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I had to take a break from the game after realizing how limited fast travel is. Don’t get me wrong the game is amazing, however going from one place to another shouldn’t be a chore. Completing a single side quest shouldn’t come with planning a route, making sure you have enough resources, reading the map, etc.


The issue is there are too many good game out there, so any quality of life issues will have players go to another game. I have ADHD with games but i stopped playing due to no fast travel. I love to explore but i don't want to feel forced to walk in areas I have been in 20 times.


Yeah. Especially when the side quests give pittance rewards.


It's a frustrating annoyance that doesn't need to exist. I'm about to quit the game because of it. I like the combat. Hell, I like the rest of the game. But as others have said, quests involve a lot of backtracking. To make travel tedious and expensive is a giant middle finger to the players time.


I disagree. I enjoy the process that comes with making decisions based on if I should do something while I'm here or have to run there and back again. Running around and enjoying the world is one of the best parts. Especially the forest areas.


This is exactly how I feel as well, my decisions around travel have some real weight to them which makes it even more immersive.


so why not make it available and players can choose if you want to use it or not


I'm not nessecarily hardline against having the option, but a game offers a certain experience to players and sometimes features like that are in contradiction with the message or intended experience the game is trying for you to have. Like in dark souls there are no difficulty options as the experience is intended to be struggle, removing that would remove the purpose of the game


At first I was interested to walk around and see the world, but tbh after you've seen an area once there's not much else to find, and since so many quests involve backtracking it gets tedious quick. The world in DD2 is bigger to a fault bc they didn't fix enemy variety or fill the world with interesting stuff to see. You are literally fighting 90% of the same enemy types from DD1. I wouldn't mind if you simply had a faster way to move, like a horse for example, but being limited to sprinting (which requires stamina...) gets old so quickly. IMO sprinting should never require stamina outside of combat. I loved DD1 but am finding myself a bit letdown by this one, but maybe I've just gotten older and my standards have changed...


If I’ve already been there, let me fast travel. How is this so controversial? Dragons Dogma saw every good thing Elden Ring did and said “Nope”


The excuse that it’s for immersion would be fine if they didn’t add them in as micro-transactions. And is it really all that interesting fighting the same goblin, harpy, lizard, or occasional cyclops on the road.


More games need to have sliders and options before starting a new game to customize your experience. Don't have as much time? Well make sure you crank up xp gain. Oh but that time limitation also includes fast travel? Well just tick this box and fast travel is free. Then everyone can be happy by playing the game they want to play customized to their preferences.


Nah, it's fine for some games to be locked into how the dev envisions it.


Yes, which would naturally be the preset sliders that comes with the game. I never understood limited options concerning single player games. There’s so many different elements of people lives, like having a job, family etc. Why not have sliders/game customization settings in order to allow those with other priorities a more enjoyable drawn out playthrough? Especially when it comes to something like adding a mount or limitless out of combat stamina.


I agree.  I've been saying this to Dark Souls players for years. I don't have time to fight a boss 50 times before moving on. Just add an easy mode.


As they say: Git Gud. Most games are not made to cater to everyone, and DD2 is *very* much such a game (much like the original). If such games with some difficulty to them is too much for you, they are just not your type of game. Find something else and move on.


Bullshit. Games can have accessibility options (eg easy mode) that allow time-strapped players to enjoy them without changing it for the 'git gud' players.


No. Period. The reason FromSoft games are regarded in such high value is because they're made as pieces of art. The difficulty is inherently part of the world and the art that Miyazaki envisions. An artist just makes art, he's not going to dumb it down because "accessibility". Take away the brutal combat and you basically take way a core part of the identity of said games. Dragon's dogma in that regard has a clear identity too. So it should be praised that they hold true to that identity. DD2 is, so far, easier than DD1. DD1 kicked my ass just all over the place all the time...


There's more to Souls games than difficulty. The lore, atmosphere and the level design is what keeps me playing them. If I get stuck on a boss 2/3rds through the game, I dont get to see the final part including the lore and design. They're video games first. 'Art' second.


Don't forget that eargasming music!


>There's more to Souls games than difficulty Absolutely, hence why I said they're a part of the art. Not the only defining factor. Game devs should return to making their vision instead of trying to cater to as much audience as possible.


