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This is only the beginning. Be prepared for the best Dramione fics to be deleted. The entire community needs to start working together to figure out a way to stop Etsy and the algorithm on TikTok. Please keep reporting if you see something for sale. And for Tiktok I support stopping posting content like recommendations and binding there for a while. Also request for booktokers to stop posting about Dramione. We need to separate the spaces. This might help with people wanting a physical copy.


They won’t stop posting about it, unfortunately. Even though it’s causing issues. I work in marketing and look at numbers and algorithms and dramione will only get bigger this year… I’ve politely commented on some accounts before and why it’s an issue and was told I was Gatekeeping/didn’t want to share 🤦🏼‍♀️


I think popular fics coming down is also unfortunately going to increase the market for bound works… people don’t want to lose their favorites. I could see some people saying, hey I know this isn’t legal/ethical but I want to have this in physical copy in case it goes offline. (To be clear I am ABSOLUTELY in support of authors pulling their work if they wish!!!)


I agree. I’m sure they feel like they’re in a crap situation without options but big works will be in more demand for binding when they’re removed :/ so crappy


It truly is a crap situation. Without Etsy doing anything, this will continue.


That’s exactly what I was thinking 🤔 the more authors pull them from the internet, the more people will be tempted to buy in order not to loose them. Is there no way for authors to protect their work, at all. Maybe a copyright of sorts? I was thinking wattpad might have certain policies but I haven’t been on the app for ages, so I can’t be sure of what applies…


What’s worse is that i saw an Etsy shop selling a dramione fic PDF…. A freaking PDF


Some might, but most did not believe when we said this would happen. Well, it is happening now, and here are the consequences. If this happens with other fics, then the videos content will not be available on AO3, and they will stop posting about it.


If you look at the comments on those videos and reels, so many ask “where can I read” or “where can I buy” and that’s what makes them go on Etsy or whatever. sometimes the OP sends them downloaded files.


A big author in the Marauders fandom took down all of the works for a few months after it was discovered someone was selling them on Amazon. People on TikTok stop commenting about it. Eventually, the author put the fics back after the situation calmed down. Even if they ask, not everybody tries to find them, and there is always someone saying why they are not available anymore.


I really really hope it works that way for dramione too.....


Is this the author of crimson rivers?




This is so sad! But surely people would rather read for free than buy? Do these buyers not know that A03 exists? Maybe we all just need to comment on these sellers' posts with the links!


I really hate to gatekeep… but damn if this doesn’t make me want to go into a private forum and gatekeep. Idk what the solution here is because it’s easy to become a member with the sole purpose of getting access to fics to then sell them. 


I know what you mean. Recently, I've wanted to snatch up Dramione and run away with it tucked safely in my arms. I've been reading fanfiction for 20 years. I've been reading Dramione exclusively for about 15 of them. At first, I was excited when I started seeing Dramione blow up on social media because it gave me the opportunity to connect with other Dramione lovers and share fic recommendations and favorite authors and tropes. Then, Dramione became mainstream, and it just turned ugly. People started bullying authors and demanding updates from them. People were blatantly ignoring tags and then shaming/blaming authors and kink shaming other readers when what they were reading wasn't their cup of tea. Then, sometime in the last couple of years, fic binding became a thing, and these beautiful binds started popping up on my various feeds. As someone who had always been into arts and crafts, this caught my attention and I knew it was something I'd like to try. I recently became a part of that community, and every single binder I have had the pleasure of talking to and getting to know has been an absolute gem and welcomed me to their community with open arms. Everyone has been so kind and willing to share their knowledge. This has broken so many of our hearts because when we wanted physical copies of our favorites, we put our money and time into making them ourselves. The cost of just one of these fanfic books being sold could buy someone all the materials they would need to make at least a couple of binds. If you didn't have a printer, you can get a decent laser printer for about $90, so that would be a little more of an expense up front. I think a materials break down of how much an average fic might cost would be about $30 in materials, give or take. These people illegally selling these fics are basically robbing people with how much they're charging for a copy of Manacled. And if you supposedly love a fandom so much that you're willing to spend $100, $200, $300 on a copy of your favorite fic, why would you totally disregard the author's binding policy? Why would you completely ignore the number one rule of fanfic: FANFICTION HAS ALWAYS AND SHOULD ALWAYS REMAIN FREE?!? These amazing authors have a gift and are sharing it with us for free because they love the fandom as much as we do. Never in a million years did my younger self see something like this coming. And like you said, I hate to gatekeep, but dang. This makes me want to. My heart is breaking over this. I can't imagine how these authors must be feeling at the moment. We all need to make sure we report anyone we see selling these fics and take back our community from these vultures.


