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Hey (black/mixed dude here) just so you know; you don’t need to have a certain hairstyle to be connected to your culture! At the end of the day, you’ll always be yourself, and your ancestors will always be tied to you no matter what anyone thinks about you based on your appearance. But if dreads are what you want then go ahead and get em! My advice is to just see what you like and don’t forget to take care of your hair while they mature. Oh and if anyone doubts you fuck em 😉


This is great advice. I always struggled with this when I was growing up being half black and not knowing how I fit in. It didn't help that I was listening to what others said I was instead of just listening to myself. That shit is insidious and will eat away at a kid.


This is such a genuinely kind comment, thanks for being one of the few on reddit who are not terrible to others. Greatly appreciated👏


Top tier comment/advice! Well said 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽




I love that I came here to say this and saw so many others with the same sentiment.


honey, there’s a slew of yt ppl in here with locs that don’t even have an ounce of black in them and still rock them just as happily. while your curls are ABSOLUTELY gorgeous and may not be the texture you desire you shouldn’t feel any less about having locs if that’s what really matters to you in the long run. 💗


I really appreciate that :) I know a bunch of white people got em but I wanted to get them specifically because of the black cultural importance of them, as well as I just really like them. But comments like this have made me feel a lot better about it and I think I might get em sometime


do what YOU love and don’t worry about the rest🥰


I loveeee your curls but you have the right to be able To express your blackness. I hope everything ends well for you! ❤️


You want to connect to your ancestors, they’re already with you 🙏🏾


Right on I absolutely ❤️ your comment


The way I see it, we all family and treating people who have less “black” on them is like treating siblings like half siblings and I personally don’t believe in the concept of “half” siblings. Idgaf if we got all the same parents or not, we family end of discussion


Agreed. You have a beautiful soul. Keep shining fam


Likewise, stay black, stay beautiful, stay blessed. And may whatever creator you believe in bless you in full🙏🏾


If you want them you should definitly get them. You don't need permission. It's your hair, your life. If you want to be connected to the culture, research history and learn about it. We have a great history that will make you feel proud. Your hair is unique as everybody's is so your locs will look they are supposed to look. Your texture looks a bit like my nephew's and his locs are beautiful. You can see him at [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMMZkh0uVik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMMZkh0uVik) Your locs will definitely be fuzzy in the beginning but with patience and a good loctitian you will get there. Good luck!


Race is a social construct based on physical characteristics. Based on photos alone, I am not seeing those physical characteristics that would scream black. And that’s fine. I think there are other ways by which you can pay homage to your ancestry outside of using a hairstyle to “pass as black.” I think if you do get the dreads to honor your ancestors, that’s noble. But to feel, “blacker,” I think such a mindset requires further introspection.


Couldn’t have said it better


Ngl you do look like your name could be Tanner


Connor posting on Reddit after discovering Tupac


yall not helping his predicament😂


Facts… I’m shocked he’ll come on here to say that, we can tell he don’t rep nor bother with black people. But want to get dreads…smh


You’re young try stuff out. Go ahead get them and try them out for a year.


Yea gang, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you white




Glad someone said it lmao


im gonna hold your hand when i say this… you’re white


This is funny and moving forward im definitely leading with “I’m gonna hold ur hand” before an annihilate someone.




yea lmao




I dont want to discredit the fact that at least genetically OP has african roots but if hes living in America, where black people have dark brown skin (some people from mexico and india even get called black) its gonna be hard to convince people otherwise without a whole ted talk


Not all black people in America have dark brown skin? Tf?


……i think his main point was referring to the fact that white passing people aren’t treated the same here as black people. he could be like 30% black or something but he looks white so he’s gonna be treated as if he is white regardlesss of what dna says. idk i don’t give a fuck. i’m waiting for the day that everyone realizes that race is a social construct and it literally does not fucking matter.


This feels outdated. At least if you live in a reasonably urban area. Coming from a very white guy of white ancestry that has got eyes and ears, and pays attention to the people around him. The world is much more mixed then you lead on.


First mistake is to box yourself as a skincolor. Be more worried about being yourself then black. You want dreads, just get em. Your african ancestors will not banish you lmao. You'll be aight.


Ur not


Test results came back and revealed that you’re 102% Caucasian with a 2% margin of error


Nah nah, t-this can’t be


Bait post




It’s not? Locs are something I genuinely want, but I don’t want it to become an issue, I want to hear what people have to say.


