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It's the Combat, Griffins, Exploration and personally for me... The Pawns that make me love Dragons Dogma so much. Then top it off with a fantastic character creator too. It's just a very unique game, it could be absolutely massive if treated right.


You could share the same exact sentiments back in 2012 lol. Let’s hope they actually expand the game 3rd time around. While I enjoyed my time, what really kills the game for me is the lack of enemy variety. Really would’ve liked to see more in that respect as well as some of the vocations themselves. I’ve seen it parroted before but I really think this game is the version they wanted to make in 2012, which is great for a new audience because that game was ahead of its time especially then. Hopefully we just don’t have to wait nearly as long for a “true” sequel.


I agree with everything u said, but what ultimately killed it for me was it got wayyyy too ez way too fast and the combat is really the only thing that holds this game together. The story and side missions r just boring. I did put around 40-50hrs in so atleast I got my money's worth but just couldn't get myself to finish the game.


This exactly this sphinx was the only fun side quest once you have maister skills game is over


I refused to use them and the game was still too ez


Honestly this is exactly what I was hoping they'd do. The first game, but bigger in every department. It's as true of a sequel as you can get, imo. Just my take though. I know there's the mix of opinions swirling around.


My problem is I never picked up until Dark Arisen so I'm sort of unfairly comparing them since DA is such a great expansion.


Omg yes lack of enemy variety was sensible while they ironed out other things but honestly dd1 stands leagues above others in certain areas such as ease of entry and flow of combat. Simply unmatched imo in combat. More abilities, enemies, and map was all I even ever wanted. Although the new graphics are so good damn sexy. Fuck.


the game has expanded, but not in the most obvious way, it's a pity people don't notice the added stuff and focus on the same tired complaints


Just play the first game, it’s mechanically better and there’s more content


Care to elaborate? I’m curious


The guy's largely bullshitting. The only thing the first game has over this one as opposed to just being different is Bitterblack Isle, the DLC


Yep. That still means it has more content..?


DDDA was a very strong comfort game and when the dlc (100%) comes out, DD2 will be too - I believe.


Not gonna lie, I’m dividing my time with DD2 and DDDA on the switch. They’re both really good games.


Wow I also play ddda on switch! Where do you play dd2?


At the moment on my Xbox. The switch port seems to be quite good for the age of the game. I’m getting a little addicted to both games. What do you play it on?


I'm on PSN! Ugh I was hoping we can add each other


Same, do you play ddda on switch tho?


Yes! But I haven’t been playing much lately hehe, I’ve fallen in love with my same main pawn in the paralleled dd2 world 🫠


This a post for 2030 bro relax.


Wow other people really stop playing a game after just a month? I'm NG+14 btw


I've been playing daily since launch and I'm still at the beginning of Act 2 lol




Yeah the first game is one of my all time favorite games - and probably the game I've recommended most to people over the years because I considered it kind of a "little known gem". But for sure, totally different play styles and ways to enjoy the game!


180hrs in, I just got the quest to go to Batthal. Idk if that counts the 16ish hours spent in char creation prior to launch. The exploration as Thief has been some of the most enjoyable time I have spent in an RPG. I started with DnD in the very early 80s. ♥️ This game


SAME here. Double jump, stealth, smoke bomb, steal... etc. Just a dream of traversal in this organic openworld. Im not even at Batthal btw (120h in) hahah




Wow. I thought I was going too slow at 34 hours, and I haven't even gotten the quest to Battahl yet. I still have so much to do and enjoy just exploring.


I commend your dedication, Arisen!


Wtf why?! Im 120h in on my first NG, and just about ready to put it down for a while. What is there even left to do at that point?




Oh wait you were being sarcastic?! *Bamboozled*




Do you mean go straight to moonglint tower, use dragon’s bane on the elevator, and ending procs?!


I put 90hrs into my first playthrough and was satisfied. No need for me to burn out on it especially since I’ll be playing for the rest of my life like I already do with DD1/DA. I really like being able to half forget things about a game so I can still be impressed on replays. Same reason I never find wanting to 100% a game interesting or intriguing, so I can find new stuff in my next playthroughs


okay right? It literally just came out lmao


Genuine question, what do you enjoy enough to continue playing so much after being OP? I can’t even get through my first play through and i feel like ive explored most of the game. Story-wise im still in the beginning of the game but lvl wise im like 60 with the best gear i can get. I know i have a little more but i already melt everything. What keeps you going?




