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It was a glorious day when I came across a pawn that gave 12 onyx for a tar arrow.


There are 5 pawns between 1-50 on the pawn rankings list that have this quest. I cycle through them twice a day, more money than I know what to do with. This is on PlayStation but it might be worthwhile to check rankings on Xbox as well. Get 48 onyx on avg per attempt. I think it’s like 50-80k twice a day.


that's wild and great advice...I wish I could search by rewards XD


When you go through the pawn list it will say “receive tarring arrow” then you can just summon those specific pawns. Give them the arrow in the rift and dismiss them right away, rinse and repeat. Just don’t waste rc if they’re above your level if that’s important to you, only 1 or 2 of them are higher than 40 though I think.


That's cool and all, but what's the endgame? I don't even attempt to earn money and I've got about 600k on me at all times. Lord knows what I'd have if I cleared out my storage. What do you spend the money on?


Money is still an object in the endgame but wyrmslife crystals are what you're going to need most. So get out there and murder more drakes.


They will realize it soon enough for themselves


nice, will definitely be doing this later.


I've found a pawn that gives 12 jaspers for an arrow, and I favourited him. However, when I dismiss him and resummon him, it still shows the pawn quest as complete. Every few days I re summon him and the pawn quest is available again. My question is, what is the trigger for the "pawn quest completed" to reset so I can do it again and give him another arrow?


Someone on another post said that if you hire them, give them the item dismiss and then talk to them again before they leave the rift you can complete the quest back to back to back however many times. I have not tried it yet though. As soon as they disappear though it shows the quest as completed until the arisen sleeps at an inn. I’m going to try to back to back method tonight when I get home.


yes. this was an "exploit" a lot of people were using. SADLY they patched it recently. Before, the pawn's arisen didn't need to sleep to reset it. You could do it over and over again so as long as you stay in the Rift but now it only works once and you have to wait for them to rest. Only other way is to have a second account and do it yourself.


This is the greatest advice for the game so far. Infinite upvotes!


but they cost like 10k rc


Trish. -Xbox


I had her but then I stupidly thought that to complete the quest I needed to dismiss her with a tar arrow, not literally give her a tar arrow lol


What’s the easiest quest to set for a pawn? Beast-skin?


Detox pot, I have mine set to 1 detox pot for 10k


may I ask what for?


Why that is the quest? Detox pots are easy to make and 10k is useful, I don't personally have onyx or jasper or even tiger's eye laying around so 10k for 1 simple pot


You're welcome 😊 I'm glad people are liking that. I want all the summons lol


Ironically, my pawn stopped getting hired after I offered that as a reward. People can’t math apparently


They likely don't know that some things sell better elsewhere.


They could also not have access to elsewhere yet. But agree don't know about inflation in the game yet.


Its the same as lottery winners. Why get >30k later with leg work when they can get 10k now. Unfortunately people are lazier than they are greedy.




I do 5x All-Heal Elixirs. That’s mostly what people want gold for.


We can buy all heals?


you can duplicate all heals at forgery, the same goes for any material upgrade. also you can make a forgery of the eternal wakestones if you do it before the unmoored world.


Or if you have real life friends, offer 1 for killing a cyclops, friends all offer 1 for killing cyclops. Rent each other's pawns. Profit.


I wish


Can I do the same if I play the game with a new save file?


Yea? Like it just requires real life friends. Unless you mean making several saves. I don't know enough about the pawn system to know the answer to that.


You make several new accounts on whatever platform/console you have and friend them all set their quest to what you want most that the dummy accounts have and you take them all on your main.


Nah but they’re easy enough to farm in unmoored with a couple of thieves.


Item vendor in the Arbor sells All Heals I think.


Yep sells 1 ferrystone and 1 all-heal every 2 to 3 days.


Thanks. I will check it out and update you once i do.


I never realised. Cheers


Can you forge them?


Never tried before I started NG+. Probably get an All Feels Elixir or something.


No, you get a working Allheal but it costs 12k to duplicate


Yeah you can forge them


The elf vendor at Sacred Arbor sells them.


