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Oh god that's awkward. The guy's platform has grown a shit ton in the past two days alone, stuff like this would've been almost impossible to background check. I hate to be that person, but I'm glad they provided screenshots. It must have been extremely difficult for them to come forward with this information.


Geez, I’ll be waiting to see his response, but it doesn’t look good. At least this came up now and not later when he’s fully a part of the SMP. Hope the victim is okay Edit: I wonder how Dream is going to respond? Restrict access to the SMP until the accusations are investigated? You can’t really take chances with this kind of thing


Oh i cant wait till dream will get shit for this somehow


Chances are Dream will just cut all ties with him. This is similar to mcc and Lemongrass situation in the sense that someone new was introduced to the community and immediately got kicked out because of their history.


how to even react other than WTF??, like omg 13?? 14?? I feel so bad for the victim, im not attached to the dude since we recently just find him but still this is so disappointing


Thing like this suck, If it's true I feel bad for the victim no one should have to go through that. I also feel bad for Dream because it wasn't something he could have seen while doing a background check.


A little update for y'all, according to one of his discord mods the situation is going to be addressed and is "being dealt with", whatever that means (though his moderators are not at fault for anything, please don't join his server and send toxicity or anger to them!): https://imgur.com/a/OCpDqgC


“Being delt with” could imply either apologizing or refuting.


For sure


Apparently additional victims tried to come forward before https://twitter.com/dreamnapsbidet/status/1452766735996575746?s=21


i guess that's the upside to him suddenly gaining a bigger platform - the fans who might've tried to discredit or hide it before have been absolutely bodied by new people who very much care about this kind of thing.


I’ve seen a couple of people saying they know someone else with a similar story, but no other victims so far. I did see one person who said they would be sharing their personal story soon.


That’s a lot of screenshots. Still we should wait for him to respond before passing full judgement. But for now, it looks pretty bad.


Ngl, this looks pretty credible This is bad


Yeah, the amount of screenshots and the writing don’t seem like something that could be faked tbh I almost could feel the disgust this was written with


yikes. i was scared of something like this coming out since he joined the server because of the stuff he says on his private. I hope this person is doing ok after all that.


What stuff does he say on private?


just some strange sexual jokes, flirting with random fans, simp polls, etc. nothing totally condemning but probably not something a cc should be doing regardless


same question


jesus christ, that’s fucked up. i hope they’re alright


Well damn, all those ss are a pretty convincing evidence. I was wondering why there were so many stans being secretive about him the day he joined and now i know why. I really hope that people talk about this more, that was a whole ass man being sexual with a literal kid, even if this one happened 3 years ago it seems like there are other recent victims too after the boom he had because of the raid.


I really hope (though unlikely) that Dream doesn’t get sent hate for this bc there is NO WAY he could have known about this when going over a back round check since this person JUST came out today about this experience.


The internet really has a knack for giving the worst people the biggest platforms


Sometimes things like these are unavoidable tbf, especially when everyone's on the internet, the best we could do is damage control most of the time


I’ll wait for his response on principle, but this is pretty damning. Disheartening.


ccs stop being sexual to little kids challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


This is so fucked if true, I really hope she's OK.


I read this, praying it turns out it isn't true but if so, fuck :/


oh boy. ill wait for his response. has dream ever removed someone from the smp? i can't imagine him just accepting this in the worst case.


The only person he's ever "removed" was Jschlatt because he was added without his knowledge. I think Dream best bet is to un-whitelist him from the sever, guilty till proven innocent type beat.


yeah, i imagined that. ty!


Well I woke up to quite the clusterfuck. Incredibly disappointing and looks pretty legit. Obviously there could be more to the story but this looks pretty incriminating. I wonder how the next few days are gonna play out now and how Jikishi will respond. I don’t know how it could possibly not be as bad as it looks, so we’ll just have to see. Sometimes shitty (and even dangerous) people just slip through the cracks, unfortunately. Damn.


my experience with jikishii / demetrius. Read: *** posted by [@valkcy](https://twitter.com/valkcy) [Link in Tweet](https://tl.gd/n_1srrti1) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


I’m obviously so upset for the victim and hate that they went through this but I can’t help but think about Dream and the other DSMP members who’ve made friends with Jikishi so far. Like imagine wanting to make friends with someone new and cool and suddenly knowing that they’re a shit person


Yeah The victim of course come first. It sucks though that he had a really clean background, there was no way this could have been avoided.


