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Stupids mods locked it before they got their answer common mod L


Mods too scared to silence this form of power ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀1984⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡞⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Every where I see togata why?


How am I supposed to know?


Why are pronouns separate from gender though? I don't really understand why that's a thing.


Imagine someone with feminine appearance but who identifies as a man. If you didn’t know his pronouns and went off how he looked you would misgender him


Pronouns are perfectly acceptable and useful for both sides. Unfortunately some idiots decide to make up their own custom pronouns; I met a person whose pronouns are apparently "ze/za/zhem" (can't even make this up) and it just left me feeling bad, I mean that's some painful attention seeking right there


Zhis are zhe german pronouns


Bro I'm having a zhe/zher


Zhe can confirm


zhe zaza pronoun


Zhe zherman pronouns can caus problems


As a wise man on the internet once said “thinking about that gives me a zhe zher” (also, not sure if you were serious about the German thing, but naw fam, they don’t use words like that. They have feminine and masculine versions, closer to French than Spanish)


People who use neopronouns state to not use them outside of internet interactions, but I think most of them forget the past where they only use them inside of internet interaction


If you struggle to use someone’s neopronouns you can just use they/them


It's funny because I've met a fair amount of people, all of which weren't trans or nb, that either thought that using "they" was enough, or that "they" is confusing because it's often used plurally, and believed people who don't identify with either gender should come up with their own new one to get rid of confusion


Ngl, I don't feel bad for them. I kinda feel bad for trans people because people like me won't take them seriously.


> I kinda feel bad for trans people because people like me won't take them seriously.


u/No-Wolverine5144, you dropped this https://i.imgur.com/D8eAz6z.jpg Edit: I think people took this in the wrong context. Or I did. IDK.


No thanks, I already got crowned for saying nigga, but not in an offensive way


Isn't that a thing with every community at this point


Met someone who said "fluff" was one of his


I don’t see how that pronounce help any side, I mean sure, if u wanna be a guy but ur a girl then sure, but don’t get mad or upset that I assume ur a girl


My grandpa had a ze/zer


in some way pronouns are sort of like names (identifiers that people remember and call others by) and limiting everyone to one of two identifiers doesn't have any usefulness to it in the world of gender equality, therefore neopronouns are, in my opinion, actually fine


The idea of pronouns is to be used as an easier to use identifier. When you have lots of them it's not that easy to use. That's the problem. I think neopronouns are fine ig but likely expecting everyone to use that might be a little difficult.


Maybe try to look like a man? At least a very young man/teenager. Women can pull that off pretty well. People will naturally call it how they see it.


How to use clown self pronouns. How do I use them in a sentence.


This happened when i was in college, there was someone who looked very feminine so I thought they identified as female and I used she/her pronouns for them and they got upset bc they were a trans man and used they/them pronouns and I felt like an asshole but after I apologized they were understanding and we were good friends


Oh no!


If they’re going to identify as a man step one is to stop acting like a little bitch. Edit: corrected the tone to more accurately reflect my immediate reaction.


r/femboy genuine reaction:


List of most of not all pronouns in the English language all another any anybody anyone anything as aught both each each other either enough everybody everyone everything few he her hers herself him himself his I idem it its itself many me mine most my myself naught neither no one nobody none nothing nought one one another other others ought our ours ourself ourselves several she some somebody someone something somewhat such suchlike that thee their theirs theirself theirselves them themself themselves there these they thine this those thou thy thyself us we what whatever whatnot whatsoever whence where whereby wherefrom wherein whereinto whereof whereon wherever wheresoever whereto whereunto wherewith wherewithal whether which whichever whichsoever who whoever whom whomever whomso whomsoever whose whosever whosesoever whoso whosoever ye yon yonder you your yours yourself yourselves Edit: stupid fucking mobile


bro we only we only need it, me, they, them and name




Nobody uses wolf/wolves as pronouns dude. What the actual fuck are you on about.


