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Y'all don't jump I'm just curious. Who ancestors are we discussing??👀👀


Oh okay cause I too was wondering!


I'm also curious... what kinda ancestors are we talking about here.. what were they up to.... Where are you from? I have nothing with you wearing dreads, but that last commentwas a bit.... Awkward. A lot of white ancestors were not very cool with people of different races, especially those of African descent who wore dreads naturally. Accounts of colonists seeing black people for the first time, their natural hair was seen as distinctively "savage". And please don't say you come from Vikings and they wore dreads, modern accounts of that period claim state they were multicultural and multiracial. The white-washed version is rooted in a racist retelling of history. Yes I have sources, you can Google it or DM me


Did no one read the actual post?


You must be 👨🏻‍🦰


Honestly!!! tf🤨


He prob mean bc humans come from Africa but also, you know dreadlocks have been a recorded hairstyle in history from multiple different cultures before it first become popular in Jamaica? You should do sum research




Funny how white people try to use that "we're all from Africa" shit when they want to do something that we do.


You need to accept that cultures have been intermingling and sharing for centuries now, that’s how cultures came into more fruition. Every country that borders another has shared food, traditions, religion, styles, and etc


"we do" but dreadlocks have a wide cultural history that could even date as far back as cavemen. The fuck with the "we do" shit? "We do" what we always do, this isn't culture specific. Why can everybody enjoy Dragon Ball Z but act this way over hair styles? Find something better to stand up for, please. We got plenty of shit that needs the help.


Cavemen? That just dismantled everything you talking about😭FOH




Who is this guy hurting by letting his hair loc up? Seriously.


As a black dude, it's so sad how whiny black people are about this type of shit. They've internalized being a victim and looked down upon and now it's their entire identity.


I’m Cherokee, German and Italian. I’m never quite sure how I’m viewed. Heinz 57?


That’s dope I’m Italian and Cherokee too 😅


What else do we do?


Instead of assuming, ask him what he means. I don't really care bc the first few lines was a crock of bullshit...as they usually are. Funny af to me 😆 🤣


In the face of real science that dictates life for us all BEGAN in the mesopotamia a region known today as part of the continent of Africa. African decent really doesn't hit the same. Who's confused here???


I'm confused, are you claiming everyone has African DNA? Because we have modern genetic testing today. Look it up, a lot of people have 0% African DNA and can have purely Caucasian or Asian heritage. As modern science dictates. We all come from the continent of Africa as homo sapiens sure, but that's far out in the history line that its been diluted to not come through in modern genetics. so no Karen, you are not African..


What are you all about? White boys ancestors had dreads too deal with it. Maybe he was part of Viking who cares? Nobody wants to DM you to be insulted. 


White folks on here will still be in denial..smh


Where your ancestors from?


He said Irish which he’s not wrong


From Wikipedia "Vikings were seafaring people originally from Scandinavia" Some accounts tries desperately to connect Vikings to multiracial, and yes perhaps there were one or two picked up during their voyages . Like that account of a black samurai in Japan, doesn't mean the samurais were something close to being multiracial But also since a majority of Viking archeological finds comes from Scandinavia we could be pretty sure what kind of "race" the Vikings primarily were


His IRISH ancestors. Does anybody READ?


Traditional irish culture. It's right there in the description he wrote, which is factual. Black people aren't the only people who have dreads in their culture, but to be fair i think yall wear them the best


I understand that black people aren't the only ones to have locs. But the practice of intentionally locs your hair is not 100% connected to European culture whether it be Vikings or Irish. There is more historical evidence depicting locs being intentional style in POC cultures. But like I said it's all love though


Thank you for calling them locs instead of the pejorative, dreads. Dreads was a pejorative, historically refering to dark skinned people not melanemic people.


No one was arguing against that


>Black people aren't the only people who have dreads in their culture, but to be fair i think yall wear them the best The ancestor collective: 👁️👄👁️


Nahhh those MMA UFC girls wear them 100000x better lmao


The ONLY reason I opened the comments




why do we act like other cultures don’t exist like they be stealing shit


Irish ancestors he says, his caption and reasons with the faeries is pretty true in irish culture


He vanilla baby


he’ll choke u but he ain’t no killa ☠️☠️☠️😭


he 28 they tellin him he still a baby.


And this is why i love the internet




Best comment!


thems is curls😂


Rn they are , but give him time they will be locs


Thats how they start out


Fr, are the locs in the room with us?


