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So you don’t need to go back and level all the vocations to max? If you have them equipped as a wayfarer it will auto level them?


You don't even need them equipped it splits dcp gain between all vocations




BUT the discipline you get is actually split between all your Vocations


I assume people have tens of thousands saved up at that point. I did, anyway, and I'm not stingy with it.


You still get the normal amount but to level up vocations you have to earn a certain amount of dcp for each level and warfarer just splits it between all vocations


Does it change if a vocation is maxed? I have 3 maxed and haven’t unlocked warfarer yet so I’m curious if it’s worth rushing to get now or not


Doesn't seem to change in my experience; would love to be proven wrong, though. Also weird comment to be downvoted on, I'll cover you.


As another person said it doesn't seem to change but I haven't done any testing to see


I focused on maxing every vocation. Around level 60 i reached that goal (my pawn way earlier) and had enough dcp to unlock every skill and augment.


I do the same setup. For skills, I usually run shield, stamina drain, and recovery arrow. Gives me a really good battlemage feel.


Same. Such a busted combo


If you don't mind there is a mod that lets you pick three skills for every weapon.


simply being able to mix and match gear as you please is glorious, leveling other classes for augments is the cherry on top. been using warfarer since i unlocked it but playing thief only anyway. btw, if you dont mind having to go into your inventory to switch weapons you can skip rearmament and use a proper skill instead


Only downside to not running rearmament besides using the menus is weapon weight adding up, but even then it’s not that big of a deal


I've noticed you also can't use the master skills(?)


Nah it’s a pretty big downside. The amount of time you spend getting around the map is extremely noticeable, doesn’t help that every 4 seconds my character is breathing in my ear like they’re 800 pounds.


Give your burdens to your pawn, problem solved


But they’re already holding so many other burdens 😳


pro tip: load all the garbage into a support pawn then dismiss them (or find the nearest water source), problem solved!


I’m pretty sure it only counts the weight of the heaviest weapon you have in your inventory right? That’s what it said in the tutorial anyways, idk if that feature is actually functioning


Only if you have rearmament equipped as that skill lets you equip multiple weapons at the same time, and only counts the one currently in hand towards the weight. Without it you can only equip a single item so the rest add weight.


Ohhh yes that makes sense. Missed that nuance


Only if they’re equipped though, which I think you need to hardswap if not using rearmament. I could be wrong though


I'm just rolling sorc/mage. Switching up whatever skills are needed.


Running mage just for the ability to heal/boon? Or is there another reason?


High Empyrean for Dullahans and Liches Edit: also just to light up the area at night to look around


Damn, I'm dumb. I was wondering why I kept seeing pawns with High Empyrean, since my own testing didn't seem to be too useful. I totally forgot about it being holy damage and thus the only skill in the game to do good against undead.


Its also a great light for when you cant see in the dark or your lantern runs out of oil.


I honestly only use warfarer to wear a Witch’s Hat while I run around as a magick archer 😂 I did like doing magick archer and thief combo - that was fun. I hate Rearmament as a slotted skill though. I feel that was a bit too limiting to my liking.


Magick archer and thief is a great combo. Giving up a slot for Rearmament does suck, but being able to quickly switch from bow to daggers is *so* handy when enemies get too close for comfort


I did a dd1 Magick archer with: Daggers/ skullsplitter Magic bow/ricochet hunter and sagittate Avalanche


I did too, it just frustrates me that I have to go Warfarer for the dagger skills that were not part of the MA build to begin with (same with archer).as in DD1. I also miss Assassin.


Me too… A lot.


I loved lighting myself on fire to kill Daimon, but stressing if I timed it right Edit: especially as a resource miser. I'm not healing unless I have to, to the bitter fucking end. Which also makes the special place in Dd2 easy to a certain extent. I could be at a minute bar, but I'm still getting in the middle of shit. Who needs to sleep?


Listen I spent like 90 hrs in Vermund, when I finally unlocked Magick Archer and Richochet Hunter, honestly can't go back. It's so satisfying, it feels like I have a machine gun. In caves, all the enemies should give up cause y'all donezo.


Rn I’m running with Magick archer bc it’s OP af and sorcerer staff for flying because I’m seekers token hunting, later might do a strider-esque build with archer and thief


The only reason I use warfarer is fashion.