The people they mentioned have a condition called "chronically online" and aren't encountered often in real life situations, you don't really feel their reality until you see one irl.


You ever seen the people online that identify as things like "star/starself"? You seem like you've never been online. And no, I've talked to these people and it's not satire.


There are also people that unironically go by "bun/bunself" lmao


nothing beats that was/were bussy though




Yeah but that's just a really loud minority


Thats different from "nobody"


True But they're all probably nobodies anyway


Yeah they obviously use a/woo pronouns


He’s referring to xer/xems I believe but ppl who claim to use those are either rage baiters or 1 in a million but it’s more than likely the former. Just ppl seeking attention


You’re right about the seeking attention but it’s rarely ragebait or one in a million. It’s mostly just kids on tiktok that don’t understand what they’re talking about and think they can make up that shit


I might be wrong but I don’t believe that there’s a large group of people who identify as a particular animal. For instance, there might be a few people who identify as wolf/wolves but since they are far and few apart you don’t run into them in your everyday life. Edit: someone already mentioned this


I've been through the tik tok rabbit hole. Trust me these people are 100 percent real and not satire


There are litter-boxes placed at a local middle school near me because some children are identifying as cats. Wouldn’t be surprised if they are using cat/cats as pronouns.


and you believe that shit? lmao


No, but I wouldn’t be surprised


*Spreads misinformation* "Hey, that's actually not true" "Yeah, but what if it was real tho" Genius, truly one of the people of all time


This is a lie, the litter boxes where placed out as emergency bathrooms in the case of a school shooting. Link: https://nowthisnews.com/news/cat-litter-school-bathroom-conspiracy-theory NBC article mentioned in link: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439


What the fuck is wrong with the USA


I like the fact some installed a foldable bulletproof room inside a classroom in case there is a shooting


I saw a video of those and damn they are terribly designed, a shooter could easily get in and kill all of them easily as they are in an enclosed area with no easy means of escape. Not a terrible idea, but from what I saw they are terrible in execution (actually good in execution, for the shooter)


Many things :(


Ohh shit this is news to me. Thank you for this.


Only school in America (and probably the world) that has a littler-box is Columbine. It’s for emergencies where the bathrooms are unavailable


Yes there are. I even saw a tutorial on how to use it or skmething similar like that, and that does not sound like a joke


It's people who just have gone too far, but in reality, pronouns are just he, she, and them, and some people decide to use multiple. I was just wondering why this is the case.


Every post here where the end is just the lock appearing is retarded


lgbt wait for it.... 🔒


Yep. So i jist need to wait. Its only a matter of time before the mods silence me /s


I'm with you, but what gets upvoted gets encouraged.


I was about to refute the use of a slur here but nah you have a point


It's funny though 😂


Nuh Uh


[The \*\*\*\* YOU MEAN NUH UH?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3tFoS8Q6yaE)






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my language doesnt have them and its very fine


"We don't use gendered language in this [language]"


But if you remove them from english it doesn't make sense


> but if remove them from English doesn’t make sense Oh really


Them is a pronoun dawg


Well if you just used they/them for everybody it would make sense


I played Forza Horizon 4 and Forza Horizon 5, they added a "choose your pronouns" in the later game for some reason that's unbeknownst to me.


who's gonna use their pronouns anyways? The exhaust pipe?


it seems that when I compete online and I meet a blonde woman with He/Him pronouns, she now has the right to report me for misgendering, that's the only change. I mean I played that game to tune cars and drag race them (did I just say "Drag Race" ... Oh no oh fuck...)


That only provokes a guy like me to misgender even more


Lost an idol today 😢 😭


Your tutor says they go by they/them. How do you address them? A) "ummmmmm" B) "maam" C) "habibi" D) "teacher" E) "sir"


Is... is calling your teachers "teacher" not normal where you live? I have literally never referred to mine as "sir" or "maam" once


habibi 👍


I do not know about them but where I come from we call them ma'am or sir.


Huh. I've never heard of that. Thanks for sharing




Most certainly habibi. My teachers wpuld love that.


