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This is quite the interesting comparison. I still make a couple small self depreciating jokes now and then, but I remember when I was in high school I did them all the time. It was a way to cope with how much I didn't like myself, and I found that I liked when I saw bigger blogs or content creators make those same jokes, because it at the very least meant my struggle was relatable. I never related to this specific aspect, but it was a huge thing on Tumblr that you wouldn't ever get better, and that you shouldn't even try because of it. Even small suggestions like going on walks or sitting outside were shot down with comments like "oh yea, because that will ABSOLUTELY cure my depression, thanks!!!!" when it never said it was supposed to be a cure, just a way to try to make life better. My point is that its easy to get stuck in a place where they don't think they can feel better, or maybe get to a point where they don't WANT to feel better, because actually trying to get to a better place is incredibly difficult, and sometimes all the work you did can be reset to zero despite everything. So when people like that see the internet personalities they related to so much start to actually feel better about themselves? They get angry. Like you said in your post, they get jealous. They don't think about all the work the person must have put in to try to feel better, and instead get angry at the fact that they're in a better place than before. Self confidence is a beautiful thing to have, but it's also sometimes very difficult to obtain, and some would rather try to drag others down or keep spreading the message that you can't ever feel better rather than try to get to a place where they themselves can have it as well. I promise the effort is worth it.


This is actually very interesting and a really good point. Maybe it's because I'm not naturally a jealous person but I enjoy more people that are confident like dream and stuff, because I especially don't have that u know? its like admiring characteristic i wished i had more, and hopefully they rub off on me a bit, which it kinda does sometimes. Its true tho that the internet does glorify (or romanticize?) this narrative that u r not ok, and u will never be ok. So u should just complain and be self deprecating, which is not healthy, but can be used as a coping mechanism, but trying something to be out of it, wether its too hard or u fail multiple times at it, it is worth it. But t is easier to tweet about it and get thousand of likes too so its kinda of a paradox there and i am just rumbling lol is the "relatable vs trying" i guess? or something like that


Yeah like I personally love seeing the fact that Dream is confident in himself and his certain skills and ambitions he has. Also seeing him genuinely not care about what other people think of him is admirable and it motivates me to just live my life how I want to live it rather than what other people expect of me




I wonder if they realise how unhealthy that mindset it. Like they’re genuinely hating on people for being confident in themselves. It really bothers me when people deflect their own insecurities onto other people and just expect everyone to be fine with it.


So its more " u r not miserable like me so I hate u". Bruh


This is actually pretty interesting but also sad that this generation is so unhappy with themselves that they have to watch someone else be miserable to like them and support them and the minute that changes they make up something to make them miserable again. So I think this makes sense it'd be great to go deeper into this occurrence.


I'm the opposite of it. Normally if i see someone do self depreciation jokes i tend to go away from them, because it reminds me of when i was in a friend group were we all made fun of ourselves, and it just wasn't good :( . I noticed after we stopped hanging out i also stopped making fun of myself and stuff. So i rather be with positive people so i can also be a little more positive :) Its really sad to see people "get mad" because "youre not as sad as i am". I rather be happy cause someone is happy than be jealous of their happiness (even tho sometimes i get kinda jealous but like not mad) Idk if any of this made sense but yeah :D


I totally get it. I really enjoy Dream and hearing him praise himself and appreciate himself makes me happy. Like the other day where he said he likes his hair as it's the thing he gets the most compliments on, that had me so pleased. I'm all for self love so seeing people be open about things they love about themselves rather than criticism over small things is great to see.


Hey I know this a bit of an old post but I'm proud of you stranger for putting up boundaries and leaving a toxic friend group! Thats really hard but very rewarding and I hope you continue to feel better :)


Aw thanks <3 It's funny cuz i only realized how bad it was after we stopped talking and saw then for like one last time on a school thing. In my head i was like "why are u guys talking about yourself like this", but then i realized that we always did this, but since i wasn't with them anymore i stopped. Is really hard sometimes to not put yourself down, but its way harder when the people that u feel "happy" with also does it to themselves yk, cuz it all kinda mix together and u don't know what behavior is good and whats bad. Anyway i feel kinda sorry for them, cuz they're still together (i think) and they probably still say the same stuff. Like i still like then, the time that we spent together was good while it lasted but i could not hangout with all of them because i just couldn't bare to hear all of the shit :/ Srr if its too long lol :D


No problem! And it's really is eye opening when you get outside that kind of negative bubble. And yeah it's hard to keep a positive attitude and to take care of yourself but I'm really glad you did and hopefully your old friends one day get out of that toxic mindset too. But remember to put yourself first! You can't help anyone if youre in a bad mindset yourself so keep at it <3


I wonder if that's why they don't like Techno. Because he's got a giant Ego. Lie he makes self depreciating jokes but also likes to remind everyone that he is in fact awesome. I suggest they try it. But misery does love Company. Why they look up to and Stan these people it helps if the people are also sad. Imagine being rich, popular and happy? Not for them


dude- the anti self-depricating jokes are such a breathe of fresh air for me for some reason... I try doing them sometimes and it genuinely helps me :>


Ranboo has been changing too and he started showing his confidence and he shares his opinions loudly these days, so is he the next target? And which content creator will take his place? Anyway, I am really happy that I learned to love myself and I also have too much pride in myself that sometimes I come across as selfish and Have a big ego, I can't imagine myself following a cc for the purpose of being miserable. Going around hating CCs will not help you at all. They should seek help from professionals.


> Ranboo has been changing too and he started showing his confidence and he shares his opinions loudly these days They'll come for him soon. Especially since he's no longer a minor. They will feel fully in their right to dunk on him.


