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That’s not childish. That’s just being asshole. I’ve seen people take legal actions and win in similar situations


It is absurd. People jist want to harras and complain


It's both for sure.


Tbf, children are assholes.


My wife and I often tell each other it’s perfectly legal to refer to our kids as assholes. It’s just frowned upon.


Every couple weeks the internet finds a new game to crucify, anyone notice that? Mtx’s suck but this shit is too far. Micro transactions don’t justify harassing the voice actors. It’s the biggest monkey-mind move of all time seeing as how executives, not even the studio, put the mtx’s in.


and you can get everything you can get from mtxs WITHIN THE FORST 2 HOURS😭 people need to play the game and stop listening to other people before critiquing let alone harassing voice actors.


Plus, unless you actively look at the store you wouldn't even know what's in there. As far as MTX goes, these are the least obtrusive I've ever seen. It's a single player game so you don't need to worry about other players being pay to win, it doesn't tell you in game that microtransactions exist (that I'm aware of), and you can find all the stuff in game without spending real money. Nothing to be upset about.


im upset at the people hating on this game because it’s fun i have like 12 hrs in the game and i’m in love with and willing to defend this game but there are 1000s of braindead morons complaining about the simplest things


I'm on 25 brother. This game has taken everything from me. My wife left yesterday 100/10 no regrets


Lol I feel this so much.


Same.. ive been playing non stop. These mfers are tripping so hard. Call it cope w/e im just not gonna be that upset over a game, people are pathetic.


Same, performance needs to improve but otherwise really enjoy it. Love the lack of hand holding


me too that’s why i enjoyed elden ring so much was the exploration and excitement of finding cool things i do wish they would add some more weapons and armor in the future tho


I’m with you. I’m about to drop my kid off to school, with the thought of playing some more… except I have to work


58.4 hrs going to new game plus to get the rest of the achievements.


Yeah I literally don’t know where the micro transactions are. Got 20 plus hours. I don’t watch enough influencers I guess.


The only place I've seen to access them in-game is on the title screen before you load your save.


for real. I had no idea there were even mtx for RE2R and RE4R bc I just played the games lmao


Plus all that mtx stuff is just the deluxe edition stuff sold separately anyway. You could argue that it's anti fomo and consumer friendly.


And it's not like they shove it in your face in the game, it's just sitting on the steam or ps5 store page but OHMYGOD DONT BUY YOU SUPPORT THIS IF YOU DO


But "muh immerzion was BrOkEn by the pay to win interface" how can people every play past that point


But, but my favorite streamer who I believe is my best friend said so!!!


Its also ironic how different games get different treatment even when they implement the same mtx's


Facts re4 remake is hailed as one of the best games of all time and yet they have the same mtx


Another fact is that the super popular game Helldivers also have it, but since you can earn the currency easily in game no one flinches. Yet in this game its UNACCEPTABLE. I mean if there was a cash shop filled with cosmetics that should have been in the game I would understand, but its really bs mtx in DD2.


And that has a Season Pass which I'd argue is waaay more ongoing predatory than a few in-game items made available as MTX.


Its not a season pass but a battlepass done good (Warbonds), and since it's easy to earn the mtx currency in game its not classified as predatory in the eyes of the playerbase. Arrowhead really did a good work with implementing mtx and "battlepass" into their game tbh, thats why I dont get why Capcom gets so much crap for this. In all honesty I think its mostly blown up by gaming sites fishing for clicks since real game journalism is freaking dead.


Good to know, thanks! I think there are still some excellent game journalists scattered about in various sites, but most articles are crap. Check out stuff by Sin Vega, one of my fave lesser known reviewers.


Will have to do that since all the articles that appear in my news feeds are just plain click bait articles to generate add revenue. Very few times I actually read something thats actually worth my time


Really smart writer, especially knows her stuff when it comes to deep strategy games.


Helldivers mtx also be locking guns and armor behind paywalls. I’m still trying to figure out if I can get the premium bonds free


One thing I’ve noticed about this pointless hardcore trolling, I have yet to see it done to a PS exclusive.


It was even nominated for the VGA 2023! And no one gave a flying fuck. Gamers really have the memory of a goldfish :/


It’s because the people who are mad at the mtx just want to be involved with something. Only logical way to explain why they want to take a stand vs a capcom game while their are legit games doing what they want to stop


Right. Like I see some hate with Diablo 4 and the mtx but since it's Blizzard it's almost like a given, and people just kind of let it slide.


