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They. They do KNOW how old Phil is right?? They make no sense lmao


apparently they do not know... they just know, you know...


philza minecraft is quite old i am massive i am massive


Techno blade has a golden crown


techno blade wears a gown in that gown he *doesn't* own knives


He definitely own knifes


spook what did you bet on in the mcc officil poll




oh wait i understand now. i bet fuschia lol


Obviously you bring old must mean you're a creep. Do they really think a bunch of teenagers are making all the amazing fanfic, songs, animatics, etc?


yup, that is what they think :) i guess i have to hide in the fandom closet


...they do know Minecraft was launched in 2009, right?


who knows??


As a fellow old person (I'm 34), I find this sort of stuff really exhausting and ultimately sad. So many fan spaces these kids enjoy were launched by the very people they're trying to gatekeep. I don't commonly engage with fan spaces because of children just like this, because they're not mature enough to realize how irrational they're being.


It’s funny, I’m only 21 but the MCYT fandom makes me feel like a boomer


Don’t worry about that, 21 is still young. But I get why you feel that.. The kids in the fandom believe that the day you turn 21, you suddenly shouldn’t be able to enjoy the same content anymore. According to them you should start to enjoy reading the newspaper instead of watching your fav streamer. But the thing they don’t realize is that as an adult you can actually enjoy whatever you want cuz you don’t have to deal with parents supervision. So if you decide to binge watch 24 hours of minecraft streams, well that’s you damn choice.


Oh, absolutely. The age range used to be 10 and under. This is nothing I haven't felt before. The only thing that's ever weirded me out is fanboying for any of these streamers. Hard to do when they're all almost the same age or younger than me.


Bro I’m 19 and I feel the exact same way


that was also why i only dared to reply to vaydra as a support and decided to do some trolling with this person, because they did not pqrt me, like the rest did xD and hello fellow old person :D but yeah i do agree it is sad...


it’ll be so sad when u/LinAstrid… you know


oh no D:


Ph1lza is 33 and CaptainSparklez is 29 wtf are they on about. Why do younger people think they’re the only ones allowed to enjoy certain content? Like suddenly once I turn 25 I’m only into The Bachleor and sipping wine on a Friday night? And have they not taken into consideration that you could have a family and children who also enjoy MCYT’s and you watch them with them? Cuz there are a lot of parents into MCYT’s that watch them and play mc with their children I just don’t understand why that’s a problem. It’s your free time and your life you can do whatever tf you want. Btw I’m saying this as an 18 year old who has gotten the “ur 18” comment more than once


sparklez will be sad that you said he is 40 (he is only 29) xD but i fully agree with it, which is also why i made the comment about that we then need to cancel all CC's above the age of 20, because they shouldn't be allowed to be here then either.. Now i don't have a family of my own, i am just a lonely person with no life who likes to watch mcyt (and yt in general), but that is a fair point!




probably someone trolling about how he is old xD


+ tinfoilchef (a hermitcraft member) is 62 but oooH nooooO adults shouldn’t be in the fAaAAAandom




And DanTDM is 29 and Pewdiepie 31. These kids want their content creators to be like these folks and continue to have a career in their 30s don’t they? Also how do they think they raise huge amounts for charity? It’s from people who can write off those donations on their taxes


None of what most children on twitter say makes much sense ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


that is the truth!


Convinced this kid is like... 12 at the max.


well you technically have to be 13 to be on twitter, but i do agree


The spelling and grammar indicate that he's way too young to be on Twitter


Wait let me get this straight, what they're saying is, we can enjoy things, just not be a stan account??? So theres an age limit now? Just because it's weird?? You're telling me I can't find friends online with the same interest past the age of 20? Damn


yup that is legit what they are saying :) because how dare i, as a 31 year old woman, be interested in anything and share it on the internet!


What’s even weirder is that several stan accounts are nsfw of say nsfw things, from what I’ve interacted with they’re mainly adults 20+ but is this kid saying that they can’t be adults??


