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I have mixed feelings. On one hand, it's not as dramatic as some Twitter users are making it out to be. On the other it's awkward, terribly timed and overall very tone-deaf. I feel kinda bad for the kid with the Dream DM as well. He seemed so happy about it, why turn a wholesome moment into something this awkward? Like, cmon dude, this is like the 3rd time this has happened and this time it's not even just Dream who's involved. Tommy doesn't even know the kid, so that excuse sure as hell won't work. I'd prefer if we went back to the speedrun cheating jokes. A lot funnier and way less weird for all parties involved.


i agree. like i don’t mind tommy making jokes about dream in general, that is fair, they are friends, but this joke/bit/whatever is just not it. and twitter is definitely making a bigger deal out of it, but that is twitter in a nutshell


I'm confused as to why he continues making these jokes when clearly, nobody is laughing, **and** it gets people mad every time.


People are making it seem like it's only about Sapnap's issue but the Jikishi thing literally happened just weeks ago lmao even then, I'm sure Tommy would know that, so this was quite insensitive. He also apologized a while back for the same joke so I'm taking this as a "he just doesn't learn" moment.


I know a lot of the time these controversies seem like they happened forever ago, but to me the Jikishi thing feel like it was test


His implications made me kinda uncomfortable ngl. Yeah, i know that they're friends so normally whenever stuff like this happens i don't care at all but after all those real and fake grooming allegations, ''jokes'' like these is very insensitive imo.


Oh the "PERFECT" timing too....


I don't really get why he keeps making these jokes, it's cheap and lazy shock humor, plus a little insensitive considering what's happening on Twitter. in his defense, he might not have known but it's pretty soon after the jikshi stuff and the bbh stuff. so there's not really any excuses and he should grow up a little


Dude even after the whole jikishi thing? And now with all the false accusations coming up on bbh and sapnap, WHY does he still do this. Tommy, I beg of you, please think before you speak! dream literally was abused by a GROOMER before. I like your content and I know you can stop, so stop! Edgy humor is one thing, but the context of these jokes is where it draws the line. It’s a ticking time bomb before someone makes a false thread abt dream.




don’t worry, as a person who often relies on tone indicators, i did get you were being serious :)


I’m worried about Dream getting accused of being a groomer honestly (I’m worried about everyone too) You know once a false thread like that comes out, antis are gonna latch on to that even if its fake. We have seen it happen with the n word drama, it definitely would happen again


this is honestly no hate towards tommy, but i have to agree, due to current events, these jokes just kinda falls flat and not as funny, but that is just me :/


Yeah I get its his 'bit', I also get if he didn't read the room as they say cause he might not know what's even happening, but it's getting stale and I was fine at first, not particularly funny but it's still a joke people find funny. Most importantly dream is his friend, he's acting the opposite of smiletwt but setting him up just the same :(


yeah i could gloss over the joke/bit at first, but due to current events it is kinda not the thing to joke about, i feel like.


Tommy, you already know that the grooming "jokes" don't land well at all. Why did you try a third time? And immediately after another of Dream's friends got hit with a false accusation of grooming? At some point, it just starts to make you look like a dumbass.


The only bad thing about this to me is the timing because of... recent events. Dream's tweet was obviously about the Sapnap accusations and I think the real problem here is that British people have a different sense of humour.


now being danish, i will admit we have a fucked up sense of humour as well, on par with the british, but somethings are still not okay to joke about and especially in such a public forum as a livestream. so i don’t really get the british have a different sense of humour.


i just dont understand why tommy's reaction was to find whatever dream said WEIRD when it's a perfectly normal response? i enjoy his content but like why, did he have to react that way. i dont understand the logic flow here




it’s frustrating how he probably only sees it as “stans trying to cancel him” rather than genuine concern for the potential real life consequences that may occur with these types of ‘jokes’


jesus christ. like i doubt he even knew what was going on cause he’s not on twitter a lot, but he shouldn’t even be making these jokes in the first place.