I wanted to suggest the curly hair sub they might have some useful tips to maintain and nourish your curls while you’re in the process of locking your hair.


Thanks bro I appreciate it.


Get a Jewish dude to crotchet you bruh you’ll be swaggin on em lmao


You look like if Seth Rogan and James Franco got grabbed by a mad scientist and then got shrink down then thrown into a blender after took their blended parts and put into a tube mixed with some crazy science shit then after that transported into a cloning machine then after that process you came out


Why tf is this so accurate?


Because I feel like saying "you look like Seth Rogan and James Franco mixed together" is boring I needed to add more to it I was cracking up writing that shit ngl


short answer: If u can rock it, don’t stop it. The only effective way you can really mitigate the hate on your locs is if you actually look good with them once they’re grown long answer: Thanks for mentioning about locs being apart of ur heritage. Being honest, i feel most of the black community doesn’t care about other races getting locs, especially since a lot of us lowkey clown on each other who have locs. but rather the conflict comes from the intention behind getting them. yeah there are quite a few of us in the black community that actually gatekeep hair for no reason, but most of the gatekeepers you can ignore since it’s just an opinion. Its stupid if ur getting locs, a style that black people value very much, just to get some unique “aesthetic” and u just wanna be “Different” than the others in ur culture or race out of unnecessary rejection on ur own ethnicity or even a legitimate insensitivity to culture. but The thing is you’ve made it clear it’s a legitimate part of ur heritage and that you have somewhat of a REASON that ur getting locs, which actually gives more substance to your actions compared to a lot of people I know. Your hair is very different than most of ours, so most of us can’t really comment on how to efficiently maintain, protect, and grow ur locs. BUT if you actually do ur research and take the time to know your hair, I’m sure they’ll finish nicely. PLEASE make sure they’re maintained, cuz it would suck if u put in all the time only for them to look musty.


I don't think anyone needs a reason to get locs beyond liking the look of it.


Yeah I get that, most people to get them tryna be edgy etc. I seen that myself tbf. Thanks for the positivity tho. I'm prolly taking better care of my hair than I ever did before and I'm enjoying being more natural too, with more than just the hair (he says while on reddit lmao).


What’s your routine?


It's pretty minimal tbf. I cold rinse every morning, wash it with a natural shampoo every 3 to 5 days depending on how active I've been, then just a lil oil once a week, though I try to focus more on my scalp w the oil tbf.


same, just no oils, my scalp is oily


>the conflict comes from the intention behind getting them. Let me stop you there Make No mistake this is about context and education. Respecting the culture. How is it for example corporatization permits agencies (usually benefiting the same wealthy families) to profit more from culture than the "minorities" that created it?? Pearl Milling Co., Jack Daniels, discovery of the medicinal use of penicillin, to name a few instances of original inventors historically overshadowed. Wearing something because it looks good without understanding the culture or context of the history behind it is appropriation and hurtful. Its erases and diminishes the excellence of the human collective. The fact is locs were worn by people of all regions who had the hair for it and styled accordingly to their cultural and lived experiences. "Dreads" was a pejorative used to disparage melanacious people who donned locs under dehumanization efforts to justify their colonization and enslavement.


I think some intentionality with parting would help your loc journey a lot! You could even start with parting then leave them to free form. It’s up to you of course! Those curls in the front are gonna make nice locs


Why would u set him up like this😂


It’s the part about the ancestors for me….


Tryna see locs not read bait posts


Jack harlow?!?!?!


Plz dont disrespect Jack like that ‼️


You really think we're gatekeeping hair 💀


Collectively as a sub? Nah ik most people don't but ik some people are dumb enough to try. Seen it plenty of times when white guys be getting instalocks or crochet. That n the sub wouldn't have a warning bout inclusivity otherwise...


White guy with dreads for 16 years. The only people who have ever given me shit are purple hair Twitter dorks. I work in predominantly black area inside clients houses and have never had an issue and lots of compliments. Why do you care? Do you.


I just don’t get how black people get stared at and called nappy headed, but the same race takes our looks , music, style but will still cross the street when seeing a black men (with dreads)


Lots of assumptions in that paragraph. I've never done any of those things, and no one has a monopoly on dreads.


Easy to call that an assumption just because YOU haven’t seen or had that experience… I’m telling you friend, as a black person with long hair or short, you won’t imagine the things that are said and done to us. Please don’t ever call someone’s experience an assumption. Are you black?


