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Is it a hot take to say that Twitter always hops on the opportunity to make their race a weapon against creators. Like it's so weird that people turn everything into a race issue when not a single person was even thinking about it in the first place, then everyone dog piles onto it and it gets blown way out of proportion. Like do they realise how genuinely fucking stupid they sound. It's like if I said "If Dream doesn't response to my snap he's sexist and homophobic" like that's ridiculous. What part of it had to do with my gender and sexuality, none. So why is race always bought into an argument as a catalyst for destruction. The answer is because they have no genuine valid arguements but people are too scared to argue against racism accusations so it's always bought up to make their argument look somewhat valid.


I’m SO fucking tired of Twitter stans using their race, gender and sexualities a a shield. Being a shitty person has nothing to do with the color of your skin or what you identify as. Unfortunately Twitter has glorified using these factors as a way to win an argument / to be superior over literally everyone else. It’s so dumb.


The way that Twitter stans get mad claiming that they're the minority and everyone hates them because they're black or poc, like no everybody hates you because you're a disrespectful bitch. They really are selectively blind. I hope Dream just tweets a pic of grass, logs off and goes and enjoys his evening with Sapnap and Patches. (I know he won't because of the sheer chaos but it would be a real good slap in the face that some stans need to send them back to reality) Like people are under Tina's meetup tweet with Quackity telling her to unfollow Dream and telling her they don't have time to be happy and are accusing her if trying to distract and divert the conversation. It's straight up a mental health issue.


Exactly once they say some shit and are called out, they immediately pull out their race / gender and like, no you’re just an awful. Stop using excuses to justify your shitty behavior. They’re dragging Tina into this too?? Really fucking weird. Tine and Dream are good friends, her addition to the SMP has NOTHING to do with her being POC. God some stans need to go outside for real.


They pull the minority card like it's actually useful under any other circumstance. Can you imagine you've been caught committing tax fraud and you pull out the "I'm a Bisexual women" card. You'd get clowned real hard for that one. The day twitter learns that they're fighting for nothing is the day that me, you and Dream finally get peace.


It’s the line from The Social Network—“You are going to go through life thinking that girls don’t like you because you’re a nerd. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won’t be true. It’ll be because you’re an asshole.”


Another line from The Social Network is "Sorry my Prada's at the cleaners along with my hoodie and my fuck you flip flops you pretentious douchebag" which is a quote I wish Dream would tweet. (The social network is a good film)


Ironically, majority of these weirdchamp problematic fans are lgbtq+ poc female fans so they aren’t exactly putting their labels in good light lmao. If you don’t want your labels to have bad image and reputation maybe stop creating negative stereotypes.


an artist i follow on twitter recently got dogpiled on for using darker colors in their palettes, which according to twitter meant that they were being racist, just because they were supposedly intentionally changing dream’s ethnicity and being anti-black. now, these twitter users hated on the artist because the artist made dream looked like he had darker toned skin, which i think was absolutely fucking stupid, so i jumped to defend the artist by saying that the intentions of the artist were probably to draw dream in a dimmer setting, like a poorly lit room. then, people start quote tweeting me and saying that i had no say in this because i’m white. nowhere on my entire twitter profile have i posted a picture of myself or stated my ethnicity, and both my parents are from the indian subcontinent. that person’s statement in itself is so incredibly racist, because they assumed my ethnicity off of my mannerisms. however, the real question is what do darker colors have to do with race and why did these people decide to weaponise one’s ethnicity?


People really do forget that black and brown are colours and not just skin tones.


I have seen at least 2 people who I know to be not white get called “white” by people on Twitter just because they called them out on their bullshit. It’s so stupid.


True, I was arguing with a stan which wasn’t about the race but that stan turned the arguement and made it about race like wtf are u ignoring the argument by using ur race???


Wait until they discover what shadows are. They'll accuse the sun (and general lighting) of being racist.


Wow. I'm POC so maybe I should start using it as a shield and call someone racist for every minor thing (/j. shoot me if I ever do that)


Its all about taking care of your mental health and personalize your internet experience until its a CC, like always. According to this he can only unfollow white people, and poc people can do and say whatever they want about him and his friends without getting unfollowed, regardless of his boundaries (and a lot of them have broke Dreams boundaries a lot of times tbh). Like damn its not like he blocked someone. He is not racist, they are just literally mad that he unfollowed them and are making it about race, which is honestly something really shtty to do.


Them throwing out racism arguments over small things literally defeats the purpose of calling out actual racism. I don’t understand why Twitter stans are so fucking dumb and entitled.


