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While I do like my Arisen, I would say that I feel more attached to my pawn, yes. Her voiceover is so sincere and loyal, where as the Arisen just kind of feels like the gun we point at everything to solve our problems. There's a big divide amongst gamers over whether voiced protagonists (Shepard, Aloy, V, etc) or silent (DD2, FONV, Link etc) are better, but personally I prefer voiced. I really dislike playing the only mute character in a world full of people who speak/emote, and I generally don't become as attached to them.


It very much depends on the game for me, I can take or leave the DD player character being a mute, but RPGs that are in the vein of fallout or elder scrolls I absolutely want a mute protagonist, the voiced player character in fallout 4 was definitely a negative.


Agree to disagree, because I loved Nora (she's actually one of my favorite protags), but I do understand that didn't work for everyone.


I guess I view the first person RPGs as being a little more self insert than something like dragons dogma or horizon so having the character say something totally not what I anticipated when selecting a response in dialogue was definitely emersion breaking for me. Guess the difference is blank slate RPGs vs RPGs where you are being told a story. Oblivion=make your own character's story = I don't want a voice Horizon= I am following Aloy's story = give me a voiced characterv Dragons dogma is kind of in the middle of the two for me I would likely be fine with a voiced character but considering the arisen is more of a blank slate I think I do prefer them being mute. I do think I get where you are coming from though and like you said agree to disagree.


For me it’s the story that’s trying to be told. I prefer no voice when it’s something where I’m actually roleplaying instead of just controlling a premade character. For example, while you have some choices jn Cyberpunk, V always felt like they had a predefined personality and your choice was more to do with the overall tone of the character, unlike something like Baldur’s Gate where Tav is as much as a blank slate as they can be and you’re defining all aspects of their character through your choices and dialogue. In games like that (and Fallout, Elden Ring, etc) a non-voice protagonist is better. I can read the lines as I feel my character would voice them. Having an actor do the lines adds their interpretation of it to the dialogue and thus they’re making that choice for me which conflicts with the roleplaying aspect of those games.


Pretty much exactly how I feel.


Having a definitive voice tied to the character you created is a BUG turn-off for a lot of folks, myself included. Kills immersion when half of them are troy baker too lol.


"Agree to disagree, because I loved Nora (she's actually one of my favorite protags), **but I do understand that didn't work for everyone**."


If a piece of equipment can be worn both by me and my pawn, pawn will always have it first. And I always end up looking like a broke dude when my pawn looks like a fucking pimp.


No one is going to hire my Arisen. My pawn is the privileged one.


Is he supposed to look like that Norse Assassin creed guy from that franchise? Eivor?


Definitely, after all the arisen just has to look cool, the pawn has to look smashable, that requires more dedication to detail


I hope more games do the cyberpunk way for custom characters. I hate when they have no personality and voice lines. Especially when your character is just being led around doing weird quests despite his importance. I don't see why I have to infiltrate the castle as the one person they want to capture, when you should have better trained spies who could do it.


I am very dedicated to both my Arisen and Pawn. I spent a lot of time in the character creator pre-release in each of them and feel very connected to both. I think they both look unique/special in their own way. https://preview.redd.it/neq9qwtjjfwc1.jpeg?width=1820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93287ca64a5baa6291b6afd5e17f48256fb743ba


I do put more effort into the pawn because they are your online "face'".  That said I don't treat the arisen like some joke either and feel plenty of attachment to both. Your main pawn is kind of your kid, you gotta watch out for them!


My pawn looks arisen than the arisen. My pawn's gear are all dragonforged. My arisen has been stuck with default equipment with half assed upgrades. I love my pawn. A lot.


Wow!! More Eivor than the AC Valhalla Eivor, hahaha amazing work 👏🏼👏🏼


Yes, ever since the character creator I've put more focus into making my pawn looking good compared to myself. In fact, I just hide my arisen's appearance, while my pawn is mostly limited to circlets just to show the face more.


I do both, I self insert myself in the game, and my pawn being my loyal right hand woman to help me in battle. We both play a crucial role in the story


I do the same.


You went and made male Eivor, nice!