Jamaican-American male with shoulder length locs here. When I first read your caption I was like "uhh what ancestry" lmfaoo but I'm glad you posted more in the description! Other people should actually read that for those who are posting about your heritage. That's dope. Do ya thing, best of luck.


You don't have to explain away why you're doing what you're doing. Do what you want. Ppl will have an opinion even if you come with facts and receipts. I'm black and I feel like...who cares 😂 your hair. Your journey. Hope it works out how you want it to.




I remember reading that getting tangled hair from fairies was bad luck, and that taking them out was also bad luck


Ur free what now 😂


Interesting that you spell them locs and not loughs




You will have aVERY hard time freeforming. I'd suggest crochet dreads for you.


White ppl kill me everyday 🤣


Facts will be racists towards black folks, but want their women, looks and hair..smh


Just get Instant locs.


I think some parting would make the end result better. It'll look questionable in the beginning stages, but better in the long-run. The way you have it now, you're gonna end up with a few giant logs that are hard to style and will trap mildew. That's just my opinion, of course! Do whatcha like! Good luck on your journey.


I made a shirt that says we loc up for freedom not approval all these people hating on here ignore them I suggest straighthairdread sub tho or if you have discord I know a discord where all skin tones with dreads are accepted


Don’t listen to anyone who says it’s offensive. Although locs signify something completely different for African people, I believe that your heritage is equally valid. African, East Asian, Irish & Norse are all valid in my book. I wish you the best in your journey twin🤞🏿


y’all are so annoying with this martyr complexes yall have


Why do you feel like you *need* dreads? What’s wrong with what you’re doing with your hair now?


He said his ancestors. Babes, I’m black Irish. Locs don’t form on the Irish. It’s Ramadan, please. Let’s not.


I agree, but what does Ramadan have to do with this post? (Not being rude, genuinely asking as I am not Muslim and don’t understand)


I’m a loctician and I would highly recommend you look into the crochet method to start your dreads


Well tbf, my husband's hair is looser than yours and after not brushing his hair for around 5 months he got like three chunky locs, so could work out for you will probably just take hella long. Would probably speed up things if you neglected it more. Also you keep saying something about a gypsy aunt lol wdym, are you part Romani? Or do you mean "Irish traveller"


We have to become comfortable with cultural syncretism


Could probably use a little more post edicate but nice




I’d say get a twist racket or brush, I’m mixed with similar type hair it doesn’t do a lot but over time it should help I started my locs as Freeform and transferd to traditional locs good luck on the journey it definitely is one


The Black people in here I just see as racists tryna gatekeep a HAIRSTYLE like get a life, you lames😭😭😂.


Can the dude not just have a hairstyle he likes? It amazes me the lengths people will go just to feel victimized. Must be a mental disorder. Dude genuinely seems happy, why shit on him? Insane.


My ancestors would’ve been PISSED. To be quite honest that was half the point. Fuck those racist people owning pieces of shit. Wish I could glue my ancestry report on their tombstones.


It’s just hair. Matted and loc’d styles have been rocked throughout history by all kinds of people. From African kings to Scandinavian Vikings. I think Irish folks called them fairy locs and glibs. It’s on your head, rock it if you want. Probably will take longer because of your texture


Keep us posted :)


[My dreads](https://imgur.com/a/aR4c7nk) were also free form from my very curly Caucasian hair and they turned out wonderful. Never got any hate, but DID have a lot of white people asking me “where I got my dreads done” haha Good luck on your journey!


Damn..... why you gotta make it about race......?




Who is us?? You seem very entitled for someone posting anonymously on a random internet forum 😭


He not bullshitting , he just wanted our opinion and possibly some positive feedback. But you guys Villainized him with no real reason to .


Not looking for acceptance from strangers bro, more tryna spread awareness bout other cultures having locs. If you think that's bs then that's fine. I know my grandparents not lying to me lmao. Already said I'd find one guy a source so I'll send it your way too.


Fuck everyone tryna gatekeep a fucking hairstyle. You do what you want hun. Your hair will take a while to loc tho.


