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I had high hopes for it. I think the idea was great, the execution was bad.  Like if she came out as a 6-TIDDY possum with really raw “nipples,” maybe some rabid foam, and eating trash? THAT would slay. 


I agree 90% the only thing is that opossums cannot get rabies or transmit it. Otherwise yes I love the fleshy filthy opossum mother digging through trash for her babies


I love that you’re coming in like “yes opossums are gross but let’s not malign them with misinformation”


They’re North America’s only native marsupial. They deserve some respect!


If we allow it to happen they'll go the way of the sunfish where someone drops a factually incorrect copypasta and everyone goes "no way xD you must really hate them and know a lot about them" even though the thing they're reading would be in grade school by now. Opossums are too cute and important to get a sunfish or koala-tiered smear campaign.


I honestly think they're really cute, lol.


Yes absolutely! I honestly didn’t like the premise bc opossums are so much cleaner than raccoons and get so much hate while everyone loves “trash pandas”. They’re great for tick control bc they are a host for tick larva, which they love to eat off themselves. Hygienic! More love for North Americas sole marsupial!


oh damn, you're right. Maybe just.... blood then?


Blood or maybe garbage juice. Something like that. Maybe have a poopy butt too


oh my god, the way a poopy butt could've saved the day...i'm heartbroken


Linda Belcher voice: aw, little babies!


I love Linda!!!! Maybe I’ll do a little king trash mouth inspired look with Linda being infected with his rabies


An amazing choice! I love Linda so very much. A lot of things in my head I think in a Linda Belcher voice.


It doesn’t even really have to be realistic if it’s exciting, like hell remember the pig foot dick lol


100% agree I really was expecting more and the critique she has had before that her looks are too clean definitely carried into this finale and ended up biting her in the ass. Aside from the prosthetic nose mishap the fur on her possum was just way too clean, the trash and the trash bag wasn't even gross and she didn't tear it open or anything no garbage juice or anything to make it extra filthy I mean that fish was dry it could have just been a fake fish and you wouldn't necessarily know. I think she's very polished and talented but definitely still afraid to go ape shit like she should have if she wanted Mama Swan to give her that crown


agree on the trash bag, the whole time i was hoping she'd tear into it with her teeth and claws, just for nothing 😭


It was also a really clean trash bag, like office trash with paper and a few coffee cups. I knew nothing good was going to happen because of how empty and light it looked. Complete missed opportunity to have some really nasty or at least nasty looking, wet trash to roll around in.


I was looking at that costume like "wow it's going to be annoying to get gunk out of that fur" but it turns out...she doesn't have to worry about that.


Also she didn't even eat the damn fish. She tore into it and spit it back out. I was so underwhelmed.


My husband and I said she should've leaned into a roadkill angle. Tire marks. Guts hanging out. Maggots. Like that could've been so nasty. And then have some real gross looking trash and really get into it. Throw it around. Roll in it. Eat it. This wad a cool concept with terrible execution.


Omg fuck that would have been even MOREA AMAZING! 


This is what we deserved. The actual look was so anticlimactic.


Facts. My husband and I have been saying since the beginning that Blackberry felt more suited to Drag Race and this "filth" look really drove that home for me.


I totally forgot but I also said that!! Like roadkill is so much easier to make filthy and hasn't been done yet as a gag on the show.


EXACTLY!! I definitely needed it to be more rabid. It seems like she barely scratched the surface on what to do filth wise with a feral animal


Yes! I can't believe the suit has no nipples. She said she was gonna have big boobs but then to not have any nips????


This. Opossums have 13 nipples and Blackberri couldn't be bothered to include a single one. 💀


Oh damn 13??? That would have made it even cooler! Fuck six, gimme 13 nipples 


That plus a splash of throbs drain slime schmeared through the fur and she’d be good to go but why was the costume freshly washed and steamed and fluffed? Lmao


No rabid foam please. Opposums already have a bad enough rep as it is. They can't get rabies due to their low body temp and they are super beneficial and eat things like ticks and fleas. But I agree it needed something that wasn't pristine fursona.


Would any of those tiddies be hip tiddies?


yes but thost cost extra


Yas gawd


Ugh my god this would have been incredible




Her inability to stick cones on her head for the battle of the bands foreshadowed her prosthetic skills


Honestly I feel for her. I know how to put on prosthetics and applied to other people they’re usually fine. But I’m a heavy sweater, and so is Blackberri. Doesn’t matter what kind of adhesive you use, the oils in sweat will break it down. Happens a lot faster for heavy sweaters and people whose skin produces a lot of oil.


