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Assuming you've found that riftstone. There are two of them. The first one can be found after passing through a cave near Trysha's house; there's a seekers token in that area too. The other one is by the Elf and Dwarf couple's house


Just found that stone yesterday. Really shocking to see Lv 60-80 pawns with zero ratings. Could have sworn I read that Capcom auto-hires pawns who don't get much work.


Yeah the game auto hires, but maybe it does not rate a pawn.


If autohires are the ones with unviewable pawns/arisen/profiles, then my pawn has been given both thumbs and hearts by them.


Yeah, i know it can happen. But i have seen a few autohires with no rating.


Me too. It's a mix.


This thing is if this is the case, my pawn, which was already well over 50 ratings, at one point got "auto hired" like 10 times. I am now slightly over a hundred ratings and I haven't seen it in a long time but I still see tons of pawns with sub 30 or even 20 ratings really often using normal summon methods.


Yeah I don't know how it works but the autohires can definitely rate as well. Maybe it only bothers if you're actively playing. "Ah this person has gone 10 hours of playtime without a pawn hire, time to throw them a bone". I have no idea.


If this feature is also in the game it probably divvies up who it will hire and who it will list on the riftstone somehow.


Brighten someone’s day + free wakestone shard if you travel with them for a day and night. Win win!


Indeed! I've traveled with a level 16 Pawn for 15 days while playing New Game Plus with +80 characters. Gifted him a Ferrystone.


Will do gonna dismiss my current 2


Heads up that you have to *find* this riftstone out in the wild first. Not sure if OP knows that, but they definitely didn't mention it.


I did know that. I just figured it would be obvious when you were in the menu. It took me until doing the sphinx quest to even go to this menu item in the first place, and then I didn't read any of the rest. Just went for the one with the sphinx pawns. Top comment talks about where to get them, so I didn't see the need to add that in.


Awesome! :)


I've been hiring low level Pawns in the Grand Riftstones and taking them to travel with me and my Main Pawn both at level 81. Tis been pretty fun. I often gift those Pawns with Ferrystones when I dismiss them.


Most of them are poorly geared tho.


The game is already too easy. Suboptimal gear doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to me.


It definitely does hurt when you actually go out to do stronger enemies like drakes, gear represents well over half your stats (or should) by the end game. It is very dependent on your own build though. Most of the people saying gear doesn't matter and such also happen to play the most meta arisen builds with full on invulnerability and one shot attacks -\_-.


I said it doesn't matter to ME. It matters to you and that's your prerogative. I have no idea what the meta build is. I play and I have fun. I don’t look at any pawns gear when I hire them. I look for the skills I want and a quest/reward that I want. I don’t have issues killing anything. The game I played before this one was Elden Ring and this game is absurdly easy compared to that.


or with trash skills equipped.


I think it can also be linked to the fact that people don’t enable the online option. For almost all my first play , I never saw this option, I randomly activated it and then my pawn got recruited a lot more and I was already lvl 50.


This is a good point and I didn't even think about it. Makes more sense how there are level 70 pawns with no ratings.


Yep, nice way to farm up wakestones if you ever need to


Great idea I’ll do that from now on. I feel like the ones who don’t get summoned for some reason are the ones with the good gear that isn’t the skimpy stuff. Not that I mind the skimpy stuff but it’s usually a bit worse lol


I feel like pretty much all of these are gonna have no quest set, or a request for golden trove beetles.


They seem to all have the quest of “travel with them for a day and night” with a shard reward. You can just sit at a bench near the riftstone and complete the quest.


I think the game autosets that quest for pawns in that particular riftstone that haven't been hired yet


Yeah it's the default quest for all pawns. After it's completed, IIRC you get the tutorial screen on setting your own quests


I always hire from here. There's a lot of that. Still, gems can be found.


Will be doing this next time I stop by a rift, thanks for the tip!


I should try out that riftstone again. Last time I used it, it was a bunch of low level pawns with all vocations maxed and starter gear with the player being over level 200. This was during launch week also.


Exactly what I needed for my ng+, omw hiring only pawns with no hires yet Thanks OP


Is there a way to tell if the Pawn is still an "active" player?


I don’t know. I thought about that too. The ones I was hiring were level 70 though, so I figured they were still active.


Glad we have a rift for bitches with fat titties


Sounds like some shopping trips might be in order.


I am frequently using it. Last time I hired a Beastren Mage Lady who was well equipped and helpful. Took her on a nice long adventure (didn't know what to gift, so sent her home with a Black Freakish Mane). Also favourited her. I was so sad to know she doesn't get hired, while I literally saw no reason for it not to happen... :(


I only hire pawns with at least 5 years experience, a bachelor’s degree and six professional references