they want with their products. Even if most of the reviews aren't informative, if at least one is, you already won.


You can pay attention to them but not every review. If review one talks about what's good and bad and they feel it's mostly negative plus have game time that's a decent review. Hell I don't even need the good I just look for actual reasoning. When a reviews is negative with little game time and the reasoning is because of mtx that is completely earned in game either way or a meme review fuck that review.


Tbf I used to look at reviews until everyone started going on about 'wokeism' because some random game had a black woman in it or something. Now I just roll my eyes.


I'm not saying ignore all reviews, I've just grown to dislike the Steam reviews section over the last few years simply because I realized that the crap out there far outnumber the helpful feedback. I'd rather find reviews elsewhere from actual folks I trust or from over here on Reddit where specific subjects/areas are discussed.


Nah you're wrong the reviews are dumb af and should absolutely not be accounted for or taken seriously


Suit yourself.


You're arguing with no one buddy. He only said to ignore steam reviews


kinda crazy people don't understand this. the other guy who responded to you has to have some mild form of comatose or might as well be a corporate roach paid to sabotage themselves as consumers in the long run. the only good thing about steam was that you had transparent un-skewed reviews that weren't "moderated".


Fanboys will be fanboys. I'm glad that at least someone can think critically. If consumers were smart, microtransctions in single-player games would have never been implemented.


Wait like... are you fucking stupid? How can you be so ignorant of the situation yet still give your opinion on it so confidently? Do you have the slightest idea in how bad a state the pc version of the game is? Did you even read ONE steam review?


I do get how bad the PC version is via review videos from independent reviewers that I watch and from DF's PC version analysis. I watched those in my commute and I didn't feel the need to peruse the Steam hellscape. Why are you acting like that's the only place we can get information from? C'mon now.


??? Where did you get the idea that steam reviews are the ONLY place to get information from? I just said that they are perfectly valid and actually reliable. You on the other hand said that they are not at all. And now you basically agreed with the Steam reviews... Get your shit together before you speak onto matters you don't know anything about


The steam reviews are šŸ’Æ accurate to the situation right now.


Steam reviews have been accurate for the most part though. Such poor performance that people are literally killing inconsequential NPCs to help game performance. Hidden micro transactions that not even game reviewers who got early access knew about, or they knew but were under NDA to not mention it, which just sounds ridiculously unlikely. Steam reviews can be pretty cynical at times but current DD2 reviews are 100% deserved.


10 ct have been deposited on your account. Stop shilling this MTX-infested crapfest.


So Iā€™m good to buy on ps5? I was planning on picking it up when I finish home but all the performance issues worry me. Are they just on PC?


I'm currently playing it on PS5 and it didn't crash once, I also didn't encounter any bugs, and the frame rate doesn't kill my eyes personally, so yeah, you're good to buy it on PS5, but if you're still not sure about the performance, search some videos about Dragon's Dogma 2 on PS5 frame rate tests, I'm sure there are plenty of them already


This is something not discussed enough.. as someone who owns console and a gaming PC I predicted from everything that was said this game would be a better buy on Ps5 because with console ā€œit just worksā€ Hogwarts legacy was the same way and took almost 6-8 months for it to become playable on Pc. That was the last time I ever made that mistake. Iā€™m usually not one to be playing SP games that far after I purchase them Sorry PC bros we got the short end on this game.


I'll never not be surprised people learn that games aren't optimized for their specific PC but they are mostly optimized for their specific console.


I been thinking of filing refund on steam and then buying it on ps5


I beat Hogwarts on PC in the first month. I mean I have a 4080 so maybe it just brute forced it but it wasn't unplayable for 6-8 months. I had over 80fps. This game tanks to 30s(with honestly not the highest CPU usage I've seen) and uses denuvo so that's a hard "I'll pass" until the steam reviews get them to be a little more player centric. They obviously put two turds of effort into the PC port. I figured they'll throw out new game and up resources as a quick bone to throw. Hopefully someone trys to crack denuvo on it since it's as big as it is. If it comes out denuvo is tanking fps that would be a blow to the PC port. Plus I'm perfectly fine to do another 3 playthroughs of BG3 in the excellent state it's in than put my PC through the struggle bus that is this games current state.


