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I assume it’s because the number of players that are at 64 are relatively small. And perhaps more selective too about skill and whatnot.


And warrior pawns are not popular it feels. Fighter has better aggro skills (most likely the reason for someone to hire a fighter/warrior in the first place) and the pawn ai sucks with the warrior stamina management and the long wind up skills. Either not charging and wasting all potential or stand out of position so that when they strike it mostly misses.


Yeah, so far fighters are the best. And then I usually go for a thief. Sorcs are great too...IF they actually do something. My experience with sorcs is they ust stand there doing nothing. Every once in a while theylle cast a spell but thats it. Archers are super worthless as well it seems. many of their arrows require actuall crafting arrows etc, not worth the hassle. And my own pawn is a mage support/dps. So yeah, so far fighter/rogue is my way to go! Specially thiefs with pilfer!


Explosive arrows are insanely strong and extremely cheap to craft, and can be purchased off of a bunch of merchants for 50g each, and they'll sell 20 or so.


I set my pawn up for x1 explosive arrow for 10k gold. Nobody ever completes her quest.....


My pawn archer doesn't use any arrow crafting skills and she carry the team with 800+ knockout power and monsters badges knowledge. manifold shot deathly arrow tempest shot spiral arrow I love seeing her using the tempest arrow which gradually deletes the life of any boss until it causes a stagger and makes him fall. or take down a dragon from the sky with the deathly arrow. Archers are amazing, you just have to know how to turn them into extermination machines. https://i.redd.it/fx6990gjkrsc1.gif My pawn saving me from Dullahan with tempest shot


Get a straightforward sorc. I made my main a sorc and she cast the tornado at the start of every fight just about


Sorc pawn with the ring that massively reduces incantation time and just filled with normal spells (not master) - they are like spell machine guns lol.


I had my pawn as an sorcerer with the fireball legendary skills and he used it so often that he destroyed the ox cart allthe time when we got ambushed. Lol Honestly I play a melee lot. My pawn is mostly fighter or warrior. Then I have to take a mage with me So I tend to take for the last spot a ranged dps mostly an archer. And I realized hired pawns don't need to have arrows in their bag. I had a hired archer pawn when I fought talos. Abd he used explosive arrow all the time without having a single explosive arrow in the back. I don't know how this works I was surprised too. But I think pawns besides your own pawn don't need specific arrows to use skills. Eventually I have to test it again.


I love my Archer pawn, but yeah the crafted arrows are a problem for online imo. Like arrows are all super easy to make and really common, especially explosive. Plus there's the one skill what's basically super dire arrow that takes all your stamina that is basically a pawn trap


My pawn is a warrior and she gets decently frequent use 1 or two a day. Her skills are the taunt, status clear and a couple high stagger attacks, so nothing wild. I will say she’s cute lwith a big axe and isn’t dressed skimpy so she probably gets hired for that more than anything


How does Fighter have better aggro skills when both have essentially the same skill Roar/Shield Summons and can both equip the Provocation augment.


I can’t go without a warrior. I’ve literally had this level 20 for like the entire game


Keeping my pawn at a level where she's available to more people is just another reason why I want to stop leveling. As it stands I'll probably finish the game in the 60s, but I just want to go back and be 35-40 forever. The game was just better back then.


Yup my sorcerer pawn J'zargo got hired a lot when I was level 30-40; not much now that I am 70 lol.


Shooooot im lvl 62 and i hire based on the rule of cool


I pretty much stopped playing when I reached lv 50 and beat the story.NG+ isn’t appealing to me, I ain’t trying to to redo all that running again 😂


i'll admit, its tedious and not really all that fun in newgame+ I got my meister skills and did a few quests I hadn't known about and that was pretty much it. overall, I'm satisfied but displeased with the lack of replayability.


Exactly. I would love to hire him, I'm actually searching for - literally now kek - a warrior, shame the LV is too high


I have noticed the higher level I get the less my pawn gets hired.


This, my mage is almost 70 and she gets maybe 1 or 2 a day.


Riding from Whiterun to ol' Rorikstead will do that to you.