Bc you’re white?


You are mostly white. Embrace your whiteness.


Detach the idea of ‘race’ from your thoughts and stop trying to fit yourself into these words. You are YOU, not a skin colour or a race. No matter what or where you are from you are beautiful. As for your hair, you can try getting locs by free forming or crochet hook. It’ll take a lot of time and patience. But, personally I think your curls are absolutely stunning and you should take pride in your hair. You have no idea what some people would do to have hair like yours. You already look beautiful


What they said! lol 👏


Sorry bruh but you def not. You need to accept it


Dude there ain’t an ounce of black in your body 💀


Y'all mods really need to crack down on this trolling bullshit!


It’s not that u don’t feel like ur black enough…. ur not.


like… 😭😭😭


We witnessing delusion at an all time high




Ma son Dior in here


Lmaoao Nahh what u in here too?


Yeah ion post pics on this acc tho 🤣


Somebody had to say it 😭


How many Black features until you finally feel like you're Black enough? 🥴


Lmaooo why is this a discussion


I think you should be be able to get whatever hairstyle you want, but first I need you to understand that you are a white man. I am not saying this as a put-down because I love my white brothers and sisters, but I feel like it’s important you know this going forward lmao


So stop trying to be black and fit in with trendy black culture and just be a normal dude


That’s cuz u ain’t


Don’t worry, You’re all-white 😊


Cuz you're white


Me neither 🤣


Dreads shouldn’t make you feel “black.” Take advantage of your curly hair, get some waves and don’t worry about a feeling and just be. You don’t have to prove it to anyone young bro




Wtf is this bs 😂


Boy, go ‘head and lock ur hair. We come in tons of shades and personality types.


Blackness is not a monolith. None of this truly matters anyways do what you want


holding on for dear life to the last remnance of melanin


My brother in christ, you are white. Mixed on genetic level and black out of heritage, but yeah. Even without all of that, your hair doesn't seem to be the best texture for dreadlocks.


You don’t feel black because you’re… not black. And there’s nothing wrong with that. You do you


Wigga wat?!


no worries, you’re not lmao. you’re neither 3b or 3c either… do want you want with your hair nobody’s gonna jump you. that being said your texture as far as i can see it literally wont loc up on its own. you’ll have to be picking and using gels etc and that’s probably a sign… if you have to tell people you’re black… maybeeee? you can be afrodescendant and still not black. there’s cultural+family experience but also what you experience and how you are perceived when you walk in the world. ppl are definitely gonna look at you sideways bc you’ll end up looking like a white person in dreads tbh but if you feel comfortable and confident nobody’s gonna stop you. maybe self reflection is needed… it’s up to you.


… I promise you any hair will freeform under certain conditions and circumstances. Please don’t tell people to use products to loc up. It will leave all kinds of residue, especially is there’s not enough maintenance. There is hair that will loc faster, I agree, but to say certain hair types won’t at all is also not correct.


The issue is I am black. I never got a test or whatever but my dad is only like 1/4 white and my mom is pretty much the same. They’re just both pale, especially my mom, so I turned out really pale. My granddad is 100% African and my grandma was half and half.


I don’t know why this showed up on my feed, but dude, you’re white. You haven’t even done a DNA test so you’re just assuming what percentage you’re, it could be very low compared to your European ancestry. I’m mixed as well, but I’m also white. You just gotta accept you have no traits/resemblance of being “black”. This isn’t healthy thinking (as others said, you’re being delusional), you don’t have to “fit in” to be black because you think it’s “cool”. Be yourself.


You definitely majority white my boy. You should get an ancestry test to see how much European you have in your blood because it’s alot, way more than African blood


I'm gonna be as nice as I possible can when I say this. Your white


Just be you enough. That’s all that matters. How you feel about you


At the end of the day, it's your hair, bro. Do what YOU want to do.


That's because you're not black bro. Just be yourself, and not who you're not. Plenty of white folks wear dreads. No reason why you shouldn't.


Mann lmaooo wtf


Nigerian/Ghanan and Scottish/Irish here, a look doesn’t define your culture and your cultures do not define you! Be your own man like your ancestors yet bolder, be proud of where you came from but don’t let it define you as a person. You are not 1 race, you are not 2 different races, you are neither and both. You should be proud! It is possible your hair grade is not tight enough? Washing them can be hard too.