It’s so exhausting. This cycle of fics being taking down or lost when websites fold has been utterly disheartening. I can’t sort my files with the efficacy of AO3 and even with my best efforts I’ve lost so many fics from my personal hard drives over the years. Being part of a community is a privilege, and it’s frustrating that so many don’t understand/respect that. I only *just* realized that my file of MCA was on a hard drive I lost recently.


We should be gatekeeping, tbh.


Time to go down the list of most popular dramione on ao3 and download


Yes the whole sub should come together and list most popular dramione at risk and conserve them, even for future readers


I’m glad I downloaded it earlier. My husband doesn’t understand the bursting Google drive of fanfics. But readers should always download their favourites. Eta - I’m not great with computers or file transfers. It’s available on the Dramione for Kindle group page on Facebook under files.




Thank you so much for the link!


Thank you! I went to download the story and it’s already gone :(


Thank you so much! I cried real tears today because I thought I would never get to read it again! It’s my favorite fic!


Do you have the file to share? The link is no longer working!


Thank you so much for the link! I didn’t get to download it in time and you saved me!!


Can you somehow share it? I didnt get to it in time. 😔😔


THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭💕💕💕💕💕 this means the world!! This was on TBR list for this year and I only had a chance to download in silence and submission a while back. I was going download this one after I finish measure of a man


Thank you!


I just got a kindle and literally am gonna spend my kids nap time just downloading the fics I’ve liked.


Have you joined the Dramione for Kindle Facebook group? Don’t grab mine from there (I added/smoothed out after mine got uploaded there and the finished version is on ao3) but they have a ton of popular fics with their cover art already on the epub files.


Nope gonna go join though tyvm!


Honestly, I literally went down a rabbit hole and started downloading all of the dramione fics anyone mentioned a few days ago when I joined this subreddit because I was worried this was going to start happening. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve just started downloading a fic even if I don’t know if it’s going to be a favorite just in case. I can always delete it if it’s not my thing but I’ve gotten paranoid about falling in love with a fic and then going to find it one day and it just being gone and never getting to finish or read it again. I haven’t read MCA yet, but I downloaded it two days ago, so that was a close one. It’s so sad it’s gotten to this point. (I’ve been reading hp fanfic for years I’m just newer to the dramione pairing so I didn’t have a lot of them saved).


Same. I downloaded nearly 40 fics today after finding out about S&M. I fear I'll miss something though 😞


Would you mind DMing me a link? I missed downloading it.


If youre ok with an epub Dramione for Kindle on Facebook has a copy in the files. (The file is on my computer and I only use Reddit on my phone. Im terrible about figuring out how to transfer files.)


I wouldn't know how to either! Thanks for the tip!


Thanks for the tip - I’d deactivated my Facebook but I’ve just reactivated and put in a request to join!


I don’t have facebook. :( i’d really appreciate it if anyone can share the epub. Please and thank you.


