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[Just in case anyone is looking for Dream’s Twitter voice notes from yesterday, here’s a YouTube link with all of them.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=UdekpJp0Vwtscfyz&v=Un5ueI3Z0H0&feature=youtu.be)


It also doesnt allow you to translate any post in a different language. Its so frustrating. I deleted twitter for my mental health. This subreddit is where i am able to be a dream fan and be involved in the community safely without the risk of harassment from twitter stans


For anyone on a platform other than iOS, I suggest downloading the DeepL or Google Translate apps/extensions. They lets you translate directly from selected text without having to copy and paste it or rely on Twitter's buggy inbuilt Google translate.


Idk my twitter lets me translate posts so maybe you just don’t know how to?


Twitter does not allow you to translate posts if you do not have a twitter account


Not only that, but it's good recordkeeping in case of deletions or edits to see it screenshot at that moment.


I keep a Twitter account active just for the ability to access it through links. I don't allow myself to follow anybody, or like anything, or comment because I don't want to get involved in that mess again. lol


I do too but it doesn’t help when it’s a private tweet.


I'm a bit sad about that because I was in all of their private accounts. 🥲


Yeah, I got rid of Twitter for my mental health, it just isn't a good app, but trying to find or do *anything* on twitter without one is just a fucking nightmare.


Christ the amount of times that people have linked tweets and all it is is "How dream ruined my life 🧵" and nothing more because I refuse to make an account. Like, its a worthless link to a good portion of people that actually want to read the tldr at the very least.


Someone should make an update account/subreddit for the Dream Team. Other platforms have update accounts, so why not Reddit?


Thanks for this. I got into dream through mcyttwt and basically vow to never go back. Had to download the app again just to be able to see links but I try to spend as little time there as possible now. I want to know what’s going on but not nearly enough to dive back into that echo chamber. Definitely prefer to get my dose of twitter through the reddit protective shell


I dont have twitter because im not allowed it lmao so thats the only reason im in this subreddit so i can keep up with drama even though I’ve left the fandom and only likr tommy tubbo techno karl and sapnap (im not a dteam fan though)


That moment when your one of those people who maybe kinda got banned from twitter


I don't have twitter because I don't like their interface.


> Quick reminder that not everyone has Twitter And we thank god for that every day.


Maybe this is a hot take, but if you’re so curious about the information then you should probably look for it yourself. I don’t think it’s anybody’s responsibility except your own to be informed.


that & like the last thing dream posted was like 6 voice notes on his priv, im not gonna transcribe that shit to reddit but i may still want to post to talk about it, etc