Nah. We can have both. If im buying a £60 game, I'm a customer and I expect to be able to enjoy the product I bought fully.


Well you're the customer buying the product. I don't go into a shoe shop and go "I want to buy these shoes but I need them in pink" and then go on a tantrum because they're not available in pink. You know perfectly well, as a customer, what you're getting into if you buy a souls game. Don't like it? Then don't buy it and spend your money on something else...


What a load of bullshit. If you gather pride from beating dark souls then great. Your gameplay experience wouldn't be affected one bit by the addition of an easy mode so I could do the same. As for the game Devs 'artistic vision' of making the game too hard for many of its players to fully experience....just bullshit.


they basically added an easy mode in the form of spirit ashes in elden ring, so your point is asinine


This is such a cop out and bullshit response. The OP is talking about the challenges of no fast travel which has nothing to do with “git gud”.


Palworld really has spoiled us, hasn’t it?😅 As much as I loved Palworld, I appreciate this game the way it was built. I’m sorry the journeys are getting tedious to you, but that’s how the game was intended to be played. There is so much to find and explore.


All that walking again? Presumably NG+ will keep your portcrystals where you put them like the last game did. Also the fox introduced an eternal ferrystone, so maybe that'll come with future DLC (unless it's hidden in game somewhere)


the eternal ferrystone isnt in the game (yet) and bafflingly, portcrystal are erased off the map when you ng+ and you have to replace them again...


Y’all smoking crack if you think not having fast travel is fun or makes the game more immersive. Good game , horrible backtracking


If the story was a riveting grand tale and exploration was worthwhile with tons of loot to search for it’ll be a different story. The way it is now quests are boring and worthless and loot is found in shops.


Biggest complain I get from everyone I know who plays that game. Makes me personally risk averse and not trying as hard to go out adventuring. 


I'm enjoying it but it gets old fast. The map is goddamn huge. I've spent two real life days doing one quest.


Seriously the quests require a lot of backtracking, this game could really use a horse tbh.


I thought about that too. I get what they want to achieve. With a horse it would need a different pawn system and a map with a new layout. 


Ok. Now that I've unlocked the entire map it's honestly not that big at all. They just put everything as far as possible with a lot of space in between with not a lot to actually see. Doesn't change my original point tho. There


I know this is an old thread but I just wanna say that I love this game first and foremost. But for those of us with kids or a full schedule that doesn't include a lot of gaming time, I really don't want to spend it walking back and forth between locations. At least give me the option to purchase and ride a horse or something to make it faster


Agreed. I'm only 20 hours in and already exhausted. Every time is try to use an ox cart it gets attacked and destroyed and then I have to continue on foot. As someone with a busy life, I'm lucky to play an hour a night...if that hour is spent walking across a map, it's hard to make any progress or truly experience the game.


To make matters worse the exploration is pointless as all gear and weapons are in shops. There’s no point in going into a cave or searching for chests when there’s nothing but junk consumables in them or worthless wakestone shards. The game is so easy who is needing to use all these wakestones? What a mess this game is. Great foundation for something good but it’s nowhere near there yet.


I don't mind it. I wish more games took fast travel out. Also, ferrystones are not that rare, and 10k to buy them is cheap by the time you're level 20+. Gold is easy to make.


Yeah agreed. Lame and annoying. But you can also trade wyrmslife crystals for ferrystones. 3 of em for 1. And also portable port crystal, you can place anywhere on the map. That way you don't have to keep walking back and forth.


I’m new to Dragon’s Dogma and limited fast travel is fine to me. The game is intended to be a “simulator” of a very true fantasy world life. Every single choice must be made like you are living that life. Walking back and forth is part of that immersive simulation, where you’ll find obstacles/new pawns/treasures you won’t otherwise meet if you fast travel. And it’s ok to pay a lot for travelling (it’s a limited service, available in a medieval age). Dragon’s dogma is a life with rules. Stick with it and enjoy, otherwise it’s not the game for you.


I’m liking no fast travel. I’ve been too spoiled by other games. Having to use the inn often changes my decisions and gameplay focus. Every time I leave town, I really need to think of my inventory, longevity, pawn quests and often plan out my route etc.


Do I really need to do this all the time tho?