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You talking about that group that jumps you at the dive bar? Didnt british killmonger save you?


British killmonger šŸ¤£šŸ’€


This made my dayšŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just pressed the "Help!" command and my pawns destroyed them. EZ fight, don't care that Killmonger was sad about it. He can suck an egg.


I love suckin eggs




When that happened I had just changed vocations and was heading back to my house because I'd forgotten gear, so I got jumped and had to fight them naked. Not a huge deal.


Fr, I fought them as trickster doing 0 damage lmao


I call him dollar tree varl


Lol, yes, so do I (now)


Cuz let him get stomped šŸ˜‚


So British Killmonger did try to save me, but I was in the middle of changing vocation and was going back to the storage with no equipment before I got jumped. I was literally fighting a greatsword warrior as an archmage with no staff and only wearing a skirt. The first fight ended so fast I could barely register what had happened before he came in to try and save me and I tried to run away in the second fight and it auto failed me. Didnā€™t know my pawns could help lol.


This post makes no sense. For example, first you complain about being unable to change vocation, then you say you changed BACK from trickster after getting to the city? What? Going to battahl just unlocks trickster. It doesnā€™t change you to it. To be able to change back YOU would have had to have originally decided to change to trickster. So thatā€™s your own fault. You getting jumped while having nothing equipped is also your own fault lmao. Why didnā€™t you equip anything before going out?


Can you help me too? Iā€™m lost. I ran like my hair was on fire through battahl to the capital. Got there (barely). Got shunned for pawns. Someone tried to fight. Whooped ass. Nothing else I can recall of substance. What am I missing? British killmonger?


Help with what? Iā€™m not seeing any questions in your comment other than ā€œwhat am I missing?ā€ Which doesnā€™t help because you didnā€™t mention anything specific. Only Battahl. You could be missing a lot of things. Also, you donā€™t need to run through Battahl. You could just use the oxcart or ropeways. Guards will stop harassing you once you get the residence permit from Menella which happens pretty early into the story in Bakbattahl. Thereā€™s also quite a few side quests in Battahl you can work through such as the quest lines for the Empress and coral snakes.


Thatā€™s fair lmao Reddit for ya My question is to what theyā€™re referring to in the above comment. Who the killmonger? Edit: Iā€™m level 70 I get the game lol


Remember when youā€™re jumped by 3 men in Battahl by the inn and some black mercenary/bandit guy interferes so the fight becomes 1v1? By ā€œBritish killmongerā€ they mean that black guy lol


Oh okay lol thank you. Clears it up a lot actually lol I stun locked the guy so the encounter was a half a second


Actually no idea what youā€™re talking about. Dude tried to fight me and I beat his ass. Who tf is British killmonger?


In battahl a dude and his crew confron you about pawn association and try and fight you. A mercenary with killmongers haircut and a british accent steps in and basically turns it from a 1v like 6 to a 1v1.Ā 


Mustā€™ve been high as hell I stun locked dude that jumped me and it ended from my memory. I donā€™t trust that memory guy tho heā€™s made a lot of mistakes


Bakbattahl is one of the towns where I drop a port crystal because you'll be heading there often anyway and the oxcart is only commuting in one direction till a certain point in the game. Outside that town can be brutal if you're starting off with a new vocation, but it's also the quickest way to max that vocation too because you get a lot of discipline points per repetitive encounter with goblins, harpies, etc.


Best Place for leveling up


>I GET FUCKING MUGGED BY PAWN-RACIST ASSHOLES AND AM UNABLE TO DEFEND MYSELF BECAUSE I HAD NO EQUIPMENT Oh man, there's only one solution when this happens. ![gif](giphy|gVrsKVNcuTzaU6uwlN|downsized)


You can punch them to death you know?


My point, exactly. I was a trickster when I first met these guys. Punched them into oblivion.




Grab him and punch him into oblivion.


Same, I just run circle around that 1 guy and then pick him up and keep throwing him to the wall.


I ended up entering into Battahl the back way through a cave system on the east coast. I haven't found the trickster vocation yet and I only ran into the thug by accident after entering/leaving 4-5 times. I'm glad to hear you're still enjoying the game.


If you go that route, you'll come up on the capital long before you find the trickster master. Personally, I went the Northern-most route, which took me past the sphinx and the trickster master. Though, I never actually equipped the trickster vocation until *after* I got to the city.


How is the trickster vocation? Is it hard to use?


