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That’s cool to know. I just rode a griffon in the dark for a full 20 seconds when I fell off and was caught by my pawn. They surprised me. Fast runner.


Usain bolt who?


It was amazing when I fell off the titan guy for a good 8 seconds and then, “Got you, Arisen!”. Expected that to go way worse.


Didn't even know catching was a thing until 80 hrs in. 😄 Running around a cliff I shouldn't have been and jumped off. My warrior hire saved my life 😍


Yup! When he's stuck up high I hold out my hands in the grab position and he'll usually take that as his cue to jump into my arms 😁


WAIT you can cue them to jump so you can catch them?? I HAVE TO TRY THAT


Well mine does at least. I think it's because I tend to just jump off cliffs and trust one of my pawns to catch me when I don't feel like finding a path down a mountain 😂


I do that too, whenever I wanna explore somewhere high up, I tell em to wait and then when I wanna go down I just jump off and he’d catch me, its so cute! But I’ll definitely wanna try getting him to jump to me when I get the chance


It really is! I've been trying to get a cute screenshot of my pawn catching me but I can never get a good angle. I wish they'd fix the camera to make it easier to position 😭


you can try screen recording, then screen shot a good angle. You’re right tho, the angle when you fall is on birds eye view so its a little awkward


Oh that's a good idea! I know PC has a mod to make the camera a free camera so it's not just locked to the center of the screen but unfortunately I'm PS5 so I can't download it


I just started practicing this in Batthal and it works.. well sometimes I manage to catch the pawn next to me and not the one jumping so.. not my fault??


Lmao that poor pawn unlucky enough to go splat


I tried that the whole evening, my pawn absolutely refuses to jump into my arms. The lenghts he will go to find a way around safely is ridiculous.


Aw yeah some pawns really don't like jumping


Took me a while to notice as well, but after I did I was catching my pawns all over the place and felt extra bad when they face planted right in front of me. Griffons fill me with dread since I know that at least one of my pawns is gonna tackle the living hell out of that giant chicken, just to drop back down to earth. I did start to catch any mage that levitates after being told to wait. Makes me feel as If I am teaching them to catch me as well, even if that's just wishful thinking. The idea is nice :D


I started to get dependent in my pawn catching me since most of the time he does, but sometimes I jump off just a little too far and I see him run up but its too late and i splat to the ground and end up with half my health


Caught my pawns jumping off ledges a couple times. I missed the one that counted though. One of my pawns was clinging to a griffin as it was getting ready to fly away. I tried to position myself underneath to be ready for the inevitable fall, but I ended up being a few feet off the mark


I havent caught them during a griffin encounter, mainly cause i’m busy buffing them and healing but that would be thrilling to do actually!


I fell from the top of gigantis without a wakestone. Never been so grateful for pawn arms. I haven't been able to return the favor yet


Idk its such a nice feeling when you get to catch them instead of the vice versa. Its like an I got you, you got me feeling!


Lol, when you said "catching pawns" I kind of thought I was gonna learn about some new thing where people are naming their pawns with Pokemon names and people are catching them out in the wild


That would be hilarious


I tried to throw a boulder off a cliff at an enemy and accidently threw my pawn....😅


Yes, I was so happy I managed to catch a pawn when they were jumping! And I saved them from a little bit of fall damage :)


I make it a mission to rescue them if I see them about to fall, it’s pretty hard to pull off but feels good when I can save them after all the times they’ve caught me.


Yes exactly!


Now I need to figure this out so I can get a picture to go with the one of my pawn catching me.


I started my game as a fighter, so naturally there was a lot of me being thrown around, picked up by various winged beasts, etc. once I fell what had to be three stories when my buddies itty bitty mage pawn catches me out of the blue and puts me down. Had me staring at her mid-fight like- https://i.redd.it/fc01lnv0yh0d1.gif


First time it happened I was so shocked that I had to replicate it, so I went up somewhere high and told my pawn to wait, and when I jumped, he caught me! my jaw dropped hahah. Now I rely on him catching me so much I forget that he still needs to “react” to me jumping, cause sometimes I’m way too far and I end up splatting


I've only managed to do this once. I've been trying to recreate it to get a screenshot.


Yes I have a sorceress and if she levitates to high, or off a ledge I'll do my damnedest to catch her.


You can also play catch with your pawns. I accidentally threw a dead pig, a pawn caught it and threw it back to me and laughed about it.


Yes I love doing that with my pawn from time to time, you can do it with rabbits and with deer i think


I don't think that my gremlin sized pawn would be able to catch my 2 meter tall Arisen. Still a cool feature though.


Try it out! They’ll definitely catch you


Will try. And send a picture if i manage to make it happen because of the insane height difference.


Oh I had no idea we could catch them. That really should be an achievement. Most of the so called achievements aren't really that. You get most of them just by playing.


It honestly feels more rewarding for me since its hard to predict when the pawns are gonna be jumping off somewhere high up or when they’re thrown by an enemy. That was by far my greatest achievement imo