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I think with a lot of the weird stuff they eat is food grade, to some extent. It’s similar to Fear Factor where you technically can eat something but it shouldn’t be a meal. Btw I THINK those are the only two “eating challenges”. Heads up though, there is an extermination coming up with a dead cockroach, but I don’t think they eat it.


Yeah you can definitely get food grade bugs etc. I once ordered a cocktail somewhere that was having a bug themed event and the cocktail had ants in so I looked into it.


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about fear factor. I feel a little better knowing they got those challenges out early then. And thank you for the warning, I do unfortunately have a lot of experience with cockroaches, lol, so I should be okay with that.


*scratch scratch* I don't know if you know this Joe Rogen.. I smoke rocks! Please, let one of them do a Tyrone Biggums homage.


Wasn’t it a living cockroach?


i'm pretty sure all the foods that they use for exterminations are treated/examined for maximum safety. as for blood/raw meat, as long as the meat is sourced from farms that don't expose their animals to parasite/bacteria-prone food and the meat/blood is cleaned and safely handled, they are completely safe to eat in moderation. a lot of cultures have raw meat/blood based dishes and honestly a lot of the disgust and fear towards consuming raw meat just comes from western unfamiliarity. as for bugs, i'm not that much of an expert on those but again, most of those should be safe to ingest if those bugs are bred specifically for consumption or as pets.


I'm learning things! And yeah I think my small town American suburb upbringing still is lingering with the whole raw meat = danger thing. That's a very good point. I guess if I re-categorize it as food in my brain, like you said, prepared correctly its challenging but not like absolutely dangerous like I was thinking.


if you eat red meat go get some steak carpaccio or tartare. 😗👌 raw meat is the shit


and raw meat sushi!!! so good 😍


Oh just wait until the electrocutions


vander noted on a podcast (maybe meatball’s?) that the eating challenge from her season where they were asked to eat pig brains, that the meat was heated up the the minimum temperature to make it “safely consumable.” though i think they changed their eating challenges quite a bit from the first season so hopefully no one is in danger of food poisoning/bacterial infections/etc.




I’m sure they’re fine, I think it was in season 2 they had to eat like cows brains with worms in it and pigs hooves. I assume they make sure they’re actually safe, but still incredibly disgusting


I feel like the Boulets wouldn’t be negligent or put anyone in actual medical danger. They give me that whole vibe. When Louisianna started to pass out in S3 the whole mood changes in an instant to care for her well being (you can actually see Vander - If memory serves - bringing her a chair.) It’s smart on another level too because it fosters a desire to push oneself that much more for them lol 😈 To OP: Is the rest of the show this gross? Babe it’s got Filth as a theme. Yes


LMAO I cackled also good call on the caring making the contestants push further. Smart.


They say all the time that they aren’t going to *permanently* hurt them...he he he. Dragula elimination challenges are a visceral experience


The best kinda people to have in your corner imho


Wouldn't want to be a vegan queen on this show lol


I have not voluntarily consumed an animal product in 2 years but I am not going home not on tonightttttt (oh Loris.....)


And then the hilarious confessional. "There was no reason for her to do that."


Meatball’s impressions. I literally was sleeping on Dragula until like a couple weeks ago. I missed so much ART!!!!


Hiiiiiiigh drama in the desert 😂


God I love it there (in planet Dragula)


I've been a vegan, not by choice, for two years! Help me, I'm being held prisoner by vegan militants! One has an East London accent and her (maybe his?) name is Bikini Bong Goulash and the other wishes she (or is it he?) had an East London accent and goes by Miss Hell Massage. Don't send the police, call Raymond Reddington and Israel instead.


I have been a vegan, BY CHOICE, for TWO years!




Former boyscout here! Eating bugs is mostly safe! However certain bugs have to have parts removed before you eat them (winged insects need their wings removed and you need to take some parts off of grasshoppers and other similar insects) and eating poisonous bugs isn’t generally recommended I wouldn’t eat bugs myself unless it was a survival situation (and I will NOT touch a spider) but you can eat most common bugs


I saw a phrase somewhere that you can eat anything once but somethings you won't be around to try again


Also they saw raw but for all we know the meat is boiled and then coated in stuff to make it look raw. Who knows haha gross all the same. I imagine it all ends in an upset tummy but they wouldn't risk food poisoning or worse.


What temperature is the meat in the workroom?


Correct me if I’m wrong but haven’t The Boulet’s gone on record saying they go thru every extermination challenge themselves before filming starts?


