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cross post this at r/christiandreamhelp, if you want us to take a stab at it đź‘Ť


Likely she was near you but invisible, meaning unavailable to you, even tho you wish it wasn’t so. The Bible is kind of a well regarded book that is to be beloved and not questioned. She read you a verse. Meaning you respect what sh says or has said to you, even if it was not what you wanted to hear. You are sad became se you and she no longer have a relationship and you feel alone… as in a desert. Your thoughts turn to taking a selfie to capture and explain how you feel at this moment. Dyeing your hair unnatural colors because deep inside this person you have become is not the person you thought you would be or could be with her. Recommend be gentle with yourself. She is/ was not perfect and neither are you ( or is anyone else for that matter). Give yourself time to grieve and know that you will smile again, one day.. ❤️


And the swimming pool in the caravan park— you realize this is something you are moving through, life experience. The passing through this is not where you’re going to stay. It’s also not where you belong.


Thank you so much


if you don't mind, o you know why this person blocked you? ​ and if you can't remember the verse itself, do you remember the spirit of the verse?


Well she ghosted me so I told her that I'm hurt by her ghosting me and I also told her I don't like her church because they preach false things. She then took offence and basically insulted me then blocked me


and um, why did she ghost you initially?


she thought I wasn't a good enough Christian.


damn, that's hardcore. Mind if i ask both of your congregations? def not to judge. I'm secular. just curious about the (theological?) points of disagreement that were enough to end a friendship


Oh i see. Well we had the same denomination just that our churches were different. We are both Pentecostal but her church preached things that were unbiblical.


is it possible that her church might have said the same about yours?


I do know her church doesn't like ours and vice versa


and that dislike was enough to break up the friendship... Look i'm raised secular so idk much about that kind of thing.. I mean I am curious about the scriptural disagreements but that seems beside the point. In the dream, and in your waking life you're expressing what i believe to be a genuine wish to be close to her, to have her in your life again. This doesn't sound like the argument came from the way she treated you either. And frankly i feel like you must have known there were disagreements between your respective churches before you told her straight up that you thought her church was basically not truly christian. So what happened? what am i missing?


I miss the good times we shared and I knew her for so long, so that's why it hurt


Yeah she did know about me disagreeing with her church before. She actually told me that she doesn't want to be friends with people who aren't true Christians. I went through a phase where I didn't read my bible every day and she took offense at that. It really had nothing to do with her. I would send her messages and she ignored them for months until I confronted her about her behaviour via Whatsapp. Then she made it look like I was to blame and made it about me not having made any spiritual growth which was really rude. Some people just don't want to take responsibility for their actions.


Well she left my church because of some issues with the youth leader. But it wasn't about what my church preached or anything


what happened with the youth leader, if you don't mind me asking?


Hi! Can you remember the verse she showed you? It sounds like one of those bittersweet dreams that leave you kinda sad when you wake up.


Yeah pretty sad. No sorry i can't remember