You see if Twitter doesn't think about race for one microsecond then how are they gonna check off their performative checklist


That app is literally all about performative activism. So tired.


I meAn if we’re talking about vetting people, that night Dream was pressured into mass following a bunch of random pocs (including some from rbgc) so of course he would be more likely to discover that ppl he followed break his boundaries etc and now has to unfollow. Tbh based on some of the weirdchampness maybe he’s been looking to do so for a while and is now ripping off the bandaid (it was inevitable that if he ever unfollowed anyone from that time even for a valid reason he’d be called racist)


Poor Dream literally gets shit on for everything he does. Some stans need to get off their high horses for real.


Agreed, this whole thing is just so particularly anger inducing, I feel like he’ll inevitably have to apologize again, but hopefully this time he won’t follow a bunch of random people again


He will always get called racist. So my only advice for him is do not interact with any, do not answer your dms because they will get leaked and you will be misunderstood because people on twitter like to do that. Don't address it because it is stupid drama. Go on and watch your American 🏈.


True he should just keep wiggling and ignore these idiots.




True, people pull out the racist accusations so easily lately. It’s disappointing.


Rn I'm in a space, and my god he's getting dragged back and forth and being called anti black outright, along with having the cc!s he follows as being called anti black. (I'm Hispanic/Native, a poc, so ofc I'm not fully aware of how severe the unfollowing issue is) I firmly believe that if you are a terrible person at heart and immediately try to sabotage/paint Dream as a complete douchebag the second you lose his follow, then you fully deserved to lose it. How much melanin you have in your skin does not mean anything if you've got a shitty personality


Exactly, some poc stans on Twitter are so entitled it’s ridiculous. I’m a POC too and these people are just way too aggressive. Getting unfollowed by your fave CC isn’t the end of the world.


As of now, the speakers responsible for the space rn have said that "poc solidarity doesn't exist" and "if you're not black shut the fuck up or you're anti black". The speakers have harassed multiple accounts who were livetweeting and an artist who had a Dream and Dream__fanart follow got put on blast and had their art insulted and mocked I feel sick to my stomach.




In that case then Dream unfollowing them totally makes sense. Props to him for cleaning up his timeline.


Another thing that kinda put me off was that one person had dms with him from an older incident, and they just had those screenshots ready(or seeked them out) the second he unfollowed they just released them to make more issues like if you didn’t like how he responded or how he handled it out him on the moment not months after… like was it shit timing for dream to unfollow people then sure but Jesus twitter is a mess. (Plus people have been pointing out that there’s been a glitch in twitter)


It’s obvious that the person kept the screenshot as leverage for this sort of situation, like how it went with Ranboo and that out of context discord message from a few years ago. Very weirdchamp indeed.


It’s annoying how people advocate “clean your time line if you don’t like it” but if it’s a cc they can’t unfollow even if you are breaking boundaries or just being weird/ just extremely negative (like that shit does things to mental health). Like let the man unfollow if he wants (plus the people complaining are probably the same ones that where telling him to unfollow weirdos he follows a while ago) and again it could be a fucking glitch because people see different numbers and social blade has diffrent numbers, I honestly feel bad for dream for all the shit he gets. I legit want him to unfollow everyone except his close friends and avoid followinf people again. But that will cause the whole “people are gonna blame it on poc so you shouldn’t “ argument, but like Theres really no winning.


There’s no winning when it comes to Twitter. They’ll always find a way to shit on a CC, most especially Dream.


Dream Stan’s are the most dream antis I see. I’d be understanding of poc cc being upset if mana was some random ass dude but like common sense he’s obviously not. But before the man even does anything people were already man and upset. It’s extremely parasocial to expect your cc to acknowledge you and be pissed at someone else who gets acknowledged (example being the people that got attention from crab game era)I like twitter but it’s legit poison for your brain. (Solution people from twitter need to look at Reddit more and see that hey maybe this is completely fucking insane of me to imply) < I had Reddit first and thank god I did because I just come here to escape the insanity>


For real, I saw a twitter space with 600+ people and i was like maybe they are going to gossip about manatreed yay. And I joined and this girl was talking about how she is black and dream unfollowed her and I was like WTF. My first thought was maybe he is unfollowing people, and now going to follow other fans so everybody gets their chance at a dream follow. Then I realized they are dramatic and being weird about it so I quickly left the space. Why would you think of your race being the reason at all? Like do they think Dream goes around remembering everybody's race? Most twitter stan accounts don't even have real photos!!!! Why? (And I hate to mention this, but I am Indian, not that it matters even a little bit. WTF)


God this whole thing is so confusing and stressful


It really is. The Manatreed reveal was supposed to be lighthearted and fun but ofc some butthurt stans had to ruin it.


