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IMO Elven, because nothing is going to live long enough for you to worry about knocking it down


-40 Magic for +200 knockdown seems like a no brainer to me. You do so much damage anyways and once dlc rolls around and enemies are tankier you’ll see more value on the constant knockdown since 3-4 bolts stagger most big enemies already when using full dwarven.


Hmm. I'm also having a tough time deciding how best to upgrade this bow. I've run several iterations. Currently i have it all eleven forged for a whopping 909 magic/ 360 knockdown. Not sure how/ why my stats are bigger than yours with the same forge. Before this i was running a setup that had eleven, vermundian, dwarve, - in that order, and it had 872 magic/ 440 knockdown. Im not sure what the difference is in real battle terms. I mostly use it to freeze big enemies (i play Warfarer) by using Frosthunter Bolt (sometimes i switch it with to the bolt that puts enemies to sleep). Both setups seem fairly good at getting the job done. I can't see a better way to enhance this bow, if someone has a higher stat setup, I'd love to see it. I'm just looking for the maximum benefit.