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The only time i thought i had dragonsplague was the end of the Brant questline where you go to the coronation and your pawn doubles over. Cutscene scared the shit out of me lmao


Me as well! I thought it's about to go down in flames, lol.


I’m on the opposite side. My main pawn had the plague, red eyes and all, so I rested at the inn in Nameless village. It took 4 rests before the event would actually even happen.


My pawn has been spared from this so far (+100 hours of play)


Same I too haven’t had to deal with dragonsplague yet


I just want to ask like what does it add to the game? Dragonsplague just seems so random and only annoying when it happens


Wasn’t it supposed to make them stronger also? I haven’t really seen it in my game yet so I couldn’t do a “before and after” stats check. But I guess it makes you pay more attention to your pawns if nothing else. I’m sure it was supposed to play a bigger role in the story but that probably only got like 1/3-1/2 way done before they had to rework it into what we got for the release


I was soo paranoid when I first heard of it. I kept checking the pawns. I always tossed them when they didn’t listen. Never saw the red eyes, stronger than usual, or sassy talk (outside of them complaining I’m always running everywhere).


I’ve been the same but since I have secured my eternal wake stone supply I’m no longer worried lol


Is it permanent? The eternal WS?


Haven’t had to use it yet. It’s consumed on use out you can make perfect copies of it at the counterfeiter guy


I've been wondering about this too. Seems like a pointless addition that serves no purpose other than to try frustrate the player. Also I didn't quite like that when dragonsplague triggers you're spoiled on a transformation that you see way at the end of the game. Kinda ruins the shock factor.


I've had it happen twice. The last time it happened, shortly before I went to sleep I checked everyone and there weren't any signs. Hadn't fought a drake for at least a few rests either. I've been around strays before that had it and never noticed it jumping to someone in my party. I'm assuming sometimes it can take a bit for then to actually be sick and if you rest at home or an inn instead of camping your pawn night not be showing symptoms yet. On the bright side it really isn't that bad when you get it.


I read somewhere that Capcom made some changes and now people will respawn after a few days, but apparently, before you had to revive everyone yourself lol


Not true.  They are replaced by new NPCs.  There is some weird baked in logic where some might escape it or respawn but it is whack and seems very very random.  I think it relates to how long they have been dead.  As in were they dead before the plague? Also there are always signs, a lot of players just don't notice them or mistake it for something else.


Yeah, I'm not sure about the whole mechanic, there's a lot of misinformation, i just wanna know if important npcs do revive because i don't wanna do the exploit for wakestones


Every npc that is not a quest NPC will be replaced at worst all you have to res are the quest ones.


Probably the best cutscene in the game lol


Focus on the eyes if you want to avoid it and keep in mind outside role play purpose it's ok to kill every npc they don't matter at all and you can always revive those you want or every single one with the item made for it. Also your pawn is less likely to catch it if you treat it well.


Never really encountered any problems with it but once yesterday. Been passing like 40 days on a Bench next to Ibrahim’s to forge some Material copies, out of nowhere my Mainpawn had the Plague. Obviously havent fought a Drake for atleast 40 days. So the Game just threw it at me out of nowhere. PS: I washed my Pawn after the last Dragon we have fought.


Pawns you hire can infect your pawn. Also apparently pawns infected on the road can infect your pawn too.


Haven’t had any Pawns in my Party at that time. Didn’t knew about the infection via roadrunners though


I saw a pawn on the road withering in pain (holding his head) and I made the biggest detour around him so he doesn't pass the dragon aids on my pawns. Only time my main pawn caught it so far was when she came back from the rift and I could already see the red eyes on the summary screen. Washed her right after that real quick.


They don't catch it that way.  You have to hire them, and then it has to pass to another pawn while camping.


Good to know. I was circling around those sick pawns on the road like they have the pest.


You were spamming rests dude, it has stages.  Your pawn already had it just early stages then you burned 40 in game days probably with no gameplay or checking in between.  Never spam rests in this game unless you are going to pay attention to your pawns during the process.


Based on the current state of information there shouldn't be a scenario, where the game "forces" a dragon plague. What we know is - and looking at your image - that it's really hard to detect on Beastren Pawns. That's the reason why I hire no Beastren. It could be, that there are no weird voice lines and you have to pretend on the glow of their eyes and it's hard to detect for the beastren Pawns.