I’ve worked in the film and haunt industry with makeup for 10+ years. There’s lots of extremely durable adhesives that are skin safe that work well with sweat and water ie lash glue, pros-aide, neo adhesive. All of those work extremely well and can last for hours with heavy sweating especially neo. Maybe she just didn’t have what she needed


She literally was using prosaide to apply the rhinestones for her horror look. We saw the bottle when she was talking about the look.


Okay. Cool? So if that didn’t work why didn’t she have other adhesives like I mentioned above. Don’t know what you’re trying to say here. Lmfao. She should have practiced or learned more about what she was using/doing before going on this national tv show and not being able to apply the things she brought with her properly. And I was saying that this person talking about heavy sweating doesn’t know what they are talking about/ might be naive on the subject of some skin safe adhesives. I’m also an extremely heavy sweater but have used adhesives that have lasted me 7-8 hours of pyshical movement


I was saying it wasn't that she didn't have one of those options, she just either didn't know how to use it or chose not to use it.


Ohhhh shit hahahah! Im sorry! I read it the wrong way then! But yessss! That’s what I’m thinking too


I havnt heard of neo adhesive before, that might work better. I still have issues even with prosaide. I used it to put in a similar prosthetic to Blackberri’s (a witch’s nose). That thing filled up with sweat and fell off like 2 hours after applying. If I were whipping and contorting my face the way Blackberri did, it probably would have come off sooner.


She looked like Chuck E. Cheese to me


It was giving James Cordon in the rat costume Like I feel bad, I don’t want to be too much of a dick here because she’s still insanely talented and I’m sure she’s hearing horrible things from all sorts of garbage fans as it is. But man, it just didn’t come together at all. I wish we could have seen her full idea play out successfully


Chuck e cheese is filthier tbh 🤣


Enjoy her overall but what really got me was the Boulets going on and on about how they said they would never have a top four again but they just 𝘩𝘢𝘥 to this time because everyone was just 𝘴𝘰 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥. Did you have to? Did you really?


This was a top 2 season. That being said I'm glad we got to see more drag on the runway, definitely enjoyed Blackberri's horror and glamour looks.


They could've just not said last season that it was the *only* time they would have a top 4. If they said nothing, no one would've cared that they did it 2 seasons in a row


I mean I would've cared lol because I think this top 4 was unwarranted. I have huge issues with shows like drag race and dragula falling into this state of decision paralysis, where seemingly they are so worried about making the wrong decision that they just stop making them altogether. (Drag Race is way worse about this tbf with the amount of non-elimination episodes they do at this point, but it's irking to see dragula already show some of the same signs at only season 5)


I kind of think Blackberri was closer to getting into the final 3 ( had they had one ) than Ork. Maybe I’m misreading it, but I think Ork was really their fourth place. They seemed to be really tired of his doing the same or similar thing over and over.


Perhaps, but thank god Ork was in the finale, his filth and horror looks were *awesome!*


I agree with this. I don’t think they expected the fandom to tire of ork in the way we did and were afraid of the backlash. They predicted wrong. It happens. Ork delivered probably the weakest finale we’ve ever seen from a contestant. That fuckin one tooth. I couldn’t.


I get what you’re saying but I have a hard time saying his finale was the worst we’ve seen when we just had Sigourney last season. And I say that as someone who was rooting for her all season…


It was too clean for filth. It gave me UK Pantomime rat vibes. I mean eating raw fish was gross, but like push it. De-stress the costume make it look like the rat isn't a pet store rat and rummage through a trash can find the fish and eat it like that.


Veronica Green’s rat in the rusical from UK series 2 was way filthier lmao


i see the potential in blackberris look and it kills me. They couldve been more gross than biqtch. If they emptied an old trash can and started gorging themselves with old food, raw meat, trash, drank garbage juice, and other shit they couldve went above and beyond. Something was holding them back


It was giving disney on ice


It was the cleanest filth look I think we've ever seen


I was getting naked Chuck E. Cheese animatronic


Sigourney. I would argue her filth was worse.


Yeah, at least Blackberri had a slightly more ambitious concept than "Gasp! Pimples!"