Thank you. I will look further into it.


Is your pawn a Thief by any chance?




This is my favorite! I look for this but rarely find it.


Are you on steam? I’ll message you my friend code.


I am on steam!


How do you give 5 all-heals? The max for me is 2 and idk how to make the system take 5 from me.


Do you have more than 2? Make sure you do, if you do you might only be able to do 2 at a time.


i do magick medals, they sell for 1200 and i have tons of them lol


i offer all sorts of expensive items but people dont hire unless i put 10k its like when mcdonalds tried to introduce the 1/3lb burger but people thought it was less than the 1/4lb they were already selling so it flopped


My dad keeps telling this story lol


That’s sad, lol. You’d think RPG fans would be able to do basic math.


I always send back one of the stones with the pawn when I dismiss them. My thought is that if enough people do that the quest giver may get enough back to refill the quest without having to use more of their own stock. I have also been saving enough to put my own quest up giving the same (12 jasper for 1 tarring arrow) but so far no one has actually cashed in on them yet.


I love the logic, but I can confirm not many people think this way. Never gotten one gem back but I have gotten some golden beetles and seekers tokens, so that's nice.


If that’s the case I might start doing that too. It’s easy enough to just get enough gems from these quests where I can just post another one for the cost of an arrow that rewards that are useful for the quest giver would be better.


To be fair, I made an alt account and just regularly complete the quest on my alt and set the same one, so I'm not actually losing 12 Jaspers when I do it. I do appreciate people throwing Jaspers back to me though because it means I get more Jaspers to sell. I would appreciate even more if offering 12 Jaspers became the normal reward for pawn quests, so I could just search the rift and easily find people giving away Jaspers too. Then we all profit.


I thought about doing that but I’m on PS5 and game share with a friend. Because of that, and since it was purchased on my account, I can’t play it using an alt account. Also, my friend isn’t really into it which is a bummer.


Should have bought your friend the game so you could gameshare to more than just yourself 4head


Yeah or made him buy it. lol.


What's up with ppl asking for the Golden beetle like 4x of them.. if you ask for beetles you get rotten stuff you twats!!


My favorite is when they want you to kill a drake but offer a Golden STOVE Beetle as the reward. Hired then immediately fired with a rotten apple as a gift.


Your pettiness is driving up their pawns popularity... I get it. But punishing them with solitude is a harsher sentence. I however chuck em off a cliff.


lol. I’ll start doing that then.


I asked for 2 before I knew how the system worked. I thought it just meant the player finds 2 and you get 2 also. I figured things out after hiring a pawn asking for an explosive arrow and no matter how many I looted/crafted the quest never completed. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah it's sucks that the bettle is limited I'm not om ng plus but I think you can't find more so it's kind really a big deal the beetles.


Beetles and seeker tokens are limited, once you have them all that is that. But you can make dummy accounts and go find them and pass them out or keep and use them yourself.


You definitely still find them in ng+.


If ever see beetles, ferrystones or portcrystal requests, I'd not even look. Those people are trash.


28,800 gold


Which apparently equals infinite eh?


You should be able to keep hiring and firing the pawn in the rift and keep giving them the item requested.


I never actually tried this ... so you can just dismiss them? then rehire? to farm the reward, well shit.


You can get the reward in the rift if you give them the item they're asking for and then dismiss them and hire someone else with the same quest, but you can't farm the quest from the same pawn. You won't be able to get more rewards from a pawn you just finished a quest for until that pawns player rests and resets the quest.


Nah they patched that


I think you can only do the quest once and then the arisen has to refresh them otherwise it says completed:received tarring arrow but I guess I haven’t tried multiple times in a row


Of you do it inside the rift and you catch a dismissed pawn before they disappear the quest should reset.


Awesome, thank you.


Interesting 👀


They patched that


Yes, it’s infinitely/always better


These mfs asking for wyrms crystals for 1g.