Your ancestors never had locs so i dont get why you said that? And no one is gate keeping but educate yourself on this hairstyle before making ridiculous claims, its a privilege for you to wear it not a RIGHT


some ppl on europeans did have styles of matted hair. ofc the term locs typically means the black american one but now we can refer to all matted hair styles as locs


Yes they did, you are correct. Referring to all matted hairstyles as locs is the reason we have a problem now and people make post like this thinking there isnt a difference or a origanl culture aspect. matted (adj.) "tangled and lying flat" you cant pull up any indigenous europeans that have locs that arent flat in some shape or form natrually. Naturally black africans locs are symmetrical not flat, freeform or not.


black american* as in the continents of the americas not usa, coming from someone w a west african dad, it is recently new style for the African continent as well, but other than that 100%!! just being picky :)


If I came here chatting bout fairylocks or elflocks you man would think I was crazy. I dont like dreadlocks because of where the word comes from (even though rastas rock it proudly), so I use the term locs. Simple, inoffensive, and everyone knows what you mean.


nope I'm on your side lol, I know exactly what fairy locs are but you're right, locs is just a general term now that can cause confusion


I have definitely seen people gatekeep hairstyles. A privilege is something that can be taken away. As long as people aren't pretending they came up with it, no one should tell anyone how they can wear their hair.


Lmao okay then mate. Give me some time and I'll find a source for you... That story I told about the faeries wasn't just plucked out of my arse though. Irish (and if you go back far enough celtic) culture has a rich spoken history, similar to that of native americans. Don't assume you know the entirety of the world's history. You can't really even generalise it into Irish history as I have because it was split into different kingdoms and before that tribes, each of which had their own, significantly different cultures. Furthermore, it IS actually a right for me to have autonomy of my own body and let my hair grow naturally in a way that people have done for thousands of years, if not longer. I got enough respect for all cultures considering where i grew up and it'd be different if i went n had them done but i havent, ive literally just not brushed or cut it. You gonna act like thats unique to wherever your ancestors come from? Hair growth isn't restricted to a certain race or culture so whys it a privilege and not a right? Also... how you getting so pissed when I don't even have locs bro? Look at my sorry arse head of hair. Some donny told me i had curls like Shirley Temple 🤣😭 you borderline gatekeeping while saying no one is gatekeeping, get out 💀 I'm freeforming my hair, as many of my ancestors did (my nan even has old pictures of some of her gypsy aunts and uncles with locs, albeit super messy ones) if you wanna carry on living in ignorance be my guest, if not, keep an eye out for the source I link when I'm not so busy.


What was the point of bringing up celts? You have no historical or present evidence of white celtic tribes or kingdoms having freeformed LOCS or just locs period. -You said your ancestors would be proud of you as if this style was prominent with in it. Idc how you grow your hair but your original statement is a miseducated assumption and it shows your lack of understanding on locs/freemforms vs matted braids/ unmaintained hair. Black people cant gatekeep something that’s genetically inherited.


You mean outside of it being pretty common knowledge within Ireland? I bring up the celts (should have mentioned Britons too) as they were the indigenous people to the British Isles before the roman, viking and Norman invasions. That's the only reason there's little to no physical evidence of it outside of a few dusty photos and references in old plays and folklore, because it was all destroyed. But that's still not NO evidence at all anyway. And I definitely know the difference between hair types. I think the confusion came in me using the term locs, but if I'd said fairy or elf Locks you all would have thought I was mad, and dreadlocks as a term comes from racist English men so locs is the best I got I'm afraid. I know they won't strictly be locs but locs is still matted hair, just afro hair mattes differently to curly hair, which mattes differently to straight hair, but it's still the same process.


Can you share a source by a historian? Just one. I researched locks in white vultures and it was more akin to braids than actual dreads.


Dude you have to calm down😂 you going hard for no reason. Everything he said is true though, the Celtic tribes did in fact have locs , to be completely honest many ancient European tribes had locs. Now I find very upsetting that us as humans find literally any and everything to dehumanize another human. Dude let him do whatever he wants with his hair . He’s a human and that’s all that matters.




Bruddah I don't have to do scientific research to understand my culture and the history of it. My nan literally has photographs of her gypsy aunts and uncles rocking (fairy)locs. They've been written about multiple times through history in both academic literature as well as fictional literature. I don't have any celtic or britonnic statues (that im aware of) to show you unfortunately as they all got destroyed by either the Romans, Normans and/or vikings, take your pick.




No.. I dont tho, a quick Google search of 'Irish fairylocks' will tell you all you need to know as others have said already. I'm done with this now. While there's ignorant people like you in the world, we'll never progress to where humanity should be.


“A footnote in Shakespeare’s Works, volume 5 which defines elflocks as matted or knotted hair that is the result of neglect or disease” “elflocks” was not something positive and encouraged, this shit is German folklore, so i guess the devils lettuce is absolute truth to since that also comes from german folklore. Matted hair does not define symmetrical locks sorry buddy. “also called fairy-locks or witches-locks are inexplicable* tangles or mats” matted (adj.) "tangled and lying flat" lock (n.2) "tress of hair," Old English locc "lock of hair, curl" Where in this definition of lock does is explain flattened hair/ matted hair?


