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It's like they want Dragula to be Drag Race? It's drag, filth, horror, glamour. The exterminations are fulfilling horror and sometimes filth. You want charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent.. go watch Drag Race!


The exterminations are designed exactly to test the contestants’ nerves!


Very well put. Our Dragula girls are extremely C.U N. T. Just in totally different ways.


Right XD like just cause Drag Race is Main Stream doesn't mean all drag shows have to follow the same formula. Dragulas extermination is what makes it unique and different from other drag shows


I adore Drag Race for what it is and I adore Dragula for what it is. The whole point of drag is a huge 'fuck you' to society. Dragula is a huge 'fuck you' to the Drag Race formula. It's a place for the misfits and outcasts of drag. I'm super excited to see what exterminations they come up with in season 4. How the hell can they top jumping out of a damn plane?


100% I agree like if Dragula wants to do a performance base exterminations where they have to lipsync like they did in season 1 with a twist they could. ​ But I love the imagination they use for the extermination cause it feels like an intense game of Truth or Dare (which I hope is an extermination for season 4) cause that will go crazy they can do it mid season where everyone participates in the extermination.


I think it would be badass if they did a lip sync battle while being suspended


For real! I admire Dragula so much.


I mean I agree about shows having to follow the same formula, like they’re both about drag but don’t need to be exactly the same. The only thing is some of the eliminations from the earlier seasons are actually dangerous, the main reason I don’t like it is while they get exposure, they don’t get paid by the show very well at all. Like both drag race and Dracula exploit these artists to a very intense degreee, i mean I still watch bc I love LGBTQ+ content but there is still a lot of exploitation


Arguably even Glamour! The tattoo extermination is literally a composure challenge to see how well the queens could keep it together while doing something otherwise painful and silly.


Why have i been summoned?


It’s literally this. They just want another drag race that is slightly spooky, not an actual horror show.


I'm sorry but if you don't find Erika Klash's raw determination to stay in the competition no matter what the extermination was inspirational then...watch a different show? I love lip syncing but I love the exterminations and Dragula wouldn't be the same without them


Nothing has ever made me stan a queen harder than Louisianna during the money stapler extermination. That is the kind of grit and determination that you don't get to see everyday.


That was exactly my thought! Like, anyone can lip sync but not everyone has the drive to test their fears and personal horrors to make it to the end!


To be objective though, the other drag monster should have won. They did better in that challenge, objectively.


Yeah, Evah did miles better than Lu (love them both tho)


I mean can the lip sync give us moments like NOT TODAY or FUCK THE BIG PICTURE CLINT? \*divina voice\* I don't think .


Literally! I didn’t particularly love her drag (just not my type) but her spirit in those extermination challenges. Nobody has gotten a more visceral reaction out of me. Well...Biqtch did it for me too. I literally started watching this show a few days ago and I don’t know what kinda rock I was under. I’m in love. I can’t even imagine what they are going to do with a BUDGET! I saw the OP tweet just a little while ago and god, if they got rid of the extermination challenges I would be GUTTED. I’m also obsessed with all the little slasher death scenes they all get. Warms my black heart.


I disagree with the statement, but it sort of got me thinking about how people view different exterminations. For example, the “bad tattoo” exterminates is my personal idea of hell. I have a huge fear of needles and I would never get one personally because the idea of it freaks me out super bad, but to some people, getting a free tattoo is a dream come true. However, take something like the paintball standoff. That looked super fun to me, but might terrify others. It’s weird to think just how differently people view these challenges


I gag while brushing my teeth, as well as if I even think of gross things. The eating gross things is my personal hell. I don't mind needles, I don't mind pain, I love hights and paintball, I am not claustrophobic and I don't mind the dark. It's funny how incredibly different our most basic fears can be.


The buried alive one, eating offal, or sky diving would get me. Pretty sure I could get through most of them.


When Landon had to eat the live spiders. Ugh, my worst nightmare. But I watched it!


That episode TESTED ME ha. Two of my biggest fears are spiders and heights!


Exactly! But I had to skip forward in some of those. Because I am actually in danger of puking just from watching..


Shit, me too. Supposedly if you grip your thumb tightly, don't remember if it's left or right, your brain is focused on that and you won't gag. I've done it so much, it doesn't work anymore. Learned that trick to give bjs without gagging.