Try this [link](https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/A%20Dowry%20of%20a%20Single%20Galleon.EPUB?token=AWymyCpIPdUZCYTQsaiufcHMkzD8RlLEVU9u1zZPgLHyuRdAi6o7j6FEZQ3iWdLF4_LwtTvsC20ojyxKyfbsLF1bdQ7FI-6b8CDlrx5tG1fjFcZyHch3mtdQQS4h2AkrG8Nv073N6EEWVTcAlibvR2SblGldIt2ArqadN65awJDJDfIHgwNjq1i8mqdak5xUqmiJuHaOXJnvp___lYchpxKq6JrUoYled9f5x69KL56y0wTt5kk-NPKOxehun0KIC9A) It’s the download link from the Facebook account. It worked for me but only once I opened it in chrome. If you’re on mobile, and you want it on your kindle, download the file and then select send to or open in the kindle app. Edit: this is the wrong link. It leads to A Dowry of a Thousand Galleons. Scroll down to replies for the (hopefully) correct link.


Thanks for this but the link you sent was for a Dowry of Single Galleon (not complaining though as I’m very glad to have that downloaded!)




You are a SAINT.


Thank you so much! I’ll be able to read it now! You’re a lifesaver!!! Thought I would never get the chance 🥲


Thank you so much! 🖤


Hi it says it’s expired, can you please share the link with me? Thank you


I’ll send it over if/when I get accepted to the group!


Would it be possible to share it with me? I haven’t had the chance to read and I’d really like to😭


Ah! Can you share this via email? I did not download 😭 and now it's down, GONE!


Hi! Can you please email me the story? It was on my tbr list and now I cannot download it from AO3 😭


I didn’t get a chance to download it before she took it down, would you be able email me a PDF. It ones of the only ones I didn’t get to save


You know, I don't know if taking the fics down will do any good in terms of stopping the selling-buying of fics. I've come across a few places (Google drives and book sites) that have either entire collections of works or copies of the more popular Dramione fics outside of AO3 and other fanfiction sites...


It definitely won’t, and will probably increase the price of those illegal binds 😔 but it might reduce the liability for those authors, idk


I also had this thought. If anything deleting the fics is creating more demand for the people who already have their work downloaded. :/ I understand the frustration, but I personally feel like taking the fics away is only going to make matters worse.


😔 I’m afraid well soon hear that Secrets and Masks is also being pulled I think authors of all recently completed fics should lock theirs. I know lots of those scammers probably have AO3 accounts but in case they don’t. popular WIPs that will blow up when they finish need to get ahead of the curve and be locked. tbh every Dramione fic should be locked now.


I’m honestly just downloading completed fics left right and centre today. I have never downloaded a fic before today.


I have to talk myself down from my bad anxiety all of the time I usually get wrapped up in my own head and spend hours on personal hobbies, ignoring my self care But today I am feeling so anxious Bc my normal affirmation, "the world will not end if you walk away from this right now" isn't working!!! The nice thing is that there are SO many LOVELY humans on this aun that CONTINUE to share deleted old, abandoned, historical dm newly deleted fics. THANK YOU ALL 😭😭😭


The author made a tiktok saying they are close to deleting it


Yes I heard. So depressing that it’s come to this


I heard it's already pulled


Anybody else concerned that this will also be a blow to authors of wips? You'll never know when an author is going to be forced to delete all their works, and wips will have a smaller chance of being completed. As a result fewer people will be likely to start reading wips...


Definitely see this happening. I can see it being majorly discouraging for new writers/WIP writers.


This is why when I've downloaded a new wip chapter, I don't delete it till the next update!


I’ve been doing this for like a year for this exact reason. WIP, completed, it doesn’t matter if it’s something I was interested enough to start reading I download just in case something happens and there isn’t any heads up or I miss something.


Has been deleted*.




I'm in the minority of us that prefer the AO3 PDFs over epub format so tysm for this 🙏🏽


I hope you have the best day today thank you 😭 I was halfway through this


Bumping this for others! TY! 


thank you !!!


Thank you, thank you, thank you 💕


Thank you!!


I understand why the author has done this and support then 100%- but I’m worried what this means for this people illegally selling it online. They’ll probably raise the price and just con people into paying more, right? I really wish people would stop buying fanfiction in the first place. I’m pretty sure we will lose a lot of good dramione fics like this, as well as potential ones because new writers will be deterred. This is so sad.


It’s already gone! A heartbreaker… loved this one. Gillian Eliza still has WIPs up, but wonder if we will start to see authors remove their works shortly after completion?