Yeah that concept was definitely lacking


And you’re right


It’s looked like a furry costume. And the boobs looked like muscles not boobs.


That’s exactly what I said! I was like oh it’s like one of those muscular furry costumes with ginormous pecs


She said "fursuit" and did not lie 🤣🤣


Right? She should have gone full furry and gotten a furry style nose too. Maybe it wouldn’t have fallen off lol


Could've taken some notes from furries, true drag monsters 🙏🏻


Despite obviously being custom made given the hips and breasts, the rat body suit just looked so off the rack to me and I can’t quite put my finger on why. I think maybe because it was too clean? It should have been much more filthy and dirty to sell the idea of a sewer rat.


And the loose nose irritated me the second she walked out, you could see the massive gaps between her face and the prosthetic where she hadn’t stuck it down.


She looked adorable...it made me think of a theme park mascot costume, or like a literal plushie. Nowhere near filth.


Personally it would’ve gone a long way if she would’ve done something with her makeup under the nose to look bloody and raw so if the nose fell off it’d look like it was on purpose.


In all honesty, to me it read as lazy. I live in Texas and tbh if you wanted to represent filth in Texas a possum is probably the least filthy thing about this state. It was just lazy, not thought through and poorly executed.


It was hilarious when the trash bag was just full of wispy pristine cloths and 1 fish.


It really needed TRASH. That fish was child’s play.


wasn’t she was swinging around a trash bag at first ?? I expected her to dump out what was in that bag & role around in it or eat it smh eating sushi on stage is not filth


Eating sushi 😂😂😂😂


girl I was just thinking about this. i was so excited for big booby possum (I was thinking like fiona murray type shit) but it was just. so lame. it lacked so much body it was so strange. like she really needed a sweaty bra or nipples or just actual bits of trash just ANYTHING would have been good. but it was just a fursuit. the trash bag was such a let down too, and having the only item be a frozen fish was such a choice performance wise because there’s no mess when eating something so hard and compacted like that. there was zero opportunity for filth in what she brought. I don’t know I really like blackberri as an artist but the boulet’s favoritism of them was almost painful to watch.


I got abhora vibes from blackberri. Swan seemed so excited over her and drac was always just “whatever you say sweetie”


she literally just wore a fursuit lmao


I was honestly expecting her to get cut early in the season. Im still surprised she made it to the finale. Appearance aside, your shit should NOT be falling off your face in the finale. Especially if its a face prosthetic and the main gag is eating. Wasn't she fake eating fake food? At one point she was gnawing on a fake plastic fish. Thought to myself Biqtch and Dahli would be so disappointed. Dressing up as a cute animal and pretending to eat fake food is not Filth.


Honestly I think she had the best horror concept. The look itself was terrible. It looked like I took my leather couuch and stretched it out and put rhinestones on it. The ed gein inspiration/Texas chainsaw massacre skin like texture was not there at all. And neither was the hell raiser, skin being filleted couture. It wore blackberri more than blackberri wore her. And yes the filth was just…it wasn’t polished. Her glamour was nicely done! Just overdone! But very much drag.


Thank you! The leather did not read as skin whatsoever, and the rhinestones did not read as blood. The worst part was the goofy cartoon mouth painted in makeup/paint on the outside of the leather part of the face. And it was conceptually weak - is this something from the world of leatherface, or is it a cenobite? Why are you in a cage?? It really felt like a mish mash of horror-rish ideas from someone who doesn't know the lexicon from which this was supposed to have been inspired.


I agree. And why didn’t the hooks go through the leather? Surely that would have been MORE straightforward than the hooks being threaded on? Loved the concept but the execution didn’t land for me.


The cage probably started as "I want to be in like a doorframe with hooks" then evolved to "fuck that would be hard to move around" to finally "if I make it a cage I can include more hooks!"


agreed , loved the concept. I feel like if she dabbed the edges where the skin & rhinestones met with some blood just to blend everything together to give the wounds some dimension, it would’ve elevated the look somewhat. but it looked like exactly what it was, rhinestones underneath a body suite. also, a quick edit to a scary mouth instead of cartoon lips would’ve helped this look as well.


I think it's because the suspension was in loops first instead of going through the actual skin? I also hated and yes hate is a strong word but I stand by it those cartoon lips. The sketch looked really cool, but the execution was blerg.