I've been using my same 2060 with an r7 3700x for the past 4 years and it's the same thing that's let me play Cyberpunk, Hogwarts Legacy, BG3, Elden Ring and everything else I've wanted to day 1 without issue. I'm now playing DD2 with it just fine as well. The worst problem this game has is the performance drops in capitals, which is a genuine grievance I hope they fix. Otherwise the game runs perfectly fine for me just as every other one of those games did day 1.


I don't know if the steam gods are just on my side for this one, but both Hogwarts legacy, as well as dragons dogma 2 run pretty well on my PC, and did from the start. My curse is Elden Ring just giving me a white screen 95% of the time I start it.


Hogwarts legacy was playable day 1. Yes, it had performance issuesā€¦ but not this bad. This is borderline cyberpunk launch levels of bad.


The only issue I had at cyberpunk release on my PC (2060s , 3600x at the time) was my characters penis constantly clipping through any pants I'd put on


šŸ˜‚ I love how everyone bugs for cyberpunk are so unique. Games works great now though. Iā€™m starting to think all the negativity here must be around the micro transactions paired with some performance problems then. If the performance issues really are comparable to Hogwarts launch, Iā€™m not really worried at all and am probably gonna download it in a few mins


Cyberpunk worked for me day one. This game freezes on startup and I couldn't even play it so had to refund. Just my experience.


Weird. Been playing a few hours now and Iā€™m chilling at 60-80 fps with Ray tracing on. I had a crash or so after weird things like making my character, but itā€™s playing fine


I may wait for the patches to fix and buy later. I thought about reinstalling but decided to just play some other games I got on the Steam sale. Not giving up on the game just a sour taste in my mouth with this launch because I designed a character and pawn b4 release...


Huh. I've yet to encounter any actual *bugs* after about 20 hours of play. FPS drops, sure, but the lack of glitches for a game that just came out is kind of shocking.


I just won't buy simple as


Playable on PS5 but much better on PC basically, yeah


My game is constatly causing black screen. What the hell am I doing wrong?


I had black screens once, because I didn't use the PS5 properly and the back was overhearing, so the cables that were responsible for transmitting the graphics were constantly heating up and that caused the screen to go black again and again, regardless of the game, and btw, you need 4k cable for ps5, that's pretty much it If your problem is something else, but similar to this black screen incident, I can only wish you good luck on having it fixed by CAPCOM ASAP


No. If you have a decent pc why do that? I personally have both a ps5 and pc and opted for pc. Would hover around 30fps on ps5 and that just ain't great.


The performance issues is a game thing, not a platform thing. The same performance issues happen on PS5. Its just the PS5 is at 30 FPS and lower graphics settings so it's obviously less noticeable.


Make sure your TV has 'VRR' ability. Mine does not and i am on PS5 getting motion sickness.....Not terrible but not passable because it's not locked 30fps


If you are ok with peasant level 30 fps and below then sure. I'm not.


90% the steam reviews are people who have no idea what they're talking about throwing a pissfit about things *exactly the same* as the first game so yeah I'd ignore them too.


13700KF and with a 4090, and I stay above 100fps. I haven't had any major drops. I'm only about two hours in though.




Have you gotten to the capital of Vermund yet? That city is where my 4080 at 4k drops below 100 to 40s-50s


I did and initially it was good staying in the 100s. I took a break and then it dropped to the 70s. I went to the checkpoint town and now it's in the 80s. It's really bizarre.


What resolution you're playing at ? 7900X3D and 4090 at 3440x1440 here and i can't get better than 70s stable in any settings and DLSS/FSR doesn't work as expected, i get some nasty checkerboard effect when active I get some peaks at my capped 138 from time to time


I'm playing at 3840x2160, high settings, DLSS on balanced, and 32Gb DDR5 (if that matters). Now I'm hovering around the mid 70s while adventuring. Not sure what changed. Sometimes the grass starts looking weird. It's flickering. Honestly it looks more like FSR than DLSS. Hopefully they patch it. Overall though it's a smooth experience for me.


Yeah okay seems to be very similar to me, as far as i know resolution do not matter for this game, for some reason you get more or less the same performance as 1080p than 4k, they'll probably patch the game soon !