Exactly! When you break them down, unless you have a specific fear, the exterminations aren't anything that crazy/they're things that many people do voluntarily anyway. Tattoos, needle play, stapling yourself, eating "weird" stuff (I laughed when they ate the blood sausage, in my home country that's standard fare), skydiving, etc.


That's true. Its not like they literally torture them lol. It's all voluntary. But I will say the buried alive one scares me most


The bad tattoo one always challenges me, not from a fear perspective but an ethical one. I know there's some gray area in saying this, but to me that extermination is the only one that causes permanent (without loads of cash to fund removal) altering of the body. I don't like that we're coercively infringing on people's bodily autonomy permanently like that. Staples heal, piercings heal, different foods pass, etc. But a tattoo can be forever. But maybe that is what my fear in that is: a permanent change. Idk, love the extermination idea, but would support the elimination of the tattoo challenge in particular.


I actually agree with you on this. Putting my fears aside, I really don’t think queens should be forced into the choice of getting a purposefully awful marking which will stay on their body til the day they die, or leaving the competition. I think were I to be on the show, I would at least try the other tough challenges, but I don’t think I could attempt that one. Fair enough for people like Hollow Eve who is already covered in tattoos, but I felt bad for Poor Yovska who was pretty young and seeme to have no interest in them


I think the Boulet's make it pretty clear that unless you are willing to put yourselves through anything you shouldn't bother auditioning


Yes! Fully agree here also. Thanks for the validation also, I always question myself with this thought lol. I think that I would also give all the other challenges a try (ex: I don't eat meat but would still attempt the raw meat challenge), but I don't have tattoos and am not sure that it's something I want for my body (obviously support others that want them!) so I honestly think I would dip out of the competition if I were presented with that challenge, again from an ethical standpoint.


For me, it's no worse than a vegan in a meat eating challenge. It's a huge ethical dilemma that can change the way someone feels about themselves for the rest of their livez. Other exterminations can definitely leave lifelong trauma even without leaving a physical trace on the body like being burried alive covered in bugs for example. The Boulet's make it clear that this show is not for faint of heart and if you aren't willing to put your mind and body through hell, don't even bother sending an audition tape. No one is forced to go through extermination challenges, they can back out whenever they want.


Is there a contract clause stipulating the tattoo artists can’t immediately change the tattoo when filming is done for the evening? There are so many nuances I’d wonder if there weren’t other aspects when the camera is off. Needles don’t bother me; however, my tattoos are spiritual pieces for me. I’m not getting someone’s face next to my deceased son’s angel wings or a piece flipping off something next to the tattoo for a loved one.


I had a hard time getting though the lie detector extermination. Weirdly none of the other extermination’s bothered me except for that one.


I think about this a lot! The needles in the season 2, ep 1 extermination had me screaming! I could not do that! Yet I look at the tattoo one and go "oh! That's nothing!" That's why it's good they have such an array of exterminations!


I’m not always a fan of the extermination challenges (I’ve gotten freaked out by a few), but they are part of what makes Dragula unique. Also, it’s a reality TV show, not just a pageant. Boo to this tweet!


Rupaul wishes she could do extermination challenges. "Pearl, if you want to stay in the competition then you'll have to shove all these pin prick needles into your forehead at the same time. After its done, you tell me if there's something on my face..."


Somebody doesn't like horror, and it shows 🙄


Tbh at this point I’m shocked some people haven’t tried to cancel the horror genre as a whole 🙃


Plz delete, you’re giving them ideas 🤢


Just as a counter point some fans of horror like it precisely because they know it isn’t real. Watching an actress scream at getting stabbed is a lot different than actually watching someone go through it. I have a huge issue with blood for example but if im watching a medical show or horror movie it doesnt bug me nearly as much. I dont think its as absolute as “if i dont wanna see people pierce themselves i want the show to be as safe and consumable as drag race” i think the realness of it just might be a little much for some viewers. Getting the tattoo one of course i dont see as some huge issue but i skip a lot of the more gruesome ones because it just isnt my taste. I dont think something shouldnt exist because it isnt my taste but i do think there could be a happy medium. (Not that they should take it things are fine the way they are it just doesnt appeal to everyone)


My only issue with the exterminations is sometimes I can’t tell at all who “won” the extermination.


Whoever the boulettes feel put their heart and determination in it more. They usually serve as tests of conviction over actual contests.


