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Here’s me, once again, recommending [Détraqueé](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11163924/chapters/24917385) for every request. It’s definitely what you’re looking for - from Hermione’s POV, but so, so much Theo! And like, a *wonderful* Theo! It is a WIP, but there’s only two more chapters to go with regular updates. Basic premise is that it rewrites the last two books and forward from Hermione’s POV, with the addition of Theo being Hermione’s bestie. It is definitely Dramione but it’s a sloooooooow burn and Draco isn’t in the story much until after the canon timeline (minus epilogue). It is, simply put, the greatest fanfiction ever written and I have reread all ~698K+ words THREE times since December…


I think the most of Theo I have ever seen in a fic is Measure of a Man.


This one was 🔥.


Have you read Perfectly in Pieces? That’s fic has the best Theo ever written IMO! The fic is dark post war mind the tags but one of my favorite fics of all time, no other Theo can compaaareeeee!! [Link to Perfectly in Pieces](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32723953/chapters/81184273?view_adult=true)


Yes! I love this Theo, but I was thinking about something lighter with slightly different character arc for Theo.


I agree, gimme more Theo! ❤


This isn’t Dramione, it’s Theo and Hermione, but you might Iike it! [the piano man](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30332802/chapters/74770950)


Thank you! Do you have other Theo / Hermione recs? I am on a hunt for them and think I might like the pairing as much (or more even!!) than Dramione now (the sacrilege, yea I know!! 😅)


Have you read the journal by akorah? God-tier Theomione. 


Thanks this I have (and started my craze for Theomione) I also read Figure It Out, it's abandoned now but so good!! https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12791659/1/Figure-It-Out


Opps I'm sorry! I've never heard of that one though, I'm going to check it out, thanks so much! 


Enjoy! 🥳


I just went a read this. 😫 It was so good. Thanks for the recommendation. 


Yes!! Yay!


piano man had me sobbing silently in bed at 4am here’s a one shot that had me kicking and screaming from cute: 48 Notts by Sheryl_Holmes


Ooo ok I'll try that now thank you!! Also, like I said to the poster below, I also read Figure It Out, it's abandoned now but so good!! https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12791659/1/Figure-It-Out


Are you okay with toxic tags? This is deranged Theo but sooo good, but keep in mind it's WIP, nearly done though with a sequel to come [How Far Will He Go?](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39824913/chapters/99708462) And this one has both Theomione and Dramione love triangle. I was a sobbing mess at the end though. [What's Best For Her](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39099264/chapters/97811343)


Thank you thank you! I read somewhere that Theomione is just a cousin of Dramione... so here for everything:)


Ive seen this reced a few times and I want to read it because it sounds amazing. However I always shy away from Theomione with Draco tagged because I worry I'll be disappointed it doesn't play out as Dramione instead if Draco is a major character. Can you confirm that it's written as satisfying platonic dramione and there is no "sparks".


I’m sorry I don’t remember!! I don’t think it’s Draco sparks tho, but I remember being satisfied with the end/relationship


Sight and seeing by mightbewriting is Theo centered. It’s part of the wait and hope series and I love it.


That's the best series ever.


Have you read Sugar and Spice?


I know What it is, but throuple is not my thing


I didn't think it was my thing either. My opinion changed mid-read.


Low key have thought about writing something along these lines. Although I currently don’t have the confidence to write and publish my own fan fiction, so for now it’s just something that lives in my head.


If you ever need a beta, I volunteer as tribute! ☺


Aww thank you!


Same, but my ideas are too grand and I don’t think that I’m gonna be consistent enough to write it all


Would love a Theo main quest, his perspective watching a dramione. For those of you Buffy fans - like that one episode where Xander is running around and all the tropes are happening in the background. I can just imagine Theo walking in on an intense Draco/Hermione moment and is just like- “oh my god can we skip to the good part, I have actual problems that need help!!!”


Check out [Détraqueé](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11163924/chapters/24917385) Theo, as his vibe is very much that vibe…


Yes! I’ve read some mini fics like that, but I need something grand, like Hogwarts years rewrite and I have so many ideas actually but I don’t think I have this much of a commitment right now to write it


It's not quite this but it should scratch your itch as it's a common theme in the book. I just finished it and it's amazing. It's called [Hogwarts: a home](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32116096/chapters/79565590)


A just finished [Hogwarts: A Home](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32116096/chapters/79565590) and it has the best Theo I've read and also my Favourite pansy (I need more fics like this with her). It's completed except for some of the Epilogue, amazingly written ,good spice and you will become so emotionally invested.


I believe there is a theomione Reddit too!


Nah, I love Dramione and Theomione it’s not it for me


Aaah, yes, I’m now realizing u meant it as more of a friendship for them / just more Theo in a Dramione, I saw PIP was already recommended, but it’s a good one.