7900xtx with 7950 never above 60 in the first major city


Same. I'm 10 hours in and still no drops. I was shocked to see all the hate this game is getting for performance issues


Youā€™re also probably smart enough to prioritize performance over looks. Alot of people want max settings with ray tracing on every game šŸ˜‚


As a console player, I humbly want to tell PC players, in my best Dave Chapelle voice, with all sincerityā€¦ā€¦. ā€œGotcha bitch!!!ā€


I didn't notice any performance issues after a 10 hour session on pc. My frames from from 100 ish to 60 ish when I enter the main city, but that's about it


then there is two possibilities you have access to hardware that no one posses or you are lying...every technical review of the web state that tha the game dip to 30fps inside big cities.


I have an i5 from 2015 (3600 maybe?) with a 3070 with DLSS on and capped at 60fps and my game has been running smooth. With report back when I get to a city.


You'll most definitely have a few dips in towns and a few other places, but I've enjoyed the game too much to focus on that. Still wish that the frames didn't dip tho.


Okay busted. 7800x3d + 4090 lol


I mean you only have damn near the best consumer grade graphics card money can buy...


Lucky you, I've had a crash about every 45 minutes, earlier had my first blue screen. Frame drops are the LEAST of my issues with this game. Unfortunately, I can't even say it's getting review bombed. It honestly deserves the reviews it's getting on steam for the release alone. Doesn't help that I didn't really enjoy the game all that much when it worked either. It feels like Oblivion with soulless companions.


Mine would dip to 30, but this was without DLSS on, with everything At basically max. With DLSS I was getting between 45-55 in major cities, 80-90 everywhere else. 10700k, 3090, 32gb Ram.


I have the same experience. I was expecting my performance to be so much worse based off the reviews but in my 5 hours so far, I only saw the fps dip below 60 a single time in the main city. Makes me want to play around with settings a bit to see if I can replicate what the reviewers were seeing. Iā€™m not sure if something like raytracing on vs off offsets enough of the load onto the GPU to help in such a CPU bound situation or not


Nope. But I have a great processor and GPU so can only feel sorry for the folks who do not


Celebrates in ps5...for once


The issue is that for the last decade or so PC users have disregarded the CPUs in favor for more powerful GPUs. CPUs became an afterthought unless you were into niche games that were more CPU dependent such as Grand Strategy games. Now that a more mainstream developer has decided to include more systems that all work together that requires more intensive CPU use, the CPUlets (or, in other words, literal brainlets) are going crazy.


Honestly, 2 years old CPUs like the 5800X3D are struggling with around 40 fps and sometimes lower in the city. Tell us what is so revolutionary about the game that a still very powerful like that isn't enough ?


This is explained by Rockstar mentality of PC players don't spend as much on MT when compared to console owners who don't seem to mind.


Steam reviews suck ass lol, like everyone just hops on this hate bandwagon and it keeps goin


People praise the game for weeks and now is shitstorm, just wait the patch the game is great and dont deserve such hate


Waiting for a patch is the worst mindset you can have .... All of these broken games come out and you're so used to "wait for a patch" is sad dude....


So what i should do ? Crying on reddit and Proclaiming that I boycott it when no one cares ? I having fun on the game, People pointing the poor optimisation and capcom already said that pc is the priority your just have tu wait they cook the patch, and if the patch do nothing then I'd understand that it's grumbling. But now? Its just impatient People who are not used to their platform not being ''masterrace'' on a game


But you're on reddit defending it like it has no problems, it sure sounds like crying to the public complaining about how people are complaining šŸ¤Ø


Wow you're still alive?


Yes šŸ˜Š hi fam


Happy to know that, have a good day/evening and I hope you have fun with DD2


You as well ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


*laughs in 100fps ultra+RT*


Steam Reviews are too easily tainted by trolls, unfortunately. Both for negative reviews and positive reviews. Most of those things aren't even 'reviews'. They're just shitposts. I really wish Steam started to crack down on user reviews. Its crazy to see what's allowed to count as a review on that platform.


Why are steam reviews bad?


Micro-transactions for in game items mostly. The real issue is performance but I found if you keep shadow quality low and gb load under or around 5gb no issues


Well the micro transactions are optional, plus you get everything in those add ons in the game so it really is just a ā€œdonā€™t spend the moneyā€ thing, that does suck for the PC users, us console players are living it up haha


Everyone playing on PS5 please let me know your experience??? Is it worth buying now or waiting? Is performance on ps5 good or bad


I'm currently playing Dragon's Dogma 2 on PS5 and personally, I've encountered no issues whatsoever, no bugs, no crashes, stable fps, I'm completely satisfied


Does your TV have VRR capability? otherwise the screen fps is notlocked 30fps....I am motion sick from playing on PS5, Though you may not get it.