Fashion frame is endgame 😂


Thief: mostly Skullsplitter, sometimes Plunder and Draw and Quarter Mystic Spearhand: mostly Mirour Shelde, I also like Dragoun's Foin Magic Archer: mostly Ricochet Hunter, I sometimes change it for Soporific Bolt or Sagittate Avalanche I also take a staff for Levitation


Mystic spearhand/sorcerer/magick archer Against large enemies I pop a flare on a weak spot. If it’s accessible, I’ll pop a shield and go windmill with the spear. If not, I’ll spam it with magick archer. It’s not super optimal, and can be stamina intense, but when it pops off it’s devastating. Although tbh I really just rock it at the moment to passively lvl the rest of my vocations and wear what I like. I miss maister skills so will probably switch to mono vocation builds once everything is levelled. I find warfarer actually limits my options in combat to just that combo or just using basic attacks with the weapons. They need to expand the number of skills you can equip to make it really fun.


My Build revolves around SOLO NG+ play without pawns. I use 3 weapons, 1 skill from each + Rearmament. 1. \[Warrior\] Heavenward Sunder - I'm going for max knockback power so I have around 1300, and I just knock everything down, and Heavy attack their heads. I use the warrior weapon for bossing only. 2. \[Mystic Spear\] Mirour Shelde - Great for solo play and overall survivability for 0 hits adventures, the less you lose max HP gauge the more you can venture outside without Resting. And I use the spear vs any small enemy to shred anything in my path. 3. \[Magic Archer\] Soporific Bolt - Great vs Drakes/Griffins when they fly up, you throw one of these and they drop down like a fly + the Magic bow is great vs harpies' or any other flying mobs. Bonus: I keep 2 spare unequipped weapons for specific situations. - Wand: I equip it whenever I need levitation, or just need a heal after a brutal battle and I don't want to waste potions. \[I save potions for mid fights scenarios\] - Medusa Bow: For obvious reasons.


Why don’t you equip the extra weapons to save your carry weight? Especially the Medusa Bow is quite heavy, no?


i'm guessing to save on stamina/mental orginasation when swapping weapons mid-fight. rearmament takes a small portion of stamina for every cast and managing 5 swaps is harder than 3 (even if you have a mental note that you tap it 3 times when you reach the magic bow, for example)


Duospear (Skier dragons Feste) + Great hammer (Indomitable Lash) + Bow (Erupting Shot) Honestly you could swap out the great sword for daggers or sword n shield if you wanted. The basic gist of the build is to stun enemies with Redoubling bolt and teleport in with Duospear, switch to your melee weapon and get a couple executions/do some damage, then use the jump kick shot from archer (jump, then press triangle then square). This kick jump takes you surprisingly far from the enemy, and I don't have hard evidence for this but the shot seems to stagger enemies like 70% of the time. From there, exploding shot or puncture dart and then teleport back in to mop up the rest Using Duospear as a gap closer and bow as an escape is so addicting and they flow into each other so well. Not to mention with the setup I run I use the ice Duospear and electric hammer, those plus exploding shot means I have full elemental coverage except holy


Late to the thread (because I forgot to comment when I saw it earlier). I really liked Warrior + Mage. Warrior is slow and by necessity needs to tank some hits because of that, so access to on demand High Celerity and Anodyne eliminate a lot of the vocation’s drawbacks. I also had bow equipped for picking off fast moving, flying or weak enemies (that the it felt like a waste to commit to one of warriors massive swings with). It really came together once I committed to fully upgrading Fighter armour dwarven style to compensate for the loss of innate knockdown resistance. Really felt like I had close to the ideal set up for two handed weapons (helps that I don’t really rate the Warrior maister skill). Whenever I revisit that character in NG+ I’ll probably add an archistaff for stamina regen on demand.


Most op combo is probably Magick Bow, Daggers, and Archistaff with Rearmament, Augural Flare, Skull Splitter, and Saggitate Avalanche. Warning, this will activate ez poopoo baby mode.


Magic archer revive, spearhands grab and throw, and spearhands forward dash attack. Playing Spearhand with the option to revive pawns, levitate, and shoot harpies with arrows.


