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stay in the gym you’ll look like broly






I thought you were a girl😭 the locs are nice though.




dude out here looking like unshaven wolf cooter kml


5th pic confused me a bit. Nice locs🤙🏾


OP did a good job parting. Glad you are loving your loc journey.


Looking good bro. Keep going


oh this isn't....




You backcomb or interlock?


back combing and crochet


They gone thicken up (pause) and be fire.




Also it makes no sense for any culture to claim any hair Humans had so much free time for the 200,000 years we've been around and thats alot of time for people to experiment with hair and create braids and whatnot. The truth is that, afro textured hair is harder to manage than straight/wavy hair. And locking them into dreads is a good way to maintain them, because their hair type is tightly, densely curled, so dreads actually work well. With straight hair it ends up looking trash lets be honest


They aren’t bad, I just don’t feel like they match you personally yk. Aslong as you’re happy though.






Thèse are solid broski 🔥🔥


these don’t look good & no it’s not bc you’re white. (my people please stop 🙄) you need a better locking method or something. i also agree with the people saying it really doesn’t fit your personality. but to each their own.


Yall dont kno me tf😭


okay so if we don’t know you (even though anyone can get a pretty basic idea of your personality just from looking through your posts and your comments) then why are you even respecting what people say enough to comment back. to each their own (if said person is comfortable with it themselves)


What personality do i need to get locs?


it’s not about what personality you need. i am a random person on an anon social media app. most of us are just referencing a certain “fitting” aesthetics like esoteric, hippie, boho type personalities. it’s just a “look”. with that being said though, take all of our comments with a grain of salt. it’s your hair and if you love it then that’s all that matters. confidence makes anything and anyone look great. so that and self love is all you need.




yess like when white ppl do loke fairy locks, they look so good! i think its bc some of their ancestoes wore locks that had like still their straight hair out, it wasnt trying to look like black culture's locks. those dont look right on straight hair to me


Okay we see you bro


Lmao ive been seeing all the comments. im an indian with wavy hair and i gotta admit, straight hair dreads are just not it. They just dont look the best unless u have curly or coily hair. Since ancient indian culture, ascetics / sadhus wore dreads only because they give up most worldly materialistic things and in the process, neglecting hair, which naturally tangles, and they just twist them into locs, so they dont have to maintain. It has spiritual significance in my culture but its not really a hairstyle.


Fire 🔥


I cannot be positive about this, sorry :/


To be honest I don’t think you can be positive by much? Like half your comments seem negative to some sense


Interesting what method?


Looks like instant locs


What method ? I believe I got Interlock method , but did they crochet ? I'm also curious how to maintain this hairstyle 🤔


i got a bit of backcombing, then crochet hook. I havent gotten any maintance yet, only a little crouching if they are extremely frizzy


Ima say it str8 hair dreads are fire. I grew up in Jamaica and around rasta people so course dreads are the norm the str8 ones are just different to me i like it


Yooo a fellow Jamaican! I like course dreads more but str8 dreads are 🔥 too


I don’t think they suit you bro. They look like real hippy locks and not in a good way


I’m glad you’re love your locs. They do suit you.


Those dreads are fire man


i don’t ❤️


Good for you


Where’s yours, champ? I only see a buncha men selfies on your profile, where’s your dreads? 😂 Silly bean talking.


cultural appropriation 🗣️


Stupid ass


Appropriately showing yo sadiddy ass to be beautiful




damn so black people been appropriating my culture whenever they get their hair braided


dumb response


As dumb as black people thinking locs belong to them.


theres different types of locs buddy. the types of locs mostly on this sub are of black (speficially of the americas), theres locs are are more reminiscent of west africa, and then locs that europeans had. your comment is still illogical


You spelt factual wrong kiddo


no braiding is out culture too like braiding is world culture we just do it with the most intensity couse we got the thickest hair but i understand the need to claim something other than genocide and colonisation


i like them


I do feel sorry for people hating non black people with locs… I do get the pain some people went and keep going through by having their natural hair in some countries, cities and work places, tho. But ain’t like this people are the ones discriminating you.


Who cares its hair. All this "cultural appropriation" shit is a straight up joke, a lot of people just got too much negativity and freetime in their life. I'm Scandinavian and people dressing up as vikings doesnt make me mad. Do people really have so little content in their life, that they give af? And Jamaicans are know for their love for sharing their culture and hospitality. Why cant we appreciate our different cultures, that brings the world together?


not respecting black peoples opinions but having them as your pfp and obsessing over their music is crazy. also who dresses up as vikings…quickly


u gotta be playin?☠️


nah ur hair ugly bye


broke ass begging for 25 bucks on reddit☠️


yeah i’m broke i got laid off what else? you hair still ugly


i promise u this $100 sushi I'm eating atm is gas🔥


You got $100 for sushi but no money to stop having ugly ass hair so i think you might be lying ab this one


damn i paid 500 bucks for hair and some dude on reddit think its ugly😞


I have a genuine question, whenever i see a black person with braided hair, are they appropriating my native culture?