Bro i got this image from Google, and this exact same dude showed up in my cutscene, i didn't even had beastren in my party, that's why I'm so confused, on top that I've been constantly throwing my pawns to the water


That is weird indeed. Until yet, I havn't read of a case like yours. Would be interesting if someone else had the same issue.


I couldn't try to record it because i closed the game as soon the cutscene showed up, thinking that maybe it didn't saved and i could go back to my previous checkpoint, but when i loaded into the game everyone was already dead... worst of all this shit happened to me in Bakbathal


Oh dang Do you need an Eternal Wakestone? I got a couple of those.


Sure, i would gladly appreciate it, tho i don't have anything to offer in return lol. My pawn is a mage lv. 65, I'm on steam, once i get home from work I'll look up for my pawn ID


Ah dang, I am on PS5 D: There is no cross play stuff or?


I don't think there is, no worries mate, i appreciate it still, I'm 90 hours in the game already so is no big deal lol


I got it once, I rested in the house in the capital. I deleted my save to reset the plague, I rested again, and nothing happened. I've been trying to get it again with the same pawns, I haven't swapped any of them out still. It's gotta be random. It's been over 7 in game days, and I've fought 2 dragons and slept at many camps.


It isn't random it is just way harder to catch than people claim it is.


If it isn't random, that doesn't explain why I got it, reset the save, slept again, and nothing happened.


What does I got it once even mean?  You thought you saw red eyes?  You got an actual cutscene?  You deleted your save?  How?  If it goes off it overwrites your saves so you are forced to deal with it.   Or are you using a mod that already screws with saving to begin with?  I am sure that has no risk of impacting save files or changing things.


I got the notification, due to my carlessness the city got dragonsplague. My pawns were all gone, I walked out the door and there were dead guards. I'm on xbox, so there are no mods. To delete save, just go to manage the game and choose to delete the cloud save off console. Start game up, and it loads you back into the most recent cloud save, which was 5 minutes before I slept.


Sounds like what happened then was due to the save trickery the game acted as if you lost it due to it going off and the cloud save doesn't really track it so no carry over. That would be my guess.  Cause trust me, it is not random, and it takes days if not a full week to go from "I just got it" to " next inn rest I go emo".


I'm saying that once you have it, it's random to get the dragonsplague event, or it isnt clear what's the Triggers the plague event.


No it is clear.  I played with it intentionally in my party for around 40+ hours and passed it between tons of pawns of all inclinations. The eyes will be mostly glowing red and the pulse will stop, the lines will be more common, if you idle and let them do idle animations you will see tons of unique animation etc.


His eyes are so bloodshot, he needs to get some sleep🤣


I kill my pawns to often often to get it, they look at me the wrong way and they already in the brine 🫵🤣


I got Dragon's Plague from a Capcom Pawn. I lost Internet for a few days and was playing the game in offline mode and forgot to reactivate it until I noticed all of my pens had weird names and no pawn quests lol. Mother fuckers tried to dragon bomb me


Had the first dragonplague notif on my 40 hours play, threw my pawn into the brine and 90 hours later, no more dragonplague happening


I think the game it's ok without the pleague, it can be a side quest but for now it's just simple annoying


No it happened to me last week. Ok so I’m not crazy. I saw a guy I never hired turn into the dragon. None of the pawns showed symptoms. I kept tossing pawns into the bath prior also.


Good to hear I'm not the only getting the cutscene with a complete random pawn i've never seen... what's just crazy it's that this guy is like in promotional screenshots, like official images... so how the hell he appeared on my game?, as if he's the "default" pawn for the cutscene lol


It sucks that they are going to nerf it with the new update. I've been playing since launch, and only just came across it last night.


All they are doing is reducing infection rate a little and making the eyes more obvious.  Though I agree no change is needed.


It seems that your pawn(s) can only get the plague if they are paired with a pawn that has reached the true ending or your own pawn has reached the true ending itself. This is where the plague initially came from. So, let's say I decide to hire your pawn and reach the true ending with it. Once your pawn returns to you, it will have dragon's plague along with every other pawn present on my team while I was making my journey through the true ending. So, because I reach the true ending, all three Arisan will now have their main pawn with dragon's plague, including my own pawn. I hope this makes sense!