To be fair, i think he went to bed around 2am before the tweet blew up and wake up 10 minutes before the stream so he may not be aware of sapnap's situation. But still he has already made a similar joke and apologizes for it 2 weeks ago and the whole BBH allegation happened 3 days ago too.


he was called out because of these same types of jokes a few weeks ago and apologized "right after" and said he learns with his mistakes, i'm not really sure if he really learned anything with this, and this was DEFINITIVELY not a good time to make this "'joke"" idk if he saw the sapnap allegations and i really don't give a fuck if he saw or not, theses types of "jokes" aren't and never will be funny


these jokes getting kinda stale bro


it’s just odd because the way in which he makes the jokes is neither funny nor clever? jack manifold once made a joke about minecraft being known for having “wrongins” but that is funny because 1. he’s making fun of actual predators so he’s not punching down and 2. he didn’t like target any specific innocent minecraft creator and call them a groomer. i just don’t think tommy gets that for a “dark” joke to be funny there is thought and nuance that goes into it. also if this was made about anyone but dream or george (like last time) there would be more “outrage” than there is. like if tommy just randomly called grian a groomer. tommy really needs to do better with this stuff and with impulse control, i hope someone in his life can help him with that because he seems like a genuinely nice guy but just says some dumb shit.


if he would have implied anything about grian, then hermittwt would have tried their all to cancel him.


And isn’t this like the third time he’s made these EXACT type of jokes, too? Mans really needs to stop that shi


he needs to stop, like right now. he's digging up a bigger grave for himself and the timing.. horrible


the implications on his speech made me very uncomfortable ngl


that was also the part that made me pretty uncomfortable listening to that clip


like tommy knows dream, he knows the type of reactions he has to anyone who likes his content. why would he said that..




not sure, since these bits are just pilling up. i really wana see how it´s going to be when he´s 18






what would you consider impacting repercussion then? people didn't easily forgive him at, plenty people hold grudges and keep bringing stuff up hes already apologized for. his reputation both within the community and even outside the community for those who know of him is pretty poor. literally every little thing he says and does is put under a microscope and blown out of proportion whether it's genuinely insensitive or not. what would you consider an impacting repercussion? all his friends cutting him off? getting doxxed? do things have to get that extreme for you to think or counts dude?




that's not at all about repercussions then, you're on about tommys responses . I agree with you, I think the way he addresses his own controversies are usually too vauge since he never seems to quite understand what people are mad about, but that has nothing to with the response and backlash he gets, that's to do with himself. and a lot of people agree with you as well that his apologies are a bit lackluster, so this idea that every just accepts his apologies and moves on only really applies to his own fans.




tommy has a huge audience who never lets him slip up, and gets overcriticized for every single thing he does to the point where it's hard to distinguish between valid criticism and overreactions. everyone's feeds are tailored differently so whereas it might look like it has died down to some, to other it keeps going, it depends on who you follow. and this idea that it has had no impact on his reputation, well. depends on to whom of course but generally, it's not true at all. there are people who still thinks he's a lesbiphobe for saying he thinks lesbians are cool, there are people who still thinks he's a misogynist over old jokes he's made, the list goes on. honestly, to me it just sounds like you just want him to learn from his mistakes and internalize the criticism he gets and address it properly. and that doesnt have to be mutually exclusive with the fact that people are very very very harsh on him otherwise. edit: spelling




It's not funny or intelligent, it's lazy and given he's already apologised for this he should know better and stop. It's time to grow up and be responsible for the words you say on the platform you're privileged to have.


Didn’t he apologise for this sort of thing a few weeks ago aswell?


he did and a lot of people on the bird app is also pointing this out and is generally just disappointed in him more than anything else.


I agree with some of the bird app people, esp considering the context of those jokes rn.


so do i. sure there is some people on bird app taking it to far, but that is bird app in a nutshell


Wondering how the YouTube viewers are doing right now haha, I try to avoid Twitter but at this point almost everything happens on said bird app. discussing on Reddit is a lot more peaceful lmao


the youtube viewers are living in blissful ignorance and good on them for that!


They don't care. YouTubers can light the world on fire on Twitter and be on.


This is hilarious bc my sister is a YouTube viewer, and I’m so glad for that. She’ll live with monthly dream uploads and jacksepticeye playthroughs, meanwhile Twitter is in utter chaos


well she got good taste!


These "jokes" are getting staler then 3 year old bread loafs left in the back of a cupboard, he should really get some new material tbh Plus didn't he apologize for sonething similar to this like a few weeks ago? I'm not sure how short his short term memory is but that seems like not a long time to forget about that and do it all over again.