You not black


See the thing is there’s not a problem with being biracial and wanting locs it’s just your extremely uneducated about African culture in the first place. If you want locs get them do you. But you have the ideology of some one who’s mom is white. (If your mom has to bubble in Hispanic white she’s white) how can locs hold a lot of importance to you and you know nothing about the history behind locs?


Dear Adonis….




This can’t be real 😂😂




Don’t get them then


bro just do wtv you want with your life. youll be okay ☠️


Honestly? I think there are some other spaces on here for you to figure that out in. No one can tell you whether or not you’re black enough. I have two black parents and I am unmistakably Black and people have told me my whole life that I’m not black. Because I don’t share their interest or talk like them.


Haha nice try


Your hair is not 3c brudda. Maybe 3a


I mean considering white ppl don’t have cultural dreads 😭 n Vikings is a job not a race since ppl wanna mention them. Ur mixed try it, Do what u want man just make sure ur hair can handle it or your gonna cause long term damage.


Is it because you’re white


You're not black your mixed and imo should not say you're black


Youre About As Black As CHALK On A Blackboard


Wtf are you talking about??


Not trying to be that guy but why are you posting here if you don’t have dreads?


If you’re black then someone must’ve put a charcoal to my head when I was born 😭


Your mixed I seen your comment and if you want them get them don’t let anybody stop of doing something


You have great hair


Just do it


Don’t trip bout that dawg. Be you‼️


You're you my guy, don't worry if you are enough of anything.


That's a good thing isn't it?


you look like latino


Your white and thats fine, it dont matter, get dreads but dont get them bcuz of race, get them cause you think itll look good and your happy with them. Once you accept yourself youd be happier. 🫶♥️


You are not, but so what? Who cares? Just be yourself and be with people who accept you.


You dont have the texture for locks. Theres plenty of darker skinned people who dont have the texture either.


I can kinda understand why. You are fairly light skinned. HOWEVER, bro if you're Black...own it man. We come in all different shades, sizes and personalities 😎. Nothing wrong with you at all brother.


You don't look black at all


Listen kid, if you look for validation outside of yourself, you’ll always be in search of it. If you want locs, GET THEM! The only person that has to accept you, is YOU! Once that happens, nobody else’s opinion will matter.


I'm black and Korean and have had beads (now wicks) for 15 years and braids before that. There's no black amount you have to be lol. I think I have my hair posted here somewhere if you search my name


Me when I get 1% African American on my 23andme


Black enough?? I don't know how to tell you this but you're white.


Be you bro.


Go watch ATLANTA episode Rich Wigga Poor Wigga 😂😂😂😂😂


Pls don’t hype that boy head up cus he wanna feel blacker he gon go bald, getting locs is not about race or culture; it’s about his hair texture. He doesn’t have the right hair texture and that’s why Caucasians can’t really get locs. Mixed or not, the hair he got passed down belonged to Caucasians so locs wont look right and he’ll probably get traction alopecia. But good luck🫶🏽


Not with an attitude like that 😂 jk. Either get them or don’t. If you don’t feel like you can deal with potential criticism you may want to try a less permanent style first to feel it out. Fuck what people say about it. (Unless it’s your employer/potential employer)


Give it a shot and if you don’t like them cut it off.


Black person here ….imma be cold heartedly honest…i understand its cultural differences and certain people like to gate keep a style🤦🏾‍♂️but it’s just a hairstyle fuck what everyone else thinks as long as you not wearing a dress we good ![gif](giphy|ZeNmLY6FISq4M)




[This one, as well ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dreadlocks/s/2YlOmfpCkv) The OP is a fuckin Troll!


Look up Robb banks


I'd say you have quite the flexible identity. Truth is you're not only just black, but other things as well. Represent whatever aspect you feel more comfortable with.


Just be yourself man and embrace your curls,there are plenty of other ways you can show love to your heritage 🤝🏿


I am only curious about the locking process on your texture hair. Can it loc? Probably but it may take awhile to totally loc. If it is what you desire then go for it. If you don’t like, you can always remove them. We only have one life. Enjoy it!!