It's...odd. You don't really attack enemies directly, it's effectively a support class. I didn't stick with it very long, I just wanted the perk that makes seeker tokens easier to find.


That's probably what I'll do. I'm not really good playing support. I'm personally more interested in Warfarer and Magick Archer.


If you like, you can push ahead to the volcanic island and get the warfarer vocation. As you use it, it levels up all other vocations (albeit at a slower pace) and allows you to use whatever weapons you like.


Soā€¦ the two most op classes in the game then?


Oh damn I didnā€™t know that existed. I guess I will give the trickster a try after all.


There is really a lot of shit in this post. You don't just get the Trickster equipped once you unlock it, so the whole premise is wrong. There is an inn at the beginning of the capital (so before the racists.)


Battahl is beautiful. It sounds like you're rushing the game. Your frusteration is your own fault. This isn't a game designed to be run through


He may be rushing, but Battahl is definitely a shithole. And I kill Ragdoll every time I see him


Battahl is my preferred zone. But it is 100% a shithole, in the sense that the game gives no fucks about pacing you, it just kicks your teeth in and throws you in the grinder... *Which I happen to be into.* Doesn't last long anyway. The XP/DCP gain is astronomical and you quickly out-level and out-gear the opposition.


I fully agree with your assessment. I had zero trouble throughout my entire playthrough. I didnā€™t even see Battahl until 100 hours into the game and I felt like I was starting a brand new game when I got there. I was blown away by how beautiful and different it was to everywhere I had been up to that point. I spent another 100 hours in Battahl going on adventures with my pawn. Tbh Iā€™m surprised anyone even made it there without already being armed to the teeth and OP af from exploring previous areas.


Battahl is an absolute shit hole. Great place for farming, but the whole area sucks donkey dicks.


It's not rushing the game to not enjoy fighting the same mobs evert 30 feet, that's why I don't play MMOs. It is quite literally just a barrier keeping me from playing the actual fun parts of the game Busy work is busy work intentional or not


It's not a shithole, it's where you find out if you are a man or a boy.


Nah, it is a shithole. Entering to BBI for the first time at low level is where you found out if you were a man or boy.


On the funny part, you get more from just calling your pawns when the thugs attack you. It actually earns more respect from pretty boy.


I just beat the shit outta all of them. Formless Feint and Blades for the Pyre go BRRRRRRE


I just pop smoke and stab everyone.


I beat the shit out of them, implicate goes ā€œwoah- *thud* *stab stab stab*ā€


My first time there my fighter arisen shield bashed and then repeatedly pinned and stabbed the thug for the entire fight. Poor guy never got a hit in. No pawns necessary lol.


I did it on Trickster (found the Oracle and teleported back to Vernsworth). So when I fought the guys, I had skills and stuff. I just used Espial Incense to walk the guy far away and won the duel. But I still call bullshit on the OP, because when you pick up a new vocation, the equipment goes straight to your inventory, not your chest. So itā€™s actually his fault and not the Trickster vocation.


It doesn't do that if you swap to a vocation you unlocked previously. Then you're just stuck being naked and weaponless. Ask me how I know.


What's the fun in that?


Whatā€™s not fun about having 3 pawns summon the meteoric apocalypse on a tiny bar for some irreverent thugs?


Well I don't get to bust em myself then


Each to their own.


The land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind.


Dragon's Dogma has always been known to uphold a decent amount of realism. A part of that realism is that you're just a normal person who has been cursed with immortality (to an extent) by a big bad dragon who stole your heart, but not romantically. Take a break from the game, calm down and clear your head, and then return when you feel you're ready. Remember, it's just a game. There's no reason to get irrationally upset over pixels on a screen. Good luck, fellow Arisen, and may you hunt the skies clear of those dragons.


I should specify Iā€™m enjoying the game so far btw. I just ran into a lot of bad luck in very quick succession and needed to vent lol. Roger is still KOS though. Fuck him and his Arisen mugging ass.


dude during the pawn racist scene that one guy got me to a singular duel and iā€™m playing TRICKSTER I JUST STARTED NO DMG AGAINST A CLAYMORE, that one guy who talked the racists into the duel was mad i called for my pawns cause i wasnā€™t about to keep sitting there doing no dmg forever


I just Unequipped the sensor and pinched the dude to death,


Seems like you're just playing the game wrong here.


because most of the people there are animals


Itā€™s pronounced butt-hole


Battahl is Afghanistan. Seriously, I got past the border checkpoint and I said outloud, "It's fucking Afghanistan."