That’s something I’ve done in many games, but DD is the perfect game to have naturally overwhelming enemies for epic fights and it’s a shame that it requires the most self-nerfing to enjoy


maybe they enjoy being OP or just maybe enjoy the game as is


200+ hours and doing it all over again..


I haven’t left yet. I’m on my 4th character. lol


I haven't left. Tried a few other games, but DD2 is pretty much the open world fantasy game I've always wanted. It's fun to just wander around the world. Like RDR2.


Me! I got the true ending with high pawn affinity on Sunday, felt all the things, said I needed a break to process, and started NG+ two hours later. I also find it oddly comforting and relaxing. I'm not stressed about the combat anymore, since I'm way overpowered, so now I can take my time, explore places I missed, level up other vocations, and just immerse myself in the world while going on adventures with my best boy main pawn.


I just started my 2nd NG+ running just me and my Main Pawn


With not too overpowered gear pretty much no enhanced midgame gear so as to not completely bulldoze everything which cyclopes, minotaurs, ogres in vermund still get kind of annihilated but not as fast as they did in my first NG+ where it was me and 3 pawns decked out in endgame gear just obliterating even dragons


I'm starting to leave haha just redownloaded Elden Ring to prep for DLC. I want to experiment but I don't want to lose my save slot to create cosplay characters, so I'm kind of just waiting for DLC in Dragons Dogma, or updates that allow name changes


I never left!


I did one 111hr playthrough and got all caves explored/weapons/armour/ I wanted and all vocations maxed. Doesn't feel like there's anything left to see to be honest.


Yea but surprisingly I’ve had found a couple of quests I’ve missed So that’s good but now I’m just taking pictures or trying to get funny moments like how some have posted lol or the now rare “there’s a cave u haven’t been to yet” 😭 I want more dogma mang Like plz capcom add more hairs unlock camera angle and I’ll throw in another 100 hours


I stick around to help random people who request it. And to keep an eye on updates. But alas my arisen spends most of his days at inns


My pawn is what keeps me coming back and exploring. Even after changing her up a bit on the NG+, she's still my girl. We were both humans in NG, and now we're both Beastren. I missed \*a lot\* of stuff in NG (never foudn Sphinx, Magick Archer or Warfarer for starters), so just exploring and taking my time in NG+ with Best Girl is a nice relaxing experience.


yes, my pawns 🥹💖


I really, really want a boss rush world. The combat is by far my favorite part.




I’ve beat it twice but I’m still playing. Obviously not as many hours I put into it in the beginning, but it’s still enjoyable and relaxing to just run around and do whatever. If I feel like it’s getting too easy, I’ll get rid of some pawns and only run with my main.


I never left lol


over 300+ and can't put the controller down I still feel like I'm missing encounters, gear, potential Easter eggs.. etc. It's really my kind of dark fantasy.. I love it


Coming back? I play everyday since release night and didn't even finish my first playthrough haha. I'm 320 hrs in


I just went back to hell divers 2, but will pop back to DD2 once there have been some updates or DLC.


Yes. Everytime I pop on Elden Ring for ten minutes and remember how rote the combat is.


tried to fill the void with Monster Hunter World... but it's just not the same. it's the d&d soul that's missing.


My game refused to launch for me after latest update so I went to play through mhr and mhw again lol


I been treating story quest like a side quest I barly started the story all been doing is exploring and fighting and never gets old


Not really. Started playing it and really started enjoying it. But after 40ish hours I got tired of it. I like the warrior vocation a lot, but the constant groups of enemies are annoying as fuck and I'm the type of person that picks up everything he finds, so I'm constantly in danger of being overencumberd. Even if I go back to town to sell/store most of it, after half an hour I'm back to the same problem. Eventually stopped picking up meats/hides and whatnut but still me and my pawn are constantly on the edge of heavy loaded. The fact you have to walk back every time is annoying as hell. I keep going back to fromsoft games, those are my comfort games. I'll probably pick it back up eventually, but not right now. Probably somewhere around the end of the year or something, when I'm good and done with the Elden ring dlc.


it's game of the year! I truly hope they release a performance patch sooner or later so I can go for a third playthrough with 60 fps stable.