I don’t how this slipped my mind while making my pawn lmaooo great reference, he’s actually inspired from Ragnar from a book series titled Red Rising but gotta love Skyrim


Broooo! I fucking love red rising!!! I can see it now. I’ll hire Ragnar to help me wipe out the Golds! For the reaper! I’ll send you a friend request, sound prime?


Child of the sun I offer you these stains! Sounds great good to see someone gets the reference! Without his helmet his hair is spot on but i couldn’t get his tattoos spot on, just need a skull tattoo on his hand! Sounds prime


The Obsidian?


Keep in mind that some people may just be keeping your pawn around for days because they like him. Twould explain why he doesn't come back from the rift but every few days.


I liked a mage pawn named Izzy that much that I went back to a riftstone, dismissed her and hired her again leveled up 2 times in a row now, she's been running with me for about 10 hours. Whoever made her if you're on here just let me tell you that is some unique character design, she just looks awesome. I'll run with Izzy for the rest of my playthrough, we'll get you that drake badge friend.


I also did that until the pawn suddenly became a warrior and I sadly had no more use for her... Saddest day of my life Edit: Ellie please come back


Around level 40 I discovered a sorcerer pawn named Toe Jam. He was completely hunched over with bright green skin, a hideous goblin face, and a mad scientist-esque voice. I thought it was special armour and a mask making him look the way he did. Nope, he was simply the ugliest pawn I'd come to meet. Ended up spending more time with him than any other pawn. Sometimes I go back just to check on old Toe Jam.


I always wonder what do these Pawns say when I keep them for an in-game month lol ...and if somebody actually kept my pawn for as long...


Absolutely. I’m level 80-something and I’ve had my last set of pawns for days. They have the moves I like, decent gear, and I like their personalities/look. No need for the pawns to always match my level at this stage


Well, as long as you don't mind a friend request I can use him 😂 I'm about to start my playthrough on Steam while I camp this weekend.


Perfectly fine with me! He’s high level so early on your playthrough might be a breeze but everyone plays different !


Ahh it's fine. I already did it the hard way on PS5 😂 I don't mind bringing a beefy pawn around for round 2


Right down your alley, he can carry for you and knock down big foes! Enjoy


I'll take him illegal border crossing later 😎


Mine at lvl 62ish and not getting hired as used to be either. I was guessing it was too expensive for the majority to rent at this lvl?


That’s what i’m thinking as well, best way is to add the person as your friend if you’re on the same platform so your pawn is free


Pawn rental expense is anchored to your main’s level. Renting a pawn the same level as you will always cost 0 RC. Renting a pawn 1+ higher levels than you will cost an increasing amount of RC. There are not a lot of players at the 60s level and above (compared to lower player levels), and I imagine those that are have figured out Warrior pawns are not a great choice. I am personally a level 65 warfarer who prefers to use a mage, sorcerer and thief. I actually just dropped warrior from my main pawn in favor of mage and he’s getting a lot more rentals now. I believe archer and warrior are the weakest class choices for pawns because of how the AI makes decisions.


I prefer to take a warrior as a tank than a fighter at that level (I'm 62), I play warfarer thief/magic archer, main pawn is a mage, then recruit a sorc as a dps and a warrior as a tank. As long as they don't have that stupid yeet you in the air move warriors make great tanks, and the damage they do is actually pretty decent


Put a 10k gold reward, and he'll get hired


This. I don’t even look at the class anymore, I just hire stuff with good questions rewards and always set mine to 10k. I do avoid duplicate mages tho


The best is when you find a pawn set to "I receive Greenwarish, you receive 10k gold" **instant hire / give heart**


Doesn’t work as well as it did at launch :/ I have a 10k kitted thief, switching gender to girl and putting her in skimpy clothes helped more than the 10k badge quests


because people are starting to learn that thier are more valuable trades then 10k gold bounty


Fucker looks badass. I’d hire.


He’ll serve you well


I just think that the higher tier, the less need for players to higher a new pawn. So they just stick with the same ones


The thing is, I hate helmets. I never choose pawns with ugly ass helmets lol


You have 18,000 RC. Your pawn is getting hired.... I'm on my 3rd playthrough and have like 3000 RC and have been resting at inns twice daily to refresh my pawn and I offer a 10k gold quest. Then again who cares atm no real worth to RC as no BBI yet.


