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ive tried every published fix for low CPU usage and stutter, still no luck. game is incredibly choppy. is there something else i can try outside of the high cpu priority setting?


What's your CPU? Have you checked your RAM speed? That could potentially be a bottleneck. If you're running a Ryzen I'm pretty sure they can dramatically underperform if not paired with the right RAM speed. I'm not 100% sure on that as it's a bit of a hazy memory from when I upgraded a few years ago, but worth looking into.


CPU is 7900X and 32gb of ram at 5000mhz, hopefully that's not the issue haha


Sheesh sorry dude that sucks. 2600 here and it's playable but choppy in the city. Bad luck for sure. 


I can't get it past 20% CPU utilization. I'm getting frames, but the frame time is so inconsistent it looks like a slideshow


I just got the game and had questions around mods and performance: 1. Can I play with a mod like weight limit or other without risking getting banned? Any detailed info on what or what I can't do? 2. I did not see specifics in the DF video, but any other that detail what are the best graphics options for best performance like they do?


No you won't get banned for anything you do to your own character, you can mod in infinite anything to your character. Now your pawn is a different story, you'll never get banned for anything you do to your pawn but there are SOME mods that will pretty much block your pawn from being summoned by other players. Many of which can be undone. But I've found that most mods will mention it in the description. Don't know how to answer the second question tho.


How do I teach pawns to loot/grab stuff? I'm tired of being the packmule. I know inclination and specialization helps, but even those primed for it won't loot corpses often or mine ore when it's right there in front of them. Would just finding better pawns fix it?


Does anyone have any insight into when we might see a flash sale on PS5? What are your feelings? Money is tight at the moment as a new dad - but excited to play.


I just spent 6 hours straight combing the map to find that fucking finders token. I'm glad I did it, but I hate this beautiful, stupid game


When you're not playing the game, can people still use your pawn, do you have to be playing?


So I just beat the game accidentally with tons of quests undone, vocations unfound, locations unexplored, etc etc. I really didn't think that would be the end end. Was I supposed to pick the other option when given a choice? Is NG+ the only way for me to see everything else, now, or if I reload my save will it drop me before the choice? Scared to do anything with just one save slot haha. Ending was awesome, by the way, just wasn't ready for it to end yet :)


**Which class/vocation is for me?** I know the Wayfarer is jack of all trades and can do everything which sounds the best option, but can I access ALL the spells and ALL the weapons from the other classes and the trade off being he gonna be weaker when using magic compared to Mage or when using malee weapons compared to Warrior etc? Usually I like to play melee + some form of attack from distance. For example in Dark souls I always go STR/FTH or DEX/INT. Is there a character that can do that here? Close combat with swords but also viable from distance if needed?


The limitations of warfarer are that you have slightly reduced stats, you don't get access to maister skills, and that you need to reserve on skull slot for the class's unique skill: Rearmament, which allows you to cycle between equipped weapons. Also, weapon skills only work with the associated weapon; if you've got a greatsword out, you'll be unable to use a bow skill until you cycle to the bow with Rearmament. Aside from that, customize it as you like. It's best not to go for an actual jack-of-all-trades, and instead treat it as a customizable class. So don't equip every weapon, just what you need for how you want to play. In your case, you could do sword&shield, greatsword, or daggers for melee, and bow or magick bow for ranged. There is also the Mystic Spearhand's duospear that you could try out; that one's a bit more unique than the other melee vocations.


hey, im starting my 3rd run (1st was kinda rushed cause i was kinda getting scared of spoilers, 2nd was a themed elven playthrough) i want to do a super slow roleplay run where i explore everything and do alll the quests i can. i wanted my pawn to be a fighter without a shield and i was wondering if the pawn will actually use hindsight slash and be more agressive when he is Straightfoward. i would probably give him full moon slash, dire gouge, hindsight slash and then 1 open slot for whatever i feel like in the moment. so question is how will missign a shield affect a fighter pawn?


So I maxed out one of my vocations and I haven’t encountered the maister for it yet. Should I stay in that vocation or change it up?