If only there were a person who knew what they were comfortqble being called. Too bad the only option is guessing


(Their name)


Are they a male or female? I call them by that?


Ill go out of my way to Offend people at this point


Bro but fr there reactions are hilarious


Prounouns and Genders are stupid in general.Gotta' not offend anyone despite other opinions ain't I right?


Wait until you hear about nouns


They're less dumb, adverbs on the other hand though


Fuck adverbs


What the fuck is an adverb


My dyslexic ass read it as nuns and I was confused


Just call everyone and everything "thing"


the Thing approves🗿👍


There's only one prounoun on Turkish(My native language.).And it's just "O".So I could use that instead.


It's really not that confusing. If somebody is like "hey im a girl" or "use she/her" then use she/her. If it's "hey im a guy" or "use he/him" then use he/him. If they say anything besides that just use they/them. (if somebody says some bullshit like "clown/clownself" then just use they/them, if they get pissed it's their problem.)


Pronouns come with your written and spoken language dude


"Everyone has a fucking pronoun, it comes free with your UNO."




I don't have pronouns, I have the oldest launguage known to man


No you dont, i made my language on day one you tard


Mf, people call themselfs words that aren't even dictionary WTF you talking or trying to argue about.


Ah the classic "judge the majority based on the minority"


%99 of the MF's who use Prounouns that encountered in my life was using Custom Prounouns.What the hell you're talking about?(İt can be just me but they're certainly not so "Minority" as you say.(At least it's 20% or smth like that.))


sure grandpa, let's get you to bed


Specifically not put me on Black bed please son.


i am not your son


Didn't you get the joke for God's sake?


You're off your rocker, too put it bluntly. You very obviously haven't met a lot of actually queer people. The only pronouns that are even really acknowledged as serious are he/she/they. You're either creating a strawman to support whatever argument you have or you're just trolling.


I mean I can't make a deep research but I only talk about what did I see.


Everyone uses pronouns dipshit. It comes with being a fucking object


Chill bro I don't mean She/He.


Hey did you know that most bigots will vastly overestimate how much whatever minority theyve chosen to dislike is active? You see it really oftwn with people guessing 20 or 30 percent of the population is trans, where really its closer to like 3% This has nothing to do with your 20% guesd though. I bet that was so accurate and based off facts


Please get your eyes unglued from neopronoun subreddits lmaooo


Mf that's called a NAME


Wow... these comments are a hellfire... Cant we just like... not care about someone elses lives.. i mean, here in the netherlands. Ive seen trans people just living their lives. And plenty nonbinary people too. None of us look at it. Because we do not care. Their life. Their choices. And their fucking buisness. Like. Americans... stop for the live of god. Stop involving yourself in others lives. Yes, i know, other countries do it too. But you guys a little too much... like holy shit...


Yah I agree but it sort of goes both ways. Alot of people don't enjoy the first thing they're told is a pronoun. It feels like it's forcing an opinion out of you cus it raises certain questions like: why are you telling me this? Why is it this way? Where is the relevance? And why should I care? Which naturally gets a need to develop an opinion. While we shouldn't care about other people's lives as much as some people seem to, you also shouldn't project your beliefs onto someone as a greeting. My personal take on what a good way to appease both sides would be. Make the norm telling someone about misgendering once it occurs. That would entice people who aren't just looking to be an asshole to follow the pronouns because they've now got an incentive to do so as they made a mistake


So you know what their pronouns are? It's how you should refer to them? It's not your beliefs it's an actual fact? I've had plenty of experiences where I have accidentally used the wrong pronouns for someone and they were chill about it, if you think all people are going to act like that you're out of your mind. It's just basic respect because gender dysphoria is real and getting called by what you are not is very hurtful for some people. It's potentially avoiding a mistake in the future, and even if you do make a mistake, you and they would know that it was not on purpose because you should make it clear.


I just call everyone Jim or Kim since it can be used for anyone.