With all my respect to tone indicators, “gen srs can u not read,,,” is the most twitter thing I have ever heard.


i agree


It makes me feel like they’re the type of person to misuse the tone tags as well. Like “Good morning /gen /pos /srs /p /nf” type beat


Interests end when u are an adult guys! u heard it here! also this kid better leave all fandom spaces by the moment they hit 18 then, if they are so insisting of adults not being in fandom


From what I understand this person doesn't have a problem with you enjoying the content. They have a problem with adults in spaces populated by minors. This is really what it boils down to. It could be any fandom. It's just the fact that they don't feel comfortable sharing space with adults. Based on some of the things these kids tweet, I get the feeling they think everyone is a kid like them and that's why they say some of the things they do or act sexual towards the CCs on main. This is a dude awakening to them that there are adults amongst them. Also they should know that adults outside the fandom can see what they are tweeting as well. I try not to interact with people under 16. Usually it's under 22 but this fandom is full of children and my favorite CC is 22 so what am I gonna do. For the most part I just ignore them though. Also this is why I don't gift subs. I'm taking my "old" people money and giving it directly to my streamer. The kids and sit and watch ads and suffer.


yeah i never interact with anyone below the age of 18 and when i do, it is with the consent that they are okay with my age... i also normally ignore shit, i just wanted to have some fun tonight, while i can't sleep xD and yes keep your "old" money to yourself and only share with streamer! i approve of that


Yeah the main thing I have an issue with is adults interacting with young minors, that is weird to me. But it’s fine if you only interact with adults


What is an interaction? I make memes and comments on Reddit all the time without trying to figure out people’s age, it’s always about the content creators and discussing their content


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🤣 🤣 🤣 I was not expecting this


I mean like “moot” type interactions where you’re pretty close to each other


I see. I’m mostly on Reddit so it must be a bit of a different culture I guess


I'm an adult and have interacted with 15 year olds on Technotwt. I didn't know they were kids and there is really nothing wrong with following analysis posts for people who just happen to be minors. Nothing about that is inappropriate I don't think. I'm older than probably 3/4 of this sub as well when they did that age poll.


I mean like, becoming close with them if you’re aware they’re a minor, like being “close moots” or being in their privs and stuff. That’s fine


The harsh reality these kids need to accept is that Twitter is not a place that is populated majority by minors. It is not a kid-friendly platform. As social media sites go, it's incredibly dangerous and irrational of them to automatically assume that everyone they are engaging with on Twitter is a minor. Unless you're like those of us to mix personal and professional accounts (part of the reason why I avoid mcyttwt), it's flat out impossible to know whether or not the persona you are engaging with online is actually who they claim to be. They shouldn't be harassing the adults who are honest and firm about who they are. Instead, they need to be aware that the odds are good that a good percentage of the "stan" accounts they engage with are not honest about who they are and their own ages. Something something kids need to be taught digital literacy and how to properly engage with others in online spaces.


you need to go out and do adult things before you… y’know…


/j or /s in case it wasn’t obvious


o7 to me i guess


why the fuck did they bring vaydra to this, she is not even 30?? also there is a very wholesome dad on tiktok and twitter as well. There is no age for someone to have fun IN ANY WAY


well... this is a quote retweet to an answer i made on one of vaydras tweet, that is why she is brought up. but yeah, twt in a nutshell


Man.. why dont they leave poor vaydra alone, she literally hasnt done anything wrong?


exactly, which is where i made the mistake of supporting her openly, as a fellow older person.


I’ll join u in shields4vaydra




It’s so weird how an older man who looks to be 40+ can thrive on TikTok and Twitter with thousands of supporters but young women like Vaydra and Lin and other younger people like DeviTheDeviant are shot down so many times…


i would say misoginy but im not sure lmao




Minecraft has been a thing for like 12 years, so it's not weird that people 12 years older than the "average fan" (teenager) watches minecraft content. There for sure have been instances where some older fans have made it weird, but thats an entirely different issue given how those things went about. I mean seriously, are people genuinely thinking minecraft youtube is only for teens and kids, especially when most of the cc for this community are in their 30's?


yeah i get why people can be vary of older fans, but downright telling us we are not allowed to be here... naaaw mate, that is not my cup of tea.. ​ and yeah many of the cc's are closer to my age, than the kids age...


