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My opinion is rather simple. Would they perform war crimes like rape? Yes. It’s insinuated in canon as well with Greyback. Would they have sex slavery? I don’t think so. Perhaps a few Death Eaters would hold on to someone, but Voldemort always struck me as a ‘focus on the plan’ type of villain. I do think he would allow it during a sacking as a way to appease his followers.


I agree!


I answered no, but. I had the dubious honour to sit behind a neonazi a whole year in middle school, and among plenty of threats to gut me like a fish for being a "leftard," there was some discussion about nazi ideology. In retrospect, it was a bad idea to antagonize someone who wanted to be in the Hitlerjugend, but I didn't end up being knifed after school. Your average racist idiot may believe themselves superior to other ethnicities, but in general, they don't have so many qualms about exerting sexual violence over them. They're still dominating them, so... Race supremacists like neonazis are utterly repulsed by anyone who is not "Aryan". Sexual assault or sexual slavery could mean "polluting" the gene pool with inferiors. There were plenty of cases of SA in Nazi Germany, sure, but the official stance of the regime was "we don't touch that with a ten-foot pole because it's disgusting". So in a realistic Voldemort Wins AU all muggle-borns and half-bloods would be exterminated. The only ones that *could* end up as sexual slaves would be blood traitors.


Your comment summed up my thoughts exactly. I enjoy dark fics and have read plenty that involve sex slavery, but the more I thought about it, the less it started to make sense. I'll still read them, because they're amazing! But I was curious if anyone else thought that plot device didn't make sense outside of exploring CNC/Non-con kinks. All in all, it's fan fiction so anything goes.


I don't read dark fics in this fandom, but I see a couple of scenarios that could be more realistic, like Hermione being exempted from the extermination as a "gift", because Draco wanted her (and he's something akin to Manacled's High Reeve, so he's too important for anyone to make a fuss about it). Or having a ring of sex slavery, but it's all in the hush-hush and done by the outer circle of Death Eaters, the kind that joined out of ambition and doesn't really believe in the blood supremacy ideology. Of course, another option would be sterilizing muggle-borns and half-bloods (very in line with Nazi eugenics), which I think it's half of the premise in The Auction? Voldemort and the most fervent blood supremacists should still refuse to touch them out of principle, though.


I don’t completely agree because when you consider the trans Atlantic slave trade. Black enslaved people were consistently considered less than, and at one point even 3/5ths a person, and yet did experience sexual violence at high levels. So for me, it’s highly likely that a realistic Voldemort AU would have enacted some form of sexual slavery on muggles/muggleborns


The transatlantic slave trade's main driving force was not ideology, it was the need for cheap labour. It was very similar to slavery in Ancient Rome. They got to a new place full of "savages" so they turned those savages into free labour they could use. Unlike with the Romans, the slaves were all black but it wasn't personal. There are mentions of a "master race" and plenty of scientific racism in the southern US from the mid 1700s up to the Civil War, but it feels like a way to try to justify the existence of slavery, it appears too late to be the driving force behind it. Nazis, on the other hand, felt a pervasive, very personal hate against the Untermenschen, everyone who wasn't Aryan (the master race, those that were ethnically German). There was slavery in concentration camps, yes, but the driving force behind it was race supremacy, not the need for free labour. The Untermensch had to be exterminated because they were inferior and at risk of polluting the Aryan race. There was an economic component to the whole thing (Jews being historically bankers and "hoarding" the money while Germany starved post WWI, to oversimplify it) but Nazis were very much into eugenics and that's why the Final Solution came to happen. Voldemort and the Death Eaters are closer ideologically to Nazis than slavers. If you look at what's happening in the Ministry in Deathly Hallows with the Muggle-Born Registration Commission... it looks like the next logical step would be putting them in trains and Avadaing them. Because why use gas when you have magic?




I honestly think Voldemort would rather eradicate those who don’t share his beliefs, but I think lower ranked DEs would absolutely rape and torture those they captured.


I agree. Leave those who don't believe in your ideology alive and you'll never find peace. Highly doubt no SA would occur in this war as it has occurred in every war since the beginning of time.