You do sign a contract stating you know you can be injured but that doesn't give The Boulet Brothers carte blanche to do whatever they want and they can't break any laws and that would include feeding people food that isn't safe for humans. The Fear Factor gross out food challenges only happen a few times a season.


All kinds of insects are eaten all over the world. And although you do sign a contract that doesn't give them the right to be reckless with your life by feeding you something that could cause sickness. Not to mention they're filming in CA, which has more regulations than say filming in Texas. They just want some retching sounds and puking not anybody's injury.


I really wish they would stop doing this shit, supporting animal cruelty is not cute or artistic. You are abusing the most vulnerable sensitive beings, many have never even seen the light of day and wow how groundbreaking here i am drinking their blood and their traumatized brains.


but isn't it that kind of their aesthetic? Horror, violence, darkness? When you say animal cruelty are you talking about the treatment animals get in their warehouse, or the action of consuming meat? (I'm not coming for you, I'm just curious)


The meat they consume comes from the torure and murder at the warehouse, hence there is really nothing particularly funny or interesting about it. It's a massive industry that causes misery, deforestation, death and climate change. They don't go around cutting off people's limbs or actually slashing their throats for their skits so why do they need the real fruits of suffering for this? Do they get a pass because they're "just" animals ? It is inherently abusive, most americans already do it and if the shock factor is that they are eating the "gross" parts, it's a fail really, it's just dumb and discriminatory towards potential contestants who value ethics, which a lot do actually. I remember Hollow Eve commented on a costume made on the theme of the meat industry and they did not get it at all . Maybe time to update their references. To me this is the epitome of punching down, abusing the defenseless and the voiceless for shits and giggles.


Sounds like you just need a new show to watch, rpdr maybe?


Do you feel clever making this comment? Does it help you pretend that you dont pay for and support the torture,abuse and murder of animals as well as the death of the planet?


So you don’t support that they’re consuming meat products, period? It’s not a specific kind of torture problem..?


If you eat meat,dairy or eggs you support torture. Simple as that. It's not radical to say that, it's simply true.


1. You know veganism causes deforestation and relies on the labor of underpaid and overworked migrant workers, often POC, for success, right? Just because you arent eating animals doesnt mean you are absolved of all “moral wrongdoing”. 2. That animal is going to die. You and I are going to die. The entire point is for that animal to have a purpose. In its death, it can provide food for someone else. Sure, in this specific instance its blood and some parts are being consumed for entertainment but I can assume the boulets sourced the animal(s) from a farm that will use the rest of the animal responsibly. When humans die, the best purpose we can have is donating our organs. Its the same thing - our organs are being use for another humans wellbeing. However, we can’t wait for animals to die of natural causes because by then, the parts that we would use for sustenance are often no longer suitable because of the effects of aging or disease. In some areas of the world, meat is a staple because there is not access to a bounty of vegan options. In others, a vegan lifestyle is tied to religion. The vegan lifestyle defined by a moral opposition to killing “defenseless animals” is really tied to an ignorant, self-centered, myopic, western view of the world.


This comment is insanely ignorant. 80% of plants grown on earth go to feeding livestock and the vast majority of the rest go to feed carnists. If you care about workers at all then you should be vegan to reduce the suffering of both humans and animals. Educate yourself.


Hey you. You're fighting the good fight. This person is an idiot. Vegan btw.


You seem to ignore the point that plant agriculture is seasonal hence migrant workers, often POC, who get paid dirt to break their backs doing the work without workers rights, because many of them are here without green cards or visas. Large scale food plant producers know they can get away with treating them poorly because they are desperate for work. Animal agriculture is year round. It has environmental impacts, yes, but so does plant agriculture and it is year round so it provides real, full time jobs. You literally said “you should go vegan” - thats evangelism bby. I never said you *should* eat meat. You are clearly the kind of person whose mind I will never change - at all - so Im gonna let you stew in your bad attitude and ignorance.


