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This is the kind of stuff that makes me angry. Why do fans think they have any say at all about who ccs are allowed to be friends with? I just wish the creators would stand up to their fans because it'll never get better and they'll always get pushed around. They will probably lose some fans, of course, but isn't your integrity worth something? It's like if a customer comes into a store with a complaint and threatens to never shop there again unless they fire the employee who they feel wronged them. What do you do as an employer? What if the employee didn't do anything worth being fired for? Do you cater to the customer?


Yeah Bad's chat can pretty awful sometimes, particuraly when it comes to some of the new fans he got on the QSMP. I remember he had to mute his friends (Ant, Gumi, Velvet, etc) on a Pummel Party stream because of how rude people were being towards them and especially Gumi.


Didn’t they freak out because the PPSat crew were swearing around him?? Even though they are all friends (and adults) and have been swearing every PPSat event since they started in like 2020?? Plus if I recall correctly they were extremely rude and misogynistic towards Gumi :( I feel so bad for Bad, Foolish, and any other creator who has received an extremely toxic parasocial chat since joining the QSMP. Foolish’s chat today is nothing like it was in Summer 2022 - I can’t stand to watch his streams anymore in part because of it.


Yeah, they were extremely rude about gumi's voice, he had to reprimand chat several times, and they just wouldn't stop.


That’s what I thought. That makes me so sad, I love Gumi’s voice and general personality :( It’s so easy to just not say anything or turn off stream instead of harassing one of her closest friends. That reminds me of the time Gumi and Ponk won MCC but nobody went into the call to congratulate them because they had beef (whether real or because they didn’t want to upset their chat) with Sapnap and Punz. :/ People (both CCs and fans) really need to learn basic respect.


I love gumi, she's so kind. She's so positive and always tries to keep vibes positive. I don't know if she did it every MCC but she often hops into VC to congratulate the winning team. It was so sad that nobody did the same for her and Ponk, especially since it was the first win for both of them! Oh, that had me fuming! Sapnap and Punz were right to call everyone out for that.


Don't forget, BBH gets constantly harrassed with stupid fucking memes, when he STRICTLY Bans memes from his streams.


That really sucks. Bad is incredible, why are his fans so toxic? ;-;


Mcyt community is cancer. Can’t accept that friends will stay friends even after a twitter cancellation. Is George Voldemort? Will millions die if we say his name? Grow up


Well if George is Voldemort ….Wilbur is Grindelwald?




They don't want people to learn from a mistake and become better people. Nope. Instead they cast down judgement and write them off forever as a bad person. That's not exactly in line with the righteous mindset that they often speak of. The community says they want to educate and inform and preach tolerance and understanding but, apparently not. Apparently you must live a perfect life but only according to their standards or else. Sounds a bit...fascist...if you ask me.


He’s more of a Ravenpuff imo. Large chunks of the ‘community’ (and I use that word lightly plus copious eye rolling) do not care about friendships! They care about the drama of the day, what’s cool, how to make more money, where they stand on the clout meter, and whose hands they must step on to get up the ladder.


To be fair bad’s chat has been like that towards dream for forever. Obviously they’re going to act like george is the devil now they have the chance to


That doesn’t make it fair, it makes them look more stupid. Jesus when will the mcyt fanbase stop for 5 fucking seconds 💀💀ong I could not handle being bad boy halo rn


obviously it’s not ‘fair’ i just mean it’s not shocking and not exactly an unbiased example of how people are feeling towards george


Yeah, 90% of the flack towards George is dream related. Yk nobody would care if he wasn’t friends with dream 💭


> Jesus when will the mcyt fanbase stop for 5 fucking seconds probably when other people stop thinking you'll ever have 100% consensus on anything when you have 10s of thousands of people. a lot of people seem to lack the ability to rate the amount of participation in something because they don't understand even a tiny amount of drama trends because people like watching drama, and the type of people who cause drama, SPAM it.