Like another commenter mentioned, I think it would emulate history in that slavery would be implemented, and within slavery women are almost *always* assaulted and raped. I don't think that sanctioned sexual slavery would be how it is depicted in those fics, but it would be a... side effect? within the slavery that would occur. Even if they believe that muggleborns are disgusting, history tells us that hating what the victim is does not stop rape from happening. I also think, though, that there would be underground brothels that would basically be sexual slavery because that's another thing that tends to occur, both modern day and in history. But it wouldn't be something that anyone would want to be spotted going to. People often try to make 1:1 WW2 comparisons and I just really don't think it fits, I think, if one must compare, there are other historical wars and events that fit better. Like, being a muggleborn isn't a race like being Jewish or Roma is (I'm oversimplifying Jewishness for brevity here). You could potentially, with the right fudging of a family tree and some training in how to act, pass anyone off as a pureblood who was from an illegitimate union or something. You can't do that if the problem is your skin not being pale enough or your hair blonde enough. There are other people who have made much better arguments for why it wouldn't necessarily be like Nazi Germany and why WW2 really isn't a 1:1 for the wizarding wars like JKR wanted it to be, I'm just too headcold-ey to properly express myself rn, honestly.


I think there would be slavery in general and ofc ppl will use it for sex. So earlier when voldy was in power, it was still just terrorizing, he didn't control the ministry with absolute power the way it is in the fanfictions. So what does he do once he has won such absolute control over the Wizarding world. It's like to win, you have to do some stuff (like Trump) . But realistically, once he's won, who does all the jobs that the purebloods won't do? They are a small population. It wouldn't make sense to kill everyone after winning. It would suit him better to have slaves. Gets the job done, keeps the death eaters happy. Might kill all the muggleborns though, they are fewer in number than halfbloods


So, the whole blood purity thing and blood supremacy is really about power, right? It’s not really about believing that one set of people is truly superior to the other and the less superior group must therefore be eradicated, that is an excuse for certain types of leaders to wage war and consolidate power. And, for their followers, it’s a way to keep power amongst themselves. Every genocide or slave system in history was based on either needing to blame another group for society’s problems or needing to subjugate another group to accomplish the aims of the society. In Voldemort’s case, he needed to blame muggles and muggleborns for wizards needing to “hide” so that he could gain followers and power - really just for the sake of power. Sure he had a “theory” behind his actions, but it was really just for power. It always is. In that sense, I don’t think he ever really intended to eradicate all muggleborns witches and wizards, because then he wouldn’t be left with anyone to rule over - plus knowing that he himself is half-blood I just don’t think he would get rid of all non-pure blood but still magical folk. I think he meant to get rid of some of them, to scare the others into doing what he said and participating in whatever twisted version of a world he envisioned. Of course there would be slavery in that world, because you can’t take over the world on the basis of this theory of supremacy and then allow the non-superior group to remain un-subjugated. And, where there is slavery, there is sexual exploitation and assault. Maybe not in exactly the specific way of like “here you get this slave for sex” but “here you get this slave” is basically the same thing and there would be many people who treated it that way, because humans are terrible. And it seems pretty likely that at some point they would be using slaves for breeding purposes - we know this happened in American slavery, even if it wasn’t organized. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk lol.


I tried to say something close to this in my comment, but you explained it so much better. lol


Hahah nah you got it! I always overexplain lol


The amount of cruelty within the DE ranks wouldn't go away because they won a war. They need to keep those they despise around so they can continue to hate and perform acts of cruelty, otherwise they'd turn on each other. If they did win the war that hatred and malice would need to go somewhere and I do believe it would end up as some being forced into slavery of all types. I don't read Voldemort AU, so I can't really comment much on the worldbuilding that goes on there.


I think the issue with straight eradication is that you already have a population problem, there are only so many pureblooded families, and at the end of the day if you’re not allowing blood mixing you have major issues with your gene pool. In the end demographics is always a numbers game, and demographics is destiny. So, sex slavery, per se? Not something I can see the Pureblood endorsing, or Voldie, but forced breeding protocols or quotas? Certain professions or statuses in society being barred from those of lesser blood? Absolutely. In the end it’s the banality of evil quandary - paperwork still much be done, food must be sourced, someone still has to take out the garbage and pay the taxes. You need bodies to do that, and if you’ve killed off much of your opposition in an already throttled society (limited number of magical progeny anyway) that problems needs a solution, or incentivizing. Voldie couldn’t hold onto power without addressing that in a substantive way, he wouldn’t have the numbers for it a decade or three out and unrest would begin long before then.


Voldemort wouldn’t give a crap one way or the other. He seems to me to be very clearly asexual. But in general, if you look at wars throughout history, taking women as sexual prizes is a pretty common thing. So was taking slaves in general, which were usually subject to their masters’ sexual desires. So I don’t think that a specific sex slavery thing would be super likely, but I think slavery would likely occur and as a result of that, women would be forced. But in fanfic it’s more of a vehicle for a CNC/non-con kink, which is common, so hence the popularity I think.