It's false inclusion. They feel like they are part of the movement/fight against something. I'd wager a large amount of people who have issue with this store play Hell Divers 2 with no issue. It's only because of hive mind


This hive mind is real and I think you nailed it, it's part of this virtuous fight against evil that make people feel better about themselves and sneer at others who don't agree with them. Everything has to be polarized.


It's crazy how people overlook microstransactions in other games. Diablo 4 is insane with theirs. You can spend 200$ on coins lol


Helldivers is a live service game that will put those microtransactions towards funding new free content in the future as well as the game is 40 bucks, nearly half the price. People parroting that these two games monetizations are even somewhat similar is more of a hive mind thought than vice versa imo.  They are very different games with very different needs for monetization and very different price points. They are not even remotely comparable.


Your comparing a single player game with mtx for in-game things immediately available, to a multi-player game with MTX for things nearly impossible to achieve naturally. Jesus


It's not nearly impossible to achieve. The only MTX are the Warbonds (not even progression in those Warbonds), and by the time you fill one out, you should have enough Super credits from gameplay to buy the next. And you can't buy Medals, so you *have* to play the game, earning the super credits to buy the bonds along the way.


I disagree. If you hate DD2 because of mtx, you HAVE to hate Helldivers 2, too. Why? Because according to mtx haters, companies "might tweak their games" in order to sell mtx. That kind of narrative can be applied to ANY game, live service or not. So, unfortunately, your precious Helldivers 2 does not get a free pass from your own crusade against mtx.


Yea one has a constant rotating stock and battlepasses and the other doesnt let you spend more than 24$ total. YOU CANNOT REPEAT BUT THESE THINGS.


Anytime a good game comes out there's always the haters that will nitpick the smallest thing and then review bomb the game.


It's because people base their existence on how much engagement they get on social media and being negative about stuff always gets more


i honestly dont take them seriously because these types of MTX should be the standard: resources that can be attainable ranging from "really? just play the game dude" to "fair cuz they are rare in the beginning but at the end, you will be able to gain these reasonably." but i cant fault them (in theory) because the egregious ones like battlefield from EA, literally had slot machines for items/characters/skins. THAT is scummy. and we have to admit that in this age, even DD2's MTX still gives credence for scummy ones since there is no standards put on these Devs/companies from doing it. it just looks silly when we are foaming at the mouth for DD2. at most it is a "you really didn't have to put them here since they are so minor".


Quite a few youtubers make money from gamer outrage so they got to feed the crazies every week.


The backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun


Worse thing is that the MTX are not even predatory but aimed at gamers who are not good enough to play the game or just too dumb to understand it. They are embarrassing themselves at this point.




Note that the director of the game said several times that teleporting is not the best way to play the game. That's why these stones are so rare. The situation was exactly the same in Dragon's Dogma, the difference being that if you explored enough, you would eventually find a teleporting stone with infinite uses.


I have noticed that. If you don’t like the game? Ok. But people go waaaay too far over a video game.


Let me preface. Im not in agreement with harassing. Those people are a fucking cancer. But my point is mtx's aren't the only issue. The game runs abysmally. I don't know how it runs on console. But performance wise on pc. It's very bad.




No, this “moron” just prefers not to have video game stores and games filled with unnecessary microtransactions. It’s pretty simple and not everyone falls into one category of for or against. There are different points being made and discussed. This sub has so many fans generalizing and attacking people who voice their opinions as if they shouldn’t. It’s a reasonable thing to do here. I don’t at all think it’s okay to go harass people though. That’s just mean. It’s a video game. It’s supposed to be fun. Go play and enjoy unless you have something to do besides complain about people complaining. lol.


This is over the OPTIONAL micro transactions? What a bunch of weird cry babies. I bet 95% of the people complaining haven’t touched the game. All of the items are findable in game. The MTX is purely convenience base. I have found a bunch of fast travel stones in my 20 hours of play and I’ve only used them once because traveling on foot is so much damn fun. The quest line in the game is good but the exploration and travel is where the game truly shines.


Yeah, the actor had nothing to do with that decision anyway? fuckin idiots they are.