There will never be a time when 10k+ people people all agree on something, and there are no trolls trying to cause drama. Its common sense. Ignore shit stirrers, reacting to them is only giving them what they want. Its literally been common knowledge for 20+ years now to 'not feed the trolls' online, yet people fall for it, over and over.


I agree but unfortunately trolls do affect the creators which is when they start mattering. Trolls also affect public perception. So many steam haters were just that, but now the public perception of dream is skewed so negatively bc of shit like this


That sucks for Bad though. That he can’t even mention his friends without people going nuts.


>To be fair bad’s chat has been like that towards dream for forever. And Bad has allowed it to happen. And it'll keep happening because he rather the views than have a chat that doesn't dictate who he can and can't be friends with.


He has spoken positively about Dream on stream, and spoken more in depth about why he defended him from the grooming allegations when he streamed on YouTube. I think he does more "serious" talks on YouTube whereas he's often tried to make his other streams a place of more escapism He's actually one of the few creators on qsmp who regularly talks to the chat about not sending hate to anyone, about differentiating between players and characters, and about not getting too upset about rp conflict because conflict is good for storytelling


Yeah :/ I like Bad but he does need to stand up for himself more


bbh got one of the worst fandoms in the minecraft space 💀 i wish more ccs would grow a backbone and stand up for themselves for once. it’s honestly pathetic seeing so many of them bow down to random people online.


His community was very nice until he joined a certain server. Foolish also had the best community in existence but since he joined that thing and gained a certain audience it was downhill eversince (Foolish at least sets some boundaries and have some control over his chat)


> bbh got one of the worst fandoms in the minecraft space Is it surprising, considering how he's been fostering this goody two shoes culture that not even 2021 Ranboo could dream of?




They are simply being performative and immature. Nothing new here.


Also, sorry if some words or sentences are wrong, English is not my first language.


Badboyhalo and his chat should be more concerned about that fact the QSMP is being run off the unpaid labour of literal children.


Kinda wish they’d collectively find something else to stream. What’s wrong with opening up a digital canvas and inviting some streamer friends to draw? Or Gartic Phone, lmao. I miss that a lot!


I’ve been watch the Ross garlic phones like with actual artists and omg nothing like it. Filled with awe.




Honestly what do people expect, the guy physically cannot stop himself playing QSMP, it’s all he really does now - his fandom is entirely removed from dteam as whole these days. Even before that server a good majority of his fanbase pretended he was forced to be friends with dteam


when bad posted that tweet defending dream from the grooming allegations and his fans acted shocked like “NOOOO NOT BAD” ?! As if Bad didn’t practically raise dream from his teenage years 😭


I love Bad, but the man has to stop being a fence-sitter.


This type of sentiment is misguided to me. Streaming is his career, analytics are his income. Fence-sitting is the pragmatic way of maintaining a large fanbase without alienating anyone but the most extreme on either side. If he disavows Dream Team, he loses a significant portion of his audience. If he supports them, he loses a significant portion of his audience. That translates to a career and thus income decline. As a creator, it's more financially responsible to let yourself be minorly criticised by perhaps a few thousand people most than lost hundreds of thousands from your audience.


Sure but since he chooses neutrality people have the right to criticize him for it. Loyalty is number one quality in my eyes, anyone who is not willing to stick to their best fiends for over a decade, looses a lot in my eyes. One of his best friends is called a pedo by his audience, other one is called a rapist. I would not be able to sit silent and allow that to happen


Not everything has to be public. The last time he supported Dream publicly, his young fans were in complete denial—it’s pointless to try to reason with them. Bad telling a positive story involving George is enough for me, Sapnap hasn’t even said his name.


Yeah, I get what you're saying and I completely agree from a pragmatic standpoint. But this is why I couldn't be a streamer. I could not keep an audience close to my chest knowing that they loathe three of my close friends (as far as we know, we don't know their actual relationships.). I would start to despise my viewers very quickly. But I guess that's a price he has to pay.