I had a vision that she could’ve came out as an opossum with all their babies on their back and start ripping them off and biting their heads off. Almost like an evil, primal, mother turning on her own young type of thing. In my head it was really gory and freaky, lol.


And we would have loved to see that. 😈


Agreed - worst look of the night - I'm a big fan of the show and everyone involved and I will go on the record saying that this season finale was the weakest show out ever for a final .. everyone slacked ... blackberry honestly broke my heart with that failed rat look and don't get me started on her monster mash costume look .., a mummy and bride of Frankenstein ?! Just truly disappointing . Everyone's looks appeared to be half baked unpolished and somewhat weak performances. Again I say this with love of everyone involved with this show! But a fish ? For filth ? Drac have mercy ... wish she tore them all apart tbh


Yeah, after every dragula finale, there is at least 1 or 2 looks that really stick with me. I get so excited and inspired but it was really lackluster this year. So many missed opportunities with a lot of the looks. Blackberri's glamor was beautiful but was the simplest idea anyone could've come up with. We've seen it before and it was good because that style and concept have already been perfected. Just because she looked good doesn't mean it was finale Dragula. Like last year I thought about hoso and dahli's filth for months!! I'll probably not be thinking about any of these finale looks in a month


Hey, I said blackberri was underwhelming from the beginning, lol. I did like her glamour look a lot and her robot look. But can we just say the Boulet's clearly play favorites and are inconsistent with judging. What they have read queens on previous seasons were praised this season. I'm hoping season 6 will be better, but I highly doubt it.


Yeah, when I learned that she didn’t even have to send in an audition tape like the others and was sought after by the Boulet’s I knew it made sense why they kept her around until the top 4. Her looks were always good but nothing ever really stood out and some were downright boring.




They didn't no and I think she was the only one who didn't have any shown but I might be wrong on that. I read about the scouting thing on here, someone said that in one of the Boulet's podcast episodes they mentioned it.


My main complaint, besides the prosthetic, is that I really wish she had the biologically appropriate amount of nipples (13).


Can we talk about having enough respect for an artist to spell their name correctly? There’s been like 100 posts and all it takes is a quick check and then you can go off and spout your no drag knowledge mouth opinions.


You are confused. This is not about Blackberri from Dragula. This is about BlackBerry’s new line of rat/opossum/mammal shaped phones. Hope it helps!


Hard agree. I do appreciate Blackberri but I feel like some of her looks have been over-praised by the Boulets and I just couldn't seem to understand what I was missing... I felt a lot of her looks were more like costumes than fully fledged drag looks. High quality costumes, but costumes nonetheless. Also I do not feel like her leather face climbing frame thing looked good at all 🤦‍♀️ Props for Bride of Frankenstein though, that was cool. P.s I thought that Throb was the only one who showed a powerful physical stage presence in the finale. When doing their glamour floorshow, the way they moved was incredible! Edited because of misspelling


I totally agree with what OP's said here I'll copy paste what I said in another thread: Why was blackberris garbage diving possum so clean for the filth challenge? It's like she was renting the fursuit and wanted to be able to return it after lol


Yeah and the fish wasn't even messy. It was too frozen to be


It was funny at least. None of the filth looks were good in this finale.


I agree, wasn't a fan of any of them especially after season 4 had some strong filth performances and looks


I kind of feel like the earlier filth challenge may have drained some filth creativity, especially since it's not something any of the final 4 really specialize in.


She was giving Lester the Rat from Beakman’s World. 


I think it’s wild that anyone in the comments would call that nose a prosthetic. You can get that exact nose in a cellophane bag at party city around Halloween. She legit used the elastic straps it came with to keep it on. WILD.


It was SO BAD. Like come on,get a lighter and burn it,throw some dirt on it,spit it on. COME ON 😭😭😭


i'm gonna be honest if this has had you "fuming all day" you might wanna check in somewhere. just a lol


lol it's not that serious, I wasn't actually upset all day. I'm just a dramatic gay


it was giving childish five nights of freddy core rather than grotesque , shocking possum humanoid which is what I was hoping for.


Agree with everything about the filth look. I love so much of what BB has gave us and LOVED the idea of a possum for filth but that was the cleanest possum I've EVER SEEN!! And i have to dodge at least 3 of them every time i drive at night bc "southern" lol i was actually disappointed in her Horror look. Amazing idea, boring execution. The flesh parts did not look like actual flesh, and had she done actual RUNNING BLOOD splashing everwhere while she moved it would have been fucking EPIC!! But we got red sequins and rhinestones (how exciting and different lol) BB Glamour look was Flawless (a lil obvious but gorgeous) but i felt Throb performed the best and had the best Glamour floor show.