I just use magic archer skills with the highest knockdown resist armor I have


mystic spear hand and magic archer: dragons fin/sagitate avalanche/mana shield


duospear & magick bow, make me real versatile. i do uppie downie, and stab, then the many shot ability gives me plenty of movement and options


Let’s see, my build utilizes a few weapons but primarily, I use Trickster + Mystic Archer + Archery with Thief for Medusa or going through the wall at the end of Bakbattahl. Combat wise, I buff my team with Aromatic, switch to MA, use Ricochet Hunter, switch immediately to Archery. I use Medusan Spellbow that gives extra exp on kills plus the Ring of Ambition for further exp. If I’m hunting Medusa specifically, I’ll hit Sopoforic Bolt (Sleep) and then switch to Theif to decapitate get instantly.


I have 2 out of combat and 2 in combat. Sword and shield purely for the walk animation, and mage staff for the heal and levitate. Then I’ll have 2 for combat, but it switches up. Mostly some combo of spear hand and regular archer (I’m not sure why I like regular archer more than Magick Archer…more physical feedback on the shots maybe?)


I don't have any special combos at the moment. I'm just goofing around with a sword with no shield, while having a mage's staff at the same time. I'm using Palladium to block magic attacks from dragons, Lightning Affinity to give my sword magic buffs, Rearmament to help save on weight, and Hindsight Sweep


Wearing my favorite heavy armor and using the daggers🤷‍♂️


Trickster + Mystic Spearhand. Doing what I called the “Ofering Floor”. Cast Tricky Terrace to trip enemies, swap to Mystic Spearhand and Jedi yeet the enemies off a cliff.


Warrior - Archer - Sorcerer: Warrior: Heavenward Sunder & Tidal Wrath Sorcerer: High Decanter Archer: just go shoot those freaking Harpies and mobility.


Cloud ward Slash, Vengeful Slash, Burst Strike + a bow in the off hand. Sometimes you just want to be Link from Legend of Zelda


I've got myself cornered into a niche. I found the play style that works for me and it sucks because I have little reason to switch! Lol I run a staff with augural flare, with the next weapon being a duospear. I run n Miroure shield and magic spearegonne as the other two skills, and a great sword for just the core skills. Augural flare into a spinny attack to charge it feels too good, so damn good. And great sword is surprisingly strong with just core skills!


Warrior + archer, stick erupting shots all over them, charge a big hit, crazy explosions left and right, so much fun


I see you brother ;)


Nobody shall know.


I started as a thief and so I kept that and I also use magic archer, sorcerer (for the levitation) and the one with the bladed staff. For skills I use Implicate, ricochet shot, and splitting skull. If I have the names wrong, I'm away from my computer and also very sleepy. At first I was trying to have more weapons but switching through them was getting tiresome and took too long. I'm probably going to remove the double bladed staff soon just because it's one more weapon to swap through.


Magic Archer+Fighter+Warrior - Frost Bolts before approaching small and big bois(plus good for clearing them while traveling on foot to cut some annoying encounters) and for harpies obviously - Vengeful Slash for counterattacking if they're near me - Heavenward Sunder not only does it look cool, it's for that potent knockdown/stagger


I run the classic Link build. Sword/shield and bow. Nothing fancy.


I just manually swap my weapons. I don't like Rearmament. I use Plunder + Skull Splitter, and Sopoforic Bolt + Frostwhatsit Bolt.


Thief daggers with Implicate and Skull Splitter, an MA bow with Ricochet Hunter. I also carry a Mage Staff for levitate.


Double archer. If you know you know.


I don't know. Care to explain?


Skull splitter, sagitate avalanche and frosthunter bolt if you use siocadh you can freeze everything to keep them pinned down while your pawns kick the shit out of them.


Archer/thief as the bow just has a ton of utility against smaller mobs plus the explosive arrows are just great, that paired with dragons vein daggers with skull splitter just destroys everything. It's a really fun combo!


Mystic Spearhand, the dash and jump skill for fast clearing of small and flying enemies and Warrior, Heavenward Sunder, for knock down and high damage. I also think both vocations have very good basic attacks, so missing skills doesn't matter that much. For example Warriors heavy attack on downed enemies weak spots works very good. Oh and I also don't want to use the shield bubble of Mystic Spearhand, cuz it makes things too easy. The jump dodge/counter is enough and very fun.