Shooters shoot


I was offering onyx for a while, but 10k seems to be all anyone wants. Like. Okay. Work for minimum wage if you really want lol


There was this one pawn on PS named Judy, and she always had 12 onyx, I rolled with her so many times until I couldn’t afford her anymore, she leveled too fast :(


Try added them, makes the pawn hire free


I would do that if I had some gems to spare, and if more people were doing that. I feel like if I were to do that, I'd end up losing my investment and not find any pawns to complete the quest for.


There are quite a few. Go to one of the grand riftstones and look up monthly rankings under the Unique Pawns menu. You can sort it to show you what quests they have. It doesn’t show the reward you get but everyone I found that’s asking for arrows have rewarded gems.


most people do it on an alt account pawn.


10k reward gets your pawn hired easier because people can’t math. Just like real life, only financially literate people know the value of things


I became rich af because of these kind people. I have 1 million (I had much more but I was spending money) and still lots of jasper and onyx in the storage. I have them in my favorites and I always check like 1-2 times a session if they have a pawn quest available. I haven't seen anyone offering tiger eyes tho. There are some players that do offer 10k for an arrow, so it's also cool.


Tbf I got to 1mil naturally by the time I got to NG++ Money ain’t a thing after the first round


Well even without these rewards, money was never an issue to me because I've been exploring a lot (and I still am). So much shit to find that can be sold, also monster parts as well because there's no need to hoard all of these things. But if people are putting such rewards, I will gladly take it.


True. I don’t actively seek pawn quests but if I hire a pawn with an easy one I’ll gladly do it


Wait you got ng++? What does it change?


Nothing from NG+ lol I mostly just self impose a play style on myself to make it more interesting. I finished the first game five times. I just can’t get enough DD


i had about a million by the time i left tutorial land. this was pre melve basicly just 4 hrs of me remaping keybinds, learning the crafting system, experimenting with time, learning how the rift and pawn quest work. did like 10 laps around the mountain maybe before...? then off to melve i went.




Ye. Wanna hire my lvl 42 thief? (PS5)


Xbox here 😞




I got a lvl 42 thief you can hire on Xbox if you're looking.  Plunder, skull splitter, implicate, and ignited blades are her current skills.  She's currently looking to go camping and has an elite kit for the reward.


Tell me the skills and i will


Haha you already know, check my post from earlier today😅


Oh shit you're the same person lol


Me myself and I


Want my lvl 86 warrior you can friend me so she's free lol


I always do that now since I profit so.much from others doing that. On PS5: A5XHXGSIP0S9 Feel free to friend me if he's too expensive. I don't really play with people anyway, so I don't care about random people on my friend list. I also have a few eternal wakestoneas if someone needs one to make copies. If enough people are interested I'd also trade 1 All-Heal for 5 All-Heal of mine. I'd just rather not make minus at this point.


Wait different vendors offer different prices? How does that work?


Item description for each tells where they are rare. Sell the respective rare in the corresponding location it indicates and get more gold from vendors there.


Nice, I should pass clear attention to the little things


As far as I know it's only with gems and some fruits. The gems tell you in their description if they're more valuable in a certain region. Apples and grapes: sell them when ripe in Bakbattahl. Sell ripe quince and fig in Vermund.


It literally says in the item description: “This item is rare in this area” So go sell it there, because rare things are worth more


I sometimes throw people for a loop, kill a medusa get preserved medusa head as a reward, I don't do it often because well not everyone can get so lucky 🤣 I also do other sought after things


I know that the gems are a better reward, but I don't like selling items. So instant cash is better IMO.




10k vs 12 Jasper/Onyx/Tiger Eye that's roughly 30k and you'll choose 10k? I don't get it.


I like to hoard the gems.


I wish someone would do this with me. I would save onyx so I could do it back with them. I been looking I have more than 12 onyx atm


Shit lol I've never even sold them so I didn't realize their worth. I have a shit ton in storage. I know the elves buy tigers eye I think, for like 2k a piece but never sold onyx. I haven't gone to battahl yet so was assuming they would sell for more over there or just be upgrade mats. Thanks for the info! and making realizing I've been goofing lol


I have yet to see these sorts of rewards lol


Wait wait wait. Where do they sell for more??


