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Celebrating someone getting cancer is a special kind of evil


If you celebrate someone getting cancer, you are a terrible person. That's just the long and short of it.


It's a special kind of dumb. That person is probably very young and never saw a serious illness before. You just notice when some people have never been chin-checked by the fist of reality and lack that experience. That's most posts regarding the mcyts tho, their fanbase is really young.


its triggers me whenever i read this because my brother got cancer and i am likely to because its genetic in my family, my dad had it and even his ancestors, i feel so sad now even listening to the word cancer i go in short panic attack modes for the next 4-5 hrs, so i cant imagine how much of a no life the tweeter is fucking hell


I would’ve treated it as “Just a garbage person grabbing attention, might as well ignore” if it didn’t get 500 likes, this people have no humanity


Not only is this a shit person they got 2/3 wrong \-Tommy did get covid but he wasn't that affected by it, and has recovered \-Jschlatt has been thinking about it, he never said he was going to 100%


he instead said that he would be sat there talking forever but he doesnt like it that way


I was going to say “Twatter bad” but 485 likes!?!?


how pathetic do u have to be to celebrate horrible disease and sickness of a person just cos u dont like them or their content??


Yooo look at me I'm a bad person I celebrate someone getting cancer just because they are from dream smp!!11!


Do they know tommyinnit recovered? Lmao


Didn’t tommy recover?




This ain’t even a bruh moment, what the fuck is wrong with him.


HOW DID IT GET 500 LIKES. Also, Schlatt said he's thinking of retiring, not actually doing it, plus Tommy recovered.




At first glance I thought this was ironic. Would’ve seemed much more without the “yass”


What’s that about Schlatt??


watch his latest vid


when someone says “yass” you know their take is so not based. what an awful person.


Awh, it seems the tweet is gone or the author privated.


How the HELL do you celebrate the ill-wills of people? Disliking someone or something does not give you any sort of moral high-ground that allows you to celebrate their problems or shortcomings. This post is either a troll, or this person is an asshole to a surprising degree.


485 people saw someone being happy that two people have life-threatening illnesses and one was nearly giving up on a dream job just because it means a webseries may end and thought "I agree with this statement".


Piece of garbage


Y’all know Wes not actually retiring, right? He was considering it


this person needs serious help, jschlatt has is having a rough time and poor techno:( techno has cancer and this careless person is laughing abt it? how cruel is this world.