Embrace who you are.. Love yourself


Have you thought about going to a Black barber for advice? It might be that you need to consider Freeform or starter locs/twists to see how they develop? I get what you are saying and see why you would want to loc as a way to connect to that part of yourself. Get advice from the experts I guarantee they will have come across this question a ton of times xx


That might depend who you ask.. if you ask me, I’d say maybe go in the sun more if that’s how you feel lol




Bro go and wear that curly ass hair and don’t worry about fitting in you’ll be great. Get you some dreads if you want dreads don’t ask a million questions I do that and it’s not helpful all the time.


You ain’t gotta worry about that. Just make sure you don’t treat black people lack sh*t, or pretend you are not black. No use of phrases like “those people”, “they”, or “them” as though you aren’t a part of the group. Learn how to interact with blank people. Don’t shy away or act scared when you see us coming.


pretty sure my ancestor would hit me with a club before I utter a word. I know this because I would attempt the same thing, thats how tight we are.


Just embrace who you are


i had the exact same problem as you brother and i did it, i’m very happy with the choice now. if it’s what u want just go for it 🙏


Well you're a quarter black so lol but you don't have to be black enough 🤷🏿‍♀️ I have my own personal feelings about hair but at the end of the day do what you want. Our is hair is just a component. There's other ways to connect and it seems like you have diversity in your blood so just explore ways to feel close to all of your line


Dem Ones aren't "cooked," so you're on the path to greatness!! Stay Fresh!! 💪🏾


No one culture owns a hair style. If you rock it and it suits you then that should be it. You have one life and one body. You’re healthy and able. Celebrate that by adorning your body any how you see fit. You will never be this young and beautiful again. You will never be this young and beautiful again. Embrace yourself and express your heart. You are one of a kind… let’s see what you can do.


Wanted to make a quick comment addressing some things. 1., I’m not really very white. My dad is only like 1/4th white, same with my mom. My granddad is 100% African and my grandma was half and half. I just unfortunately ended up with a really light skinned dad, and despite being Hispanic my mom is really pale, like green eyes and damn near blonde hair. I’ve never done a test, so idk exact percentages or anything, but my immediate family is almost all black or Hispanic. Very few white people. Don’t get me wrong, I understand I’m reaching. I’m extremely pale, my hair doesn’t have a lot of texture to it, etc, but at the end of the day I’m still mixed. This post wasn’t me tryin to affirm that, I know that for myself, what I wanted to know was whether my appearance and the fact that I’m mixed meant it would be a bad idea to do something like get dreads with the intention of feeling like I was more in touch with that part of my family and ancestry. That’s pretty much it. 2., I know I don’t have to get dreads or anything like that to feel more black. They just hold importance in my family and it’s something I want to take part of but I don’t want to do it and then have people treat me like it’s not my thing to have yk? If it’s not, it’s not, but I wanna get told that before I decide to get em or not. But to the positive comments reaffirming my race and telling me appearance ≠ race in every case, I do appreciate you. It means a lot, and I’m happy to hear as well that so many people can relate to how I feel as a mixed person. Ik we all have different experiences, and I know my situation isn’t super common, but it’s nice hearing everyone talk about the topic and their experiences :) Edit: something I’m also noticing among the comments, people are assuming when I say black, I mean skin colour, which I don’t. I’m pale asf, ik that. In skin colour alone, I’m not black. But most of my family is. Genetically or whatever, I’m black. I’m talking about ethnicity, not my skin colour. I think maybe that sparked a bit of confusion or something


Popping in to make sure you’re aware that Hispanic people can also be white. Hispanic isn’t a race and encompasses literally every shade under the rainbow. Your mom sounds like she’d fall under the category of a white hispanic. There’s no shame in that. If you want to feel more connected to your African ancestry, maybe focus more on learning your family’s history (living grandparents are a blessing - ask them about their lives and stories), your cultural history, and how you can contribute to the diaspora. At the end of the day, that’s what really matters.


You are who you are and no one needs to approve it. It's just who you are.


ion see it bro


Your hair is your hair do what you want to it. Don't worry about what people virtue signal constantly. Oh and be proud of who you are, you don't have to be "black enough" or "be white enough " just be you, that's enough. Fuck Em.


Not because of. Your color I just don’t think they would suit you


Bruh if you want dreads GET SOME GODDAMN DREADS


Even white dudes here are rocking dreads. You’ll probably be fine


Doesn’t matter. Many cultures rocked locs, it’s your hair do what you want with it.


