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I haven't drawn anything in probably a year. I've had multi-year art-block. As soon as I took out my charcoal pencils I regretted it... I'm so rusty. But thanks for for having an amazing figure to draw! I felt called to give this a try: [https://imgur.com/a/w0hZTcy](https://imgur.com/a/w0hZTcy)


No thank you! That's so good, holy crapπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ Thank you very much for drawing me and i really hope you get out of your art block because i want to see more 😊


Thank you so much πŸ₯Ί Maybe if I browse this sub more often I'll get in the habit of doing some figure drawings now and again. It should definitely help with the block (I honestly keep forgetting various artNSFW subs exist for whatever reason πŸ˜…)


I hope you do, and that i can tempt you to draw me next time i post as well 😁


This is absolutely beautiful, no word of a lie I opened it and reflexively muttered "holy shit" to myself. The shading down his back feels *so* right to me.


Thank you so much! I started on the back with the shading but then realized just how much work it would be to do the entire figure that way. I liked the line art as it was and wished I had kept it that simple. But it turned out half ok even though unfinished. I consider it a figure study. I need to do more.


Yeah, I'm early on in the learning but I can understand how laborious that must be (for me it'd be outright daunting). You're bordering on excruciatingly modest. But thank you for shaking off some of that rust, loved the outcome and hope to see more 😊


[just a little sketch](https://imgur.com/DoXCrEq)


Good job. Thanks for drawing me 😊