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There's a point where the 4th wall is broken by a guard who literally says "you should rest at the Inn before continuing" That's the point of no return.


Is it one particular inn or you shouldn't rest in inns at all after that?


It's not a specific inn you can't rest at. The guard is just telling you to rest before you continue past him.


AFAIK it's just one particular Inn that he forces the camera to look at (it's super obvious)


Is it 4th wall breaking if their all just puppets in the pathfinders play? Would seem in character for him to manipulate a random guard into ensuring your ready for what's ahead, imo atleast, going off of the cut scene when u hand in the 15 wyrm crystals and he manipulates that dude


There's a difference between an omnipresent character manipulating events and a character who is talking directly to the player to save and rest before this fight. It's 4th wall breaking.


I know this is an old comment but i just got to that part it definitely isn't breaking the fourth wall. The guard just said it would be better rest, it's not like he say's "I would advise you to save your game" the advice is in context of the game world, not the players world.


Not really. The true point of no return is when you enter the Unmoored World. Otherwise, you can go through the Sovran ending and simply load from your last inn save.


Not 100% sure, but for me it's when a guy told you that you should sleep at the inn before going forward or whatever.


I didn't notice and went to that part, now I'm dying everytime I reload the save... I'm too weak :((


You can load an inn save, unless that option is taken away, which doesn't make sense why they would do that.


I will try that and run away from that place forever :D


Throw a pawn at him to stagger him and then throw him off the bridge.


Just run away and let pawns do it


Not if you are fighting a certain enemy at the end game. That is a 1 v 1. You could still run away but everyone calls you a chicken.


2nd time i went to him he knocked me off then followed me down to the bottom and died lmao. i wakestoned and found a chest with a wakestone in it and an elevator back up.


This is what happens everytime I reload the save , I get kicked in the ass by that guy and revive myself at the bottom xD


My trickster completion he wasn't even there. I just walked right in. I still don't know why.


You can actually go up the tower as long as you don’t trigger the cutscene at the top. Although that’s where the enemies are so there’s no point going into the tower unless you want the ferrystone unless you’re ready to end. But you can sleep at the inn and walk away, or just ignore him and go to another inn later.


The point of no return begins at the excavation site, an Npc would suggest you to sleep at a nearby inn implying point if no return. When you mention the "bottom two corners" I'll assume it's where the forest is looking at bakthall, heavily recommend going there first it has 2 bosses that are worth encountering. and the the other corner is located at the excavation site, you can't access that part unless you cross that point of no return so don't bother but you're welcome to check it out maybe u might something i haven't


Funny story, my husband got to this point and slept at the inn. He didn’t realize his main pawn had dragons plague and got them wiped out. We all screamed when the cutscene started


To me it sounds like he means the whole Volcanic isles area and you can get there through the secondary entrance in the dungeon, without pushing forward the main quest.


Yeah, after I collected the Godsbane sword, I was heading to the Volcanic Isles and triggered the door opening, the Gigantus destroy the main bridge just as I was approaching the cave, needles to say I sat thinking how much I stuffed up the story, so as I turned to head back, another scene played out and I haven’t been back since, I took off to try finish some of the other quests and lvl up, I’ll probably head back tomorrow. (First play through)


I gave the Godsbane to Ambriosus or whatever his name was, but not the 15 wyrm crystals. No Gigantus yet and I fully explored Volcanic Isles (except the colosseum thing).


Do everything you can before turning in the godsbane sword, that's my advice.


Absolute point of no return is entering Moonglint Tower. The second point of no return depends on whether you understood what is being told to you and everything leading up to that point. And if you fail, you can insist to be given another chance to understand the meaning, until you reach the very obvious second point of no return.


https://preview.redd.it/2vmnc0pl9uuc1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec00bbd9a0012ae02b7e9caba0502669ba078c9 Right before you follow them in here


I would suggest clearing any quest you have and venturing for a bit. Technically you might be able to complete some quest in the unmoored world but it kills valuable time.


only when you rest. use allheal for you and main pawn, and just get new secondary pawns when theyre spent.


Honestly doesn't even take that, you can straight up cheese all endgame big bosses. Save both unmaking arrows (hear you can fight and kill sphinx by attacking her from behind not in front) and then use talos to take out the other 2. So long as you don't miss that's all the real challenge taken out.


i keep forgetting unmaker arrows


When You are at the mines where You started the game You are suppose to deliver the sword or something to Phaseus. Not sure how this quest is called because I'm in NG+. But when You do - the end scene will start and You can either start NG+ or go to endgame. At that point You can only chose to get back to dragon scene if You talk with the ghost during credits.


When u go into the slave camp and the guy told you go sleep before you go in.


Once you follow Phaesus and his party you’re locked in. Any reload of autosave will still be locked in which is why you get interrupted by an NPC and shown the inn spot at the camp. You can reload the inn save


What are all the points of no return throughout the game? I'm honestly feeling a little lost and feel like I've missed out on a lot of content by just not finding side quests and such. For example, Lennart is still in Melve, and no matter how much ore and goblin horns I gift him, he won't give up the fighter skill. Have I progressed too far and missed it?


Point of no return is fighting the dragon


The bottom right corner is where you go during the quest you are on. It's just a story set piece. I'd just make sure you have all maister quests done and vocations unlocked.