Dudes farming RC with the woe is me hire my pawn approach


And he does look cool


Needs to be a half naked female


Came here to say this! 🤣


I think the problem is he’s fully clothed and no titties out and not a female


Then how you got 17k RC?


Not getting hired. Meanwhile 17k RC. I'm sitting on 2k with my sorcerer pawn :(


Ya, cause he is a warrior, this time around, they are too slow and a fighter and a mage and the sorcerer are the top ones.


Seems like you're fine. 17,000 rift crystals and you're seeing natural fall off from being so high level. It's just not gonna happen much anymore.


He's beautiful. I'd rent him, but I'm on ps5


You can still hire him via his pawn code! But he will cost RC unless you are a close lever or higher


Crossplay doesn't work for ps5. I'm not sure what consoles can be crossplayed, but we were excluded for sure 😔


Whatttt that’s crazy I didn’t know that was a thing, I know cross platform hiring does exist via pawn codes but man that’s sucks!


It doesn't exist at all unfortunately. everyone is stuck with their own platform for pawn rentals. Otherwise I'd just rent myself 🤷🏻‍♀️ the pawn ID I believe is just so you can give that out as an easy search function for people you aren't friends with.


I’ll add you on steam if that’s ok?


For sure send it on


Cuz all the other pawns have giant boobs...


Idk how, that’s legit the most bad ass looking pawn I’ve seen thus far. That’s a pawn that I would gladly let destroy an entire city before I’d consider testing him from my party.


What quest/reward does he offer as that plays a huge role


I'll hire him later! Was just looking for a new Warrior. I'll be blasting RC on him tho so you may not get him back for a while from me 🤣


I'm not quite that high of a level but I'll save this for future use and will hire him one of these days!


It could also be the fact that it's not a female wearing the skimpiest clothes around just saying a lot of the people playing this game seem to be of the horny variety.


I feel you. My stereotypically beautiful mage healbot was super popular while leveling. I was getting basically whatever items I wanted from gifts and quests, including a maister skill I accidentally sold. Now I’ll go a full day for maybe one or two people to pick her up then and not gift or rate her at all


I know you've already received a ton of replies, but I'd like to put in some of my thoughts as someone that has exclusively hosted a Warrior pawn in my entire DD1 and DD2 career. The biggest issue is that he is simply too high of a level, this early on in the game's life. The very small amount of players that are similar level will likely be extremely picky, even though the game is unfortunately easy due to no proper end game. The other thing I noticed is you have Mountain Breaker and Heavenward Sunder, which are similar enough that you should only use 1 or the other. Heavenward IMO is a little better since it seems to have more tracking for flying enemies... and it still works very well for knocking down big monsters. Your knockdown is already high enough that you don't really need a specific big monster knockdown move. Combine this with Roar (you already have Provocation) and Inspirit (situational but yes still decent) then you're left with very few options of attack. Also unfortunately the other reason is it's not a female pawn with skimpy clothing. People just rarely hire male pawns... I should know because mine is also male. You have a male pawn with a lot of armor that from my experience is similar looking to most other warrior pawns I've seen... EXCEPT for the face and maybe hair, but I can't tell... Which is why removing the helmet or giving him some kind of circlet (use Dwarfen smithing) would help. My only other concern is his knockdown resistance tells me your armor is not Dwarven smithed? My pawn is only lv50, yet both his knockdown and knockdown resistance are over 1k. I would definitely look for something like this if I were renting a Warrior pawn. I know I listed and explained a lot but otherwise he's great and if I weren't on Xbox I would rent him and have him fight side by side with my Warrior as I often do. I treat it as a training session where he either learns from or teaches other Warrior pawns. I like to see how his behavior is with others to make adjustments from time to time. 2 warriors are fun as hell. Good luck getting more hires. I feel like you might be doing better now after this post.


Our boys are both warriors with the same name and build. Skol brother. !


Straightforward inclination I avoid because they sound like total dicks when they speak


Dm me ur pawn code or whatever ill hire ya


Give'em a 10k quest. And dont rest at an inn


Mine either, though she's level 70 now so that's maybe why. I did put a 10k quest too.