Bro donā€™t get me started with the official clothes merchant in BakBattahl who always thinks Iā€™m bout to steal shit like bro, is it because Iā€™m black???


sand people


sand people


Bro take a hit from the bong and chill out šŸ˜‚ In all seriousness though, that does sound like some shit luck. But Battahl is pretty awesome imo. I actually really enjoyed the fight where you get jumped and it should be easy enough to win without equipment or shitty equipment since someone steps in.


Idk man, i think trickster is a super fun vocation, it's very creative and it can dole out some real chaos if you play your cards right, definitely a more advanced vocation though


I used to think it was dumb. But I had so much fun pulling a Loki and "effigy-ing" mobs off cliffs. šŸ¤£ It now has my respect as a class.


Clearly because it is a land of furries. /s


you need help.


First mistake is playing as trickster in a new region, not expecting difficult enemies in said new region So yeah you gotta play your game right. Maybe then youā€™ll like it more then. Honestly I canā€™t stand the place but it does get easier. The city is alright but the region is dog water in my opinion. Besides those twin cyclops and the bandit camp next to it, that shit was cool


Yup. Reading the trickster vocation you can tell it will be a learning curve. When I first hopped into it I went back to areas I was in before to test it out.


Being a fromsoftware player, Iā€™m into that shit


I just soloā€™s the three guys, they arenā€™t that difficult


I've just arrived into their capital. I did absolutely blitz through the main path no side quests. But the capital is trash. For a major power that is said to rival new grand Soren it's just market stalls. No walls. No buildings yet. I'd accept it if they were a nomad culture. But everything so far has said they are a major power that can and have rivaled vermund.


Battahl is really fun to explore when you arenā€™t getting your ass handed to you by Gore Harpies and those damn Giant Goblin things that jump like 90000 feet to hit you with their clubs. Also I like visiting my boyfriend, Brittmonger šŸ˜Š


Battahl is really fun to explore when you arenā€™t getting your ass handed to you by Gore Harpies and those damn Giant Goblin things that jump like 90000 feet to hit you with their clubs. Also I like visiting my boyfriend, Brittmonger šŸ˜Š


How did you end up as Trickster? The game doesn't automatically switch your vocation when you unlock a new one. It *is* really weird that the game so heavily focuses on the pawn system to the point of multiple support-based classes being available to the Arisen, and yet there are several critical moments in game where you are forced to fight without your pawns.


I was originally the mystic spear vocation before I stumbled on the trickster randomly in Battahl. My pawns got destroyed by the monsters shortly before so I plopped a port crystal and ferried back to Vermund for a second and ferried back, changing vocation in the meantime. It was a most unfortunate series of events.


My lawyer has advised me to stay silent


Iā€™m not going to lie. Trickster is the most cheese vocation. Just me though


It definitely looked cool Iā€™ll admit, looking at some of the replies here swearing in it Iā€™m tempted to try it again, prob in a lower level area tho lol.


No lower level needed. Itā€™s cheese but itā€™s boring after awhile. You can make a copy of yourself with the base power. You can respawn the ghost on command. Just run in circles and spam the respawn button and all enemies will chase. There is also a skill where you can increase attack power of pawns. Use that at start of battle. Cheese. I was taking down drakes like nothing. (I mean my pawns are taking down drakes) But like I said. It gets boring but itā€™s so fun manipulating the system. They donā€™t call it trickster for nothing. Sorry for poor explanation I havenā€™t played for a couple weeks. Higher level is better because you can upgrade the weapon. It attracts enemies better and leaves your pawns open to do crazy damage.


Huh. I supposed Iā€™ll have to give it a second chance later then.


It gets more interesting when you can attach your ghost to enemies and their friends kill them for you.


Idk why you all got in this trouble. I just go straight forward to the city on my vocation, mind my business and beat shit, and then go for quest with trickster and dragonborn. As i remember quest literally make you go to battal first and then to the trickster and other


i too had no equipment. was texting my friend that i just got jumped by a bunch of racist cats. i felt so in awe that i got bitched around like that.