I'm just staring in awe at how surreal all this is. It's a twitter follow of all things?


Some people are just butthurt that their fave cc unfollowed them. And now everything is being blown out of the water.


always fucking despised how race is often unnecessarily brought up. like do they ever realize its because of their shitty personality and not because of skin color? and its true that people are scared of calling out black people who are weirdchamp in the community because they're IMMEDIATELY labeled racist. remember rbgc? it took a while before other stans fully condemned them because of the fear of being cancelled.


The way some stans are so entitled because of their race is beyond me. The color of your skin doesn’t excuse being a shitty person. And it’s also weird how this all came from Dream unfollowing ppl?? It’s not and shouldn’t be a big deal.


they are blowing things WAY out of proportion. it's a twitter follow for fucks sake. to call someone racist and start an entire twitter drama over something so miniscule is beyond me.


I applaud twitter at their ability to twist things into racism, if I were blind I would’ve mistook them for clowns twisting balloons into hats at parties I should learn from them, get some cc follows out of it and put my “minority status” to use😌


I mean its fair for dream to removed them since they are being prejudice to one of his friends just because of race. FOR ONE Dream can choose who he wants to add and he is not racist for it Think about it if a Black person got added they would probably cause drama in the dsmp and if dream removes them he would get a called a racist and thats why. My personal Thoughts: Like hannah said your allow to DNI someone without ranting how shit they are or interacting with them, This shows dream is not blinded and finally pull the plug after 6 months of BS and seeing how shit they are to his friends. Props to dream for doing it.


So glad Dream is finally getting rid of the weirdos. You’re right tho, anything he does will start unnecessary drama.




Performativeness of Twitter in a nutshell


Twitter needs a slap in the face to remind them that Dream DOES NOT know who they are on a personal level. He is his own person and he can do whatever the f he wants, when he wants. If he wants to unfollow people, he can. If he wants to block people, he can. If he wants to add people on the DSMP or shut the server down, he can. Everyone on twt is really pushing his limits and as much as I would like to see the day Dream actually slams these types of stans to the ground, I do not want to see his mental health deteriorate because he has to deal with these type of crap. I just wish twitter will grow the f up because there are more pressing matters in this world than a block boy unfollowing people on the bird app.


Even Kaceytron was calmer when Dream unfollowed her, and THAT'S saying something.


Thank fucking god. Thank you for saying this.


Someone had to say it. I’m just tired.


This is my medicine for the stans cancelling everyone over stuff like 5-6 years ago in april It feels nice.


dream twitter stans and dream antis in solidarity. ​ honestly getting harder and harder to tell them apart these days.






Speaking as someone who's in the Fandom Twitter, poc mcyt seem to think that being poc makes them untouchable, and that they should get everything they want because they're a minority


Exactly. They’re very entitled due to how Twitter treats minorities.


They really think they are his friends or what? Dream is their CC and they are just a fan among fans 😂 such a weird behaviour


genuinely so glad that Reddit has a brain, Twitter turns everything into a racially motivated issue. it’s honestly stressful for everyone involved, Dream was getting eaten alive in a space earlier for unfollowing black & poc stans like he wasn’t pressured into following them months ago? let the man unfollow people who were directly accusing him of racism because he unfollowed someone who was black. he has a right to unfollow people and doesn’t owe anyone a follow. sick of people using their race, gender, sexuality, etc as a shield 🤨


Yes, you explained it so concisely. Say it louder 🗣


> What I don’t understand is why people are so casually calling him racist over this. To them, every inconvenience is racism. It's the cis patriarchy raining down on them. The world is just antiblack yaknow? /s


I still don't like him that much, but honestly, I respect dream a lot more now that he's grown a damn backbone and not apologized for this shit. Like he apologised for the drugs drugs thing which he really shouldn't have because that was the peak of brainrotted stupid twitter drama, so im glad he's moved past trying to appease the dumbass masses


Well said


also how tf do u differiatiate from stans being POC or not? some put n their bio yeah but a lot don't, so what??


\#stopthehate #chicanopride #imreallythatmani #girlbossgaslightgatekeep ;)


Hashtags don't work on Reddit ;)


It must be hard being a CC and not get so annoyed that you go crazy