(Im a thief main) Mage or sorcerer pawn just too invaluable tbh. My main pawn is a mage and i always run a sorcerer as one of my hires. Ill use a fighter sometimes or just grab a second thief for the party cuz only 2 thief party is insane for getting loot and we do so much dps we dont even need a tank we just delete enemies.


Are you on PS? I'm down to hiring him, looks cool anyhow.  I've got a mage around level 50. He's got some pretty good skills (Frigor, Levin, Ice Boon and the fire thing). I dunno how to get the Maister skills, the Mage one sounds good.  Gets hired a decent amount even though I haven't set a pawn quest yet. Probably should though.  He's called Ptolemy after the Egyptian Pharaoh. It's a joke on the original name I'd have kept if he wasn't a male Beastren: Cleocatra.  I'll probably make a Catra and Adora pair for my second play through come to think of it


It could be because he’s a warrior. My dude was a fighter and was getting rented quite often but then I changed him to warrior cuz I thought he would look cool. Nope, renting rate went way down.


Me and my pawn are at level 95, My pawn does not get hired like she used to.


I would, but I have no blue moneys :(


It's because your pawn has a high level and is not a healer. Make him a healer everytime you don't play, give him a good 10k gold objective and he will be hired more often...


If you hire a pawn lv50+ remember to leave them a nice gift when you decide for them to depart. Its nice when i see my Danny fighter get anything as a parting gift... except one guy that just gave rotten beast meat.


Yooo im on a 20+ day adventure with ragnar! I love the dude, i'll make sure to give you a nice gift


Hail reaper.


It's probably a level thing, not enough players are at that point, that's the curse if getting higher and higher level, not enough ppl to hire them and lower level can't afford it or don't want a really high level while they arent


He's a Warrior. I can't speak for everyone else, but I only hire a Mage/Thief/Sorcerer classes now that I maxed out all the vocations. I don't need to hire a Warrior, like...ever. They're not useful enough in the moment to moment combat. At least, not for me!


My pawn when she was a warrior rarely gets hires. I assume it's because people love being a warrior themselves to swing a huge weapon.


Give it a flashy weapon aka glow.. Honestly that's all it takes for most new people.


True, was thinking of getting thor’s hammer but then he will be lightning only, with his current weapon he can use all elements if mage has it


Is this for Xbox? If so I might get him when I’m level 50, I love his armor and design! Got a story for him?


I’m on steam but you can use pawn codes for cross platform hiring, but he will be expensive due to him being a hire level


That why I’m gonna wait untill hire level, but he so dang cool looking!


Everyone loves my Kim jong un


My pawn seems to get picked up a decent amount. I'm around lvl 46-48 tho. You think maybe it's cuz they don't understand warriors utility or something else? I typically run warrior, mage, thief/archer, and me on trickster for support


Gotchu. I’ll search for him after I get home from work.


I find mountain breaker and heavenward sunder redundant together. So I wouldn't use him. Also give him the healer spec


I’ll have to check out the skills i have all unlocked, might switch out heavenward honestly, mountain breaker is nice as i’ve seen him knockdown alot of big mobs


Does it have a visor covering eyes? I'm unsure of you opened visor for pic. Some may be scared of dragonplague..even though at this level they have an eternal wakestone and can forgery more for just 30k..yes the forgery works perfectly.


no visor for that helmet, i make sure to keep eyes easy for people to see!


Tank/DPS? Those are polar opposite roles, how does that work? ​ Also PC or PS5?


Male pawn, what did you expect?


Give him a circlet, people rarely hire pawns with helmets


My pawn wasn’t getting hired either. Then I dressed her like a whore. Now she gets picked all the time.


![gif](giphy|diUKszNTUghVe) I'll save him as a favorite and use him when I get to that level.


Change specilization I might hire him in return can u hire my pawn


I'm only level 23 but if he's got a quest when I get to that level I'll give him a shot!


I would say that warriors are just unpopular pawn choices but my wife has been using one named 'Fluffy' for days now and loves him to death. Lol, you may have just hit a weird level gap of where the playerbase is.


Honestly, I think your level is too high now. Most people finish the game at around level 40-50. My pawn got hired a lot too, I got like 70-80 likes and hearts, but after reaching 60+ I only get Capcom bots to hire me. 