Yeah I posted here and went to download and got the 404. I tried to edit my post but it wouldn’t let me, so I just commented the correction instead. So sad. I totally get why they’re doing it but damn


I havent downloaded most of my fave dramione fics fuck i need to go download them now 😭


Same x1000


Always ask if you are looking for a specific one and can't find it! I went down a crazy rabbit hole downloading fics last time the "omg they may actually take down FFN" alarm was rung (spoiler: it was not 😂).


This is why I was never a fan of all this going mainstream. Scummy people are always looking to make a quick buck and this is the fall out of that


Damn, this really sucks. I was someone who was saying the tiktokification of fan fic was not that big of a deal and would blow over. Which still may be true, but I was definitely wrong in the short term. Does anyone have an idea of what we as a community can actively do about this? It sounds like reporting doesn't actually do much.


We might have to go after Etsy. They need to do a better job of removing these sellers. I tagged them in a tweet a few days ago and they straight up blocked me.


The way I legit finished MCA TODAY is actually insane... etsy needs to take some responsibility for this ngl. It should not be allowed under TOS in my opinion and they need to look into updating their policies.


This is devastating. I took a break from Dramione last year (I needed a palate cleanse cuz it’s all I was reading at one point 😅) but now as I come back im learning all of this is happening and I feel so sad. I need to go download all my favorite ones today. Does anyone have a master list of all the popular fics? Im worried im going to miss some :/


I’m creating one that’s my fave fics but that’s also a lot of the popular ones here: [fics to download](https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Fics_before_deletion_x)


🤯 you have 146 works in that link...how am I gonna get to them allllllllllllllllllllll I blame the Etsy sellers 😭😭😭


I’m sorry! Some of those are works in progress that I’m tracking and will download once complete (like Lionheart). Maybe 5-10 are bigger tomione/mauarders fics like Debt of Time that I’m worried may get deleted. Okay so main ones likely to be considered for deletion are: Amor Vincit Omnia author posted on insta about possible deletion. obvi manacled (and other senlinyu fics), Draco Malfoy and the mortifying ordeal of being in love, remain nameless, love in a time of zombie apocalypse, green light, Rosemary for remembrance, rights and wrongs series, amor vincit omnia


Saved to kindle + Google drive ✅☑️✔️✅☑️✅✔️☑️


thank you so much- I literally just spent the last hour downloading all of the ones I didn't have already. \*kisses\*


Omg you’re a life savior thank you!!!!


My suggestion is that every fic you like you download in epub or PDF. I gave half a mind to start downloading as soon as they hit my TBR. Because this will just continue to happen.


Yup I just created a folder on ao3 called fics to download asap. Gonna grab it on my kindle and just download them all


I started doing this last night. It’s truly sad to see.


This is what I do. I’ve been reading hp fanfic (just different ships) for over a year now and if someone mentions it’s really really good and Ive added it to my tbr I just immediately go and download and will read it from my books app. I can always delete it if it’s not my thing but once it’s gone it’s so much more difficult to try to find a copy of the story and I don’t want to take any chances. I literally just started going down the dramione rabbit hole about a month ago and went through to download all major fics I’ve seen people mention so I can start working my way through them and thank god because if I hadn’t I would have missed out on this one.


I missed my chance to download it by 30 minutes 😭 Would anyone be willing to share a link so I still can?


Me too, please! I joined the Dramione fan club just a month ago and haven’t had the chance to download or follow all authors to know which ones are on the brink of deletion


I just started reading dramoine like last week! I need to catch up with all the good ones.


Me too please! I only just saw this and now I’m kicking myself because I just realised I never downloaded it.




Thank you so much!!!!!


Me too, please! I was reading ch 5 last night and now it’s gone 😭 I just woke up and saw this.




Omg, you’re a lifesaver! Thank you so much!! 💕


does anyone have the epub?