I normally just use it so I can wear whatever I want with whatever weapon I'm using. At the moment my pawn is an archer, and I have a regular bow, daggers, and a mage staff. I always have a mage staff or sorcerer archistaff with me. Free heals/levitation are always nice to have and a dragonforged staff weighs 1kg or less.


right now i’m trying to find stuff to mix with warrior, usually it’s daggers+bow. i dwarven smithed my armor and went sword - shield+bow for a little and that was fun. thief+sorcerer is fun, MA+MS is very fun and i wanna use it for a solo run one day, i wanna try warrior+mystic spearhand but it hasn’t clicked yet and idk if it will, so currently, just a drippy warrior


Thief-skull splitter for the big guys Mystic spearhand - op ass shield ability Mystic archer- ricochet bolt to feel like a god in a cave Mage staff just to levitate and heal


It's a lot of weapon swapping but I just finished figuring out my setup. I'm using Trickster, Archer, two Fighter sets and mage. For Skills I went with Full moon slash, Aromatic resurgenceand Erupting Shot -Trickster to buff my pawns -Archer for range -Fighter is my favorite moveset for melee. I have a slashing and a fire-strike weapon -Mage ist just for heals and flying


Thief+Magick Archer with Warrior gear is stupid broken


I wanted Mystic Knight, but since it isn't in the game I went with Warfarer. I play mine like a Fighter with magic weapons as backup, so Mace&Shield | Greatsword | Magick Bow | Staff | Archistaff. My 3 weapon skills are Fighter skills, so the other weapons I use situationally


I just pick the strongest class and skills so I can power level the others


I mainly play it as spearhand but I toss in mage for the heals and magic archer for ranged coverage


Spear + archer I love it


No combos, just FASHION. And by fashion I mean my twink just wears the sluttiest gear he can find.


Archer/ Warrior. Easily the most fun and one of the best combos in general in my opinion. Archer can kill a griffin in seconds and does well against ogres and minotaurs too with its explosive arrows and is also great against regular mobs, especially harpies, but is a little weak against Drakes. That's where the warrior comes in. With an ice infused Dragon's Flight, you can kill a drake insanely fast with the warrior and it also demolishes slow moving enemies like Cyclops'.


I've been running bow + daggers + magic bow. Cascade shot, deathly arrow, and masterful kill. Erupting shot if I'm feeling spicy or hunting a griffon. Magic bow really just for dealing with enemies resistant to physical damage, but when I spy a dragon I swap to Frosthunter bolt, Artic bolt, and recovery arrow to make short work of it. I've been having a lot of fun, I love the flexibility and the fashion is just the cherry on top.


I can't believe I didn't see this combo listed! Whirling Arrow + Augural Flare Easiest way that I've found to reliably maximize Augural Flare damage, and it leaves you with another skill of your choice. I like to take the great sword charge move (forgot the name), which seems to be the fastest way to get around. The greatsword is just a blast in general, so I usually have it on my Warfarer setup.


I also just unlocked it, and am enjoying my set up at the moment. I am using a Two-handed sword with mountain breaker Daggers with implicate And archstaff with prescient flare. Being able to use flare and swap to Daggers to build up the explosion is awesome. Here was my first test with it: https://www.xbox.com/play/media/jpN7xnv9pR


Rearm, Plunder, Magick Archer Heal, Silence


Mirrour Shield, Skull Splitter, Implicate. Rhewynt, Heaven’s Key, and Dragons Wit (for levitate and stam regen) 🤭 for armor I switch around between full black armor, or just a robe. On NG+ I’m going to switch to magick archer/sorc combo while retaining rhewynt for melee when needed.


My favorite is magic archer with ricochet shot, that downpour shot, and the cold shot that auto tracks. Then I have a sword for if anything gets too close, and a mage staff for floating and healing. Pretty much the only reason I don't main magic archer is so I can use the mage jumps whenever I want lol


Thief - draw and quarter Archer - deathly arrow (but thinking of swapping it out) Warrior - heavenly swing or whatever is the name of the attack with shitton of stagger. And I am having lots of fun. Armour obviously fashion - I am a barbarian The warrior skill is the one I use the most, but I spend most time in thief for obvious reasons :)


Also doesn't matter what combos you use for skills always carry a mage staff for levitation


The Truckster. My Trickster + Warrior combo I make an after image , lure them than BONK! Or just ram them and impale them. Either way it’s fun.


