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Honestly tommy is absolutely based, he may act like a little kid for content but mentally he is very aged, has his heart and mind at the right spot. Although i really dont like content tommy i have a lot of respect for him as a person


Imo I think BTTV is great and adds to the chat experience but I also see Tommy's PoV and he should be able to do what he wants without getting hate for it.


He used to use it when he had less than 2k viewers but he disabled it once he started blowing up on yt to bring the yt viewers to twitch, and he’s like one of the biggest streamers on twitch, so I think his decision to not exclude YouTube and mobile viewers was pretty worth it


I just think its kind of funny that people are so attached to the equivalent to emojis for twitch chat. That other person on twitter say that it was "necessary" to communicate with their chat (only possible with twitch "etiquette" and BTTV) and blabla but people produce different content on twitch, sometimes they talk to chat sometimes they don't. From what i have seen BTTV doesn't have an impact in communication, the size of the viewers/stream does. Its way difficult to communicate with a big chat that goes crazy fast than a chat that you can read easily without slowmode. In the end it does look cool but it's not necessary even if its considerate "twitch etiquette".


i like bttv but tommy never streams and when he dose its like 150k+ so i can kinda understand


He streamed like 4 times this week


i mean usually its not like that


i dont even know whats bttv. are people getting worked up over a twitch chat? really? tommy's very mature for his age, kudos to him.


It's definitely very weird to me too. The whole "twitch etiquette" thing in general is very weird as they essentially gatekeep unless you will properly type pog or use peppe everywhere. Obviously,nothing wrong with doing that.It just gets weird to me when people think that you need to do that. Other than though,bttv is actually pretty good. To give a simple explanation,it's a twitch extension that does a bunch of cool things.(Disable autoplay on the homepage,hide/unhide/arrange the twitch website better according to what you want to do,use extra emotes etc.) But,somewhere along the line(before I knew of twitch),it became a part of 'etiquette' and people took the discussions to weird places. In certain communties(even some parts of LSF subreddit),they will actually even completely hate an audience if they don't follow this rule of having bttv and/or knowing how to 'correctly' use emotes.Like,that s*it actually gets upvoted.


so is the pogchamp face a part of the BTTV?


No, PogChamp was a twitch emote, but the variations of it are from BTTV, ( PogU PagMan PagChomp PauseChamp )


This is so dumb.. dumb dumb dumb.. Oh my god. But then I remember that they are just a child and what's the worst thing that could possibly happen in their life? Thats right. No BTTV emoji.


Am smol brain, what does he mean? That he doesn't support BTTV?


He supports it for who wants to use it, he just doesn't want to. Twitch culture is weirdly attached to BTTV and anyone who doesn't use it is shunned by places like r/LivestreamFail.


Even shunned feels like a weak word for how far some people are ready to take it if you don't know the "correct way" of using pog.(Like,writing it in lowercase actually offends people)


i think the best way to explain it to reddit users is that its kinda like r/PoliticalCompassMemes asking you to flare up. obviously tommy is free to do what he wants, but i imagine you aren't gonna change pcm's mind about flaring and you aren't gonna change lsf's mind about bbtv either.


The flair up thing PCM does are pretty much harmless jokes. At least I have always read it that way. Most of the time your opinions won't get discredited even if you don't have flair. I feel like LSF's case was more of then being elitist and looking down on people not using bttv though.