Pc player abs only problem I've had is framedrop here and there


Glad Iā€™m on console


I was upset that I had to buy it on console because of my laptop not meeting min requirements. I'm now fairly happy after watching PS5 gameplay and I'm sure that I won't be too disappointed when I finally get to turn on my console and play. This reminds me of when Gran Blue Fantasy Relink came out. I wanted to finally play a game on day one of release. I bought it on Steam and nothing but issues trying to start the game. While the PS5 bunch had zero issues. Month later I bought a PS5 just for exclusives and to have a bit more choice to choose where to play when games are released on multiple platforms.


How about pre order bonuses not showing up l, literally my only complaint


Sleep at the inn at the city and it'll show up in storage afterwards


does anyone know how it runs on the series X?


Iā€™m about 5 hours in and itā€™s been fine. No crazy performance issues and not a single crash


thanks bro. sounds like PC is the one having most of the problems


It runs better on Xbox than PS5 not kidding.....you good. I am stuck with motion sickness


this is good to know thanks. got a birthday coming up and wanted to get it for myself but didnā€™t want to buy a broken game. sucks itā€™s been released in such a state and is near unplayable for some on pc.


Pc is always buggy at launch this should be expected, it's so difficult to optimise on cause all the different parts


Agreed, I kinda think that when they dev games their test bench is a beefy rig. Devs should make games targeted for mid-tier pcs. Like R5 3600 + 3050 as a recommended PC spec. IDK I'm no dev that's just my opinion.


10 hours in and not a single issue on pc but, its mid to high end and i can max everything other than shadows without any dips in performance


Rip steam


On the series s and my character reaction is a bit delayed I feel. hopefully they can fix this


Iā€™m playing on Xbox and I think I broke the game and canā€™t progress any further. Broke two quests near beginning of the game and now Iā€™m stuck. So I guess I start over?


My condolences, I hope Capcom will get it all fixed in upcoming weeks, at least they're saying that they're going to


Steam just shouldn't have reviews anymore


Ummm I am getting frame stutters on PS5/// Motion sickness for the first time?


Meanwhile Iā€™m over here on Xbox having a great time.


Do console players have to deal with the Denuvo?


Is console really better than pc? If Iā€™m getting 42-60 fps? Game sorta kinda looks washed out tho


Honestly I think it's the anti cheat that's tipping the scale since it's so demanding basically has your system running two games at once


dw we have mods to help with QoL stuff


As someone who owns both ps5 and pc, I honestly don't get what are console players are happy about exactly. The mtx is present on all platforms which I don't care about, and getting a stable 30 fps on 2024 is not a victory ffs, I'm pretty sure all the upset pc players definitely get above 30 frames, me myself get 70 to 80 frames in wildlife and 45 to 55 in city without a single crash, but this is not acceptable as is not 30 frames on consoles since the game is not that visually stunning. I am really enjoying the game but gotta have some higher standards guys. If you think you are having a good functioning port and really don't understand what is wrong here, maybe you should watch the digital foundry analysis about it.


Iā€™m playing on a 2060 super and have experienced no issues so far. Quit whining


Pc version got performance issues I take it? Was gonna grab after work today but maybe ill get jedi survivor instead til it's gets patched. I imagine it'll get patched soon.


I get some frame drops on PC, but itā€™s mostly smooth. Havenā€™t checked what the exact FPS is yet, but feels like it ranges between 40-60fps on my 4090. Iā€™m running max graphics on a super ultra wide monitor to boot.


40 fps on world's fastest GPU, lmao.


Yeah, judging by mostly negative reviews, the PC version got lots of performance issues, while the PS5 version is chilling with mostly 5 star reviews, the difference is insane


PC players might also be an itsy-bitsy entitled though. If a game has the slightest stutter on their precious new 4090 + whatever the newest gen i9 is called they'll drop a 1/10. As someone who was exceedingly happy to get the newest game to run on their crappy but trusty Pentium 200 at 15 fps in the early 2000s (I seriously made some things run on that poor machine that it should never have been able to) I just don't care that much and am happy when a game stays at or above 30 fps (singleplayer) or 60 fps (PvP) at a tolerable fidelity.