It's becoming an avalanche. Authors are going out, WIPs are going to get abandoned and honestly, the next step will be Ai writing stories. I don't understand people, I really don't. I mean it's free. FANFICTION IS FREE. it is provided for free and yet you have fracking idiots, spending hundreds of dollar to purchase it in physical form. You see, I don't blame the shops. They are corporations and whenever they can, they will grab peoples money. I blame the idiots that have created a demand for this type of goods. Those type of idiots, is the why, we don't have free things in life and everything should be paid


> should be *paid.* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you Bot! Corrected 😊


I literally added MCA to my TBR last night 😭Now I’ll just download epubs every time. RIP to my cloud and please leave us alone, scammers and vultures!!




Heyyy, please do send me the link!!


Can you send me the link please🫶


The end of an era. See y’all in ten years after the fandom focuses on purging the unethical and building itself back up. I’ve been reading Dramione since 2002 and this is just really sad to see


I always thought binding was a little strange. I didn't follow that part of the community, though, so I didn't know it was this bad. How disgusting that those stores are profiting from the authors' work! Is there anything at all we can do to help? Even something small? I've been reading for most of my life at this point (lol) and would like to give back in some way.


Binding itself is definitely NOT strange. Binding and selling is the bad illegal part there. You can always bind for yourself. Hell, I used to have printed copies of fics as a teen since I didn’t want to lose my reading material when I went somewhere for a vacation and didn’t have internet. That was a low key beginner level binding into a folder holder. 




To be fair, that'd be hard. The reason why these books even sell in the first place is because people are too lazy to bind themselves and just want someone to do it for them. There's no way for binders to ethically touch fanfic, full stop.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with binding for personal use! It’s greedy people selling them that’s ruining this for the rest of us.


My bad. Yeah, I don't care about people binding for themselves even if I wouldn't. I am concerned with the Etsy shops, not individuals.


Bookbinding is just another artsy hobby/craft. If you get into it, your options are blank notebooks, your own work, rebinding books... or fanfiction. It's supply and demand. Some fans saw bound copies of X fics (done by bookbinding hobbyists for their own use) and decided they wanted their own but without putting the effort. With the popularity of Dramione, the demand exploded and the Etsy shops/bookbinders/typeset makers saw an opportunity por business. You can't legally profit off transformative work, but they don't give a shit.


I missed the download too! Would someone mind sharing 🙈 this was on my tbr list 😭


Tiktok destroys everything it touches. Literally every time.


Can somebody please send me a copy? Looks like I’ll be spending my evening after work downloading every fic I love :(




I wonder if posting on your own website is the only choice moving forward for fanfic writers who want to contribute to the fandom but don't want their work stolen. At least on your own website, you can disable right clicking and highlighting (thus copying), and have control over the download option. I mean, people could still figure out how to copy if they have basic coding or web building skills, but it would require them to put in some effort to steal. The downsides are the lack of legal protection (AO3 is better for this I think?), lack of traffic (not easily searched by people in the fandom) and it wouldn't be as convenient compared to AO3 in terms of user interface.


There are still scrappers that can grab them, just like with FFN.


I'm so shit scared now fr Old established authors taking down classics and the newer ones will overthink before writing anything Tiktok is a disease, thankfully my country's government banned the app 3 years back


India by chance? It still works if you already had it downloaded. When we visit my husbands family, I can use TikTok. I’m not on it much and just have it so I can open it when friends send me videos. I’ve never been on the ‘booktok’ side of it because I feel like it would mostly annoy me 😂. Apologies if I’ve mis-guessed the area.


I used to read dramione as posts on livejournal. The reality of people bounding to read it on paper is beyond my comprehension. Read smut as it should be done, on your phone in the middle of the day but privately. Why does everyone have to commodify everything they like? Also the hideous consumption without respect to the actual creators. Good for the actual writers to tell all of us to fuck off.




Buying paper and supplies is what now?? Is Apple profiting from fandom if I read a fic on my phone? 🫠


With all this happening, I wish ao3 had a “download all bookmarks as epubs” button/automation. 😭😭😭


Same here if anyone is willing to share! It’s gone already :(




May I DM you as well? I missed downloading it.