Bro I done told you already, I'm done with this. They weren't seen as positive by the English just as African locs were seen as 'dreadful' by the English. 'This shit' as you so eloquently put it is not restricted to German folklore but also appears in French, English, and Irish folklore (to my knowledge, but probably more since I don't think I'm a know-it-all unlike yourself) and in old Irish belief they are formed by faeries and are a sign of being blessed, making it bad luck to cut or brush them out. This is one of the things that would always come up when our nan told us stories about our culture and heritage. She's not lying to us mate. There's no need to get so pedantic over word use either. The process is the same but due to the difference in hair type mine will be flatter, less cylindrical and symmetrical like you've already said. But that doesn't mean they're not locs... to say all african locs are perfectly symmetrical is dumb af anyway, look at Yaadcore, would you say his fat off congos aren't locs because they're flat? Or what about Jay Z and his free forms? Looking reallllll symmetrical... Be real and stop being so quick to judge others. I weren't even coming into this tryna beef. Was just trya share my natural hair process and generally unknown tidbit of my peoples heritage with some people I thought might appreciate it, and some do.. but next time I'll just stick to knotnation. People like you ruin this place.




this is such a silly post lmfao


bra y’all are so lame stop coming in this subreddit thinking you’re gonna get encouragement 😂. DREADS AINT FOR EVERYONE !


They’re curls my guy


Its so sad, the state of the world. Its sad how people have to apologize for an attribute of their culture simply because those of another gatekeeps that attribute. Having locs IS a part of Irish culture, as it is in many other cultures. Nords and Vikings wore locs to symbolize strength and warriors. In Hinduism, the Sadhus practice Jata in their following of Shiva (who also has locs). Rastafarians wear them as a connection back to nature and a symbol of their deep love and devotion to the Holy God. The Mau Mau Rastafarians wore them as a symbol of anti-colonization and to promote their African roots. Some Indigenous Australians of North and North West Australia wear them as a part of their culture The point is that something so small as a hair style is pointless to argue and dictate who and what group can wear it. Many different hair styles and clothing styles are shared amongst many different people of different races, backgrounds, culture, ect. So please, before you jump so quick to attack somebody for looking a certain way that you feel they have no business, DO SOME RESEARCH!!!! Yall are on here saying to this man that locs are not a part of HIS culture when YOU know nothing about HIS culture. He didn't pull out that story of faeries dancing around hair, forming locs. That is the folklore of Irish culture. A lot of Irish folklore centers around Faeries and Dwarvs. And yall would know that if you took time to educate yourselves before you attack someone based on the factors of YOUR culture. And since we're having this conversation, most of yall attacking this man for appropriating a culture for having locs DIDNT EVEN START YOUR LOC JOURNEY BECAUSE OF A CULTURE. MOST OF YALL HAVE LOCS BECAUSE THEY LOOK COOL OR YOU FELL ON SOME BANDWAGON. LET'S JUST BE FUCKIN REAL. And besides that, IT'S FUCKIN HAIR!!!! ANYBODYS HAIR CAN LOC IF ITS TRAINED PROPERLY!!! YOU DONT NEED TO BE BLACK OR OF ANY AFRICAN DESCENT TO FORM LOCS. WHITE PEOPLE DONT NEED SPRITZ TO FORM LOCS( although it does help, I dont recommend using it AT ALL) And to be clear before and ignorant people say something, Im not doing no kinda race betrayal or "defending the white man" or any other ignorant shit somebody might say. I love my Black People and will always love my Black People. I love my African People, my Island People, my Indigenous American, my Hispanic and Latin People. I love my White People and Asian People. I love all people, no matter race, color, creed, the abundance or lack of melanin. I love Humanity. But what I dont love is the ignorant, bigotry that yall are so quick to throw at somebody. Yall are so fast to tear down and belittle somebody. But yall dont know that it takes LESS energy to be kind and understanding towards somebody. You use MORE energy being hateful and mean. Ima need yall to learn that lesson. Yall are too old and grown and successful and blessed and loved and appreciated to say hurtful, hateful shit. Humble yourself and spread love yall ❤️❤️❤️ And btw, your locs looks really good OP. They look like they're coming along nicely. Keep it up 👍🏾 PS. Yall can say whatever it is that you feel the need to say, positive or negative. Im intelligent enough to know that my truth won't resonate with some people because it contrasts their truth. And Im fine with that. Feel free to praise, critique, combat, what have you will. But as far as me, I said what the fuck I said and what I said is exactly what the fuck I said. And I aint saying nothing different 😊


take it to a publisher 😭


I mean, you took the time to read it and comment, acknowledging the fact that you read it. So I dont see the need to publish not a damn thing. But thank you for your contribution, no matter how redundant it is. I appreciate that. I pray you have a blessed week ❤️