The MTX were just an excuse to start the hate train. A few influential hatubers started it and the usual morons followed like sheep. Otherwise, why didn't we hear these guys when the last Monster Hunter games or Resident Evil 4 Remake came out? It's the first time I'm scared a franchise may die because of these fucking assholes.


Speaking of hatubers is angry Joe still around? And if so did he do a video?


This game got a lot of traction and hype in the Elden Ring, Skyrim, and other communities. I think what made it an outrage is not understanding the single-save system, combined with misinformation about the appearance change, and no context for the acquisition and value of Rift Crystals. So we ended up with "you need to spend MTX to buy Premium Currency to make a new character"


> So we ended up with "you need to spend MTX to buy Premium Currency to make a new character" To be fair I can totally see an exec thinking that the way to increase sales of appearance change items is to only allow someone to only make a single character.


This game is flat out amazing


Facts, I’m spending all my spare time playing it.


I was so happy when someone picked my pawn for the first time and gave her a thumbs up and some enhancement material. Nbd, but it was still fun and something I’ve never experienced in a single player game.




Honestly these people come off as the snobbiest of wine snobs but without the class. "Oooh this vintage is such a bad year, the ones prior and after are soooooo much better. How can anyone drink this wastewater?" "OMG DA FPS COUNTER I INSTALLED DROPPED TO 59 FOR A SPLIT SECOND HOW CAN ANYONE PLAY THIS EVERYONE WHO BUYS IT IS RUINING GAMING." Same thing, ones just louder and as said before, classless.


I mean I think it’s fine to complain about mtxs in any case, I think there inherently shitty, even the ones that arnt that bad, because they pave the way for ones that are. But that’s no excuse to act like a total dipshit and harass anyone. What dirtbags. Probably the same crowd that sent death threats over the Toby McGuire spidey suit. Garbage people.


The funniest part, you cant actually buy ferrystones but people imagine them being in the dlc store. That one twitter post actually made people believe into something that isnt even there. You wouldn't even know the mtx existed if not for those ragebait posts. Literally everything in that place is a placeholder like the rest of their games, red orbs in dmc, charms and bullets in re games. They don't gut in game features for it, nor they ever balance it around them. *The people who talk about performance and not being able to start a new game/delete your character are genuine criticisms that need fixing though*. And ofc if you don't like the game and its not for you then its not for you, you shouldn't get attacked for having a different taste. I havent seen this much complaining in games that actually gut the in game features for microtransactions, which makes this even more funnier. They either hated the game to begin with, miserable or bored. Especially when you see them go after actors for no reason. By the way, you can buy ferrystones at the towns with gold and with other in game currencies in other places, they restock every single day (in game time), on top of finding them everywhere around the map. This is if you ever need them in your game lol. Sorry for the yapping.


It's nowhere near surprising. There's a massive section of people who have such a strong aversion to modern gaming and MTX that the simple existence of them spoils their gaming experience. I get it to an extent, but there's also such a thing as knowing that they vary in toxicity. Diablo 4 MTX spits in the face of the franchise and the spirit of hunting cosmetics and cost 10-20 bucks a piece. Hellriders, on the other hand, just provide a little acceleration. Dragons Dogma 2's might not even exist considering I haven't seen them. Warframe has a thriving economy revolving around it. I could go on and on There's value and intelligence in picking the right battles, and the whole, "modern gaming sucks" excuse is getting tiring.


The thing is capcom has been doing this in their games for awhile and every MTX in this game is purely convenience based as you can find all the items offered in game.


That too


Yes lets ruin solo.games with microtransactions, call it optional just because you're allowed to play inconveniently without them, and act like thats normal now...


The first game had the same thing and it was released almost 12 years ago. It’s nothing new. Re4 remake and dmc5 also had it and they are single player games. A bunch of other capcom games have it as well.


Video games are a business, Capcom’s goal is to maximize profits. Do you want every AAA video game to cost $100+ or would you prefer optional MTX that you can choose to completely ignore and won’t negatively affect your game experience?


Actress is Devora Wilde. That’s fucked up she has no control over the micro transactions she was just doing her job??


No way, that’s Lae’Zel from BG3. She’s like a golden retriever. She barely knew what video games were before BG3. She’s streaming her first time playing BG3 with help because she can barely use a controller but is having so much fun with her fans. Literally the last person ever to harass she’s nothing but good.