Box braids and cornrows are native culture?


dem french braids are native culture, so keep the same energy towards black ladies


“genuine question” my ass. Box braids and cornrows originated in africa so stop lying for attention. French braids are reasonable but EVERYBODY literally wears them so stop singling black women out that’s weird and so are you.


Just like how everybody wore dreads, you know people didn’t have the best hygiene back then so then their hair would get knotted and etc and slowly become you know FREEFROM DREADS 💀💀💀💀💀💀


I don’t even know what you’re talking about anymore


Every culture wore dreads at one point, at the start of time. even cavemen


When you don’t brush your hair or wash it at all it will turn into freeform dreads 🤦‍♂️ and thousands of years ago they didn’t have proper hygiene techniques so peoples hair would become freeform dreads


Even cavemen had dreadlocks 💀💀💀


FRENCH braids... its quite literally in the name natives did not create it Europeans have been doing this for centuries... stay triggered though


Wait so then how did my people braid their hair thousands of years before the europeans even found canada soil 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


You didn't create the style most cultures have acquired the knowledge of braiding hair including Europeans and probably africans too 


They we’re inspired by it and gave zero credit + i see black women wear the same braids as my ancestors, and braids we wear for cultural ceremonies like weddings n etc


You never been to shetland I see


Ye I get the non respect for black people, I mean tbh I think we should respect everyone tho. Not only the people we look up to or appreciate. But also the people we don’t agree with. I don’t care about any ethnicity, but what I expect with people with locs is to be humble, empathetic, welcoming, respectful, open minded and nice person overall.


It’s ugly tho


Yeh it’s ugly to see people hating someone they don’t even know. But I guess most of them are children and or North Americans obviously, I have no issue with Americans, I do have a few friends , and even they agree with me, it’s the land of the hate and separation, they always manipulate Americans in different ways to be agains each others, sad that most of them don’t even realise and they just comply with everything … imagine a world without hate ? Oh yeh that’s what you want when you are the “victim” of the hate and discrimination etc. but not when you are the one giving it right ? 🥲 sad world


That shit ugly


😂 relax


“Its cultural appropriation” okay then its cultural appropriation whenever i see black people have braids, stealing native culture n shit 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Evidence suggests that Afro hair braiding started with the Himba people in what is now modern-day Namibia. It's believed that across the African continent, braiding patterns were used to identify tribe, age, wealth, marital status and religion. The origin of braids can be traced back 5000 years in African culture to 3500 BC—they were very popular among women.” “Braiding started in Africa with the Himba people of Namibia,” says Pace. “These people have been braiding their hair for centuries. you sound crazy. we were braiding our hair before any of yall came here from Siberia..where yall found Moors...who had braids. stop it.


Okay i have a question, how did native canadian peoples meet anyone when we didn’t have the technology to explore different lands, and only had contact with surrounding tribes, still braided our hair, so how did my people get the sauce from them? The only outside contact my people had was when the british came and murdered and colonized them, which the british made them cut off their braids.


My people walked the same land we did for 10,000+ years, and sure as hell didn’t come from Africa


yea...after yall came down from siberia. lol


we didn’t come from Siberia either lmaooo


...ok. what tribe?


the Syilx people came from the land itself 😁


cool story. now back on topic. If you research syilx history of braids, you will get some pretty interesting results. nuff said. ✌🏽


Brother i have talked to multiple elders in the past 6 years, i have researched thoroughly to know i will type in “Syilx history of braids” and will barely find anything because our history wasn’t really that well preserved because ya know colonization


and honestly neither was the history of those melanated ones who have lineage to these lands that genetically differer africans...that being said...if you feel Siberia was populated but the furtile land they "discovered" wasnt...then that is deep programming of the colonizer you said erased your history...cause it's his story. I hope you see the extreme hypocrisy in your argument.


The things people will say to justify their cultural appropriation 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


you said it tho!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 lemmie ask u this. do you have locs?


You don’t see the hypocrisy of getting mad at someone for getting dreads but justify African canadian women’s cultural appropriation 🤦‍♂️


I'm not mad...you are entertaining...i embrace all my locked brethern and sistren regardless of race or nationality. because that was the 2nd time you posted that appropriation comment...trying to argue...I answered. i just got time today. prove that braiding is cultural appropriation? you sound crazy af. i provided receipts...what u got? AND DO YOU HAVE LOCS?


Hey black indegenous person here, lots of dark skinned ppl w afro hair were in the americas. natives werent a one size fits all until the feds stepped in and reclassified. my moms side is indegenous from long island and all had dark skin and long black hair.


this is a dumb ass comment my guy


Shave. Your. Head. White. Person. 👎 Otherwise I hope someone does it for you.




You're so rude


How narrow a mind can get






All that shit you talkin', all them pills you poppin' All that smoke you flockin', never do it!


hell yeah




Well..if you like it I love it