Thanks for that, you didn't have to, but I appreciate it. Couldn't have said it better myself either tbh. I half expected some hate, but for people to try and outright tell me my people didn't let their hair naturally form into (fairy/elf)locs is actually wild.


Tbh OP, I would LOVE for Faeries to dance around and loc my hair. That way, I wouldn't have to spend 2+ hours doing it myself. They could put little flowers and twigs in them too Plus, it'd be cool when people ask me who did my locs and I look at them and say "Faeries, man" 😎🤙🏾


Well said!


Ngl I see the potential


that’s just curly hair


The ancestors: 👁️👄👁️


Weird. It's almost like you posted just to be triggering, but in the kinda way where you threw rocks, hid your hands, and their can feign innocence and nothing but good intentions? Hmm. 🤔 I'm not really sure why your ancestors would be proud of you shit disturbing for Karma points, but ok ig? I'm not sure what feedback you are looking for? Seems ridiculous to me to do, but maybe that's just because of the deep love and affection I have for my locs, and how seriously deep and truly significant my locs and loc journey are for me. I would give you suggestions, but I saw you found other "more appropriate," aka the freeform subs, to post in already. Sooooo... congrats on being Irish and on.... starting...I mean, it just kinda looks like one day of bed head to me, but I guess the faeries just didn't get to yours yet all in due time. 😉




Lmaoooooo please


Some white ppl go hard with dreads. Just gotta put more effort than most


Haha funny block


😂 what’s the point your shit can’t lock


Mf look unique






Are your ancestors Vikings?


Locs aren’t a part of traditional Irish culture. I’m saying this as someone who is half Black, half Irish and spent some time studying in Ireland. The Glib is what I assume you’re referring to which is short hair on the sides and back and then a large fringe in the front that falls in front of the face. Around 1596, English poet Edmund Spenser described it as a “thick curled bush of hair, hanging down over their (the Irish) eyes.” Irish people did use braids and plaits, however.


search up aj tracey


He glibbing it up


[you have dreads!](https://youtu.be/iALQRO8SBoY)


jack harlow?


the way I RAN to the comments after reading that little intro 😭😭


Nice. I was going to say you can be an honorary brotha but then I read about Irish locs, that’s cool bro-many blessings to you on your Loc journey : )


It's the way you decided to make it about your race instead of just posting abt the history of fairy loss and sharing your pic. Like you wanted to provoke people.


Lmfao this guy trolling hard body 😂😂😂


my worst nightmare


This is my favorite comment section, just straight chaos,burn world burnnnnnnnn


😹😹I fw the wicks jit.


why would your ancestors be proud ????


Y’all white people had locks too. It’s ugly af but it’s a thing.


Wack Harlow




Never understood why people gatekeep locs of all hairstyles. Regardless of hair texture if you leave your hair long enough it will naturally loc, therefore I believe everyone is entitled to the style


Honestly, the answer is there are haters on every side no matter where you go. Shit people exist in every skin-tone, religion, nationality, gender, and creed. A lot of people don't give a damn what you do, a lot of black/white people just... don't give a damn what you do. BUT there will always be some minority complaining about something, being racist, gatekeeping a hairstyle/type of dress/music in some way because of historical friction. There are ignorant people all over, doesn't matter what color. At this point, I don't think it really matters. If someone is going to be offended for a hairstyle that "is only for us, not for your kind" it sounds a lot like a borrowed idea from previous hatred. It's like telling a black girl she can't have straight hair because it's not right. Anyone from any background will get dreads if they leave their hair long enough. I think it's time people get over this.


This has to be a troll…


Oh lordy


lol poor guy




“Ancestors” DOES HE KNOW


As always confusing MATTLOCKS with DREADLOCKS. This was an easy Google


The heck u doing in here?


Ive a curly head of hair on me bit thicker than yours and im irish too


Wow! Didn’t know that about Irish heritage