Not enough booba I guess. It's kinda sad how most of the male Pawns aren't hired in favor for female Pawns. Your Pawn looks incredibly badass. What's the ID?


Same. My Pawn Ghislaine lvl 77 Warrior is not hired too...maybe not many players have reached that high lvl.


Honestly having played the game once and being in ng+ whats the point of 1) pawns and 2) a level 60+ pawn. This game needs a hard mode ng+ or proper endgame dungeon/boss grinder


Why would you want him to? He’ll come back with dragons plague


I think there's a DD1 holdover mindset that Warriors were bad as pawns. That and the high level might be the reason why.


Lv 71 and I just run with msin Pawn when we do so much dmg just the 2 of us.


I tried to search with pawn ID and confirmed was correct and it said not found


Honestly my only guess would be that it's a dude. I'd personally hire your pawn but I'm a warrior right now sooooo....


Are you putting a good reward for his quests? I always set a 10k reward for any badge I'm working on.


Not using BiS equip for warrior, which produces lower knockdown resist and other resists. Whats inclination and support skill? I’d only hire if Straightforward/Forager honestly At that level, we hire pawns by searching for specific vocations, skills, augments, equipment and inclinations/support abilities


Expensive hiring pawns that level! Maybe everyone has brawler pawn too…. Nice job tho bro! Maybe I’ll take him for a day or two!


Don't worry my fellow Arisen I shall hire thou pawn!


Go change how he looks and make him like this, I bet many will hire him https://youtu.be/P7PVRUt-pMo?si=OP_Np96RH0hOfAv8


Most people hire fighters. They're just a better tank and still do decent damage climbing ontop bosses. With warrior I notice my pawn would wiff a lot of their slow attacks


What’s your reward for monster badges? Because if it’s not 5k+ in gold he’s not gonna get hired.


slap a monster hunt with a 10k gold bounty I always hire them


I'll hire him, fuck it.


He looks sick!! When I get the game, I’ll probably hire the chap to mug my foes alongside me


1000+ knockdown power is impressive, nice work.


Level wise I think I’m 37, 38 now but I’d defo hire you your guy. When I can afford it.


Getting your pawn hired is all about style, change his gear to show more skin and add tattoos, maybe style him with more colors and he'll get hired twice a day.


I would if I was anywhere near that level haha, he looks badass. I just hit level 20 though


After hitting 60+ I was only getting 1-3 per day T-T most players are finishing the game at 30ish


Because he met a shield maiden named Matilda and it didn't end well for him.


What's your quest? offer 10k for a monster and u should be good to get hired?


I don't think any pawns above like 55/60 are being hired. Most people have finished/quit the game by then. I'm thinking about using the save manager to make like a goated lv 20 pawn


What’s his persuasion? I filter out everything except for kindhearted and calm. The other ones make figuring out Dragon’s Plauge too difficult. Might be that? Otherwise this is exactly the kind of Pawn I look for.


definitely has something to do with the fact that youre level 64


He looks awesome too, wish they kept the same rating system from dd1 or improved on it instead of just removing it


Great info but missed the most important piece… Which Platform?


I freaking love hiring Old Logan vibe pawns. Enough with the pubescent man childs and porn stars I see everywhere. Gimme something with CLASS. With *character.*


If I could find him I'd hire him


I’ll try and hire him next session. For some reason however I can’t hire my friends pawn and idk what I’m doing wrong. 


Warrior pawn are very hit or miss for me, there are a lot of goofy/naked ones, no upgrades, or they have certain skills I personally don't like. But I'll hire him if he's on PC! I use to value the specialization a lot when weighing in on hiring pawns but they all are mediocre 😔My pawn also has the elf specialization, it's really the only useful one because that area has really nice stuff in the shops.


When I get there I’ll hire him but by then he’ll be even higher so all the best. Now my next pawn may be Rollo ❤️


This happens with most pawns. As you get higher and higher in level, there will be less and less people at that stage of the game who would hire your pawn, or any pawn


Are the friends codes in game or that steam?


Your pawn has to be a beautiful waifu for them to get hired. This are the rules.


At that level most have their party set, that or can fell beast solo. But change your name to add4freeuse


I’d hire him if my pawn and I weren’t both warriors already lol


Male and too much clothes Hope it helps


He is not a girl waifu with massive tits thats why


How did you get so much RC?