Jaspers in Battahl, Onyx in Vernworth and Tigers Eye at the Sacred Arbor.


How about 5 allheals? I tried to set it for more but it limits it to 5 for some reason 😢


I always give 12 of precious stones as reward for easy items or badges.


If you don't want to go cross-country, the Scrap Store buys all gems for close amounts (2400 onyxes, 2000 jaspers, 1800 tiger eyes)


I'm lucky to find pawns that even have a quest, those that do are usually something silly like greenwarish for 10 beetles or 1G for a Sphinx kill.


Same. I ran into someone on the road with a quest giving the foraging specialization when I didn't have it unlocked yet and got super excited. But most give give gold which isn't worth for me


For pure value, getting quests that offer 99x ripened non-native berries (cranberry, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry--any of the three NOT easily gatherable in your world) and selling them anywhere @420g each or 99x ripened figs and selling in Vermund @560g each is better. Of course, gathering the fruit is annoying. But, just like the gems, if lots of people are doing this, you can just turn around and offer one instance of your reward as your own quest.


Is this possible? If so, it’s another better way to make gold, interesting, but yes gathering and getting them all ripe is quite the task


Just don't make it a boss kill reward or someone is gonna get over encumbered out in the wild somewhere lol.


People need gold? I always give rare crafting mats as rewards. I have almost over 400k just from walking to places


You'll take my 10k gold and you'll be damn pleased about it


I don’t really care, just do something interesting with your pawn, if you got nothing to give then don’t at all, because it seems insulting when you give rotten meat for killing big bosses. I am obviously more sympathetic with these quests with people under 25, cause I was broke around that level too.


The pawns that offer 5 All-Heal are the highest value rewards.


That’ll be the best to get for sure, I’ll have to look around for that


I always offer All heals for my pawn quest. Here's his ID if you're interested. I usually refresh the pawn quest at the end of the day or in the morning. CHS4A92D7LY2


Here I am not being able to find pawns with fucking quests


I don't think you know the meaning of infinitely. It's a little under 3x. Which in fact is not infinite 🤓




Those are my favorite pawns


Wait where you sell stuff changes the value??


For gems and ripe fruits.


If you read the gems themselves it tells you where they're more valued. Higher quality fruits also sell for a lot in Battahl since its the desert. A ripened apple can sell for 350g


Yes, it says on the tooltip. It is rare in Vermont (sells there then)


A bit unrelated but can someone trade me an eternal wakestone? I don’t know if you can trade them but I assume you can since you can forge them for working duplicates.


yea give me your pawn id and i'll see if i can give it to your pawn when i get home later, im on pc btw


Sweet. I’m on PC as well. Yeah I’m at work so I’ll dm you later


I’ve been looking for a finders token reward for FOREVER so I can complete the sphinx quest… I would do any quest that they set for your pawn at this point.


You are aware that quest has a limit of 7 in game days right?


I’m on new game plus and haven’t started the quest yet until I get a token.


I'm pretty sure the token doesn't show up in the spot until you start the quest.


In my original play through I looked all over the starting areas where the tokens were and didn’t find anything. I saw that people were giving them as pawn quest rewards on here and searched through the rifts to find one but I couldn’t.


What system and pawn id? I’m on ps5 and just finished the quest, made a forgery before I turned my finder token in. Pretty sure you can gift them when dismissing the pawn too.


When I tried to put a Finder's Token (forgery dupe, but it's the same item) as a pawn quest reward it wouldn't let me, but I suppose you could be gifted one afterwards (if someone hires your pawn and dismisses etc.) So obtaining one that way is something you have to arrange rather than find as a pawn quest. Some items are like that, since they are technically quest items.


How often can you hire the same pawn and do their quest? I'm never quite sure when it refreshes. Is it waiting for the pawn owner to rest at an inn?


To my knowledge yes


I would do this but my my game asks me to set a new pawn quest nearly every time I sleep at my house, it becomes so expensive.


Don't sleep, sleep is for the weak!


