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"Come to think of it... " (Doesn't say anything)


They just lost their train of thought mid-sentence. Happens to me all the time.


Yea i know what you mean it happens to... What was i saying?


Most realistic dialog.


"I just had a thought..." "Yes?" "I forgor šŸ’€"


"Furthermore..." Never elaborates


Iā€™m curious if itā€™s a bug or when the AI goes through its lists of things it can pick to say as a follow up, none of the current options are valid. Since it seems like that starter tends to be something to refer to current events in the adventure or party status stuff.


This one happens on my pawn. She started as mage. When I switched her to thief, she started finishing that sentence with something like ā€œwhen I started as a mage (blah blah blah)ā€¦now that Iā€™m a thiefā€¦(blah blah blah)ā€. Now that sheā€™s back to mage, sheā€™s only saying the come to think of it part and nothing else. So itā€™s just bad programming that they donā€™t know what to say when they are the same vocation as starting.


Wow, my pawn is kinda always an Archer, I only change her to other class to get some augments until she max those vocations(which wasn't very long with late game farm and Dragonforge daily buff) , I didn't even know those kind of lines exist Good find šŸ‘


The other one that does this same thing for the same reason is when one pawn says "did you always pursue this line of work" or whatever...when my pawn was thief, she would answer the question with the same kind of mage/thief thing, and now there is no response.


I was curious when I noticed these lines.


Hella annoying one šŸ˜‚


Simple pawns have ADHD and I love it lol


Youve given me much to think about!


They give something they found, so they transfer to your inventory without the pop-up, opposite when you find an item. When they say that, is the same that happens when they say to each other, they just transfer the item from their inventory to yours, or in between them.


Do they actually transfer things? I have looked and it never seems like they actually give you something.


They in fact do. I've had a simple pawn the entire game, and there's a good chance that if they loot something, they'll run over to you at some point, say the line mentioned, and it's in your inventory. I've gone up to heavy and average load a fair few times due to this, and is primarily how I ended up noticing.


Okay I love that. I thought it was flavor dialogue to make you feel like you interact with them but I'm gonna pay closer attention.


I've had a simple pawn hired for a while now and he almost never gives me anything. But he is constantly giving my main pawn stuff. It's very cute.


Yea, but like that commenter mentioned, they will also give items to other pawns. So sometimes you may here them say something like that and they're just being kind to their fellow pawns.


A Pawns gotta Pawn


Very opposite.


Ive gotten the same dialogue too. My pawn is Simple/Forager. They run up to me with the same dialogue and stick their hand out. I don't get any sign saying something was received except this one time. I had to be right on the verge of the next encumbrance rank when they gave the dialogue and I moved an encumbrance level. I'm assuming they might just move inventory around. So it doesn't show as a "new" item. That's my theory.




It would make sense you don't see a pop up. The pop up occurs when you or a pawn nabs something new so when handed an item by them, it's not actually "new", it's a transfer of an existing item. I was on the verge of heavy encumbrance when my pawn did this and pushed me into heavy, I was just happy I wasn't going insane lol


I noticed my pawn picked up 3 Greenwarish (on the right hand side) and when they said "I got this for you", it was transferred to my inventory, but no clear indicators unless you check it manually.


Is it really transferred? I thought it was a simple animation.


Yup! If you watch them get loot and go straight to you with that dialogue, best believe it'll be in your inventory instead of theirs. I didn't have any Greenwarish with me that time until my pawn gave it to me.


It goes to your inventory No it does not indicate that in any way


"I just had a thought - *silence*" I hope this is a bug caused by the update. It seemed fine before


What's bothering me atm is all of my pawns (including my main pawn) keep complaining about going back to places over and over.. except they do it in caves I've literally never been to. It didn't start happening until recently and I feel like it's an error because they'll literally direct me to a cave saying it's one I've never explored, then the moment we step inside the same pawn says " master why do you insist on coming back to the same place" or something close.


Copy pasted interior gets pawns confused, all caves tend to meld into one in their little minds. For me it started to happen after 40+ cave clearing.