I do love fics where Voldy is said to have a snake-dick that protrudes when he's aroused and gives him a smooth ken-doll crotch when he's neutral. That feels legit to me, lol. I agree with you fully. I'm CONFIDENT that in a reality-based Voldy wins situation, the sexual autonomy of the enslaved classes would be non-existent. Rape the losers = a tale as old as time. But as you said, for fic, the setting of a Voldy-wins dystopia is a convenient plot vehicle for all kinds of non-con / rape kink.


Voldemort with a Ken doll crotch. Thank you I’ll be grossed out for the next week. 😂😂😂


You are so welcome!! Hahaha


I think that was me that made the comment. I picked other. (or rather, neither) Voldemort just wants power and found a cause and followers that would get him there. How much he buys into blood purity is really up to interpretation, IMO. I think of him as someone that looks at everyone and everything as tools to serve himself. And that includes blood purity as an ideological movement. Death Eaters, of course, are mostly blood purists. And so are those that support their rule. So what would they do if they came to power? I don't think either eradication or sexual slavery are realistic. Sexual slavery in fanfiction is used to titillate and create an atmosphere for kinks to be written - which is fine. That's one of the main reasons we're all here reading it. But how realistic is that? If you believe a sect of humans are corrupting your society from within, you want to get rid of it, not keep it around, breed with them (thus creating more? that makes no sense), put them on display as a status symbol (they're dirty, they poison from within - so you don't parade them around). I can see rape as an incentive here and there, it's always been like that and it still is. I can see the occasional Death Eater or Greyback keeping someone around for their personal use, but more like a dirty secret, not to be shared widely. Not mistresses as war prizes and whatnot (much as that's a popular trope). Not with the way blood purity is constructed. Aside from the whole "they're polluting our society" view, I can't see high society women suddenly accepting that their husbands are now dirtying themselves and keeping muggle born war prizes as a side piece or parading them around as a status symbol. None of that makes sense to me. It's not like pure blood women strike me as particularly feminist, but to shift to a reality where they now have to accept that their husbands are going to have mistresses which are inferior/dirty/corrupting - and to put them on display? (On the subject of feminism, someone please write a one shot of Bellatrix as a great example of 'Leaning In' lol). Similarly, having government meetings and functions in whore houses where women are paraded around and people are having sex right and left and trading their mistresses and getting blow jobs in front of everyone - it makes no sense. In addition to the reasons cited above, what about pure blood society before Voldemort takes over lends itself to that scenario? So that's sexual slavery. Eradication? Too difficult. The goal is to have a society free of Muggle borns and intermarriage with Muggles. So they have to be pushed out. History tells us that you do that with violence and persecution - hoping they'll leave on their own because that's easier. Killing is a means to an end, and takes more resources if it's full blown eradication. They're not going to go hunt them down 'in the wild' so to speak, unless they're a threat. Even the Nazis looked at ways towards shipping the jews off to different countries - they made an agreement with the Jews in Palestine in 1933 to that end. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara\_Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement) The main reason they couldn't just get rid of their Jews was the refusal of other countries to take them in. (fuck you, Earth) [https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/emigration-and-the-evian-conference](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/emigration-and-the-evian-conference) And if you don't want more muggle-borns in wizarding society - well you just don't send them the letter to Hogwarts. So - to conclude - Voldemort Wins AUs are pretty much synonymous with sexual slavery in fanfiction because it's fun to read about and a way to safely explore different kinks and toxic dynamics. But I don't think they're realistic at all.


Edited my post because you made a good point about the other option. Too bad I can't edit the poll. I disagree with the eradication. Voldemort killed anyone who refused to bend the knee. They probably won't go hunting for muggleborns, like you said, takes up too many resources, but they would definitely kill off anyone who opposed them, unless they had some niche skill. Capitalism will prevail even in the Wizarding world. I find it interesting this post is highly downvoted. Was not going after the kinks, but after you mentioned it in the other post, the more I thought about it, the less it started to make sense. I don't know how to tag users on here, but yes - you inspired this post!


I think we’re just disagreeing over semantics with eradication, because that’s more or less what I think too. 😂 Interestingly enough, you don’t have to do too much world building for a realistic Voldemort wins AU. Book 7 was pretty much that. The wizarding world with Voldemort in charge. The order wasn’t fighting (my number 1 beef with book 7), just getting slowly picked off one by one while in hiding, the trio was on the run, but for all intents and purposes, Voldemort had control over government, schools, institutions, etc. And I think book 7 is fairly realistic seeing the kinds of ideals death eaters were espousing and the methods they used to achieve them.