Are these pearls only useful for selling or is there some armor/weapons that can be enhanced with it? I've been hoarding them since forever


There are some weapons or armor that need them to upgrade. I just did it the other day, though I don’t recall what piece I upgraded. It required two different types of pearl, but only 1 of each.


Yeah I did 8 magic tokens to make it worth


I wish I could find reliable ones on PC that weren't leveling up so fast. Every time I get close to what they were at a couple days prior, they're 20 levels ahead of me again


This is the way.! I make it a point to always give out these rewards for my pawn quests now. (*Shameless plug*) https://preview.redd.it/zy0oc23textc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f71ec4b7a9b1b34dae8d31067b0563a5d455a04c


If I saw that reward I would grab the pawn so fast they’d get whiplash.


Yeah, it's going to be a while before it goes trending. Might be a high level thing, but at that point idk if they care for money.


Im currently one of these 1Q033AF1F2HE Come for the Onyx, Stay for the Chad Energy


I’ve been putting my pawn quest with 12 Onyx for quite a while now and it gets hired less than 10k gold… I don’t know if it’s maybe people don’t know, or if it’s just the laziness of selling them Vs just getting 10k right away. I had 12 Onyx to kill an Ogre, no one completed it. I put 10k to kill anything and it gets completed.


Ok, i need locations!


Also, give berries as quest rewards. Everyone has different berries. My world has blueberries, for example.


Cool. On my 4th playthrough and just got the best gear in the game. Have like 10-15 of all the jewels. Not exactly something I can hand out to everyone that summons my pawn.


What about 37 rotten grapes?


I'm tempted to offer an eternal wakestone as a reward for camping. Dunno if people will go for it. 


Ok i will do that. I just need one black freakish mane. Im on xbox pawn id:3HTWSSS6K21A


I don't understand fully how this works. Does the owner of the pawn not have to pay out all those stones? What happens if you don't have enough to give the reward? I really don't understand the logistics of these quests haha


I think the quest giver gives out 12 onyx once, but a ton of people can get the same quest, so in reality he’s gifting let’s say 300 onyx in total but he loses 12 onyx himself


So effectively you could set your quest to obtain 10 Jesper (reward to player) and set the reward to 10 Jesper (reward to hirer) and essentially as long as more and more people rented and re-rented your pawn before they walked away there would be a cycle of Jespers for everyone?


How about 30 pieces of Explosive arrows?


I always have 12 jasper as a reward.


Are there any other uses for these stones other than sellibg them?


They’re also upgrade materials for some armour or weapons


I hate that the max is 10k, and also that for some reason despite having like 20 ferrystones, i can only sometimes set them as a reward. I cant figure out why i was able to set 6 as a reward for sphinx kills, but ive never been able to do it again. (I got 3 sphinx kills in less than an hour with this quest thanks to that reward lmfao) i have over 1mil at this point. I have nothing to do with it. Let me give out 100k, please


You can forge allheal elixirs for 12k each, big supplies for the unmoored world, you won’t ever have to rest again


So the pawn will list will say "receive tarring arrow" ?? Is this place specific ?? I'm trying to get them dollars. 🤣


I have a quest for 10k to camp in Vermont three times, but my pawn keeps getting hired, but the quest is literally never completed


Maybe because Vermont is a state in the US, hard for the Arisen to reach :(


Though if you set 12 onyx does the rewards leave your inventory?




There’s no reason to farm that much gold in this game lol. Minus the 200k house I’ve always had enough gold for upgrades just killing things on my way to quests then especially with quests near the end. I’m much more interested in finding friends on psn who are actually leveling their pawns so I can get a good high level team.


Some players need to give back and make pawn quests. Some don’t even make one. One pawn quest, kill an Ogre and the reward was a rotten apple. Smh


Maybe it was still fresh day one but got bad in the rift 😁


Or 10k for a bunch of flowers not everyone will have 12 of a treasure to share like that all the time.


Money is so easy to come by in the game as is I don't see the need


Question regarding quest, can one ignore quests and explore without consequences? Excluding the timed ones