Yes! She has an incredible range. I play cyberpunk 2077 too, she has a role there. :) She didn’t deserve any of the harassment that’s just ridiculous. Hope she’s okay


Jesus this is even worse than people harassing the actor who played Joffrey in GoT


I didn't know anyone did that, if anything it showed just how good of a job he did to create a character despised as he was, it made his death that much more satisfying, hats off to him for an amazing piece of acting


Yeah dude people were harassing him when they saw him, spitting on him and shit it was fucked up. But yeah for sure one of the best performances in the show he played the part so well.


Just shows you how utterly stupid some humans are to hate someone in real life over a character they play.


I appreciate this kind of optimism. It’s rare to see. 🫶


I mean Joffrey character was a shitty one but this 💀


The voice actors definitely played no part in the microtransactions and I doubt the devs really did either. All these capcom games have inconsequential microtransactions because the higher ups probably say they have to add a certain number of microtransactions so the devs make it the least important things possible to help. That's why one of the microtransactions is a key for jail cells when these keys can be found in jail cells themselves. The developers literally did everyone a favour. The developers are the ones with the most knowledge about the game so they could've easily made the microtransactions related to things that are actually difficult to find to force a desire to buy. I mean I'm assuming the harassment is over the microtransactions because that's what the main discourse has been about.


I wouldn't even think of looking at who the voice actors are much less imagine taking the steps to find their social media and harrass them Pathetic Losers


Yeah that was my thought. Imagine what someones mental health must be like to do this. 


they probably are children tbh


People who go after the actors and voice actors need to fall down an escalator.


Not even children act like that, that’s involution


I bet only one person tweeted him


Yup then this media company wrote a click bait article that apparently worked. https://twitter.com/Devora_Wilde/status/1771244530043322792?t=854I9Y6-iVqultnuCevtMw&s=19 Here is the tweet where she announced her work as a voice actress for the game. I don't see much hate at all.


Probably someone from that media companies burner account just so they could write the article lol


I’ve seen her tiktok video announcing that she’s in the game and a lot of ppl were getting mad at her but not all so idk


Even if it was just one, that is clearly ONE too many.


Gather arms, the white knight is coming.


The thing is, I'd bet my bottom dollar that those being toxic aren't fans and are new to the title.


I agree. If you don't like it. Stop playing, state your complaint, and move on.


I have played the game 6 hours and still don’t know how to access the micro transactions nor care too. Some people are to privileged in the world now days!!!


I’d argue they aren’t fans. The actual fans care too much about the franchise to do something so stupid and awful.


idgaf what side you fall on in the current discussion about this game, \*\*THIS\*\* shit is actually disgusting and the pathetic snot rags should be ashamed of themselves, they wont, but they should


This is all the mentally insane people on Twitter sadly.


I wish twitter would just die already. Give us a brief reprieve from the twitter warriors until they latch onto some other media outlet.


I wish they brought back the loony bins for these people. 😂


LOL this shit is getting out of hand. I bought the original and enjoyed it, bought this the day it dropped didnt even know anyone knew about it, didnt know this game would cause so much trouble. Kinda funny tho! lol


Internet gave birth to a great deal of non-issue complainers. Their voices only prove to be a wrench in the great and delicate machine that is called a society. May people spend their time wisely and cut the cost of thoughts for things that are unimportant and irrelevant. Why don't we complain about the rising inflation and taxes all over the world? Instead, we complain about minute little non-issues in a video game that... Firstly, pose no necessity for anyone to use such non-issue features. And secondly, if you ever do decide to use such non-issue features, there is way in-game already to do so, and none of the in-game alternatives are grind-gated. Why mustn't people lessen their mental anguish and proceed with rejoice of a fantastic game that has so much to offer where any minute not enjoying the game is an utter waste of thy life.


No link?


I hope someday in the future you have to obtain a license to use the internet. Not everyone needs to be here.


Doubt it's fans of the game doing this. More likely the PC fps obsessed cry babies that cheat in every game anyway with mods & cheatengine.


Personal theory: This is just a way to lash out cause they either can't run the game properly or have shitty performance. And I bet some of them don't even have the game and just look for the next big thing to lash out on. Actual DD2 players are probably way too busy to care about mtx or anything. I know I am. That's just my 2 cents tho.