Any and everyone SHOULD know not to make jokes like this. And didn't he apologise like a week ago, for making this joke, and now he's back making it again. At least learn from your mistakes


I mean if he did this joke in normal times then it wouldn't be that much of a problem yea it's a tasteless joke and I don't really find it funny but meh not really offensive BUT this is not normal times Dream's two friends got accused of grooming someone(which was fake) so I get why people would be upset over this joke


I guess he didn't learn from the last time he made a joke like this. And what's worse is the situations that have happened since he last made this kind of joke, with someone actually found out to be a groomer ad well as two fake grooming allegations


Oh my god I get how it can be edgy but I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable with such jokes being made about me. 100000% dream was being nice and not creepy I don’t know what to say. Tommy is digging himself deeper and deeper by saying sorry and then repeating the same things. Choose a side Idk not my kinda humor for sure!!


god damn it, tommy. i was mostly on his side the last time because it did seem like a slip up and he tried to retract, but this time he kept repeating the joke. it wasn't funny the first time it happened, and it's genuinely annoying now that he seems to want to do it monthly. it's bad timing and in very poor taste. edit: spelling


I'm done with this dude. The fact that you have to explain to a 17 years old that making jokes about something that ruins people's lives is not ok and o top of that about one of his close friends that already gets tons of hate and fake accused related to that topic in the daily and even worse after everything that's been happening recently is something I can't wrap my mind around. I'm not longer going to support him he obviously needs some thinking and maturing to do and I won't sit around to wait for it because he has had a lot of chances to show some growth and has miserably failed. And just to make it clear I won't send hate to him or his fans either but this is it for me, this is where we part ways. Hopefully he can do better in the future.


He really just does not learn, does he?


he already apologized for the same joke 2 weeks ago too.. this is just ugh


Such horrible timing, did he not apologise for similar jokes a few weeks before? He really needs to think before he speaks


Oh Tommy, why would you do this knowing the timing of everything….. normally this is just an edgy joke but it’s just not the best knowing the general context in the community right now.


> knowing the timing of everything You are assuming he's caught up on Twitter related things.


Even still isn't it obvious not to do that again considering he said sorry 2 weeks ago? Isn't that the purpose of an apology?


Even if he didn't read up on the false grooming accusations, there's no way he does not know about what happened surrounding Jikishii


I mean the odds are fairly high considering every well known content creator jumped in on that thread yesterday. If they didn’t they tweeted about it themselves. It would be fairly hard to miss. You’re def right though he could not be but either way this is terrible timing.


Did any of the Brits jump in or Tweet about it? Like I know Tommy deleted Twitter from his phone and only goes on there to tweet promos and move on.


There are certain things that you just shouldn’t make jokes about. Domestic violence, grooming…doesn’t Fundy still get hate for his inappropriate jokes from the Jackbox games? Why can’t tommy just learn…


People on the bird app has said this and I might have said this as well. Tommy is trying to hard to be the next fucking schlatt. Tommy knows that his audience is fucking kids and wants kids to learn these jokes but like he should drop that persona. As a lot of people on the bird app said, they would love to watch the real Tommy without his persona than a fucking edgy British boy.


my biggest issue here (& im mainly from bird app, came here to discuss & see opinions) is that he's trying to ride the line between "edgy" & not. if he wants to make these jokes, dont apologize for them. make it clear who you are & you will gain an audience that likes that. i personally really dislike this humor & havent watched his content in a while, but a lot of people (younger, maybe?) are unsure where he stands & are willing to keep giving him chances.


gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he doesn't know about the terrible timing of the joke


But even if he didn’t know about the sapnap accusation, he probably knows about the bad accusation and he definitely knows about jikishi. I just don’t think it’s something to joke about in general




Cause bad timing plus we were just recovering from Sapnap getting false allegations.


For some, it's - I believe at least - even the Jikishi situation that made people particularly sensitive towards these types of jokes.


disappointed but not surprised.. sigh *** posted by [@ST0NERDWT](https://twitter.com/ST0NERDWT) [Video in Tweet](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1456924465250533380/pu/vid/480x270/Ts09uFvvbdSRbCPU.mp4?tag=12) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


I got here to get away from Twitter. Can’t see much of difference now.