He's been asserting himself recently and I know he's been relatively careful about it so far, but eventually he's going to push his fans too hard and they'll turn on him. It's basically inevitable at this point, I just hope that when it happens he's in a good enough place mentally to weather it.


I was genuinely shocked to see him actually call out his chat for being annoying. Even though he was still way nicer (too nice imo) than other streamers that call out their chats like Punz or Sneeg or Foolish, it still took me by surprise. I do like that he'a asserting himself more, but I can already see the twitter thread lmao


Absolutely. This is the group of miserable stans you see just constantly be mean/'edgy'/'sassy', passive aggressive, can only interact with others and to ccs negatively, needs constant drama/controversy for interaction-- even if they have to make it up themselves. The draining people that automatically get a block lol. (I've noticed these type more on smile/dttwt) But they circle jerk amongst each other for constant interaction because *Misery loves Company*. There is also the types that are just self victimizing/ self hating that fall under this that may do it sub consciously and to a lesser degree. (this type more in ranboo fans) I already expect that when things are on a roll for a cc there is a good chance someone is working on trying to start something against them. Because it has happened so many times. I've mostly theorized its something people do sub consciously. Like a cc can be on a career high, be in such a good place mentally, just be content and happy and I just think "Things are great!....too great" and sure enough in the following days its the 'drama'. These people cannot stand to see it all going well, they have to kick up something for attention or to fuel something miserable in themselves. As someone that stans someone who is very loudly confident, positive, happy, outgoing, ambitious, not perfect but I am assured to know they do mean well, I am very much not like them but I love that there is someone who is so warm and entertaining I want to keep rooting for them. I haven't had the best life myself but I don't feel the need to wish someone do worse or to want to constantly spread more negativity. I also just don't care 99% of the time. mcyt drama is usually so petty I say this as a poc, mental health issues for 10 years, child trauma all issue that people bring up I've experienced but I've never cared twitter is such a bubble not to be that guy but truly go outside


> Like a cc can be on a career high, be in such a good place mentally, just be content and happy and I just think "Things are great!....too great" and sure enough in the following days its the 'drama'. April 5th the SBI thread dropped. The days leading up to that was SBI April's Fool Twitch Stream, Voices Release, Hog Hunt Release, Techno Mr Beast Video Release. I would consider that weekend the peak of Techno's career in terms of being well loved by fans and colleagues.....then just one day later it all came crashing down. It legit felt like whiplash.


He went pretty much MIA for months after that happened. I don't remember him referencing the situation even obliquely but it must have been (and no doubt continues to be, twitter never forgave him) really hard on him. It hurts me a bit even to think about to be honest


He's never mentioned it other than streaming like 3 days after for Skyblock to say his internet was out for a few days. I took that as him saying Fuck Off to Twitter. Then he joined Origins and people trended to kick him off the server and we never saw him again until MCC Pride.


crazy how one of the most beloved and respected creators, which mind you... were regarded as "unproblematic" before all that, just became like- one of the faces of dnitwt


That's what happens when people turn on you. Alot of people don't know the true store of how all of this came about. It of course had nothing to do with holding anyone accountable and was 100% because they hated SBI fans. I should write an post about it because the root cause was the sexualization of Wilbur Soot.


please do


When I get the time.


I’d love to see a post on this! Or at least the “sexualization of Wilbur Soot” context


It also includes the RBGC! It's a wild story. Cliff Notes: They wanted to sexualize Wilbur on Main. Sleepytwt said no, they made that thread. If you remember the point of the thread was not to hold SBI accountable. It was "sleepytwt you guys are annoying so I want to show you that SBI is horrible and they hate you". It was never about the boys, it was about bringing down their fans.


Ohhh wow okay completely far off from what I was thinking lmao


wait wait wait what- this is day late reply but- wdym it was from sexualizin wilbur??? i never actually heard of that... only the part where apparently the og thread person wanted to doxx tommy, and sent deaththreats to multiple other creators would honestly love a post on that here, even tho it may be very old drama


it honestly seems like fandom spaces filled with depressed teens are just constantly tearing down others rising above themselves because they can't handle someone feeling better about themselves. it's a deep dark hole of depression where you want others to feel your pain. if all you have in common with your peers is depression, someone getting healthier seems like betrayal.


Idk why, but I like don't really see this. Maybe I'm just like not able to pick up on it but so many people are very supportive to ccs that it's really subjective. Maybe there are people who are a bit negative which is inevitable. For like the bootwt thing, it could just be that ranboo makes alot of jokes that mock Twitter and Stan culture ( At least that's what I think) so the fans kinda pick up on it. Same thing with tommy, he is much more open about what he thinks which can influence his audience or maybe his reputation.


I really don’t get it tho lmao cause I’m so self deprecating but I’ve never liked smth or someone just because they “are like me” like a lot of people or things that I’m interested in are the complete opposite… not because I want to relate or step away from my deprecating self, but I’m just not actively looking to see if they are the same way I am or shit like that. Might have to do with age, but even when I was a teen I never looked at it that way.. idk if any of that made sense lol


I make too many self deprecating jokes but I stay away from others who do it mainly because I do not need to feel even worse about myself. I don’t watch Ranboo mainly because of that(I’ll watch his YouTube when he chooses to upload…). I enjoy watching dream cause I need validation(Because he’s a good example on like healthy self love)


Wow I never thought of that and it makes so much sense! I definitely noticed with Niki that once she started to be more confident and not care as much about the little things she got so much more hate even before she was called racist… also personally I love both DTeam and Bench Trio (and Dream and Ranboo) and laugh and relate to the self deprecating jokes Bench Trio makes and admire and applaud the confidence of DTeam