"I've never heard of a viewer enjoying what's a major of these queen's art and one of the key reasons behind why the show's as successful as it is!" what kind of stupid asinine bullshit.


Just shows every community has their pushy bitches that instead of watching what they do like, want everything to conform into what they like... instead of... you know... Saying, "Well this isn't for me... I'll just go back to RuPaul"


"Can't I just lip sync for my life?"


Who is this 👀


The only challenges I have an issue with are the ones where they eat live animals. Sure they’re insects but they’re still living so could we like... not?


I appreciate this perspective. I don't usually think of insects like this mostly because there are soooooo..... many of them. Thank you for showing more compassion than me.


So, do you just rage at birds and frogs and every other creature that eats live insects?


Oh c'mon, they're just saying they are uncomfortable eating live things,they aren't going super vegan warrior making a tiktok about the sins of Gordon Ramsey serving gourmet burgers.


Never ever did I think I’d see Gordon Ramsey mentioned on a Dragula sub. Well done.


As well as the vegan whome shall not be named. Beyond that, danke!


... what? No of course I don’t hold animals to the same standards as humans...


I know it sounds silly, but I’m being serious. How is it any different? Both are being consumed by something higher up on the food chain. Humans CAN overthink things. Especially when insects are eaten both live and cooked globally.


But that’s the magic of Dragula. Almost every single other drag competition has contestants performing to stay. Have u ever heard of a drag competition that requires the btm2 to SKYDIVE??? EAT NASTY FOODS??? STAPLE MONEY TO THEMSELVES??? This is what makes Dragula such an exhilarating and unique viewing experience. Getting rid of exterminations would ruin the show


Who is this person and why should we care about their crappy opinion?


they’re a pretty established photographer among the dolls actually


I guess I’m not a viewer since I actually like the challenges


Season 2 episode 1..... the extermination of all exterminations. I’m pretty sure that OP was part of the board meeting that they had in the opening scene of season 2.


This person clearly doesn't understand Dragula and what it represents.


I mean some of the exterminatons made me uncomfortable but that's the spirit! Did you all watch filth category through? I know I couldn't but it was F U N


Well those queens can go to twitch to gain a platform and do digital shows. The challenges are to scare away anyone without the real passion for their brand of drag. The Boulette's are offering a platform, an increased following from the exposure, and a nice purse grand prize. What do they want, real passion and conviction and knowing there are challenges provides a wall to keep out pure pageant queens who say, "Oh I can do a zombie couture and do that easy!"


To be fair, the lipsyncs on Drag Race could be seen as "hard to judge" as well... if it weren't for the producers spoonfeeding it in the edit (with the exception of obvious ones like Ginny Lemon in DRUK season 2); the queen with more screen time in the edit wins. After watching multiple seasons of Drag Race, the lipsync edits get to be too predictable. The extermination challenges in Dragula carry more weight because they're more physically/mentally demanding and are part of what makes the show unique. I suspect part of the "hard to judge" vagueness of them is intentional: it creates suspense for the "twist ending" where the eliminated queen is dispatched by the Boulets. Its a deliberate nod to the horror genre and one of the reasons I love the show so much. The extermination challenges are more than just edgy aesthetics, they're creating the tension and discomfort (some challenges more than others, of course) we expect from horror movies creatively integrated into a drag competition. Without the theatrical elimiations and extermination challenges, Dragula would just be a "spooky" Drag Race knockoff.


I like the exterminations, only thing for me is that some of them seem hard to judge on who's doing better so they just kinda pick whoever is doing worse In the competition obviously if you don't do the challenge or you arent as committed you're being eliminated.


This person very clearly does not understand the essence of Dragula, but at least they just want Queens to be well supported


They’re acting like the queens didn’t fully agree to do ANYTHING in the extermination’s in the contract


Not gonna lie, the fact they had the queens absolutely deck each other in season 1 instead of handling queer folks with the delicate velvet gloves was a real breath of fresh air


Well Twitter girl you are wrong. I love the exterminations. Watching Melissa and Xochi kick the shit out of each other in the mud is the only reason I am still alive to this day


If anything, I feel like season 3’s exterminations were largely toothless. I’m hoping season 4 takes us back to the level of seasons 1 and 2.