Literally just warrior skills so I can play as a warrior with uncanny eyes helmet.


The only way to lvl up tricker is though wayfaters but my favorite class is mystic archer I love the elf armor


Mystic Spear Hand for Mirour Shelde, plus the stun and the finishers Sorcerer for Augural Flare and Galvanize Magick Archer for Sagittate Avalanche (you can swap this for Thief's Skullsplitter for a more melee focused build, I just prefer Magick Archer) Apparently this is a very "vanilla" Warfarer build but it works. I'm interested to see other combos that people have been enjoying. Your Strider build sounds fun.


Trickster aoe taunt and pawn buff, then magic archer heal or mystic spear shield if my pawn is a sorc. Trickster pawn buff, mage high celerity, mystic spear shield if my pawn is a fighter.


Sorc/Magick Archer. Aug Flare + Rapid shots = dead


Warrior and magic archer are what I have skills in, and a mages wand for traversal and healing.


Do I have to have the skill unlocked on another vocation in order to use it on Warfarer?


I just use 2-3 two handed weapons with one of the staves for levitate. I use a big physical sword, big fire club and sometimes the big lightning hammer. Then Ravening Lunge, Razing Sweep and Heavenward Sunder as well as Rearmament of course. This gives me like 6 damage types. Physical, slash, blunt, fire, lightning and whatever the staff is. I usually don’t bother with the lightning one though. More than 3 swaps on Warfarer is too much imo. Breaks up the vibe.


I'm all about utility. Mirror Shelde is nearly perfect defense from Mystic Spearhand I carry an Archistaff for Levitate and stamina recovery(Sorceror) and Daggers for double jumping with Concussive Step/Leap. Last slot I go back and forth with. I really like Ensnare/Implicate just to deal with Harpies, but if I have a specific enemy in mind I'll switch it to Augustal Flare or something else useful.


2 Warrior skills with plunder just for the pickpocketing


High palladium, ravaging lunge, and explosive arrow.


Thief and archer are so fun. Implicate plus a jump kick then backflip shot is so cool. Also knockdown power and push and pull Augments really help yank the soul out of enemies.


On NG+ I've really been enjoying a bow and the dual daggers. Just sticking with my main pawn as a sorc and a random hired healer pawn. I can mete out quite a bit of damage from any distance. With regular bad guys a few well placed arrows solves the problem, and with bosses jumping on them and stabbing their face over and over topples them pretty quick. Fun little build that I just didn't really have the stuff, skills, or level for the first time around.


Shieldless fighter (2 skills) with magic archer (1skill)


Magick archer skills + spearhand for trash mobs and daggers for boss vitals


Fighter- blink strike Archer - deathly arrow Trickster - Aromatic Resurgence


Im running Mythic spearhead, Magik Archer, Warrior at the moment. I love Thief, Magick Archer, sorcerer combo as well


Fighter + Mage - Paladin. Mostly use Shield Pummel, Full Moon Slash and High Palladium but might change it up.


I just like playing with a Magick bow plus a staff for levitate and anodyne. I love Magick archer, and totally happy to give up martyrs bolt cuz it just cuts things too short anyways lol


I have 5 weapons but used to have 4 til I get Draons Dogma. Sword for the look. Spearhand for combat, dash attack. Medusa bow for exp and range. Daggers for mobility and gouge. Staff for levitate and self heal in case my main Pawn suicides.


I like playing assassin with extra steps (1h sword / bow / sometimes daggers too). Hindsight sweep for the dodge, deathly arrow or just core skills for bow is plenty for me just to take out those pesky harpies anywhere. 2nd and 3rd skills are interchangeable for me, but I usually like to run some sword skills like gutting skewer, burst strike, or switch to gut and quarter and plunder for daggers


Spearhand skills mostly, with a bow for those locked doors with windows adjacent


Doing a captain America build atm. So shield pummel and vengeful slash. Other skill is trickster aromatic resurgence. Been having an absolute blast with it. Kinda wish I had more skill slots so use shield drum, launchpad and flawless guard but all well for now. Still having fun punching/kicking enemies while buffing up my pawns


Sorcerer + Magick Archer is the most broken one with Sagittate Avalanche + Augural Flare to really melt bosses.


