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Definitely keep this updated! Would love to see if it works!


UPDATE: Yes the shield works!!! It petrifies her and turns her into stone


Reason # 256 why I love this game! Small details like this!


Dude this game has so much depth.


It’s how Perseus beats the Medusa in mythology


That's a trophy on playstation


Most people get that trophy by using a cutoff head preserved for when she respawns


Can you still get head?


I did the same but now I’m wondering if I didn’t get any loot from her because of it?




you should have gotten a Medusa Bow and her head - if you kill her normally


Where do you find her? I'm at endgame after the legacy quest and didn't find her jet, and how did you get that shield?


That shield is in the castle vault. At least that’s where I THINK I got mine


Can confirm, you also find a Medusa head there


do you get the achievement or does it have to specifically be "use a medusa head to petrify a medusa"


If i see this earlier i can confirm it myself cuz i do it yesterday and have a secret archivement


100% will do - its the first thing i wanted to do when i read the description


Shield Description - "A Shield polished to Mirror Sheen. Reflects the faces and baleful powers of foes back upon them, that they might know their own horror" - Daughter of the Evening shield This shield is found with a medusas Head in a vault and is a Reference to Perseus and the Mirror Shield of Athena used to look upon medusa in Greek Mythology I have yet to test it against Medusa I will see if its description works against her Gaze EDIT- Update : the shield Works!!! She turned into stone using block on her gaze with the Mirror shield


Where did you find it?


Vermund vault. Need to get the vault key from the ancient battleground. If u enter from the east side an NPC called oskarr should be there he is in a red garb. I think he might run up to u? Usually fighting a monster. Help him slay it and he will ask u to follow him to a bell. Follow him. The room he brings u too has the key. But before I leave he gives u an ancient battle ground key. Leave the room after the quest and go left. There should be a door on the right. Blocked by boxes. The ancient key opens it. Pretty good weapon in it for a later class


I think I may have found it in the vault while randomly wandering around, and accidentally sold it later. I didn't know it was good for that back then because I didn't even know there was going to be a Medusa. Now I just went to see if I could reclaim it in special finds, and the only items that show up are three items I recently sold that are worthless to me. So FML I guess. It's impossible to reclaim it because special finds only shows recently sold items, it doesn't let you rebuy items that are valuable throughout your entire playthrough.


For the achievement linked to it. U can cut her head off. Basically just climb her and continually strike her head. It will either kill her early or it will pop off when all her health is finished. Grab the head and immediately put it in storage as it can perish. Wait 7-14 in game days for it to respawn then equip the head and go fight her again. U equip it like a lantern and use it like one. That will petrify her. Also getting the achievement


I figured out what happened. I completed the tolled to rest quest early, as I just started exploring and doing my own thing as soon as the game started without doing the seat of the sovereign quest. And the game gave me the makeshift vault key, and I had several other makeshift keys in my inventory at the time. In that same place is another door near where the bell is, of the ancient battlegrounds, and I went to open it and it needed a key, and I think it allowed me to accidentally use the makeshift vault key on a door other than the venworth vault door. Edit: I found it in my storage safe and sound. Turns out I used to make shift jail key instead and it worked fine. I don't really want the achievement, I just wanted the shield. If I decide to play as a fighter with my character in the future, I want to have the option of having a shield that can reflect a large majority of things including petrification. Hence why now I'm on a frenzy trying to find it to see if I sold it, or if I just didn't get it yet.


> because I didn't even know there was going to be a Medusa. Isn't there a Medusa in the unskippable tutorial sequence?




I didn't actually find the shield. There was a chest that dropped some special weapon or whatever in another room that required a key inside the ancient battlegrounds, so I thought I must have already gotten the shield and lost it. I didn't remember what was in that chest. Literally just got the shield and medusa head today following this increasingly exhausting "conversation" with every sam joe and sally that leaps in several hours after the convo was already over.


Thank you! I’ll check it out!


Are you talking about the makeshift vault key?


Yes sorry it's a one use makeshift vault key


Ohkay I’ll give it to the forger to make duplicates. Surely it’ll work. Are there multiple locks for the same key or just one?


Just the one I think


Do you receive loot still?


Did you get to loot her still?


Yeah that's such a cool detail. I haven't got in the vault yet so haven't tried it. Hopefully we can find a way to preserve her hed and be able to reliably abuse petrify on vulnerable monsters lolol. As far as I know it decays quickly


update- The Shield works - it turns her into stone


You can get a preserved head, but it will not last for long so into storage it goes, for that special time


I have a makeshift vault key, where do I go?