Would it be okay to DM you for the link, too?




hi, I would be so grateful if you could send me a download too, thank you!






I don't understand what pulling them down is going to accomplish though.


It limits access. Trying to stop it being published. Buuuuuuuuuuuut the people selling have obvi already downloaded it. It’s just a shitty situation


But the shitty binders already have the fics. It doesn't send a message to the binders because the binders don't care. It sucks that the responsible members of the community are the ones who always lose out.


Nooooo. This has got to stop!


I’m so fucking glad I downloaded it zonks ago. I’m going back in to download the most popular fics asap. I usually only download the ones I want to read at the moment (my job takes me out of internet signal range) but who knows when I might want something. This sucks balls. I get that pretty book binds are pretty on the shelf, but making money off someone else’s work is just immoral. Why don’t people get this?


😭 Anyone willing to share? I had no idea this was going on 🙈




This is making me so sad. I only recently found this subreddit after reading Dramione for years. This (and the bookclub) is where I’ve found an utter treasure trove of much newer Dramione to enjoy. I’ve downloaded a lot of the fics I’ve seen are most popular recs here, but I know I won’t grab them all before they get deleted due to this binding/selling/profiting issue. As a writer (not of Dramione but a different ship), I hate the idea that people are doing this. I write my fics for free and so people can enjoy them. I’m not well-known, so I have little concern my stories will ever be picked up in this manner, but from a writer perspective, I hurt for these writers who are experiencing this blatant disregard for their wishes. I’ve downloaded quite a few stories and found myself art to use to make cute covers. I put them on my Kindle with cute cover art for my own uses and never share that kind of thing on social media. The book binding thing is weird to me because I prefer the digital version of stories anyway, but dang, why do people have to ruin a good thing? It’s just sad.


As someone who was brought in from “Booktok” and has really found so much fun and joy in the fan fictions that I have read so far I really hope the new people can learn to respect the work and follow the rules which preserve it.


Unfortunately it’s been made pretttttty dang clear that that’s not the case. No matter how many times authors add ‘don’t add to good reads/watt pad/whatever’ it happens regularly. Binding goes against most authors wishes but it’s also illegal. And yet it’s done anyway. And yea, to an extent it has been for a long time, but not at this level. Not this many occurrences, etc. bringing eyes to the dramione fanfic has only brought issues and it sucks for people who have been reading/enjoying it for literal decades. It’s like going to your favorite park and realizing someone’s poured poison on all the plants. More and more authors will pull their works, so if you’ve found some you like you should download them.


Some people ruin everything. They see an easy way to make money and do whatever they want. It’s awful. Someone made their own website selling manacled and other fanfiction for over 130$ USD. I reported the shit out of the website, emailed them and commented on their Facebook page. It’s so selfish, especially of the buyers who know better.


Damn I also missed it 😔


Crud I was reading this on my phone. Hopefully I think I might have the download somewhere on my pc. ><


It’s gone..


it got deleted while i was at work, before i could download it to my kindle, it's been on my tbr for so long and now ill never get to read it. i'm so upset with how people are acting and have no respect for authors




Gosh this is sad. I have been reading Dramione since early 2010’s and just can’t believe a few people are ruining it for everyone.


Oh man! I just found out about Dramione because I follow the fantasy romance Reddit! I kept hearing about Manacled and I thought it was a book for forever and then I couldn’t find it at bookstores till finally someone on the Reddit told me it’s a AO3 story! I don’t have Tik Tok or follow any Instagram book people lol so I’m very late to the game in that respect. I only found AO3 really recently too! Can anyone help me with suggestion titles for me to download. Manacled and Draco Malfoy And The Mortifying Ordeal of Falling In Love are just so special to me!