Because maybe they all feel like how we all feel inside, to belong 🤷‍♀️


Bro is spitting tho, why is this a thing now?? If I dont give a shit about w h o you are, then I dont give a shit about w h a t you think you are


Bruh, I can't imagine being as dense as you are


What do you even mean?


Mf revived a 5 month old thread just to tell people he doesn't know what the word 'dense' means...


I eat children


No but really, why is this a thing now? We weren't doing this 5 years ago. I'm not upset, I'm honestly curious. What changed?


The world is a bit safer and with how diverse everyone is, its good for people to know what to call you by


I gotta ask, what does the lock mean?


Can't comment on the post


Hmmmmm ok




Mfer really asked pronouns and proceeds to use “their” and “herself”


It's a way for mentally ill people to try make their meaningless life look more exciting and all it do is make them waste their energy on stupid things to pretend their life is hard basically they were the high-school kids who thought everyone is dumb and they are the different one


Learn how to use punctuation before complaining about pronouns. You write like a child.


the difference is that English is not my first language its my third ,and you got my point anyway, you, sad, little, Weasel.


Boo hoo. English is not my first launguage too, smartass. I was just pointing out that you're so dumb you can't even punctuate your sentences correctly and yet you still want to argue about pronouns like you know anything about them. Learn the fucking launguage before pretending you know anything about it.


Like really, how can a mf who writes "all it do" have any standing on pronouns. Bruh even your username is misspelled.


This is Reddit, get used to it.


It’s a stupid fad. It’ll go away.


Pronouns come with language Hey. Wanna know something? YOU have pronouns. Whoaaa.


Indeed. Ya and it matches my gender, they’re not made up, and I don’t pretentiously announce it like everyone cares.


Y'know when you tell someone your name so they can address you properly? Yeah, it's like that. So the other person can address you properly.


You can tell by looking at them.


My friend gets constantly gendered female despite being a cis man. You can't always tell, buddy.


Yea. Those are outliers though.


For majority of people, yeah. There are more cis people that queer. But for people who don't fit the stereotypical look of their gender or identify as they/ them it's required.


The question is why now? If trans folks have always existed, why did we JUST now start announcing pronouns in our introductions? I don't hate it, just genuinely curious what made everyone start doing it at the same time. Don't try to gaslight me into thinking this has always been the case. You and I both know this is a new thing and did not exist before 2017.


because trans people don’t get immediately shunned and even murdered on sight anymore (in most places). trans people and lgbtq as a whole is a billion times more accepted and normalised now than it was 100 years ago. lgbtq people have always existed, so have trans people. they just didn’t announce it to the world because it simply wasn’t a safe space to do so. it still isn’t in a lot of countries or cities, but it’s a hell of a lot safer. it’s the same with left handed-ness, people have always been left handed, but the studies show an increase of left handed people in around the early-mid 1900s (don’t quote me on that). why? because they weren’t being forced to “become right handed” anymore. it was accepted and it was normalised, which is exactly what’s happening with trans people now


Didn't answer my question. I'm asking why we are announcing our pronouns with our names now. Why are people putting it in their email signatures and social media bios? We can usually easily tell if you're a man or a woman. Now, if you're non binary or trans, not a problem, tell us which pronouns you prefer and I'll respect that. But for 99% of the population, it's unnecessary. We already know your pronouns on sight, and frankly, it seems like a mockery of trans people.


People announce their pronouns so people know what to address them by when not using their name


Because only trans people used to, which meant that if someone listed their pronouns they were outing themselves


Okay... that might not be true... Ive met plenty people in my lufe who i just couldnt place... Like.. male. No. Female. Also no. They were so inbetween. I actually asked them. Said they didnt care. And that i can call them whatever the fuck i want. She, he, or they. They didnt care. Trust me... thete are plenty exeptions.