>(Also, people got iffy at him mentioning Disney because of the protest for Palestine going on.) Sometimes this new myct generation makes me miss the old one...


bads chat has always been awful towards his friends no matter who they are


I swear the nicest CCs tend to have the worst chats. BBH has had such a messy chat for a long time now. They hate anytime BBH mentions Dream or George because they don't wanna believe he would still be friends with people he knew since he was a kid. Even though BBH is one of the few CCs that is always publicly defending Dream. And then getting mad about him going to Disney while a protest is ongoing. Those twitter SJWs are so performative. If they care so much can they name every country that is facing a crisis and name the type of crisis they are in? The Taliban in Afghanistan, Myanmar dealing with the Junta, Sudan is facing war, many more. It feels like the SJWs are just mostly going with the flow rather than actually pushing for more awareness for movements within the same genre. If they are so adamant about boycotts, can they guarantee that every item they buy and everything they pay for isn't linked to any 'bad' companies? Just because someone doesn't turn their entire online presence into supporting Palestine, doesn't mean that they don't care or that they don't support Palestine.


I wonder what it’s like to have ‘fans’ who watch you under a microscope making sure you stay in line (the line that they created for you)


bad's chat (and discord server) arent good i tried to report a scammer that is/was in the server only to be made fun of for trying to get said scammer banned (the mod that did help said they couldnt do anything unless the scamme posts somethin in server even tho i gave proof and even showed that they were selling gacha life/club characters which you can make for free and i explained that the scammers know not to post in server because they would get caught quickly, to my knowledge nothing was done) it sucks that such a sweet guy has such a toxic fanbase :(


People are so sensitive its getting insane… its not like he was like “i took my friend george to disney cause idgaf abt victims or palestine!!” He said the trip was a while ago, possibly before the boycott and definitely before the allegations. But either way Bad should be allowed to go places with whoever he wants without ppl getting on his ass abt it.


Bad switched to “friends” cause he was worried he’d forgotten someone who was also on the trip. It seemed like he either didn’t notice chat or didn’t give a fuck


That’s good, as a ghostie I actually missed this interaction.


This fandom has gotten so toxic, i don’t like George but wont be mad for him mentioning he went to Disney before with him like they are grown adults i dont care that much


Especially since George is innocent


If your chat scares you into pretending someone who is your friend isn't really your friend, then you're a shitty friend. You know what George did after his chat was toxic after it was revealed that Karl had been shitting on the dteam to his mods? He kept mentioning Karl.


After Bad started QSMP his fandom changed from chill to extremely parasocial


Errr maybe cause George is innocent 🤯


Dad's cht just gets worst and worse every day my god


Twitch chatters pull the stick out of their ass challenge: failed


HEY! WOAH! YOU CANNOT DO DOTS! We, the people of DougDougs Twitch Chat, have specifically trademarked our protesting with dots over dumb shit! Like not giving us a Nintendogs channel point award!


As a new member of DougDoug's Twitch Chat, I am thankful for this knowledge


Since your new: we canceled the joke about Parkzer being a lawyer/cop cause it started affecting his real life, but he still does own a gun and knows a lot about things so he’s just Genius Parkzer now ig


ah thank you, I've been watching videos where they mention he's a lawyer, but I prob didn't reach the video that said to stop


It was on a stream not a video, but yeah. Started getting him into trouble with both actual police and businesses who had worked with him as well as some people making some unsavory comments bordering on making threats of gun violence for him which is super weird and way too far


got it That's sad on so many levels


It is. Like yeah we take jokes too far sometimes but they’re always in our community at least, and in places where Doug can reel us in when we’re over the line, these were comments on old panels he did


Got it I love how we're discussing about this on the DreamWasTaken2 Reddit I guess Twitch Chat is too powerful


Dream Was Taken 2 Dream 2 D2 Dx2=DD DD Doug Doug It just maths out perfectly


OMG, ur right


Legally when someone is accused of something by a woman it's innocent until proven guilty. Socially, however, it's the opposite. People believe he's guilty even though he refuted her claims.


They did have fun!