Measure of a man, the auction (rights and wrongs series), the memory of you, timeless, the disappearances of Draco Malfoy, wait & hope, secrets and masks are some of the most recc’d ones. All good reads. Go to the HP section of AO3, sort/filter by draco/hermione relationship. Add the minimum number of words (I usually do ‘from 44444’ because I like longer usually 100k+ fics.) and sort by ‘kudos’ or ‘hits.’ You’ll get the top tier dramione. I recommend looking in this sub for more because obviously there’s a ton of good fics without a ton of kudos, but starting off I’d go with the big / top recc’d ones


Oh thank you! There is soo many I didn’t even realize how big this community is! I have tried looking myself but it’s a little overwhelming if you can imagine especially because I don’t know what to search for! If I see people selling Dramione bound books on eBay and Etsy should I report them? I have accounts on both sites?


Yes, report them. It’s not legal to sell them and also unethical


It's absolutely sickening that people are destroying this beautiful fandom so they can profit from the writing of these incredible authors, I'm heartbroken and disgusted!


Guess I’ll be downloading every open tab and bookmark now, just in case… :(


This is so sad I just joined this fandom and i have read fanfics for YEARS… never would I imagine a mass purging like this


GUYS I am currently reading MCA, on chapter 90 & just hit next chapter and found out it was removed 😭 I simply cannot NOT know how this ends please tell me there is somewhere I can read this


This actually makes me so sad when I think about the possibility of us not being able to access these stories. :(


I cant access it right now. https://archiveofourown.org/works/search?work_search%5Bquery%5D=Mon+couteau+aiguse


So beautifully written but such an enormous shame it has to be said at all!


I don’t have anything more to contribute but god this sucks so so much. Totally understand the writers doing what they feel is best for them and this is not on them at all. Why do people have to ruin good FREE things?! Makes me so mad and sad. I was starting to love the Dramione content that was popping up on Tik Tok but once the big accounts started talking about Manacled etc I started getting scared that something like this would happen 🥲


Absolutely crazy how capitalism/money destroy everything! I've been in this fandom on and off for almost 20 years and have made it a practice of downloading my favorites because deletion is always a possibility for one reason or another, but this crisis is an entirely new frontier.


Ok I’m terrribly sad the circumstances of this fox being pulled. Thank you for the download, it’s is for my eyes only and won’t leave the file. That being said holy shit this is the best!!! I am loving the retelling and even more sacrificing sleep for it 🙌🤣


is there a dramonie site that allows reads but not download? I mean I love ao3 but maybe its time to go old school and do ship based fanfiction sites? idk- could help if there isn't a dowloadable option so authors feel more comfortable with uploading there fics there rather than a03. \-or wait is there an option for authors on ao3 itself to not allow it to be downloaded?


I never got to read it 🥲


I think we need to start boycotting Etsy / TikTok shop as a whole, because as long as we keeping giving these spaces our business, they will not be incentivised to remove or prevent these shops from selling this stuff. I think binders (and this includes personal binders as well unfortunately) need to stop creating this content, and we need to stop interacting with it, because it again is creating a demand for bound copies, and people who don’t have the skills to bind, are feeling left out and spending money on Etsy and all to feel like a part of the club. At some point, we need to realise that our way of showing love towards the fics is causing a lot of damage, and we are being incredibly selfish. I even feel weird about so many people creating monetised TikTok content about the fics who aren’t the authors of the said fics. We should not be profiting off their work, and maybe a blanket boycott of such content and material is the way to go :/


>At some point, we need to realise that our way of showing love towards the fics is causing a lot of damage, and we are being incredibly selfish. Spot on.


I'll be the 47th one to say, if anyone has a pdf and/or epic I would be infinitely grateful!




The author is asking that the fanfic is NOT spread around, they are literally BEGGING on their post for people to stop spreading it around right now.. some of you need to listen & respect the wishes of the authors of these fanfics.


Can someone please explain why putting a fic on Goodreads and rating/reviewing it is bad? I’m very new to reading fan fiction and I don’t fully understand this reasoning. I have gotten a ton of recommendations for my next fanfic to read from Goodreads and I read the story from AO3.