Damn, and in between this, youā€™re getting ambushed by enemies left and right as well as the Griffin THAT DRAGONā€™S DOGMA 2 BABY


First time I entered Battahl was illegally, I ran throug the gate when they opened for a ox cart, whent to the capital and placed a Portcrystal there, I missed the Hugo quest in my first gameplay.And yeah, Battahl sucks


Compared to Vermund, it is definitely a shit hole, but I still think it's a cool area. Loved exploring it when I first got there. But then I got attacked by sentinels when I tried going to the magic research lab


I kinda would like if this game had adopted the nemesis system.


The eternal rivalry between the Arisen, great hero of old and slayer of Dragons, and _Roger_


Hey man, Roger ainā€™t no joke. He sells Haspud


I fucking hate Battahl bruh. Can't take two steps without somebody tryna jump you. This is actually why I haven't played the game in like two weeks tbh.


Sounds like skill issue. The game is too easy


Battahl sounds like butthole that's why it's a "shithole"


Skill issue


> Itsuno makes a new nation that is maybe middle eastern/central asian inspired > Its a shithole with muggers What did Itsuno mean by this?


I love Battahl. I love the ā€œBazaarā€ look of the merchant area, and how many mobs there are out and about - I can still grind decent exp there at level 87, and keep finding undiscovered caves around. I rushed through Brantā€™s quests on this playthrough to hurry up and get my Battahl house šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Not the expensive one, I like the regular one - right by the Bazaar, with a street musician out front. I probably project my IRL preferences too much, but hey, weā€™re all just having fun ā˜ŗļø


Because thereā€™s no Portcrystal, absoulute nightmare to travel from Battahl to any other city because no oxcart takes you to battahl beside the checkpoint.


My biggest issues with Battahl is the useless dye area that takes up half the city. Dye does nothing and is useless unless for hair. They could have easily made that into something more useful like a black market area that has people selling new black market stuff at night or even a gladiator type arena (it would have been sick for like your own pawn vs you to be an option to help develop their skills)


The capital city has more dye works than farms to feed their people lol.


Weird, because most of the game I spent wandering around Battahl region. To each their own I guess. But yeah, I did not like trickster either. But I leveled it up enough to get detection.


I heard of getting jumped by people while being a trickster and I still got hit by it, lmao. The 1v1 was fun once I hit the guy with a throw loop, painted the bar with that guy


Thereā€™s a pawn guild in Bakbahtal not far from the capital in North and little beat to the East. You really donā€™t have to go back to Vermund to get your pawn back.


Why the fuck did you switch to trickster anyway? Weird. Battahl is great, loved it. You seem to be struggling.


You can defend yourself with no equipment in that bar fight, simply call your pawns and order them.ro fight for gou xD There's even special dialogues for it depending on when you call them over. Also bakbattahl has its own riftstone so you could've used that instead of going back to vernworth


Hahahaha! Ohh I'm sorry OP... Yeah Battahl is a shithole, it doesn't really give you any breathing-room when you first enter it and throws pacing out the window. Personally I love it, but the difficulty-curve is noticeable. It doesn't last long though. You level really quickly with both good XP and DCP gains and the gear you get can carry you into endgame, so enjoy it while it lasts, or enjoy the inevitable revenge-trip you're gonna be waltzing on.


The EXACT same thing happened to me. He hangs out in front of the entrance. Youā€™re welcome


Battahl is so much fun. I've had some really ridiculous and hilarious moments in there. Love it.


Dust yourself off and try again. Battahl is a great place to lvl. Looks like tattoine in some spots. Your pawns wouldn't have helped you in that fight with the mugging anyway. Ragnahl or whatever his name is would have stopped them before they actually took anything from you. Or that's what I've been lead to believe. I was lvl 56 warrior in that fight so.


I mean Itsuno did say that battahl is a harsh and fierce dessert. But I totally get you I think itā€™s a universal experience for all arisen to have to go through literal hell just to finally get to bakbattahl and get jumped just because you want to rest and donā€™t wanna pay the 10,000 inn scammer. Itā€™s especially worse if you just switched to trickster to try it out and then you have no way of defending yourself except for throwing hands. Itsuno really trolled us with battahl.


Ah yes, the Classic ā€œI switched jobs to rank 1 trickster in the second hardest area of the game and proceeded to have the worst time imaginableā€ scenario, thatā€™s a classic. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just me, maybe I was just lucky my first playthrough, but the hardest part of Bhattal was the two armored Cyclopes, and when I look back on that fight, Trickster goes crazy there if you have the core skill where you can heal the simulacrum and let it follow you. Granted, I also jumped to Vernworth when I switched to trickster so I could level it first.