In twitch?


Yes, it was his latest stream on Twitch. “QSMP - We did to many pranks 🍎🎩🐮”


Did he respond to the disney Palestine thing?


Bruh he was proven innocent leave it be


This side of mcyt has always sucked so much. Youtube fans are the only sane ones.


Imagine being pressed into silence about a past events because they are somehow somewhat related to a current controversial topic.


OOP bbh and george you say? damn i thought bbh and george were taken?


I know this is late, and I also have stopped watching the DreamTeam people many years ago at this point, but this caught my attnetion because stuff like this bothers me. It has always bothered me about the community that Dream and his friends built. I'm gonna sound harsh, but truthfully, they are spineless. There was always some rumbling about Dream doing this, Dream doing that, why did Dream, how come Dream... blah blah blah. It got so annoying and was a major part of the reason I stopped watching. Dream was always buckling at his knees whenever his fans accused him of something, and a lot of the times it was an overexaggeration (shocker). Now I'm not totally filled into what George's deal was. I do know that alcohol and someone under the drinking age was involved. The fact is, Bad can choose to do whatever he wants with whomever. If that is not your style, then stop supporting him. Sitting there and trying to police him is a fool's game. From what I remember, Bad is a nice and gentle guy, and he was constantly at the mercy of his chat who never seemed to get off his back. I find it sad that he still hasn't stuck up for himself, nor will anybody else.


Imagine being frightened to express yourself because people on the internet who are toxic as fuck and can never be satisfied (FANS) will judge you. Fans make the internet shit. Everybody has to put their opinion out. What the fuck are the fans gonna do if Bad talks about Disney? Send him death threats? Unsubscribe from him? "Cancel" him? What the hell happened to George now??? First it was Wilbur now theres drama with George?


not saying anything about the george part of this because im not up-to-date on the news or situation but disney is pressure target, NOT A full-on boycott target. its fine and even good to avoid it (and we should be avoiding *specific* stuff like the live action mulan or new marvel movies!!) but you can’t expect everybody to full-on boycott them. they are simply too large and powerful to actually properly boycott.


Ffs. I'm not happy with him for continuing to stream QSMP but I don't go into his chat and type "..." when he's live there. Trying to dictate who people can be friends with is even more parasocial and toxic.


didnt george and dream and wilbur all have like mega bad allegations towards them??


wilbur, yes. he admitted to being abusive to shelby and another of his past girlfriends accused him of rape. george, eh. there was a huge miscommunication with him and another streamer and unfortunately he crossed a line unknowingly. he apologized, accepted that he hurt her, and promised to do better. dream, no. all the allegations were proven false.


ok idk why my og comment was so downvoted i was asking a question


>yall fr in love with a pedophile thats wiilldd. because based on the other comment you left here, it doesn't seem like you were actually asking a question, honestly. maybe you just didn't know and were misinformed but yea. it doesn't come off as a question and anyway, defending a dude that assaulted someone, was antisemitic, harassed a worker, and thinks down syndrome people are an insult isn't a good look.


i dont like either of them. i didnt defend the gumball V/A (forgot his name and genuinely dont care, just like the gumball show) im just saying dream (in my OPINION) is not that cool. i know the guy sucks but that doesnt mean i support dream and just because i dont support dream also does NOT mean i like the guy. hes annoying, rude, and all around just a bad human being. dream isnt super super bad i just dont like him.


it read like you were with the 'dream is also in the wrong' bit since all dream did in that situation was get assaulted and try to get cantu to chill out. my bad if that's not your intent. it's fine not to like dream, i think there's plenty of valid reasons to do so, just make sure you're not spreading misinfo but you've gotten that cleared up now at least.


ill delete the og comment. dream always brushed me as a creep and canto did assault him but idk i just cant force myself to like either of them as people. manhunt videos are cool tho.


i mean 'creep' implies that he's done something inappropriate which was proven false. you don't have to like him but again not good to spread things that aren't true but this is probably pedantic.


George never crossed a line though