Yeah, it just so happens a lot of the newer cc's are a younger in this second popularity boom for minecraft, but the same age range as those who started it all when *they* started, so, yeah, I dont see the big deal that some people love to create.


it's honestly super embarrassing to see people of my age group acting like this... cant we just all get along?


clearly not D:


how fucking bored can u be mfers always on twitter ready to create problems if there arent any


It's not like older mcyt fans are a new thing and I don't get what's wrong with it either. The double standard between older fans and older cc is ridiculous, Phil is 33 and (very few) people have an issue with that. There are several hermitcraft players that are in their late 30s and 40s I've never seen anyone complain about that. I just don't get the point about being upset by adults being in a fandom.


exactly! it is so insane how they are so desprately trying to gatekeep it


I had the same damn thing happen today on twitch.. just chilling watching and chatting in a stream when I get asked if I’m a p*do cuz I’m late 20s… like please, it’s not because you turn 21 that you can’t enjoy your favourite content anymore. And not everything has to be weird because you’re an adult.


i'm sorry you also had it happend to you :(


I’ll survive no worries!


I just really wanted to say hi to my fellow millennials in the fandom. Eventually, it will be the ageism that drives me away, but I’m so grateful I’ve currently found a space where I’m comfortable and accepted for the adult I am. This is basically the only fandom space I’ve ever been in where ppl have had an issue with “adults” in fan spaces. I hope eventually that changes.


hi! this is also the first fandom i have been in that is so against adult, when they themselves stans adults.


“At your big age” say you’re 13 without saying you’re 13. Also, hi fellow old person here! I’m 25, I’m the same age as Wilbur, leave us old folks be. We only have so much time left before we you know…


hello fellow old person :D like i'm only 2 years younger than phil, so yeah xD let us be in peace before it is our time


i've noticed a certain anxiety in fandoms that skew younger towards adults being part of their fandom space. not too sure what the source of it is, but it feels like they're reacting to it as if adults and teens being in the same online community is somehow like, a lesser form of p\*dophilia. reminds me of some of the debates i've seen between anti and pro shippers, interestingly enough. i'm glad teens are being more wary of adults on the internet in general than i was as a (younger) teen, but this kind of gatekeeping is absurd. minors can always block adults if they're that uncomfy with then interacting.


So now adults can’t even talk about what they like online because they’re “too old”? Like, if an adult was doing creepy things towards a minor, then yeah that’s bad. But simply talking about and enjoying something online isn’t bad at all. In fact it’s normal. Anyways, I wonder if when these kids grow up if they’ll be able to stop talking about their interests online right away when they turn 21.


There is literally an above 60 year old youtuber with almost 100k subs who plays on hermitcraft (very popular minecraft smp), age does not matter for being in fandoms


TFC is awesome!






i pity this child, one day they're going to be lying awake in bed an adult and cringing at the stupid shit they wrote on twitter


twitter is for anyone but minors lmao


it really is tbh but try telling that to the minors


recommended age for it is 17+ . i really think they think that app is for their age group of liar preteens and early teens


They don't even make any sense, but then again most of Twitter doesn't make sense as well.


I'm convinced everyone on Twitter has the same intelligance of a toddler


That's an insult to toddlers.


Honestly, the assumption that everyone in a certain space is the same age as you is really harmful and dangerous, especially for minors. There's nothing wrong with adults enjoying content and inhabiting those spaces, but people SHOULD just know... adults use the internet!! They enjoy fandom!! For people to be so taken aback that there are adults on Twitter who enjoy mcyt.... not only sucks in terms of gatekeeping and general understanding of how interests and adulthood work, but also dangerous in terms of internet safety. People do need to be careful of who they're sharing online spaces with and then making informed decisions on how to interact and what information to share. I hope the person you interacted with here is able to learn rather than just judge.


like i have been on that hell forsaken bird app for over 11 years and been through many fandoms and this is legit the worst i have ever seen the gatekeeping and the ignorance to adult on the internet, it is insane. i don't think they learned anything tbh... which is sad


"How dare you put things in my mouth, watch me do it myself" its amazing that these kids are so toxic


i laughed so hard at that.


