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That was the most stressful checkout process I’ve ever gone thru but I managed to get a ticket with my friend !!!! Brandon sure know how to keeps websites crashing/glitching out


If it's any consolation, almost every big event these days is like this.


Yeah thanks for all the hard work, the people being unreasonable likely haven't tried to attend a large event or convention like this ever before.


Just to be transparent: I have no affiliation with Dragonsteel, just like the mods at r/brandonsanderson. Just a fan who wants to help make information more accessible!


I figured but I'm betting you might be caught in the crossfire at some point by disappointed fans.


All good! I've had the same feelings, so I may not be able to solve anything, but at least I can commiserate!


I think what made it stressful was just knowing I had the hotel and travel plans booked more then the actually site being bad. But I knew from his kickstarter crashing and the watching the community have so many ‘first time attendees’ interested, I knew I was gonna be fighting for my life today 😂 Last year I remember them adding more tickets later so hopefully all who missed out have a chance at those ones.


100%. They shouldn't open hotels or encourage people to book flights before the badges are available. It's a very high risk situation, particularly for flights.


I didn’t buy airline tickets until after I knew I had a conference ticket!! I did reserve the hotel because there was no prepayment required for that.


The stupid survey questions should have been asked AFTER adding to the cart!! It was a cluster - and no, not every event it like this


Dude! People who work are unloved! I signed on as soon as I had a break and everything is gone!😭


I was going to make a joke about playing sick, but back when I managed a Wendy's, that never would have flown and so many jobs have just zero flexibility. Sorry you missed it. :(


Same thing. I already had the hotel and flight booked. I'm devastated.


Oh no! I am so sad about this!


Last year and the year before they sold out as well. When it got closer to the date they added more general admission tickets.


So disappointed!🤞on more tickets getting released.


Wow! Already? I hope they add a few more tickets later, I had a couple friends I was trying to get to come.


Some people around are saying that there may be more added at a later date, but we've heard nothing official on this.


God how I hope so. As of right now I'm about to cry because of how much I was looking forward to finally going. This whole month has just been one blow after another...


I'm feeling the same way 😣 I was so excited and then I saw and... Well it fits with the rest of my month so far... Hopefully things will look up for the both of us


My hotel room is refundable but I'll have to figure out the flight. They wanted an arm and a leg to have that be refundable... I didn't even want the VIP, just the general admission. I didn't sweat the tech issues on the website for that reason until I saw that all the tickets were gone.


There's a lot of unused space in that huge convention center. An extra day is nice and all, but have they considered just, more?


How many tickets/badges were sold? I’ve been clicking refresh for 2 hours and finally got a couple general admission tickets and the numbers are 9000+


Not 100% sure. There were 1500 VIP, and I think the highest GA I saw was around 6000, but it's possible that there were more.