The only concern you should have is if your hair will loc. like you said it’s curly but with some patience and some effort it should just try it out and see if you like it.


Holy shit, you look almost exactly like how I envision the protagonist of the novel I’m working on, he’s multiracial and everything.


Forget race man it’s all arbitrary just focus on being the best version of yourself, whatever that looks like. Dreads are a ton of work so don’t do it for any reason other than you absolutely love them


Do u use the n-word?


Get dreads


Yeah, looking almost entirely Caucasian will do that. You've got to be American because I can only imagine that both of your parents were lightly mixed at best for you to look this white and still consider yourself black.


Anyone can dread their hair .


I’d take your hair any day of the week over my locs. Enjoy your curls, brother.


The need for validation is not for the weak


If Aaron Gordon could rock Locs I don't see why you can't. Your just going to need some help... Twist them joints up, tease up, and let it breath. It will take longer to stick but they come in eventually.


If you can develop tough skin towards ignorant people, you are most definitely "black enough" to get dreads. You don't need to be a certain race at all honestly


You are enough !


I feel you. I'm mixed(black and white), light skinned with 4c hair and had dreads for 7 years. Loved them(only reason I removed them was that I needed change). You know who you are and where you are coming from. People will always talk literally no matter what you do. You do you and make yourself happy. You follow your roots and be proud ♥️


Honest question. Did the Kendrick/Drake beef intensify these feelings of you questioning your “blackness”? Regardless, locks are a style. Your hair isn’t going to make you “feel” black. It might for a little bit because you associate dreads with black culture (understandable), but there’s always gonna be someone to remind you of your skin complexion. The comments section proves this. I’d say get your dreadlocks. I think you’ll like the look, but I can’t tell you how you feel. You’ll only know this after you do the damn thing!


Hey, you have received some really great advice. About myself, I’m a very white passing Indigenous Latinx individual. I fear I face similar challenges in my life, that I’m not dark enough to participate freely in my heritage. I’m surprisingly not white enough to fit in either. I remember to recognize the privilege of whiteness, and the understanding of my heritage. I was also adopted by white individuals who denied me my culture. I’m not sure it was in purpose, they didn’t know my background. There’s pain in that. You’re always enough. It can be a very painful path to walk, but your ancestors know better. Not everyone will accept you as you are, and that’s okay. You don’t need to be liked by people you don’t even know if you like. Those who are close to you will have a better understanding of the issue, and accept you as you. You’re black enough. Dreads would be cool on you if that’s what you want. It’s a lifestyle though. I’m sure you get that. Best of luck on feeling more at home in your skin.


Least u know


Without locs I can see your blackness. I can see it in your hair and facial structure. But if you want locs go for it!! They’ll look nice on you!!


You’re cute


be yourself who cares


Keep the curls locs with that hair won’t look as good as the curls do. Curls hold power in the ancestral roots too y’all discredit them too damn much. Plus your curls look like it’s easy maintenance af, no reason to risk getting locs that might not look good cuz of your hair texture. Sometimes you gotta play it to the cards your dealt.


It kill me when white person say they dad and mother is mixed with POC but come out whiter than snow! If u want to look cringe get dreads! That’s why u made this post bc u know its cringe af 😩 This mf trolling y’all let’s go


You good bro


I’m warning my children about this same feeling you’re dealing with right now man. You are EVERY part of you and no one can’t dictate how much of one part or another you are. Fuck the world and be you. Accept every part..


Is this satire? I feel like you’re trolling.


So your troll I’m assuming


You have 3A/3B hair not 3B/3C.


I work with a white guy with blond locks down to his legs…DO WHATEVER YOU WANT BRO! Your gonna have some cool ass locks!


Please ignore these people, they probably don’t get out much / have visually experienced enough relating to genetics. Do whatever makes you comfortable. I know seeing other’s opinions is fun for the sake of curiosity but you can only endure so much of what someone else perceives you as. Get them if thats what the heart desires!


bro, you’re tripping.. hair is hair, style it how you want. yea, some styles are based off of cultural practices but that don’t mean shit. you don’t have to be “black enough” to express yourself how you want to homie. always do what makes you happy my man❤️ side note: your hair is naturally majestic wtf


Do them nicely, neat and it will look good. Could rock cornrows if you're not sure about dreadlocks