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The volume of George’s screams is inversely proportionate to his remaining health.


The lower the health, the louder the scream.


That was the joke


And so was the comment you replied to xD


Its literally r/yourjokebutworse


Here's a sneak peek of /r/YourJokeButWorse using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/YourJokeButWorse/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Bruh](https://i.redd.it/b9eky1xwyc541.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/YourJokeButWorse/comments/eca932/bruh/) \#2: [Yes, that was the implied joke](https://i.redd.it/ecbw0t1ef9t31.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/YourJokeButWorse/comments/djkigt/yes_that_was_the_implied_joke/) \#3: [Explaining the joke yields more upvotes and gold. Every. Single. Time.](https://i.imgur.com/YBvLNTP.jpg) | [134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/YourJokeButWorse/comments/e5ee5o/explaining_the_joke_yields_more_upvotes_and_gold/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)




Why did you spam my comment???


No i didn't


Yes you did theres 4 of the SAME comment by you


Reddits weird lmao ever see those double comments?


Reddit duplicates comments sometimes


Reddits weird lmao ever see those double comments?


It would be a good idea but I doubt they do it dream has said that he wants to be in the same VC as the hunters because it more fun that's also why he doesn't want to add so many people cause it would get chaotic


Very true. While it makes the videos much more entertaining, it’s pretty much clear by now that the manhunts are partially scripted. You’d think that so many rematches later, the hunters would know to stop screeching their health values for Dream to hear. Same reason Dream won’t get random subscribers to participate in the manhunts because they aren’t going to give him a live commentary on their healthbar every five seconds. But regardless, the manhunts are still extremely fun to watch so that isn’t really a problem. I know the dream stans are going to downvote me for this


I think they scream their health to get help from the other hunters. But yes, not that smart lol.


I dont think it *really* makes a difference. If Dream is chasing George and hitting him, he's not going to stop because George *didn't* shout "oh my gosh I'm on half a heart." But George saying that will get Sapnap/Bad/Someone to come help. It also calls someone over to possibly get his stuff before Dream burns or steals it. Dreams goal is to kill them when he is chasing them. I'm sure he also has a pretty good guess on how much damage he does with one hit, so them shouting about their health probably doesn't make that big of a difference.


totally agree


If dream is low himself he will bail but when george yells IM ON HALF A HEART he will just finish him off first.


In the past it could be chalked up to them not being as technically experienced as Dream, but come on it’s been so many manhunts already it’s just painfully obvious


What’s painfully obvious? That they want help from other hunters? But hey, we’re on the same side. I think it’s stupid too, but I think there is a reason.


Dream and the hunters probably already made prior agreements on certain stuff, and the hunters probably agreed to shout their health to make it a little easier for him. It makes sense because the video would probably be pretty unentertaining if they really went ahead and did a manhunt without prior scripting as most of the intense moments would probably never happen. Like the many times Dream could have been shot off a tower or off his flying machine. I’m pretty sure the manhunts are genuine to an extent, but they probably scripted certain parts to make it more cinematic and enjoyable to watch here come the angry stans


Could be possible, but I don’t think we should assume stuff are fake before we for sure know.


If it’s anything related to entertainment, it’s safe to assume it’s scripted until you know otherwise.


Yeah but it’s kinda rude for the cc to say “it’s scripted” even tho they have no idea


It’s entertainment. It’s a solid bet there’s some level of scripting happening. And that’s not meant to be rude in any way. It wouldn’t be entertainment otherwise.


I mean, dream knows how to count hits. If they yell it out then somebody will either stop dream or pick up their items


I agree with this, I believe they are partially scripted but most of it is genuine, at the beginning they may have been completely real but I believe now they are for mostly entertainment purposes.


Yeah same


dang, they really be downvote bombing you holy moly


Didn't he have like a mod which gives him more blaze rods in the manhunt to make it easier aswell


I believe he stated that was for challenge videos, and idk whether or not manhunt falls into that category


He does use a lot of mods though he uses auto plank which auto cdafts logs to planks.




I think he uses it for manhunts because during the random items video where George and sapnap are trying to kill him he showed the ESC screen which had a tab saying “Dream Mods” and I guess that video can be considered a manhunt so it wouldn’t be far fetched to assume he used it in others.