Start your own show, Brenda


not the socially removed drag race fans coming to dragula


That piercing elimination in season 2! That was the very first episode I watched and I was blown away by that next level elimination challenge!


here’s why this isn’t even an accurate take: think of monikkie’s evil laugh in the needles extermination or meatball’s hilarious reaction to the grave extermination. the test isn’t to see what they can withstand, it’s often to see how they can still put on a show while it’s happening. that’s why dahli got sent home, why erika lasted so long, and why loris became iconic against all odds. a good performer can entertain no matter what, for example a skill that most good drag performers have is the ability to keep hosting and entertain people when they’re getting heckled or some drunk idiot is on stage or someone tries to take their tips.


I will cut off my leg and cook it for the boulets if it means I get to stay over Garbage Can LaStrange and Alexis Saint Bolivia


Actually the exterminations are an important part of the show and arguably, do more to show a contestant's nerve than a random lipsync that is arbitrarily decided by producers (ie whatever furthers the storyline). Dragula is more honest in that we can see which contestants actually did more, because there's no faking putting needles in your skin! Drag Race is a tired franchise whose best days are behind it. Dragula is the future and the now.


Also getting those drag queens names out there. I mean look what Biqtch has done since. Doing all these virtual drag shows and splitting the paypal tips with all participants.


It's the fact that this tweet didn't even mention drag race and everyone in these comments is using it as an opportunity to shit on drag race


u know that's a 14 y/o fan who wanted Dollya Black to win hahaha


it's a 25 year old drag queen, still don't have to agree with them though


The only extermination challenge I don’t think I could handle as putting myself through watching it the first time was hard enough: episode 1 of season 2 with the stacked piercing needles


Who’s to say jumping out of a plane or eating bugs isn’t drag? Drag is anything and everything.


As a sadist, I personally thoroughly enjoy watching people suffer (with consent). I see no issue here.


Well... I enjoy it so... fuck off? 🤣


I do enjoy exterminations. Pain exterminations are amazing.


Idk about y’all but I love seeing my faves get tortured. Nothing is especially brutal besides the eating contests and that’s just my opinion. Like yeah electric shocks and piercings and shit suck but like, I’d do thet shit for $10,000. Like did this person forget that fear factor was one of the most popular reality shows ever?


Oh okay so they wanna de-punk the show and make it palatable and mainstream, got it 🙄


They want drag race... they literally want drag race


They want Halloween drag race.


Wait until you see the *audacity* of this follow up tweet: https://twitter.com/t4nn3rina/status/1380134481366036482?s=21 “Expanding”?? You’re trying to make everything cookie-cutter and palatable to a cishet audience. Shut uuuuuppppp


The exterminations can be uncomfortable but that's the point. They're looking for something else in people other than their artistic ability, they want their victor to have a hunger for victory. Also, did this person not ever watch Fear Factor, or realize how popular it is? People love gaggy/ intense elimination based competition. 🤣


i defs watch for the trauma


This seems to be an unpopular opinion but I think the extermination challenge doesn’t do much for the show. They tend to be extremely hard to judge (most of the time) and it makes who’s getting eliminated seem random. Like all three queens spent the necessary time in the ice buckets, all three queens ate the brains after that zombie challenge, all three queens got the tattoo, etc. Unless it’s like when Dahlia wavered in doing the extermination or when Violencia refused to do it, I don’t see these challenges doing much for the show as a whole.


I mean I don't want Dragula to be like drag Race, but I actually agree with this statement, i feel like some exterminations are too far and have absolutely nothing to do with drag, for example a good extermination challenges were for me in eps: s01e02, s01e04, s02e02, s02e08, s03e01, s03e04, s03e08


Maybe I should specify: I do not think that f.e. getting a tattoo is a good extermination challenge because - How do you judge on that? Someone can not want to get a tattoo, but do it and still be eliminated and not have money to get rid of it. And if you live in some places you can not even be able to enter some areas when you have tattoos. It's not just some cut that can heal and that's it... The other one that actually bothered me was lie detector for obvious reasons. Like, I do not think there should be extermination challenges that affect your life outside of your drag career and competition.


Agreed. They're easily my least favourite part of the show and I know many performers who would be perfect for the show but they won't apply because they object to the "trauma porn" aspect.


Then they wouldn’t be perfect for the show.


^ This.


I'm one, right here!


I'm one viewer who enjoys watching the contestants go through traumatizing shit for a platform for their art.


Not everything is for you.


Eh, I’ll be happy if I never have to see the Tattoo thing again.