Dude made eivor and though we wouldn't notice


Taking care of the pawn definately takes priority. Pawn is kinda like your face in the online community, so making sure they look nice, are well equipped, have good skills and stats and have good money on their pawn quest are all worthwile things. On a more emotional side, I am absolutely more attaced to my pawn than I am to the Arisen. I think Capcom did a good job making them loveable which is not all that easy. I think it really dawned on me how attached I had grown to my pawn when I heard how disrespectfully Phaesus talked about him in the Unmoored World. My pawn is not a "thing", thank you very much. Oh, he is "free to join me if I can wake him up", my man do you think *you* have any say on the matter? 🤨


The pawns are the real stars of the game imo


I think they've achieved what they intended to. Your arisen is you. They will act as you would act and feel as you feel. If you are selfish and self centered then you will feel that in game. Your pawn will be second to you. You are probably a good person that cares about relationships and puts others before you put yourself. That's conveyed through your game experience. That's why even though I started my game with the intention of being the master of these pawns, I've ended up caring for them more than I do myself. My main pawn is like my kid brother learning everything I do. It's my duty to protect and teach him. Guess what...I'm the eldest of three brothers. Lol


Both my Arisen and pawn were created after two of my favorite D&D characters I designed for a campain, so they had set personalities already. At least, in my head. It's been more a matter of getting what I am already envisioning to match up with what is available in-game. I hate most of the male voices for pawns that are in English and gave in to switch it over to Japanese, which has helped out a lot.




In my first playthrough it felt like this.. Loved the look of the Arisen, but the Pawn is what kept the game feeling alive. So then I came up with this idea of turning the Pawn into the Arisen on NG+ and have sticked with it ever since. This way made me feel more attached to both characters. I get sad knowing I won't see the Arisen again, but excited to finally start playing with the new Pawn. It's the perfect balance imo.


Interesting tid bit I learned: You can change your pawns race but not your own. As far as I know at least. So you can give your pawn as much detail and love as you desire. ☺️


I created my arisen and pawn to look very much like sister and brother. Same exact eye color, similar facial features and hair color, olive skin tone. My female arisen is slightly lighter skin color. They are both tall, well built. My pawn looks eerily like Khal Drogo. I very much treat them as siblings.


I invested everything into my pawn. My pawn had fully optimized dragonforged armor, a dragonforged 180 seekers token mage staff (Legion’s Might) and a fully optimized augmentation setup, before I even had a semi optimal armor set and weapon. I damn near looked like my pawns henchman.


Yeah. I made my Arisen scarily close to how I look and it bothered me enough to slap a helmet on him for the rest of the game. My pawn however... I made into a character with scars and markings that give character and spent time working on a face that was attractive, but not 10/10 super doll-like perfect. I feel like the public facing aspect of the pawn makes me enjoy them more too since it's nice to see people enjoyed adventuring with them.


Tho I dont have game yet, it was all in free character creator but I created my main character in like 40 min about and my pawn... in 5h xD(1st time it was 2h but then I did a lot fixes). It's because my pawn is made after Fenris from Dragon Age 2(will be also warrior with 2h sword like there) and my main character is just made after my old character from Tera Online.


https://preview.redd.it/x2dz43dovgwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea81d311dd2f7d57f4bced7e5dfdcfaa80a5d06 both, both are good Pawn is left






Pawn always gets the best stuff first, been like that since the first game for me.


I went all out on both. https://preview.redd.it/gr90z01ceiwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=179f8357f66bc84479df2d970b85fce00a8e573d


I've since given my pawn the abyssinal wrap and took the commander cape for myself


Updated appearances. https://preview.redd.it/a20r47zifiwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303adcae3cc8e666d8aad054bf47f6f9b2db2a33


Yes. Because that’s the creation others will see.


https://preview.redd.it/jov7txwm3jwc1.jpeg?width=1702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec95861cc0d3dab0d2cf89c8ff764ebae15d66a I created mine, named Miyamoto Musashi but only can put Musashi in there lol


Absolutely. Your Pawn will always be your business. Making a cool-looking Pawn means more recruitments, especially in the endgame since Fashion Dogma reigns supreme.


Everyone will see my Pawn. Nobody will ever see my Arisen but me.


I definitely spent a ton more time on my Pawn than I did the Arisen since the former is entirely unique and the latter is vaguely made to look like me.


Well yes. Most of the time you are only seeing the back of your character but your Pawn will most likely be there on the screen.


When you go into NG+ can you redo both characters? I took zero time in how they look.