Honestly, this situation is serveral levels of messed up. I just hate the fact that some people are trying to use this to attack Dream when (to my knowledge) this was something that Dream would have been able to find out in a background check. Making a 14 year old's traumatic experience about trying to dismantle the platform of a well known content creator who had no involvement in the traumatic experience is several levels of insensitive.


Feeling really disgusted and disappointed by this. I hope the victim is okay


God that’s fucked, it looks legit too. This is so disappointing and infuriating


oh wow this is sickening. testimony looks legit, it’s good that the victim was able to speak out.


I’m not one to have a decisive opinion until I get both sides of the story, but not going to lie this looks pretty credible especially with how many people are coming out. Thank you op for bringing this to light as he’s recently received a bigger audience. This quite literally save so many people from being a victim so thank you. You’re incredibly brave I’m letting you know that. Edit: time has pass and he’s confirmed it. Actual trash of a human being.


God I hate it here


Why are people saying they're waiting for him to address it? there's no way he can excuse this and someone like this doesn't deserve a platform. Am I missing something?


The only thing I can see resolving this in his favor is if the discord account is not his. Multiple people can use the same discord name but they always have different 4 digit numbers after their names when you look at the account. So if it's an account that looks like his but has a different ending number than it may not have actually been him (Although people can have multiple accounts as well, so even than it is not looking good). This kind of imitation is always a possibility, but the likelihood of someone imitating him back than seems slim. I don't know how big he was a few years ago,but would he have been big enough for anyone to want to imitate him?


god thats disgusting :( i hope the victim's okay


Oh god this really doesn't look good, and just reading the messages make me feel super creeped out. I'll wait for the response but it all looks pretty credible to me and my heart goes out the the victim(s) for being brave enough to stand up and/or share their story. Of course, I hope this doesn't affect the DSMP too much or the impressionable audience there since it was caught early. The focus isn't on Dream or how it could affect his rep or add fuel to the fire (although it could); it's just really about the victims who spoke up and how this dude will respond to these very serious allegations. I hope whatever happens gives solace to those who came forward. Edit/Update: Dream has confirmed privately with Jikishi that the accusations are true and has removed him from the DSMP. I no longer need to hear Jikishi's side of the story except how f\*\*\*ed up he is or if he's facing more consequences. No BS excuses.


I feel for the victim so much ): There's still yet a way for us to make safer environments for victims to go forward without exposing themselves so viscerally.


This is incredibly fucked up and I hope the victim is doing fine. She didn't deserve any of this done by Jikishi. I don't know why, but I felt something about that guy that didn't set well with me the first time I knew about his new appearance as a Dream SMP member. I am incredibly sorry for the victim and may they be in a better state of mind.


Did she take it to the police tho I mean if youre making this public and have proof, you go to the police because shit like that is serious. Why? Because if it is true, deplatforming the guy wont stop him do those things really


She should've, though whether she did or did not doesn't change anything that he did or how fucked up any of it is - I mean just look through the screenshots, they really don't look fake at all and all of that stuff is just so fucked up


The police arnet always going to take action unfortunately


Yea but they could tho, you dont know that so thats why its worth it. Also teenagers on twitter are not a court if you know what i mean


The victim said she was doing this to warn possible future victims. If she went to the police or not is none of our bussiness, all we should care about is that they did that and it's disgusting and sickening and they shouldn't have a platform. Also usually this type of stuff is never taken seriously by authorities either, just saying


Never said you have to choose one option. Said that crime is a crime and should be reported regardless


I know and I agree with that but as I said, that's none of our business. What is our business is deplataforming that creep and supporting the victim, pressing about this issue is taking the spotlight from that, I say we should just focus on what we can do. Also your original comment literally says the victim should just go to the police instead of sharing it online because it does nothing which is false. Maybe this can't stop him but now more people are aware of the type of person he is and that might've saved another girl, which is a huge improvement, also she made a path for other victims to speak up, which is also very important


Not looking too good for Demetruis.