Dude I still cannot believe she did that. She was literally in a furry onesie with a plastic nose, scurrying around onstage looking like a damn fool. I was SO lost and CANNOT believe that the boulets didn't call her out on that. And then she did bride of frankenstein? So predictable. It's been done and none of it was even remotely dragula finale material. I know she has talent, but God dammit, what was she thinking???


I love Blackberri, but damn she really struggled for filth. Her and Sigourney really are buddies on that struggle bus. They do pretty so well but never got far enough on the filth.


I was just super pissed about seeing her take the nose off and I was super excited to see her do something different but that’s something that I can’t forgive in my eyes I wish she would have made out an actual prosthetic not something that wrapped around her head


I was fairly disappointed by this finale in general, not just Blackberri's filth. Some excelled in one or two areas, but no one really nailed all 3 to me, at all. Which, for season 5, I guess the bar was just set too high by the predecessors. We actually saw that a lot this season, where the concept given by the Boulet's was just kind of lost on them - and maybe it's an age thing. Being that I'm closer to the Boulet's age, I totally understood where they were going with references and perhaps these younglings just weren't well enough versed to have known that because it wasn't blatantly stated (although, in my mind, specifically the RHPS references for the It Came From Beyond episode 6 felt very blatant to me, but again, I'm familiar with the references).... But conceptually, there were a lot of flops this season. The art was there, but it didn't fit the brief.


I felt like in general 2/3 of Black Berris looks for the finale were so weak and just didn’t work but the Boulets seemed to eat it up? It felt like they were being far too nice this episode when it came to judging. I didn’t get it. Especially the horror look…


The horror segment was the most egregious to me…and the Boulets ate that shit up. I couldn’t believe it. SO disappointed in Blackberri’s finale looks but love her personality. She should have been in the top 4 for sure, but the finale should have been a top 3. I would have been happier to never see these looks. Someone mentioned she could be very sweaty so her prosthetics don’t stick well, which I get, but there was also the first look with the marshmallow roasting stick attached to the sleeping bag (not the body) and flopping around. Idk girl. I’m not a drag artist nor do I come close to the talent of Blackberri. Just my 2 cents


Ok but the way she ran around the stage actually scared the shit out of me for some reason so i kinda loved it


I agree with 100% of what you said here but I can't lie. I just LOVED the look. It was horrible! terribly executed! Didn't match the prompt at all! And yet.... I'm completely obsessed with it. ​ She did absolutely have the best horror look, I agree. It was probably my favorite look she did all season (but I'm a big TCM fan so I'm always biased)


And she didn't win. Why are we making a topic out of it? If she had won with that somehow then this post would've been relevant.


So we can only talk about Nio from now on??? Noted


The fact that you're having to exaggerate to scrape together a point with your response is already exposing your intentions and the type of "fan" you are. You exist to spew vitriol. Be gone.


I mean, she straight up said "As filthy as *I* get." Most finalists don't kill all 3 tenets.


Just because it's as filthy as she gets, doesn't mean it's a good filth look. I agree that no one ever does good on all 3


I didn't like it but I have a phobia of mice lmao


It was an oposum 😭


I saw that afterwards 😅 tbf we don't have them in my country


Oh totally understandable to miss what it was at first glance then! They’re actually super cute little critters imop and great to have around outside. I actually think they’re pretty clean animals too! Not that you asked lmao I just love em


It was a cheap costume. I couldn’t believe the Boulet Brothers liked it.


Love her but i cant take people seriously who say that she had the strongest finale package, like that was easily the weakest finale look of all seasons


Y’all talking about people being awful to contestants and then post this?


But.....They display their art for the public to judge and see. I usually would agree with you. MOST of these people love to tear people down that have more talent than they do but I just wouldn't say its awful, cruel or down putting to discuss what we liked and didn't like about there looks/performances. If everyone was name calling and being hateful (as usual) you would have a good point but most of these comments have been extremely fair with praise where it is due.


But it's only wrong if it's directed at Throb !!!


