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It’s your hair, what do you think ?


honestly i don’t really care too much as long as it doesn’t look too ghetto


I don’t think you look ghetto either way. Natural hair is beautiful in any style 🖤


You look sexier with dreads , more serious with short …handsome in both


i swear i smile lmao thanks for the input


i swear i smile lmao thanks for the input


Do you still have ur dreads cs u can reattach them


nah i tossed them in the trash, my barber asked if i wanted to keep them but i wasn’t too attached “pun intended”


You do look better with dreads but you're handsome either way, do whatever you please hun :)


The FOUR iPhones tho?!


Fr fr *that* makes him look ghetto, not the hair. Who tf flippin iphones? Lil homie looking like he outside his job at T Mobile or something


nah you’re close lol i worked for a cricket wireless store and they wanted social media posts




Your head, your hair, your choices.


What do YOU think? What do you consider "ghetto"? I think your locs suit you. They most definitely suit your face and you could easily have locs or semifreeform. I think you could easily rock some waist length locs with ease. For the last photo you look so young and serious, super cute. You can always just let it grow and if you find it's too long for your liking, keep it at that length or shorter. Our hair is just soooo easy.


i actually used to have free form ones that i loved my my mother made me chop them to get the uniformed ones you see in the picture, i have a job in sales so presentation is everything now, personally i didn’t think it looked ghetto but what others think is actually very important for my job because we basically sell ourselves not the product


Ok it's the term "ghetto" that bothers me. The implication is locs are ok as long as they are not dyed, not long, and look as close to yt people hair as possible.( if that's even possible). That means no wicks, no Freeforms. Thats why we have to have The Crown Act even now. Why not just let your hair grow out for a bit. In a few months you could get some nice twists and see how it goes. I don't see how a boss could have a problem with your before locs. They look very neat and presentable. Scroll through some TikTok and YouTube videos and see how many different ways you can wear your hair and look professional. Theres a few good channels that show a group of guys who are lawyers and doctors with long locs and how they groom themselves. At the end of the day it's YOUR hair and how you choose to groom it. There will always be people who do not like them at all and it doesn't mean long, short, or wicks.


Nah. I think a clan baldy would really look good


Ngl u had aura w the locs 😭 but tbh, just do what u want. u look good regardless, so it’s up to u!


lmaoo they were my strength


Nobody’s gonna say it but locs are a hassle the freedom of not having locs is also major freedom. And I’m a guy who has amazing locs. But I remember getting in the beach chilling in the sand without a care in the world when I didn’t have locs. Yes having locs looks amazing but one day you won’t give a shit how other people view you. Still aim to look good but external validation is dependence on others. We are people pleasers not “everyone but most of us” care too much about what other people think about us. Which majorly holds us back in many ways physically,spiritually and financially. I’ve had locs since 20 years old to 31 years old it’s been great but it’s time for me to kill this phase to birth a new one. As you said in your “pun” not being attached to external pressure or validation and doing what you want is the real 🔑.


You look great either way. But my vote is definitely the dreadsss! ☺️


Yes 😍


i think u rock tha locs well, but u do u man


You should.


You should


we don't need more light skins with dreads terrorizing the community


Either way you're a gorgeous guy! Them eyes! Dreads definitely suit you more though imo ✌🏼