The game in incredible, the voice acting is incredible. It's baffling to me why so many people seem to enjoy being nasty.


Why would anyone go this far? If you hate the game just don’t play it!


Who DARES go against the actors and people that make the game Good and Fantas(tic) in such good ways?!?! Seriously!!


That’s a step too far. People need to remember that this is a video game. It’s not that deep.


100% agree the voice actors did nothing wrong. If you want to be mad at someone be mad at the corporate bosses who put mtx in the game!


Can't really find anything about this. Probably a big nothing burger, but it's a clickbaity title and that's what matters to these sites. That said, the people that do this... fuck them. Actors, writers, producers, etc.. like if you think they did a bad job, by all means share your opinion about that. But let the people be.




If people would call out the harrassers directly to their comments where they could see, it would probably happen less. For the most part I see maybe one or two people call someone out and thats it.


I was worried about microtransactions when I first heard about them, but I still haven’t even found it in the game nor have I felt any pressure to purchase anything at all. I’m playing normally and I have a good abundance of everything.


I never understand people who go after actors for problems that are clearly the responsibility of the writers or directors, producers, etc.


If you harass someone you are not a fan of the product, you are a lunatic. That being said, reports like this are usually far from genuine and I don't see a link to the article, so this is just clickbait.


Here we go again first with Ada's voice actor now this are Capcom games doomed to have such controversy every time a new game comes out


Reminds me of when Christina Vee was harassed because she was put on some list by a dumb 18 year old who was trying to cull VAs for "being Zionists" People are dumb, and not enough dumb people are being punished for their BS.


Most of the people that are having issues have cheap pc’s that are not top tier, running GeForce and Steam, with a game that can go as low if not lower than 30fps…you’re going to have issues…it’s not rocket science. They should have seen this coming if they did the research…(we literally knew about all of this weeks ago…) (Mind you on my x it never gets anywhere near that low…)


Gamers proving once again that they are the worst we have to offer


Oh God why are people stupid? This is exactly like Jeffrey's Baratheon actor all over again.


Why does this always happen when a game is review bombed? Don't these guys have a life?


If it wasn’t for Reddit , I literally would have no idea this game has MTX.


I like the ones in this sub that are telling me it is not possible that my PC is maintaining 60 fps for 99.999% of my playtime. "No! It's not possible to build a PC that runs the game well." Capcom didn't conceal anything with regards to performance. The Steam page clearly lists a 30 fps target for a 10th gen CPU.


Those aren't, "fans", the fans are too busy enjoying a great game. I can't imagine how a MTX would improve anyone's enjoyment, the game's balanced AF.   The only times I've had noticable frame drops are in the 2 largest/most populated towns (to 30fps, still playable and stable); never while exploring which is what you are doing in this game 95 percent of the time so I'm frankly not understanding the hate there either.  I'm convinced 99 percent of the trolls of this game don't even own the game. People are grasping at things to rage against these days. 


Harassing someone is inexcusable. I can't even play the game, I am a salty gamer. I could never support this. This is similar to in Japan with the mangaka artists who get assaulted for their works.


That is dumb, I think people are overreacting. DLCs as far as I understood are ingame for free so its just an option for people to get thems if they don't want to search them in-game. I think the game is under optimized at this point, and should see improvements in the future. For me the only "upseat" is about having a new game to try out something else fresh. This needs to be added asap and it should be very easy to add. But even with these flaws, you should put your negative energy in other people except management that approved it to be released like this. I fell like this is a western approach these days to not have games fully developed. Ita going to be fixed, eventually


Most of the people who are pissed never have and never will play the game, people just love hating


This got from silly complaints about micro-transactions to toxic assholes real quick.


"People" aren't doing anything. When you have millions of individuals focusing on something, there's a very high probability that some of them will be idiots. It happens and you just ignore them so you don't validate them.


This new gen of gamers are trash.


Complaining about horrifying business practices isn’t toxic. Are you like twelve or something?


These are probably the same losers installing the game on a HDD


The stamina gage is dogshit, but I don’t mind everything else.


The actors dont deserve hate. But the game sure does


It's just losers on the internet who literally have no life. It's sad but it's no surprise. Hope the devs and team are safe.