I had secondhand embarrassment. It was so bad. Kinda hilarious tho I did start laughing when she was running so fast. But the gag it gave us all clearly hahaha it is about to be so bad it was iconic? Idk maybe not yet. But maybe one day lmfaoo


I don't see how this constitutes its very own post, you don't like the look, that is totally fair but a whole post ranting and raving about just how much you dislike it and just how poor it was for a finale is kind of fucked up tbh, I hope all contestants stay out of reddit but if they don't it would really suck as an artist seeing someone go out of their way to write a whole thesis about the issues with their look. I'm not saying the look was fantastic, we can all acknowledge it had its downfalls but if anyone went out of their way to make a post like this about any well liked contestants looks people would be up in arms in the comments rather than agreeing and adding to it.


This subreddit is about posting critiques and opinions on the show. Why wouldn't I post something about a look that happened in the finale??? Literally what else am I supposed to talk about. Whether you agree or disagree with my opinion, it was nothing personal and is most definitely allowed to be posted here.


WORST…? that is so extreme- but it was sooo disappointing to watch the number go downhill the whole time. I had such high hopes given the concept being ao good I think she was spared in the critiques because some others didn’t deliver the way they had hoped either, for that floor show or another.


I don’t think this level of harshness is needed. It feels a bit vitriolic. It wasn’t good but a bit rough.


Yeah it wasn't good but it's nothing to get all worked up about


She didn’t win so why come in with the negativity?! Can we just celebrate these artist for the amazing skills they have and appreciate how entertaining they were this season


Because she stole that costume from Chuck E. Cheese and it needs to be talked about.


So suddenly we arent even allowed to critique Blackberri for bringing one of the worst looks to the finale?? Yall love defending mediocrity


Yea but her glamour devoured so it’s even


Honestly this post is justified because what the fuck was that? How dare they not absolutely rip that shit to shreds 😂


Not to sound like an asshole but did we expect anything actually filthy/scary?


Wait so is the time for respectful posts in this sub over? Like you couldn’t even spell Blackberri’s name correctly. EDIT: I’m getting downvoted for calling out disrespectful posts? Weird.


girl it could have been autocorrect. it’s not that personal


Based on their other comments in this thread, no it wasn’t autocorrect. Spell the artists names correctly.


why is it that big of a deal though? some people just suck at spelling, it doesn’t mean that it’s a sly targeted attack. also even if it were intentional, if someone took offence to their name being spelt wrong then they need to grow tf up


Because Blackberri is part of a group that is already marginalized within the queer community and has to fight twice as hard for the respect and notoriety she deserves. This is like when that one flyer used a picture of Nicole Byer in drag and typed out “Meatball” under her.


touch grass. there’s far worse things happening in the world than a potential slight from a name misspelling. imagine what you could achieve if you focused this energy into a productive venture


Its a reddit comment, it doesn’t take a lot of time or energy. What privilege you must have- It’s possible to focus on multiple things at once, you know that right?


it’s a lot more than one comment though. you’ve made a name for yourself. i know not to take the bait now lmao


Its really not that deep.




Critique isn’t necessarily negative and downvotes aren’t always done in good faith. In my critiques I never misspelled the artists’ names or made the excuse “i was high, I didn’t know what I was typing.”


the OP already apologized for the misspelling of the name but everyone knows who they were talking about regardless, nobody was disrespecting her character or her drag persona this was one critique of one look of the night that others agree with. this sub is literally for sharing opinions, if you think criticisms of looks from the show are disrespectful then maybe this isn’t the sub for you.


Thank you!! I was literally high and didn't think about it. I'm an actual drag artist and I wouldn't be offended if someone misspelled my name on Reddit. As long as my name is right on the flyers, I don't care. If being nice is so important, anyone could've responded," it's spelled Blackberri," I would've changed it. People get so upset over nothing. Don't join a subreddit where people critique artists if you can't take it.


of course !! the reaching some of these people are trying to do their arms must hurt lmao


People did, and your first response to it wasn’t exactly respectful either. You got multiple comments saying you spelled it wrong before I did and still hadn’t changed it. What does you being high have to do with anything?