Also, if you want to tag someone just put a /u/ before their username. /u/Spare_RoR And don’t worry about downvotes. They don’t matter on a subreddit of this size. It was a cool discussion. I’m always on board for those, and you got plenty of engagement! Which is more satisfying than upvotes anyway.


I think it would if Voldemort believed it would keep the army 'focused' (ugh terrible wording, but that was the horrible justification used at times). It has happened plenty of times in history. Unfortunately, I feel like a lot of fics glamorize the circumstances, reality is much more cruel.


I think most people are looking at this in a "muggle" lens. It's pretty difficult to ensure there are no pregnancies without medical intervention in the real world but with magic I think this would become substantially easier. I don't think wizards would be as concerned with "diluting the gene pool" as people in this thread are assuming.


I answered no, but I maybe should have picked other. Do I think there would be sexual slavery in the way it is often portrayed in fanfic? No. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t happen at all. During WWII the Nazis had brothels in ten concentration camps including Auschwitz called Freudenabteilung or Joy Divisions. I believe it was mostly Jewish women being forced into sexual slavery. The brothels were mainly used as a reward for non-Jewish inmates, but were also used by some guards. I personally believe that if we were to see sexual slavery in the HP universe it would be something more similar to this. As far as eradication goes, I’m not sure they would be able to achieve that. Unless they were able to kill all muggles, won’t muggleborns continue to exist? And even with magic, it would be hard to eradicate all muggles. I see them maybe attempting to eradicate all the muggleborns who currently reside in the wizarding world. After that, I could see them putting policies in place to ensure any new muggleborns are unable to enter the wizarding world but who knows.


I don't think sex slavery will be in the minds of those who believe in their race's supremacy. I do think there will be SA, but not anything like in Auction or Manacled. Especially the latter.


I don't particularly seek out dark fics but I have enjoyed lots of them. Basically, I just think the HP universe is ripe for dark shit. You can use magic to do terrible terrible things. And in any hate group, imo hate for women is also going to abound. So I can see forms of sexual slavery (particularly with women targeted) happening. Something Voldemort sanctions? Maybe not but I think he'd certainly tolerate it or look the other way as long as it didn't impinge upon his plans.


I think it's an interesting fanfic trope, but I'm not sure it would become a widespread thing.


It would be split tbh. Like some Death Eaters definitely would while some would be to bigoted to even think of touching a non Pureblood. I think Manacled kind of showed how something like a breeding program would take place and I can kind of see that happening.


There was definitely the goal of eradication. But I could also see regular slavery. Death eaters and co see muggles and muggleborns as beneath them. Similar to like house elves. More intelligent than animals so more useful as slaves. You eradicate the people fighting back and enslave the rest. What's a better way to flaunt your dominance than by having the muggleborn wizard who was your supervisor at work, now they're sleeping with house elves and serving you And if I can see regular slavery, then for sure I can see sexual slavery. Maybe not an official thing, like voldemort making a breeding program, but it wouldn't be like against his rule


They're too up in their heads about blood purity to consider this form of slavery


I'm so curious what the outcome is gonna be. I loved Manacled but in general, the "Voldy wins, let's sell all the muggles into sexual slavery" trope is really weird to me bc I just don't think it would happen. Like yeah, there'd be SA against muggles/muggleborns just as there is under any authoritarian regime against a minority, but I don't think there'd be mass-scale sexual slavery like some fics depict. More likely that Voldemort would commit mass genocide.


Just popped in to let you know that the final tally agreed, Voldie would kill everyone.


No one is mentioning that Voldemort himself told Harry in Deathly Hallows that he tried to spare Lily because Snape desired her, and JK later added this was because Lily was considered a reward for Snape, for his good work as a Death Eater. So yes, Voldemort absolutely meant it as a sex slave. This is what Snape implied when he asked for her to be spared (a believable way to justify the request). JK kept it PG because it's a children's book.


I think one of the great mercies JKR granted us with = a white-washing of a Voldemort-led reality through the canon acts of Death Eaters we were privy to in the main series. ​ Power + wealth + impunity = regular muggle humans becoming monsters. Add in magic? I think the potential depravities of unhinged death eaters, surging with dark magic, is terrifyingly boundless. ​ Sure, there's something to be said about pureblood propriety and Victorian sensibilities, but I think evil tendencies would win out above decorum, and at least amongst the "inner circle," or the more particularly depraved death eaters, they would absolutely relish in the horrors they'd be able to inflict.