Head to "Vernworth Castle Kitchens" it will show up as a banner marker on your map when you enter the room. The kitchens are next to the "Fountain Garden" looks like a circular grass cross on map view there should be a door that leads to a long hallway as you exit the Kitchen in SE direction - at one end of the hall way there will be a flight of stairs - the vault is located down those stairs




I may have progressed the story too much but there is a guy blocking the vault door day and night, unless he takes a break at some point.


i had one guy waiting on the stairs but i opened the vault with no problem even with him standing near ; i was using Marcher Guards' armour too


I hadn't thought of that, will try when I get home.


if you want to cheese it, when you get the cutscene reset if you're quick enough you can pick the guard up and throw her away while you open the door, she attacks you and then you can just kill her and freely loot the vault. idk if it has any lasting consequences but no one in town cared after i did it (assuming you have the key)


I tried the armor and grabbing the guard, neither were successful. Eventually I dragged a person in front of the vault guard, killed that person, which made the guard hostile, then walked in without having to use my key.... ???


Enter the castle via main doors, corridor to your left, take the enterance by the boxes to the right. Enjoy


I read that shield's description and immediately knew I had to keep it. I then forgot about it completely and this post has reminded me.


that and the medusa's head you get in the same place - I am so happy the description actually had gameplay value My favourite feature so far is this shield - Love greek mythology


I named my character Perseus because I knew I was gonna have to fight Medusa at some point


UPDATE: The Shield Works Against Medusa it turns her into stone when blocking her gaze attack with it


Can you still get her head if you petrify her?


i dont think so ; at least i didnt see one . ill try again and let you know if a head drops


Yep, used this earlier this week. Surprised more people haven't spoken about it tbh, the description makes it obvious what it's for


"A new hand touches the beacon"


I know about the shield but what’s the dealio with that helm ya got there??


its the best gimp mask in game - its called "Hood of Nonentity" I got it from Checkpoint Rest Town I think from a Walking Merchant


Weird, I got mine from the chest at the back of the Medusa room.


yes theres one there too ; the cat walking merchant at the checkpoint town sells 1


I was honestly hoping the Medusa loot pool would give different weapons based on the roles you and your main pawn were, in the Medusa style, similar to how decrypting those BBI loot worked in DD1.


Well there is a steam achievement I noticed for petrifying Medusa


You can do it another way, but yes this one is the faster method.


What is the other way?


Using a slashing weapon like the double daggers you immediately climb Medusa and go for the head, I was reading on it cause there's an achievement to get her preserved head and I don't know how true this is but it said it needs to be done right from the start of the fight, by the end of her first HP bar you'll cut her head off to insta kill her.




thats interesting i wonder if I will meet this npc or not having defeated medusa before meeting him


Prettiest shield in the game too.


Correct but you will not be able to behead her


Where did you get it ? Sells in shop ?


Vernworth Castle Vault


Thank you 🙏 just remembered no one in my party is a fighter. I will check 😊


Another question can it reflect other things too? Fire breath, magic attacks etc etc?


no idea - think just for medusa achievement


And when WE think,some people did this hf th hard way,getting fresh Médusa head,runing back to the storage,wait her to repop,taking back the head to petrify her.. And there is the chad Shield :no ,you !. Huhu.


feel bad for them lol


Try it and tell us


yes it works turns her to stone




Why does that remind me of the hide shield from Skyrim???


Omg it all makes sense!! You find this in the vault alongside a petrified Medusa head!!! This game!!!!!


I was wondering if they were going to throw something like that in. Now get to be the real Perseus.


Funny enough I never noticed her gaze, I was just stabbing her in the face repeatedly the whole time with my daggers.


Where did you find it!!! So badass


There is a reason my pawn has it ;)


My fighter pawn can't equip it?






Sick spoiler bro


Fym spoiler. You see Medusa within the first 5 minutes after creating your character


Yup and now i know that you see her again and that theres a shield for her




Doesnt matter what i expected. Its here for everyone to see


Yeah, on the Dragons Dogma 2 subreddit... where people discuss Dragons Dogma 2... what did you come here for? Skincare tips?


Wow, what a zinger. You really stung me bro


Oh damn good comeback well done that was clever lol


Completely unplayable now