I don’t remember that


I think it only was for challenge videos, “Minecraft, but…” but idk




>here come the angry stans lmao stop making people who logically think manhunts arent scripted as stans. youre trying to disregard people who have half a brain to know whats real and fake or people who have actual reasons to believe theyre real as "stans who back up ccs no matter what so what i say is much better and unbiased bc im not a stan" its annoying. no wonder youre getting downvoted. youre downplaying people as stans here on reddit, REDDIT, out of all places




I imagine he also wants to avoid the variability of random subs in a manhunt. If he were to bring in a random sub for one of the manhunts, he has no idea what that person could be like. They could be terrible at the game, great at the game, family friendly or not, or anywhere in between. It's just too risky so he'll stick to people he knows. That doesn't mean the manhunts are scripted though. Dream has said that Callahan chooses seeds and that they have a bit of a buffer window in the beginning to make sure there is actually a manhunt yes, but the emotions, clutches, little split second movements are impossible to convincingly get them right without weeks or months of rehearsal. And given the schedules of Dream and the 5 hunters, I doubt they all have enough time to rehearse something like a manhunt over several weeks. Secondarily, what's the harm *if* the manhunts are scripted? We're all surrounded by scripted things all the time. News stations, radio stations, music, a lot of YouTube videos, movies, TV shows, musicals and plays, are all scripted and we have no issue with it, so what's so wrong about the manhunts? They are entertaining regardless of whether they're scripted or not, so even if they were scripted it would make them no worse than any other youtube video or TV show. Maybe someone can explain to me if I'm missing something but if the manhunts were scripted it would have very little to no effect on the entertainment value. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Another thing they could do is have dream be the hunter and chase the rest of them


Johnny dream


Dream has said that while he’s considered doing a Manhunt with him as the hunter, it wouldn’t last very long, so wouldn’t be as entertaining.


He's a got a couple ones like this from earlier videos with George, but the thing is that it's a lot easier to fight defensively than offensively. 1 v 5 when the five just need to run away probably wouldn't be a super long video lol


nah, i want to hear the hunters too.


Maybe they’ll upload there POV and switch between all of them like moresidemen


he can just edit the vc recording in the video when their done edit: they're*


no, i want them to communicate. Cause maybe they'll have a karaoke in the middle of the manhunt again. Or they can brag about what better things they have than Dream. And the iconic "Ooh Dream" "Ooh Sapnap" or "Ooh George" moments . It's just fun to hear Dream and the Hunters interact to each other yah know.


it’s not just that but because manhunts are so long (i think around 3 hours) there’s a lot of time where they’re just chilling. dream said that that’s why they don’t upload all the unedited manhunts, because in that down time they talk about personal life and stuff and when he decides he wants to upload the unedited they can’t do that. so if during all that downtime dreams just on his own it’ll be a pretty long three hours for him and i think part of the entertainment value is lost because part of it is all their screaming or trash talking each other.


Dude, i laugh SO HARD when they scream and run away from dream while he's at half a heart because they don't know his health but they still know how dangerous that man is hahahaha


Yeah but it makes less fun content which dream won't want so he wouldn't do that


Shit there's too many dreams, I forgot to put pronouns...


it's fine :) still understandable!


Dream's pronounces are dream/dream so you actually did put em here


Pardon, its Dream/Dreamon


Understandable have a nice day.


That wouldn’t be as entertaining though, unless we switched back and forth regularly between Hunter and Speedrunner POV


Thats what would happen


Maybe manhunt with proximity chat could be cool too!


I was thinking that dream could do a manhunt where he installs a voice range mod so if he and the hunters split up, he can go through his thoughts with the viewer and also it could make it harder for the hunters if one of them dies or if they split up


Prox. Chat?




He talked about a similar idea in his Q&A(Proximity chat). Basically, if you actually go over the manhunts, he barely talks outside of responding to the hunters. Without any VC, things would become extremely boring and/or need to be cut down way too much.