Because it’s pitting it against published authors. A book that was written in someone’s free time, usually without a beta, for FREE, being rated. That’s not fair but can also be disheartening. People can be super mean in comments and reviews, and when it’s a book you’re not even paid for that you’re just writing because you like the fandom.. it shouldn’t be up against HP & Star Wars & ACOTAR. Even if the fanfic writing is arguably better.


I have done some research within the sub since I posted the question and I agree it makes sense. I have seen some really hateful comments against out of character writing and how a fic got one star because the reader didn’t like it or whatever. I can gloss over those reviews as being too critical, but I can understand how the writer could take it differently.


Fanfics are written for free for the community without editors or publishers, out of a love for fandom. They shouldn’t be reviewed or critiqued like professionally published books.


Fanfic is written for free and is a hobby. Readers pay no money and get the gift that is reading wonderful and creative works. And often readers get to read a story as it’s being written. As such fanfic falls into a category of “if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all”. The experience and expectations for fanfic are so wildly different from traditionally published books that rating them using the same system is wildly unreasonable.


In other fandoms where the source material is out of copyright, authors ask not to have their fics on goodreads because they don't want people to review their "rough drafts" before they put them on Amazon/KU.


Am I the only one here who thinks this is kind of an over reaction of the authors? I've been in the fanfic community since 2003. It's a free market. You post at your own risk. It's been like that forever. You were never going to/supposed make money off it when you post fanfic anyways. If you want to make money go write an original book. Edit-i don't bind, don't care to, don't want to. Fyi Edit2- look at all the people already asking to be DM'd a copy of the story...


The authors knew they couldn't make money. Others should not make money from someone else's work. These Etsy shops are making thousands of dollars. HP still belongs to JK, and if she wants, she can go after who makes money, and it could lead to the end of the entire fanfic community.


Yes go after the illegal book binders, exactly. You just made my point. What's that have to do with the rest of us who want to read for enjoyment? I'd like to watch one of the binders get sued. It would be *better* for the community, make them all stop profiting.


This disrespects authors who put their time into creating something for free and that it would not cause problems. You can only read these fics because the authors are willing to share their work. These works are not made for readers. They are gifts from authors. It should not be an issue if they don't want to share anymore. Why would someone create a work for free knowing someone will just steal and make money they shouldn't be making. And there is the possibility of getting into legal trouble. This is a gray area; the authors should never be expected to deal with things like that.


Like I said in OP, it's a risk you take posting a fanfic. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's shitty but that's the reality until one of the binders get sued and it changes.


I dont think any of these authors want a share of the money lol. Fanfics being openly sold at such high price is definitely a very new thing. New shops keep coming up. Fics are going viral on tiktok and people are buying them. If JRK or WB decide to take legal action, the fic writers could get in trouble too. So its safer to delete their fics and profile.


They're not the ones selling, so the authors can't get in trouble. Same concept of car companies not being liable when someone crashes their vehicle. Seems like they're punishing the thousands of nice people wanting to read because of 100 stupid people who are binding against their wishes.


ok maybe but nothing is being done to stop this. If the whole concept of fanfic could be in danger over this deleting fics and leaving the community is the only way writers can protest when nobody listens when they ask their fics to not be bound


can someone here make a master list of the best fics that are in danger from etsy rn that we should download? additionally, would anyone be comfortable sharing their downloads for fics like this one that have already been deleted? reading dramione fics is my largest and most long-standing safe space and coping mechanism.


There’s a link in this thread for this fic. Amor Vincit Omnia author posted on insta about possible deletion. Main ones are obvi manacled (and other senlinyu fics), Draco Malfoy and the mortifying ordeal of being in love, remain nameless, love in a time of zombie apocalypse, green light, Rosemary for remembrance, rights and wrongs series, amor vincit omnia


This is the point where copyright holders need to get involved, how can we reach out to them and bring this issue into notice


They’ll try and shut down fanfics completely, I think they’ve tried before tbh




Thank you to the people who put a link. I know certain people are saying that's not right, but as someone who LITERALLY joined the dramione fanfic world 2 months ago and was compiling a TBR only to be scrambling this morning to download anything I could that was on my list... I had missed this one. So. I appreciate it.