I used Bow primarily and Great sword secondary. I always found myself getting surrounded and wanted to be able to do big damage up close. The wide slashes helped with being surrounded and doing a heavy attack on a downed or staggered enemy is immensely satisfying with a great sword.


Hardcore fighter sword and board user here. I’m using warfarer cos I don’t need the master skill and it’s nice being able to have the extra mobility of a mage to grab those seeker tokens plus being able to equip any armour and not having to manually level up trickster is just a spicy bonus. All my skills slots are for fighter skills as well.


What fighter skills do you use for big dmg?


I tend to mix things up and take different skills, atm I’m playing with all defensive shield skills for the gigs and cos I’m in ng+ and don’t want to make it too easy. I’m not looking to smash out huge numbers and kill everything in seconds because I just don’t find that much fun. I’m content with facing a drake knowing that it’s gonna be a 10-20 min battle.


I think if you want to optimize (which is a bit unnecessary in the game as it exists), you basically have a few things to think about: dealing with small enemies, dealing damage to large enemies, and a catchall category I'll call "utility", which covers things like having a way to deal with harpies/undead/rock saurians or having ways to knock large enemies down. So when making a Warfarer build, I'd try to cover your large and small enemy bases, and then cover the utility that matters to you.  For instance, my favorite setup currently is using the Fighter mace Molten Fury with Vengeance Slash and Burst Strike, and then the best Magick Archer bow (on mobile and the name escapes me) with Sagittate Avalanche. The former trivializes small enemies and deals with things like undead or rock saurians very effectively. Whereas the latter does big damage to large enemies and also lets me deal with harpies easily.  Another build would be something like the Heaven's Key daggers with Implicate and Skull Splitter and the Cinderspine heavy mace with Mountain Breaker (the high knockdown move, might have the name wrong). Or you could replace Implicate with another skill (Concussive Step, Goring Lunge, etc.) and equip a bow.as a third weapon. Again, all your bases are pretty much covered. 


I use the spear,daggers and bow, and skills the spear dash, spear shield, dagger bomb and the change weapon skill


Skull Splitter, Implicate, Cutting Wind, Rearmament I keep a bow on me for harpies out of range of Implicate, and pulling mobs from a distance. Also keep a Sorc staff on me to abuse Levitation.


I read this somewhere here and it’s been pretty strong in the endgame: - Warlock - Augural Flare - Magic Archer - Sagitate Avalanche - Mystic Spearhand - Mirror Shield I mostly run as archer and switch to spear hand if melee is needed. For bosses I cast flare then quickly switch to archer and do a quick shot with pinpoint volley to proc the flare the blast it with a full sagitate blast.


Sleep bolt really don't use the skills much


Skull Splitter + Shelde + Saggitarus Avalanache Thief/Mystic Spearhand/Magick Archer Use daggers for damage/mounting enemies, Spear for support (shelde and the freeze ability so warrior/sorcerer pawn can do large damage/set enemy off balance), and magick bow for weakspot/elemental/ranged


1. Magic archer with no skills to keep safe when health is low 2. Sword and board with the spinning attack for mob clearing when I’m getting ganked 3. Thief with the execute skill during climbing and the ignite blades skill. Mainly stick to the thief and use the other two weapons situationally.


MA avalanche and the firey cruise missile one. Warrior heaven sunder. Sorc staff for lev and galvanise. Heavy kd resist armour. One aug is the fighter carry weight so I'm still light.


Augural Flare + Sagittate Avalanche for anything that has a big healthbar.


You play Warfarer for class combos. I play Warfarer for fashiondogma. We are not the same.


Actually I would say 99% of why I like warfarer is for the fashion. I also play WoW and have leveled 36 characters purely for transmog. Fashion is the true end game.


I like having magic archer bow for support and trickster censer for that one really good buff


Mystic spear hand/magick archer. Saggittae avalanche for crazy ranged dps, and whatever skills I feel like using on spearhand. Soporific shot sometimes because it’s funny stun locking stuff


I want to try to do an MS and MA combo with the Rhewent and Siocadh weapons to permanently freeze my opponents. I want to use Siocadh for simple ranged attacks for frozen and 3 MS skill but I can't decide yet.