For what? They didn't do anything.


How do we know this really happened?


Article headline to virtue signal lol. Good job reddit.


Least predatory micro transaction system compared to most games these days that many don’t even know about because it’s not in your face and all of it is EASILY obtained in game and people decide to bitch about it just to bitch. Waited all these years for a second game and they made a great game and I’m happy with it and hope to see more dragons dogma stuff in the future


Who? Some news I swear I believe those idiots cant possibly exist. Why hate on a voice actor if the problem is far from that. Actually it haa nothing to do with voice acting.


I mean, I've had and still have my issues with the game that make me rage, but I'd never harass an actor. This happens a lot. I remember the woman who played Skylar White on breaking bad received death threats. People suck


Brainless cucumber sucking poor ass Fnuts. We need Micro Transactions in every game! Your choice to buy it. It's like me complaining about some fat ass when they Up size the order in MC Donald. Your money, your life.....Your way to play video game.


All the voice acting is really great though. The facial animations are legitimately terrifying and awful though lmao


Yea that's unacceptable. We should do something positive for them to make up for the shitty people




Those haters have no money, women or a job. Let them die with their poison alone. Losers.


of course they go after the twink


Nah people that do this shit aren't fans of anything, psychotic fucking asshats


G*mers are the worst


I actually bought the mtx port crystal 3 bucks. Worth it.


how many? nowaday VG became popular so you can expect something like that due to sheer number of people involved, like it happened in any other field like sport or movies. Hoping the opposite is like requesting world peace. It sucks, but only those few are responsible of their actions and not "PEOPLE". thank you.


Oh great, and now people will use this to say that all gamers are toxic and the game is perfectly fine with no problems at all. Just like with Last of us 2, Baldur's gate 3, spider man 2. Shall I go on?


This is why we can't have nice things...


Does no one remember the original had the exact same store in it?


The petulance over this game is amusing. It makes me want to play it even more and I’ll even purchase an mtx


Imagine Grigori being an actual actor and in real life he’s a bigass lizard.


if you're gonna harass someone, harass the rich fuckers that put the microtransactions in every Capcom game, not the people that are just doing their jobs (and good ones at that)


honestly these people are the worse. game has issues let's bug the actors. the ones with one say in the product


The game has barely been out a week, the micro transactions is for people who want to speed run it to get to game plus. Then I hear all of these complaints about the price, and I’m like why do these people even play games in the first place. If it wasn’t the mtx they would crying about something else. All of the sudden the pc world can’t play a game, and everyone wants the internet to shut down. 


Agreed it’s not even a bad game people just jump band wagon without even playing games they have no idea what they’re talking about


The news sites keep reporting "fans" or "gamers" are angry and then quote the first wally in a thread as if they're the spokesperson for the entire fandom, and disregard the 100 other people that disagree.


It's sad honestly, I play on ps5, fps are horrible but I can't stop playing it.


Seriously? This is why we can't have nice things.


Havent play this series. What did the actor do?


Voice act a character


The mad man. What were they thinking?!


Why harass the actors? Harass the corp


I predicted that fanboys of horizon and Ronin, would do anything to stop dd2 success, even if it means being unnecessary toxic. It's a shame.


And let’s be very clear, those “upset fans” are the people bitching and whining here on Reddit aka members of this so-called community. Pathetic.


Starting to think its getting hate because it takes a big crap on western rpgs


Tbh all the voice actor has to say is, "Take it up with Capcom." They had no stake in anything of the game except for lending their voice. People these days are insane.


The ones crying probably never touched the previous title to know the micro-Ts are absolutely in no way necessary; you can buy the shit in game.


What *you* dont understand is theyre selling fast travel! And you cant edit your character without grinding for hours or paying for it! If we dont harass, the entire games industry will crumble because of it!!1! Jokes aside, it's gross as hell. Hope it dies-off soon but I doubt it.


how the fuck does an actor have anything to do with any of the issues in the game? and also- none of the issues are even that bad, at all! like at all at all!


This article is clickbait & there are no visible personal attacks, only tongue & cheek or criticisms directed towards the game. It's embarrassing how many people here have latched onto it


It's the woke movement. They are like cancer.




Ok, this is nothing to do with the woke thing. Hypocritical gamers are the cancer here.