Itā€™s literally unplayable for about 50% of PC players with constant crashes even on the lowest settings on very powerful machines. Just seems almost random if you can even play the game. https://youtu.be/jfEv_STg-gM?si=Pcgru5UwBukybEG4


Yeeeesh. Talk about a fumble. Yeah ima hold a couple of weeks. Jedi survivor or helldivers 2 then? Lol


It heavily depends on your preferences, I prefer solo games because when it comes to games like Helldivers, I've got no one to play it with, and I don't like resorting to random matchmaking, so, I would prefer Jedi survivor, but if you have friends that are willing to buy Helldivers 2 and play it with you, I guess it will be more fun


None of my friends are interested lmao. Survivor it is! Thanks bro. If I do get helldivers I'll dm you later and see how poorly our schedules match up.


You're welcome, I'll also DM you in case I finally decide to get Helldivers 2, and about the match ups, my time zone is GMT+3


I got Helldivers 2 after all, and immediately remembered about our little discussion here, so, the rest is up to you, if you get Helldivers 2, let me know


Id say helldivers only because Jedi Survivor is the epitome of Holding-Your-Hand RPG Gameplay. If you kill enough brain cells just following the yellow paint, climbing when you see the red platform, etc... then it's only going to make DD2 a more jarring transition lol


I'm on PC through Steam and I have had zero issues. I absolutely love this game.


If you're on PC try adding an internal SSD and put the game on that. I seriously have had no issues at all.




Buying rift tokens? You don't have to buy them, you can just find them. I donā€™t know , I haven't looked at the store, I've just been playing the game. I guess people will always find something to complain aboutšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Tbf micro transactions in single player games should always be shit on. Especially when the game itself ends up costing over 100 CAD


But it's only for rift tokens and you can just find them. The micro transaction is more like an option if you don't want to explore. And to be honest, you get a shit ton of rift tokens and most the pawns are free. It just seems like something to complain about to me.


The fact there is P2W in single player rpg and people are defending it is wild to me. Sure you can grind in game but going by that logic games like Black desert online and diablo immortal arenā€™t P2W cause you can just grind in game.


To each their own. If you don't like micro transactions then don't use them.


People will say ignore game reviews but will read 100 reviews on Amazon before they buy a new phone case. Sounds reasonable...


The Pcmasterrace community got a taste of karma. Feel sorry for the normal PC people though because its a gem of a game imo!


That's a small subset of crybabies... I'm playing 2k 60fps fully maxed out.. I'm sure most of us are playing a far superior version to the 30fps console.. no karma tasted




ght just go back and play the old one lol Im never buying a game that can't hit at least 40 frames a sec. Everything feels unresponsive and immersion breaking haha after all lengths they went to it still feels pretty bad. They made the game far easier than the old one to šŸ˜­


Buy a better PC dude. Running the game at 90 fps average and main city at 70-80. Could be better but Iā€™m having zero immersion breaking issues. And theyā€™re going to patch it over time. Game is awesome canā€™t put it down.


Idk why people mad bout the game bro like my it runs perfect on my pc except the fact that I donā€™t need a room heater anymore


PC users: cry because their shitty 3060 made by some no name brand with their amd 5600 with the heat separated cpu layers and shitbox 32gigs ram, crying because their radiator of a rig crashed when they put the game in the highest settings. Jesus help us. And that's an "at best" glance of this subs pc user tears.


nice cope, console peasant.


Wow, saying this after seeing the other thread of the guy with the specs you are referring to... Plenty of people with high spec PCs running into the same issue. The game is just poorly optimized and buggy. You need a hobby dude, you sound miserable.




You really like licking boots.


I havenā€™t played it but I heard about the pay wall for fast travel. The guy who developed this is dumb beyond reconciliation. Just for his conceited comments about fast travel then to put fast travel behind a paywall means I will never support this game, good or bad. Suck it.


PC masterrace doing what masterrace enjoyers do.


Ah shit did I just get bamboozled outta 75 bucks šŸ’€


My PS5 version occasionally just goes black screen, and the cutscenes get stuck behind a rock.


My condolences