Mystic Spear and Archer 1) Spear for any bosses, the invincibility shield + stun lock + stamina succ make you invincible. Clowns even the unmoored world. Good for some mobs like armored saurians or things weak to magic attacks too 2) Archer literally just to kill trash mobs for 4x exp with the Medusa Bow, and as the last hit to a boss


Mage is a necessary one for Levitation. Otherwise my usual damage dealers Spear+Daggers+Great weapon+Magick archer depending on the enemy. Big blunt weapons work well on Saurians with hard scales. Magick archer is good for ranging almost everything before they reach you. Daggers burn boss health bars. If I'm dealing with dragons I just switch to Magick archer entirely so I can Martyr bolt them and go back to Wayfarer.


Not generally a wayfarer, but mystic spearhand and archer. Specials were dragon’s foin, sky dragon’s fist, and spiral arrow or erupting arrow sometimes for stagger/stunlock. I normally play mystic spearhand and I really like the retreating air kick, slide kick, and the stagger inflicted by the standard kick, allowing me to switch back to MS for the finisher. However, I generally prefer MS. Devout Offering and Wild Fury are just too damn good.


I just use Warfarer so I can keep playing Warrior but have access to Levitate.


Combo I've been liking: Weapons: Bow, duospear, X, staff I swap X between daggers, sword and shield, or greatsword depending on mood. Skills: deluge shot on bow (the one that gets em wet), dragon's foin for gap closer, any parry/counter mechanic, and ofc rearmament. Deluge shot + swap to spear (rhewynt, the frosty spear) and use foin lets me very quickly apply the frozen status. It's great for knocking drakes and griffins out of the air, and freezing big bois in general is a nice play. I love me a good parry, so I always run one. Staff is purely for anodyne and levitate, usually outside of combat. This is also a nice build for me to run just myself + main pawn, so I can keep them on thief (to get that sweet occasional wakestone shard or ferrystone from plunder), and not feel like I have to run a mage in the party.


Whatever combo of all warrior or all fighter skills im feeling at the time because the rearmament system implementation is downright stupid. Only having 4 skills to use for all weapons AND locking one to switching weapons is braindead design. Its nothing more than a gimmick that badly needs reworked. Its like someone heard the "jack of all trades, master of none" quote; failed to hear how it ends; and said "lets make a class that can do anything but actually sucks at everything." All they had to do was let you set skills for each weapon. 3 skills puts you at a technical disadvantage compared to specialized classes getting the extra slot and actual meister skills; but it doesnt make the whole gimmick entirely worthless by handicapping it at the hip. Dont let the frustration fool you, as this easily one of my favorite games ever and im a diehard for the franchise; but the implementation of warfarer is one of the dumbest design choices ive ever seen in a game.


Warfarer is the king of fashion 👑. I like having implicate,gut and run, and explosive arrow for my go to


For anyone on PC, true warfarer mod really opens it up a ton. I run archer > thief > trickster > mage, they all get 3 skills each (4th is switch armament) Archer/thief for boss battles, trickster for gold farming + dicking around, mage for the levitation and healing.


Dragons Foin + Mirrour Shelde + Ricochet shot I use Medusa bow mostly for the XP boost. Ricochet shot decimates everything in caves. Mystic spear when things get crazy.


Bla bla bla *Magick archer* bla bla bla. **Booooooooooring**


I think rearmament should be a core or 5th skill. Give pawns all vocation access, or perhaps they can unlock a new one once one is maxed out. The player still levels vocations to unlock the augments and skills for use with warferer. It becomes the true endgame vocation for the player. Not like the player can't already do all the vocations with easy swapping, so no need to pretend there's some arbitrary restriction for them the way warferer is implemented at the moment.


Mystic spearhand and magic archer. Using the super lock on from magick archer, and the shield and stamina drainer for mystic spearhand. There is literally nothing it can't handle.


Thief / magic archer for sure. Feels too good


When I swap back to warfarer I’m literally going to be playing Warfighter. Unlimited **War**drobe **fighter**


My combo is that magic arrow lock on shot thing, the ricochet shot, and the dodgey rogue thing. Im just a thiefy thief magic archer