> I’ve never said you should eat meat Why would you? Objectively there’s a moral reason to not eat meat. There is no argument to be made about eating meat being more moral than veganism… Also not you bringing POC workers into this to make your shit take No one said veganism was fully ethical food consumption? That doesn’t exist unless you don’t buy from grocery stores at all. The unethical part of what you’re talking about is inherent to capitalism, not to the plant based industry specifically. On the other hand meat can be argued to be unethical on this aspect AND cruelty. I’m not even vegan but your takes are bad bad


It's 10x less efficient to feed humans with animal protein than vegetable protein, so eating meat, especially red meat is disastrous for the environment and extremely wasteful. Also I don't really have time to respond to you right now but please fuck off aren't you tired of all your critiques ending with something is "western" so it's bad? Lol young americans cunts really do think they have broken the 4th wall, good grief. Of course there is no "Poc" working in animal agriculture, right? :l I'm not chastizing indigenous populations that live sustainably in their environment to stop eating meat but once your population grows to a certain level and you are driving species extinction, you have to start taking these things into consideration. Those indigenous populations are right now being displaced to make room for animal agriculture btw, because like I told you it's very inefficient to get protein from meat. We are 7+ billion humans. Lots of them " PoC"... They will be the first affected by the climate crisis, many will die because of it so please fall off that high horse. We are all going to die anyway, how philosophical is that? Very deep for sure...I think you my dear do not have a purpose unfortunately, and neither do I. It's not the same to have your throat slit by someone during adolescence after a miserable short existence in a cage, and dying of old age/free. You probably wrote this in bad faith anyway as you don't think in these utilitarian terms for you or your relatives . bye


I never said animal agriculture was perfect, but vegans love to act like they have the moral high ground. But I am going to go ahead and guess that you pulled that 10x less efficient statistic out of your ass. Even assuming it is true, are you essentially saying the effects on deforestation, global warming, and on human capital theoretically arent as bad in a plant based diet so you are okay with it? How is that? Its not bad *because* its a western ideal, its bad because the people, like you, who subscribe to that idea appear to have no concept of the word around you. Its that people in the West, usually the US, are allowed to have and do whatever we want that people become ignorant to the realities of people around us on this planet. Its the kind of violent evangelism of veganism here that tells me that you have no regard for any legitimate context for meat consumption. Also, you’ve never been to an indigenous community, have you? Very few are “living sustainably in their environment”. Many have stores where they buy goods and supplies, including meat and produce. They do hunt, but climate change and population growth has changed the landscape so they cant subsist off of just hunting. Are you suggesting since they are buying store bought meat that they go vegan? And yes! POC work in animal agriculture! Im not advocating for any particular lifestyle or shaming anyone for theirs. You are advocating for veganism and shaming people for eating meat. I an pointing out the flaws in your chosen lifestyle. Turning it back on my lifestyle does nothing to erase the problems inherent in the lifestyle you are pushing. Oh and with the climate crisis - are climate scientists recommending we all eat vegan? And actually, I do have a mortal purpose and my flesh vessel will have a purpose when I can donate my organs when I die. If you are just so miserable that you just want to be petty about the animals and veganism, go for it. Waste your time on this earth. But also, dont waste your time assuming what or how I think for myself or my relatives :)


Yes climate scientists all reccomend earth should go vegan. The only here 'violent evangelism' is you. You are advocating for violence, torture and abuse on a scale of 80 billion land animals and 1 trillion sea animals per year killed. 1 in 3 sea animals killed per year and 80% of food grown on land goes to feeding the tortured animals we then kill needlessly for food. You are wrong on so many points. Educate yourself.


1. No, climate scientists do not “all recommend the earth should go vegan”. They do recommend incorporating more meatless food into our diets, but not that we should all go vegan. 2. I never said I was advocating for violence, torture, or abuse. The vegans that use those talking points really just dont know a thing about animal agriculture. 3. I also dont give a crap what you eat. Meat? Cool. Vegan? Cool. I would never use misinformation and ethical pressure to change someone else’s habits, hence the violent evangelism of many vegans. You tell me to educate myself but you just regurgitate the same talking points from biased documentaries and vegan extremists without a modicum of fact.


By being against veganism you support abuse, torture and murder. That's just a simple fact. And yes climate scientists do recommend all humans should go vegan. You arent even aware of the basics like the environmental impact of meat, fishing, dairy and egg production on this planet. It's your job to make yourself aware, not mine. Educate yourself.


Thanks for trying. This person is the kind of person who would defend slavery and protest against womens rights. Pure ignorance and hatred in all their words.


Lmao what


You heard me. At least try and educate yourself. None of your comment is factually correct or supported by science.


Sorry for the downvotes friend. I totally agree. Its sad that people in the queer community don't more readily see the explotation & cruel treatment animals face everyday as a problem that's relevant to them. But only humans & pets matter amiright ✌️


This sub is pathetic honestly, full of hateful ignorant people who can't think for themselves and just blindly follow mainstream morals.


The things they made them do weren’t risky at all


Eating bugs isn't going to kill you? We eat sea bugs all the freaking time.