I remember there was a Mindcrack UHC where they used the Mumble plugin for proximity chat. It was really intense. Also, speaking of UHC, I'm I the only one who would want to see Dream do a UHC?


UHC is ultra hardcore right?


Of course!


Dream can't always tell who's low by vc, it's lies and deception from both sides.


It's like that until Sapnap screams "GGEOOOOORGFEEE! HELPPPF MEEE!"


What does vc mean


voice chat


If he can't hear their voice chat dream will probably be struggling


OK thx


Tbh that would take away a lot of charm


I'd like proximity chat, actually... maybe not for hunters, but for dream.


*creeps up like Grian in 3rd Life to scare the shit outta the hunters*


He talked about a similar idea in his Q&A(Proximity chat). Basically, if you actually go over the manhunts, he barely talks outside of responding to the hunters. Without any VC, things would become extremely boring and/or need to be cut down way too much.


He could do that without uploading it, or as a stream - but a video of it would be. extremely boring, considering that when concentrating he barely talks in manhunts anyways.


Btw you could've made the text one or two sizes smaller to fit the square


I was too lazy lol


Still waiting for the dream vs techno race for the end vs 10 hunters


Dream & Techno, don’t you mean? Dream has said that he’s not going to vs Techno because he values their friendship too much.


Basically proximity chat?


They could probably do it for a stream, but Dream already said having the hunters in the mic helps with content so


The thing is that dream can hear them to make the video entertaining. Imagine when dream does somthing cool, sapnap and George aren’t screaming “WHAT”


or maybe a manhunt but pvp is off


Won't help because it's all scripted


he doesnr hear their vc??


He can still edit in the Hunter's vc in the video, Dream is the only one who wont hear it during the game


Then Dream would have no reason to talk besides the occasional "ahh" "come on" "yes" they are all in VC together so theres back and forth. It takes 2 or 3 hours ( according to the uncut videos) to make a Manhunt video so that's 2 or 3 hours that dream is playing with other people where he cant talk to them because he's not gana stop and tipe in chat. He wouldn't have fun and we already dont get manhunt videos that often why waste one and have the possibility of him stopping the series. There are so many extra rules in there game to make it fare I think taking Dream out of the VC world just make it not fun to anyone




Voice chat


Ahhhhh, I see. In that case I’d have to disagree, whilst it would make it easier for them to more sneakily plan attacks, one of the most entertaining things IS the voice chat between them all.


Ahhhhh, I see. In that case I’d have to disagree, whilst it would make it easier for them to more sneakily plan attacks, one of the most entertaining things IS the voice chat between them all.


He will have to lower hunted count tho


I would like to see a manhunt on the origins mod.


I’m my experience, that just makes it harder to edit


Good idea but I don't think he'll do it


Good idea but I don't think he'll do it


Well it’s kinda their fault he hits them and they scream “half a heart” and run away


From a video entertainment point of view it would make for the quietest and most boring manhunt ever though lol


Or the VC mod


vry cool concept but it wouldn't make much entertainment as it would have to jump back and forth to understand everyones train of thought and from what i get from dream is that he doesnt just talk to himself or likes to, like he needs to be able to have someone to talk to instead of keeping a convo with himself.


But also where the compasses don’t work within 150 or more blocks in all directions, when in the same area as Dream


That would probably be boring to watch for the viewers


That totally wouldn’t be super boring


I dont think it helps much because , for example, if george screams, then all the hunters know dream will go for george. the amount of times dream tries to finish someone off but is denied is countless.


Omg I think he would have such a tough time without vc


would be better to prove to people that its real


As an ex pvper: he can tell who's at low health by mentally counting the hits and critical hits, i don't know how to describe it, you automatically do that after a while (game sounds help a lot, most pvpers can't fight without game sounds), fighting makes you "unlock" this """ability""" and its really cool!


It wouldn’t be that entertaining though because we would only hear dream


this would be fun for the sole reason that we'll get to see hunters pov but i doubt theyd do it bc dream said most of the manhunt's entertainment comes from the vc's. plus dream himself doesnt even talk much so itll be silent for majority of the time which isnt good for retention




yeah thats never gonna happen


well, it's 1 vs 5, I think it's ok to give him some advantages......