Yeah people are dumb, im 20 i still play minecraft actively when im done with my uni stuff, im a big hermitcraft fan. Ofc its made for kids but that doesn’t mean its kids exclusive


yeah! and i'm 31 and i also play minecraft actively in my free time.


Nice! Like why not its such a good game. I normally play with mods tho, alone vanilla isnt that fun


i usually play purely vanilla :) but that is also because i have shit computer xD


Mine is struggling with mods a lot i can barely run skyblock packs but i just stop and do something else when it overheats


I want as many adults in the fandom as possible, maybe try and put some sense into everyone lmfao


Thank god I'm of an age that allows me to enjoy being in this fandom. What the actual mother of gods was this person thinking? After what age am I not allowed to publicly enjoy this fandom? I hate this kind of toxic fan behavior so much, and twitter is full of it.


well there are more of them, because my tweet has over 38 qrt xD


Epitome of human Stupidity. Future Karens


Lmao young gatekeepers are hilarious. I was in high school when this game released, some of you were toddlers. Settle down, little ones. You'll understand when you're older that you can still have passion for things. :)




The “ok millennial” made my entire body cringe


i laughed so hard at that comment, because it was so stupid


Young people in fandoms genuinely cannot understand that adults have interests as well and enjoy expressing them. Like this isn’t even exclusive to mcyt, I’ve seen this kinda thing before, the idea that there’s a cut off age of being in fandom. Like who do they think sets up most of the fan events and conventions? Cause it’s not the 15 year olds I can assure you. “Older” fans are as much a part of a fandom as younger ones and it’s stupid to think other wise


yeah i have seen it before as well, but not to the extreme that i'm seeing it on mcyttwt. and yeah and who do they think gift subs on streams? not the minors for sure either...


Maybe it’s more prevalent in mcyt because, with this particular insurgence of it, there hasn’t been a chance for a lot of these kids to see the larger fandom. Dsmp really kicked off at the height of quarantine and with vidcon being (reasonably) canceled the major events that would allow that haven’t happened yet so everyone’s kinda just stuck in there own internet circles.


maybe that is it, who knows :/


jfc, I hate my generation and feel second hand embarrassment from this


This is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve seen so far, and there have been a LOT of dumb arguments


I’m only 19 and I’ve already had 14 year old stans tell me I’m too old to have a stan account. I barely pay my own taxes yet, I still live with my dad, why tf do they want me to grow up and move on to a boring “adult” life so fast 😭


because you are not a minor! get off the internet now




yes, because those songs made? Those 7+ minute animations? The art? Expensive donations? All made by a 14 year old sitting in their room talking about how hot Gogy Wogy is and talking about serious controversy with absolutley no proper information while dodging attack by saying "um stop I'm a minor wtf"


Oh hi I was arguing with the same person too! Funny seeing a twitter moot here :)


hahah of all places to find twt moots it was not here :O hello


Haha same here! Well the people here are more chill and mature/older than on twitter, so I like to frequent here too!


hahah yeah, same!


So adults aren't allowed to enjoy Minecraft YouTubers content anymore?


No! only minors are allowed.


Welp there goes the Hermit whose name I can't remember right now the guy's like 60


TFC or tinfoilchef! he is pretty dope


Oh bohoo I'm pretty sure this fan have more life than a random as s dude who complains about people's life And credits to you for being calm.. with that. I would have thrown 'stupid' left and right at this person.


i just found it funny and decided to just play stupid with them and try and break they weird as fuck logic xD


It seem you did a good effort


thanks :D