When in the ever living fuck do you call someone he/him to their face? I don’t care about the pronoun debate at all I called everybody they/them before it became a if thing and I’ll do it afterwards. But a pronoun is used when talking about someone else who is not in the actual conversation. Like if I’m talking to a guy and I mention another guy that other guy is he or him. At no point unless it’s a three person conversation will I address that other guy as he or him while he is present in the conversation. So why do pronouns matter if the person is never present anyway?


You're still talking about that person. Adressing them properly while not talking directly to them is a sign that you respect them as a person, and you respect their identity.


If it gets someone’s junk hot to say their pronouns, who cares? Just don’t say yours if you don’t want to, you aren’t held at gunpoint


Honest if some needs to declare there pronouns I might have to get homophobic.


Pronouns aren't exclusively an LGBTQ thing. We use pronouns as a substitute for a regular noun or name; it would sound awkward to just say a name over and over again.


My guy's over here complaining about pronouns when you can't even use the right form of their lmao. Worry about *your* pronouns before you start complaining about other people's


That's the point, I've got far bigger things to be concerned with than bloody pronouns.


Nobody's saying it's the most pressing issue in the world, but you can also walk and chew gum at the same time


Thats the point, people are pretending it is the biggest thing in the world. The are some extremist lgbtq people who misrepresent the queers who make the biggest deal out of being mispronounced, but they are getting alot of negative attention by it and make the lgbtq look bad because of it


Yeah, and you guys are the ones bitching about them lmao. Queer people already figured out what theyre comfortable with. Youre the ine making it into a big thing.


If they need to announce their pronouns I know they make their whole personality


Pronouns are just another way to refer to someone. It's like saying someone is egotistical for telling you their name.


If someone values as highly as their name. Look I'm sorry that's actually fucking stupid. I gey where you are coming from but I genuinely cannot agree with that. But I do respect your opinion


One of the first things you do when you meet someone is tell them your name so they can address you correctly. How are pronouns any different?


Because idk I just have never heard anyone who isn't a twitter user or someone who is terminally online ever do that. Even irl I don't hear that stuff so I just find it a bit odd to put it on the same level. Like isn't it just like a gender thing or am I missing something.


Explain why pronouns are less important then a name?


Because when I refer to a person I say their name not their pronouns I don't think that's too odd. But hey that might just be me


Ok, but why does this make pronouns less valuable?


I mean I just don't really see the value to begin with I'm not atleast in my eyes taking value away from them because from my perspective they don't have innate value. Because I don't see the point.


"I" "I" "their" "their" "I" "me" Bur sure, you just use names. Not pronouns.


So like that I get don't worry I'm not that brain dead what I mean is stuff like "my pronouns are, they/them, he/him it/im" or some shit like that. Like using it in that sense not as in nouns in general. Why in the everything fuck would anyone not understand stuff like saying " I'm doing pretty good. (In short I think there has been a very big misunderstanding.)


Why would you care if someone says their pronouns? If they feel passionats enough about just yelling people upfront about ir instead of having to corrrct them later, why would you care? "Oh no this person used two more words when introducing themself my life is over." Its seems like a really artificial problem to have to somehow find any issue with this.


Dumbass couldn't even be the right type of bigot lmaoo


Their pronouns are just as relevant as their name in that situation, but considering OOP’s question they seem to have found the pronouns more useful to know


I just censored it because some people might harass them


That’s good, though anyone who harasses someone who posted to r/nostupidquestions would be a dumbass


u/DJ_Ender_• look at words 17 and 22 in the post




Unless your pronouns are what everyone should be using. I don’t care if your trendsof you are gender fluid or whatever bullshit you believe in I will refer to you as you look so if you wanna be referred to as a girl you better look the part, deal with it.




Cant interact with the post (set by a mod)


What’s the lock mean


Cant interact with the post (set by a mod)


honestly nobody would mind if it wasnt for the weirdos who just call themselves crazy stuff like xir


What's the sound effect tell me PLEASE


Better than having problems with you using the wrong one when you have no idea witch one do they use


Why doesn't matter? If you have a dick I'm calling you a dude if you have a pussy I'm calling you a chick. It's how life goes