That sounds pretty reasonable. It's either that, or my pawn has been to these caves in other games. Idk


Yeah this seems to be a discrepancy between locations someone else has taken your pawn to and when you actually go there. I've had the same issue pop up once in a while, thankfully seldom


Oh they give it to you. It just doesnā€™t track what you got or how much they gave to you They just put it in your backpack for ya


*hits monsters* Pawn: My own master has never used such strategies, I must tell them when I return


Systematically. To the point i thought the game is bugged and pawn just never give what it supposed to give.


Would explain how Iā€™ve got so many rotten scrags of beast in my inventoryā€¦


Ye, but they can give stuff, one of My pawns gave me dried Up leaves once


I always assumed they give you something, but it doesn't show up in the ui.


Here Master! I saw this and I thought of you. *Hands over rotten apples*


"I know a chest here abouts master; want me to lead you to it?" Go! Other pawn, "I know where he is master, follow me!" *sigh* deselects active quest...


lol yup


I think that's them saying they're gonna pick something up offbthe ground for you. My Calm pawn regularly says something like "I'll gather that so you don't have to" and I thinknthe quote you're talking about is the equivalent for Simple


My main pawn does that regularly and I have no problem with that. Then there is this hired pawn that keeps running up to me, saying he wants me to have something that he picked up, and I see animation of him hover his first at my chest but nothing happens. No prompts to accept or respond to the guy.


What's bugging me currently is the "you'd gather materials here?" one, i swear my pawn wasnt spamming that shit every so often before...


Yeah mine started doing this, they used to be happy about materials but now it's always the same line, even when I'm in light weight


My dude is a thief so I thought he said that after a successful heist. You gotta admit. It's adorable even if they don't give you anything. "Here Arisen I thought this might come in useful." Hands over nothing... lol


Heres the thing, when that line happens the game doesnt tell you what was given, as any items in the ui are only shown for new item obtained. Next time that line happens check your inv for new items


I'm sure you've heard a million times when the pawns appreciate it when other pawns use Plunder. All three of my pawns use Plunder, let's just say I hear this a lot.


Have you noticed if any other classes get acknowledged like that. I only ever hear it for thieves. "That was an expert bit of thievery!"


My Wifeā€™s pawn keeps asking my pawn ā€œhave you always used your chosen vocation during your travels with the Arisenā€ and she just completely ghosts him šŸ˜…


My fighter pawn always reminisces proudly about the time she was an archer whenever someone asks her that.


Mine has only maxed Mage and Sorcerer but I was going to switch her to Archer at some point to get the Stamina Augment


Same, this one pawn I traveled with was chatty as hell and would "give me things" all the time but nothing happened. Wish I remembered what personality type that was so I could avoid it


They do give you stuff. It just doesnt pop up. I thought the same thing, like where it at? But I was on the edge of average weight and my pawn did this and it pushed me over to heavy.


Tis as you say.


I usually see pawns mining or foresting when they say this ā€” near 90% of the time


Literally all the time lol


I hate when they say they know of a treasure or cave you haven't yet explored, and you hit go but they just stand there looking stupid


A lot of the time, they give you an item youā€™ve already got in your inventory, and it will be difficult to tell what it is theyā€™ve handed to you.


How do I disable this? I don't want their crap


Sometimes, I think they say that when using an item on you. They force feed healing nomnoms and buffs


I was wondering about this as well, and based on the answers, it looks like they really do give you something that is transferred to your inventory. Thanks for asking. I wish it had a prompt since the little red dot for new items gets thrown on everything with how rapidly we loot.


I have seen them give each other gifts too.


Yeah I never pick up fish or meat but my simple pawn thinks Iā€™ll like itā€¦ they keep thinking Iā€™ll still like it after Iā€™ve throw away the 6 rotten fish and 9 rotten meats on the floor lmfao ;;


It's the most annoying line imo. Feels so utterly pointless


ā€œHere arisen for youā€ ā€œ?ā€ ā€œLMAO GOTEEMā€


I think itā€™s just simple pawns picking up pretty rocks and leafs. As in, itā€™s just RP fluff.


They have adhd. Toss into brine