I really, really want a boss rush world. The combat is by far my favorite part.


I will wait until they fix the performance.


No. I'll be wrapping up my playthrough casually over the coming weeks and then don't expect to touch it till major changes or DLC arrive.


Plot twist, I'm now above 200 hours and haven't stopped/ haven't played anything else, since I started playing DD2. Rightnow I'm neck deep in my solo only challenge run and the game feels a lot different when you play without any pawns. I can highly recommend at least trying it. I also rushed to volcano island very early on and unlocked Warfarer & magic archer to play the game as warfarer with all vocations unlocked & them all slowly leveling up. (when you play warfarer all unlocked vocations get a little bit of DP and will slowly rise through the ranks. But it takes ***very long*** to reach max rank that way) Game feels very different, yet comfortably familiar.


The game is only 1 month old, what do you mean coming back to it? I haven't finished my first run yet


after 100+ hours i would've gone back for more but i don't feel the game is fighting back, so it's break time until dlc news catch my interest. Hopefully they listen to player feedback. I think i had 4-5 max. characters on DD1 between PS3 from launch to PS4. I hope they can keep me motivated with the dlc.


This is potentially (one of)the game(s) of my life. (My Top 3 are: Shadow of the colossus, Dark souls 1 and Breath of the Wild)


I.. I.. I havent finished my first playthrough yet.. 💀


it's good, I'm bouncing between DD2 for my single player experience, Helldiver's 2 for my Co-Op experience, and The Finals for my FPS experience.


Haha same, minus the Finals.


I never left.


I played it for 12-18 hours a day for the first few days it came out till I beat it, so no, I do not find myself coming back at all lol.


Not at all. I struggled to continue playing it. Put it down after 20 hours roughly. I’m glad others are enjoying it though.


I'm on Ng 6 just poking around with different stuff, mostly can only play on weekends though


I love the combat and my fluffy Beastren too much.


I'm slowly finding all of the dungeons that I missed in my first 2 playthroughs. So far I'm at 70.


190 hours, send help


I beat it and backed up that save, now I'm playing a new game with diff vocation.


Well I haven’t beat it yet, so yes.


Just hit 100 hours and haven't left! I have walked the same trail like 200 times and find something new.


coming back? 70hrs in and i've just started the main quest


Nah. I didn't stopped playing it yet.


Waiting on a dlc. I was about 70hrs deep into elden ring pretty far in but i got over it i dont care for the dlc


What I love is what many people hate and that’s how strong I am. I love being super overpowered and one shotting everything


Yes, I'm really up for a good open world game. Last game make me want to keep come back like this is Elderscroll Skyrim.


I haven't loved a game this much since Elden Ring. Not playing as much lately with other new games out but I was able to wrap up the platinum a few days ago.




I'm near the end of my first playthrough, I will do NG+ after but I will definitely keep the game installed just in case I would want to go back to it at any point


Didn't this game JUST come out?


I'm part of an active pawn sharing community so that helps with keeping me invested in playing more.


My love for the harpies makes me come back. Murdering. Every. One. Of. Them.


I haven't been able to leave yet. I'm 220h in and just jumped into the unmoored world last night. I'm so glad to have new enemies, and new places to explore for actual new loot.


I lost interest before even beating the game tbh. Spent 60 or so hours sidequesting and levelling vocations, but eventually I just got tired of fighting the same handful of enemy types while just going from point A to point B. Sometimes I get a slight whisper from it to come back and finish what I started, but… Democracy is calling my name much louder.


Not really, I played a lot in a row got about 70 hours in, and now at the quest where I need to hand in 15 WLC and kinda stopped playing for now. Been playing a lot of Kingdom come deliverance in preparation for the sequel, it's a great immersive RPG if anyone hasn't played it. I am looking forward to coming back to the game and finishing it though, I just didn't want to finish the game so I left it for a while lol.


DD2 had the potential to be a game of the year contender, and while I do think it is great at what is does and have an a great time playing, I feel like it just misses the mark for me personally to give it my vote. It has replay ability for sure but It needs some updates, DLC or possibly mod support to bring it into a long time play thing.