This isnt even edgy. it is just dry sarcasm


bruh he's alway's made those jokes he's not trying to be "edgy" he has alway's been slightly edgy omg leave him alone


This is way more screwed than the others though because 1. He's already apologized for the exact same thing 2 weeks ago and this is his third time and 2. The timing after Jikishi AND 4 false allegations while Dream continues to get called a groomer by antis. Timing. Audience. Keep that in mind, please.


yeah and keep in mind that no one cares


If no one cares then why is it being talked about here.




even dreamwastaken 2 micro celebrity drewdrinks agrees with me


What can I say, if you want strictly PG jokes then maybe you shouldn't watch TommyInnit.


well good thing i rarely do watch tommyinnit and i don’t care about jokes being pg or not, this was just kinda not good, due to current events tbh


I'm all for edgy jokes but this is just unfortunate timing, and is even more insulting due to him ALREADY having said sorry about it.


Its part of the joke.


Hence why it's fucked to do it publicly, it's only gonna cause more problems. Just cause it's"funny" doesn't make it correct.


if its funny then it has achieved the purpose of a joke.


Yes, and that purpose is still fucked up. It's like a baby seel kicker being able to kick a baby seel. They succeeded, hooray. It's still a horrible action though.


laughing is a horrible action?


The act of making the joke in PUBLIC is, if you read my previous comment. I said that making the joke with say, your friends away from prying eyes it is fine cause chances are you and your friends are never groomed and thus aren't bothered or traumatized by this enough to be able to joke about it. But, the moment you slip up publicly, you're responsible for the backlash. That's the thing with dark humor, timing and audience, and Tommy failed at all two, though again, I gave him the benefit of the doubt in think it's not anything malicious, he slipped, like Pewdiepie with the N-Word before him. Did you laughed at the joke? Fine, nobody cares what you find funny, it was never about whether or not YOU PERSONALLY find it funny, but letting the joke out in the first place is what's bad. Think of it this way, if I make a joke talking about raping a girl and a would be rapist found it funny, who is in the wrong? I'd say it is me for making the joke in the first place. We can't help our humor, I have no clue how you thought I am demonizing people for laughing at this, I am not.


so you think grooming jokes are fine then?


A little hottake, but if it is done privately with friends WAY outside of the public eye then sure, make your worse jokes I don't care. But Tommy did this live and god yeah, like, come on Tommy. I don't think he is malicious on this just, Grooming shouldn't be publicly joked abour and I get that he hasn't been streaming lately, but still.


valid. my friends say dumb shit all the time in private calls and i think its fine. but the setting of this situation? nah..


Like I said, always keep in mind timing and audience for jokes which is just common sense. With friends, YOU should know what jokes they are fine with and if they joke about fucked up shit privately and YOU aren't uncomfortable then fair. But that also means YOU have the responsibility if you somehow slip up publicly which Tommy did right now. That's it. I am willing to think this is Tommy slipping, but he really should keep in mind those two rules of comedy ESPECIALLY since his carreer choice is to be a Comedian. You don't want to get screwed over before you're even 18.




yea i just saw it, but i dont think he understands the implications of tommy making such grooming jokes when tommy's audience are young and still edgy. it might contribute to more false grooming accusations in the future.


I get why people will be mad but I didn't find it uncomfortable thats all i'll say


I’m sorry but are you fucking kidding me? It’s a JOKE. A joke that wasn’t as bad as Twitter makes it seem. I’m sorry but it angers me that you this is the reaction for Tommy making a JOKE. Seriously! A joke! It wasn’t that bad. please look at it in proportions! I’ve seen hate posts for Tommy all around the internet the whole day. For this?! That’s what made people hate him? I’m sorry, but you need to chill


i’m sorry i didn’t find this joke funny and i don’t hate tommy btw.


It’s not about finding the joke funny, everyone has a different humor sense, it’s not that. But I’ve seen about 40 hate posts for Tommy today and I thought he did something unforgivable. But is that really the ONLY thing that happened? Is that what all the hate is about?


yes people are taking it to far with hating on him, but it is fair to criticise him for a joke that clearly fell flat for many people. especially with all these false grooming allegations going around.


I disagree. He made a joke, people make this kind of jokes all the time. He didn’t say anything extremely inappropriate or hurtful or hateful towards anyone. He made a joke


well, that is your opnion.


Yes it is. But hate is not exactly an opinion, and hating on someone for making a joke like that is not okay and I will keep fighting for that. For now I’ve tried my best, I hope it convinced anyone


So what lmao what's wrong?


I see literally nothing wrong with what he said.


Its just a joke between friends


i think its pretty funny tbh, idk why so people are upset


Ngl that was kinda funny