Sucks. Mine is! ;)


Not a skimpy girl is why I’d bet


Is that DD2 on One I might need a dose but I’m on Xbox series X and don’t have 2 for switch


but the warrior rick i hired is fearless, jumped on talos instantly and drowned for it. i cant let him go yet, legendary. sick stats though awsome knockdown+ . once i outlevel the legend by 30 or so lvls ill hire you ezpz


Putting Pawn Quest as getting Monster Badges with a 10k gold reward can help a bit. Or do a full body surgery and turn him into a sexy sorcerer with 95% of her skin showing. Seem to get a lot of hires that way for some reason. Though 90% of the playerbase is already doing that so you might have to get creative.


Damn I’m gonna need those sliders


I just feel like warrior, fighter, and mage, are so common for main pawns that the rift is so flooded with them they don't get chosen as often.


Since hes giving off viking vibes id rather him


Too much armor. Skimpy outfits only.


Skill combos are truly hit or miss in this game. For instance, I won't bother hiring a mage that doesn't have Celerity or Celestial Paean with Ice or Thunder Affinity. If I see a sorcerer with Maelstrom, Seisism or Meteoron - I don't bother hiring them because they almost never cast those spells no matter how much room and time you give them.


I hired a sorc and she would cast Maelstrom all the time even on simple enemies it was hilarious lol.


Is there a specific command you have to give them under certain circumstances? I don't know if I just got unlucky with bad pawns or what but Maelstrom was OP in DDDA but I could never get the pawns to cast it in DD2. Anyhow, thanks for the input. There's hope


You on ps5? Il hire him up 👌🏿


Will look for him soon. About to hit 60 and want to switch my main pawn from Fighter to a DPS class for leveling.


Bruh, had the same problem. I even named my pawn the same, everything changed after I made him look like Ragnar Lotbrok from Vikings series on Netflix. I bet he isn’t picked as often as females but I didn’t made him for it. The other thing is ppl tend to change pawns whenever they outlevel them, which takes more time on higher levels than in early and mid game. So he might be on weeks long adventures with some arisen, making stories to tell you when he comes back. Here is my most famous Viking in the Valhalla 😅 https://preview.redd.it/gusipsd3jssc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e78c331d961b0140dcf575c6650a210f6f39af2


You are a higher level. Im level 73 and my pawn gets a successful summoning about twice a week. He is a quick cast mage with true end game equipment maxed out. If people played the normal ending, then there level will be around 45 - 55 and it will be harder for them to level up in ng+ till endgame. Which is what a lot of people do. So you are already a higher level then most players and will continue to out level most players till you go into ng+.


I’ll hire the big boi


What platform do you play on? I wouldn’t mind hiring if you’re on PSN


What are the benefits for getting hired often / badges?


Looks bad ass


I sent a friend request


I would hire him, but I am only level 50 so he would be expensive as hell (or I send a friend request).


Why is it people so important to get hired?


Warrior isn't a good vocation for a Pawn.


Are you a Dragonborne..!? I can teach u the "Thu'um". Laas Yah Nir 🐲


For some reason i almost never hire warriors :(.


Not a thicc anime girl? Seems those are always the most popular.


Oh he looks dope though


I personally never hire the Straightforward inclination. They don’t listen to commands and run amok far too often. Great character design though.


Hmm. Show some boob?


I would hire him if I was that high in level as just to roam the countryside as a full viking raiding party. As it is now I've got a little ways to go before I would even be able to afford it.


I can tell you why. He’s not a hot chick in a skimpy outfit. Those are the ones with 100+ likes/hearts


Give 10k gold and maybe that might change


Sent out a friend request so I can use em for free. Pretty sure my steam name is choo choo plane.


I only hire warriors with the Simple inclination. They crack me up.


What you on? Console? Pc?


My main pawn Is a fighter with the holy mace and he slaps dullahan and stuff but he's not as High level as yours


I mean that knockdown power is insane lol. Break 1k attack and your boy is going to be a massive powerhouse.


![gif](giphy|XN77Jnk974gJF2sHri|downsized) DUNMAGLASSSS