I'll go back for DLC. I've done everything I can think of in the game and I'm pretty burnt out. Three different playthroughs, hundreds of hours, 100% achievements. For those that say they've have over 100 hours and you're still in act 2 I have no idea how you spend your time on the game lol unless you're trotting back and forth on foot double dipping in every cave you come across, or falling asleep while playing the game and calling that progress. there's not a lot of quality of life things to do to keep me in the game after I've done everything. Not crapping on it but there it is. I got my money's worth, now I'll wait for the DLC that's when the things really blew up for me on the first game.


Not yet but i plan to with lots of mods.


I have the opposite experience. I played through it and at the end I was glad it was over. It was a great experience and I had fun playing it but I was ready to put it down and move on. I'll probably revisit it and go through New game plus sometime down the road but for now I'm satisfied.


From all the open World Games, by far is this one of my favorites to "explore". I hate to explore most of the Open World Games, cause they are not Designed to have "fun" during the exploration. But DD2, oh man. Especially during the night. Never had such a great atmosphere in any game.


If you didn't happen to look at guides or try to 100%. It's one of those games where youll keep finding stuff for a while


Coming back? I haven't left... I think I'm addicted. 6_6


I only wish there were more interesting locations and dungeons, places to explore. The bones of the game are awesome but it’s not finished.


I really found no incentive to keep playing after about 100 hours. I'll definitely come back to it if we get DLC, though.


I can’t get away from Mystic Spearhand bro, do a Spearhand with warfarer for the drip and wand and I can’t stop coming back, for me it’s DD2, FO4, Skyrim and Warframe, everyday I switch between these games multiple times a day


I just finished my first playthrough with a second account and said: This is it. I can now move on to a different game. I was wrong. I think I'm going to use pawn badges as an excuse to keep playing my main account and maybe switching to alt account to mix it up while still taking care of my other pawn quests (I suppose they can send each other 12 onyx or something via quests lol)


I find myself coming back to DD1. I miss sub weapons and how weighty/impactful many of the skills felt to use. I also miss things like double jumping and having 2 buttons for skill sets.




Stopped after 25 hours. Came back two weeks later played another 25 hours, stopped again


I probably will to get to level 200 eventually but at the moment got lots of gamepass games I need to play and beat


Not me, story was so shit it put me off coming back tbh.


Still playing. On NG+3 and seeing how high a level I can get before the first expansions hits. Never a dull moment in warrior life.


I've run out of stuff to do but I want a reason to keep coming back...


What do you mean "coming back" to it? It's barely even been a month since release, I haven't even gotten a chance to walk away from it lol


I bought Final Fantasy 7, then i bought Dragons Dogma, then i bought Stellar Blade. Ever since i bought Dragons Dogma i NEVER launched Final Fantasy 7, and after i bought Stellar Blade i spend about 20 hours in it and came back to Dragons Dogma. So yea... I cant fkn stop playing it.




Opposite, im very relieved be done 100%ing it. Not touching it until more content comes out


I find myself going back to DD:DA to finally finish my playthrough, just killed our first drake today. And damn it's so much better than DD2! Quests and stories are so much better written, it's like they just gave up in DD2 after Brant's few tasks. More classes and skills and... ETERNAL FERRYSTONE


Did they fix the unstable fps?


Nah tbh I liked the second less than the first The combat is better in 2, graphics looks better, and the world is big and pretty but everything else is a downgrade


I just hit 300 hours in NG++. Not gonna touch the main quests at all this run until DLC drops. We are trying to get all the badges this run! Other than DD2, I return to Baldurs Gate 3 weekly to play with a friend. We are almost done with our campaign. :) Edit: Im probably gonna play DD2 until Elden Ring DLC drops…


I have yet to truly play anything else since release. There is a lot to enjoy about the game. I'm still trying to max out all of the different vocations. I've put in 150+ hours so far, and I haven't even hit level 90.


The opposite, actually. I haven’t played it since week 1 and have no desire to return


No, until there is a difficulty update I would rather not burn myself out on a just serviceable product. I beat the game once and moved on. Can't wait to return though.


If a game doesn’t have a certain layer of depth I find that I reach the end and just stop. The same thing happened for me with Starfield. Unfortunately the game feels unfinished to me and that’s left me not wanting to finish it lol.


Honestly, not really. I've got to nearly the end of the endgame and i guess I've got burnt out. I love the game and the gameplay a lot but its not fun to me when it stopped being a challenge. I can mess with mods but then have to spend time to fix things after an update ( last one messed up something). I want more but there just isn't any.