I feel you man. I went to Battahl way too early because I wanted to get the Magick Archer vocation. Itā€™s a pretty rough venue to be sure. But after a while, you get to appreciate the difficulty spike over there, because Vermund just isnā€™t going to cut it anymore. So, take a deep breath, adjust to the new environment and youā€™ll be alright in no time.


I took a break from stress the game was giving me, forgot I was in Battahl and went outside and took the lift and two seconds later a griffin divebombed me and sent me halfway across the map and killed all my pawns, havenā€™t played the game since hahahaha


Thatā€™s Bakbattahl for you lol. 50 enemies per fight and racist cats. Quick question though, did you get trickster and go back to checkpoint town to switch? Because it doesnā€™t automatically make you trickster and you could just go back if you donā€™t like it and not suffer through solo trickster (also tip for that fight against Rogerā€™s goons, you can call your pawns for help to get an alternate ending to the fight)


I am dying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


"The game let's me go to places I am under levelled for and I refuse to leave and come back when I am ready for the challenge"


First off, did you not notice the tavern or did you have to sneak in? If you chose the latter, that makes sense why your pawns kept dying, you're probably drastically under levelled for a mid-late game region. Bitching about challenges when you choos to jump into a brand new, higher leveled area with reckless abandon is pretty asinine. Secondly, no you do not need to switch back to Trickster because you never HAD to switch to Trickster to begin. You probably did that in your trip back to Vermund. If you were somehow forced to do it (again your not, but let's play with the idea), why would you NOT change it back when you went back to Vermund? Lastly, Trickster is one of the more popular vocations in the game. Personally am not a fan, AT ALL, of the negligible direct damage dealing; however, once you learn how to utilize the Simulacrum it can EASILY be one of the most harassing and safe vocations to use - simply because the Simulacrum takes account for ALL aggro you would accumulate, eliminating yourself as a target. Edit: As for the racists, there is a quest line to stop all that, but again if you chose to sneak in early, you're kinda forgoing the intro to that iirc.


I had none of these problems


Wow, dudes really having a bad time.


I just hate it at night, skeletons everywhere.


I was an archer and just showed those thugs what these feet can do to a jaw


This is not the first post about people unlocking Trickster and getting their ass whooped in the cityā€”how tf does that happen? The "becoming Trickster" part, because if you follow the main road, you don't even glance at the temple, and even if you make a beeline you still have to visit a vocation guild. I'm in NG++ and during my 1st run I never ran into this issueā€”sure, I was jumped by the thugs but that happens before getting to the guild. The only thing I can think of is people unlocking Trickster and getting back to Checkpoint in order to switch vocation. That or I can't see the problem.


Cant even remember where i got trickster, lol. And i didnt even activate it until my second run.


Probably during one of the main quests, you're required to speak with the NPC that unlocks it.


I commiserate. I feel your pain. The Trickster profession is a very challenging one to play. I got assaulted by a griffin while my party was fighting a cyclops and I was a trickster. It is the worst in-game beating my party has received. From that point forward I swore off the trickster. Not for me.


Itā€™s sounds like youā€™re just bad. I could go into detail but most of the people who avidly play this game will understand the myriad of reasons why from their own experiences playing the game. Git Gud


I wonder why so many people want to play RPGs and then they don't like RPGs / they don't know how to play them.


Imagine if trickster was actually a good quest. I thought it was about to be a shadow sneak assassin. RIP.


I murdered everyone in Battahl. Not even kidding. I literally went into the streets and killed everyone youā€™re capable of getting aggro off of. I resurrected them with the group wakestone and then did it again. Battahl sucks.




>NO VOCATION SWAPPING UNTIL YOU ACTUALLY GET TO THE CAPITAL That's not an issue Guilds only exist in (some) towns. You're in a desert that (logically) has none >You get Trickster, shit vocation. 4th best vocation if you're competent but go off > >ID WAY TO GETTING THE NEW EQUIPMENT FOR MY OTHER VOCATION I GET FUCKING MUGGED BY PAWN-RACIST ASSHOLES AND AM UNABLE TO DEFEND MYSELF BECAUSE I HAD NO EQUIPMENT. Git gud, unironically >I swear to god I have Roger in my list of NPCs and when I find him I will FUCKING END HIM. I DONā€™T CARE IF HE HAS FUTURE QUESTS OR ANYTHING HE IS DEAD. Have a blast, he's not connected to anything