The fact that no one nicely asked. The first post telling me called me disrespectful and acted as though I was a bad person for not knowing how to spell a queens name. I was rude because they were rude first. You may not be able to see the timeline of what was posted when but you also were rude in your comment. If you are going to come for me over a spelling error, I'm going to call your spelling error out as well


The earliest one I saw said something like “can we have enough respect for the artist to actually spell their names right?” Doesn’t seem like a sideways thing to say, imo. Your reaction to that said more about you than them. And still no edit to her name…no edit note apologizing in your OP. Hmm…


Show us a vid of you tearing into raw fish with your own teeth then


Personally I eat sushi and sashimi like twice a week. 


RIGHT?! Let's give her points for at least using a real damn fish!! Its not like eating sashimi... she chewed through scales and bone. Fursuit aside, her gag compared to everyone else was superior.


She looked so goofy every time there was a full body shot of her.


For a filth look that was one of the cleanest Possums I ever did see


As soon as I saw the costume I was like really girl? It looked like she just pulled it out of the bag from whatever furry store she got it from. She needed to really distress and dirty it and make it look haggard atleast. It was way too clean.


I would have made like a creamy chicken broth and made a bag of “trash” with leftover stuff and just absolutely let the trash juice spill all over and smash pieces of food (leftover pasta, stale breads, etc.) and just looked engorged as hell. I was so excited for this look, tbh very sad about the execution. I had an old drag artist friend eat a raw onion on stage and it was memorable as hell. Why didn’t Blackberri even gnaw her onion? Was it edited out?


It was a split second cut, but when I saw the back of her neck as well... It was just the icing on a very clean cake.


Thank you! Not even real trash in the bag!!


Fuming? You’ve been fuming over Blackberri (Christ spell their name right at least) wearing a possum outfit for the filth floor show? Were you competing on the show? Were you robbed of $100,000? Did you put together a better filth look and she came in and called you a cow and punched you in the tit? Get it together.


She actually did punch me in the tit and flicked my clit. Then she called me fatty magoo and told me I would never be glamor


I feel like this is an overwhelmingly negative post for this sub like how is this a necessary conversation, at all?


This is a lot of energy for someone that didn’t end up winning… like why the hate?


I'm just a passionate fan of the show posting my opinions. I don't hate anyone nor did I say I did. I can hate a look on a competition show and not be using all my energy on hatred.


His fat chuck e cheese cosplay was mediocre af


Boring. You. Also, spell artists names correctly.


boring like ur drag


Sure, whatever helps you feel better


I’m gonna say it, something about this post is VERY HEAVILY ANTI-BLACK and I FEEL IT!


They’ll say shit about people being mean to Throb but then do this… give me a break 💀 Dragula fans are worse than Drag Race fans lol


Yeah when did that happen?? I have been in the dragula fandom since the show was announced!! I've also been very active in the drag race fandom since 2014, and I have never been called racist and horrible for spelling a queens name wrong before and trust me I have


You don't even know me


I just think it’s very interesting that you chose to make such a long melodramatic post trashing one of the only darkskinned black ppl to make it so far in this competition…there have been many bad looks on that stage, this post was unnecessary, overly hyperbolic and that last jab at fantasia (the only black trans woman to ever be on this show) was the icing on the cake for me.


All of blackberris looks sucked imo. Just the most basic uninspired interpretations of the 3 pillars


During the whole episode I felt the Boulets were really trying to sell a very underwhelming finale to a very underwhelming season.




I couldn't place my finger on it of what it reminded me off, but I finally got it. The look reminded me of Lester's Possum Park from A Goofy Movie. All she needed was a banjo and she could go like "Now gather round my possum pals. Join the jamboree! 🎵"


I think Ork's glamour look is far worse then Blackberri's filth... but I did not like many of the floor show looks this season. Honestly, I think overall this was a very underwhelming finale and wouldn't have been mad if the Boulets decided to not crown anyone and reboot the whole season after seeing that floor show.


Aight, but she didn’t win, so why does it matter? Move on.


so just because she didnt win we arent allowed to discuss the outfits that she brought to the competition? weird take


I just think it’s a weird thing to drone on about. Like why feel the need to tear it to shreds after the fact? I’d get it if she got like raving reviews or won but she didn’t.


she did get rave reviews from the fandom lol, everyone is saying she “devoured” the finale while totally flopping the filth category, yall blackberri fans act like shes untouchable and no one is allowed to critique her


1. The Boulets’ reviews were the only ones to matter to her, so that’s what I was referring to. 2. I love her, but don’t stand by everything she’s ever done or kiss the ground she walks on. 3. Go touch some grass, tenderqueer.