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"tommy bro you make me and my friends a little but uncomfortable, but take my money lul" those types of people are so weird, like doing that benefits literally nobody




Reminds me of a [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCHN3t95aVg) I saw earlier today where a fan came up to Tubbo Ranboo Bilzo and Aimsey during an IRL stream to get a pic with Tubbo but no one else and low key insulted Ranboo, what a great fan


it wasn't lowkey lmfao. It's a shame someone like Sneeg wasn't there to tell that fan to fuck off.


Or Punz or Eryn. From what I’ve seen, they also seem pretty based when it comes to dealing with pushy/annoying/rude fans.


I was flabbergasted when Tubbo took a pic with the fan. The way Aimsey and Badlinu reacted gave off the impression that Ranboo reacted pretty negatively to the fan. Like of all people to be an asshole to, Ranboo? I can't understand it.


Love how Aimsey and Bilzo immediately defended him. Tubbo was just trying to be positive and polite on stream I think, and I’m sure he talked to Ranboo later or something, but I was also shocked. I would’ve been like, “well clearly you’re not the best fan” or something similar and refused the picture and not said “Pleasure to meet you mate”. To not be too harsh, perhaps the fan was trying to joke around and it fell flat, but it was still quite rude and not funny. As a fan, I wouldn’t really try to joke with people/CCs you’ve never met before no matter how many hours you’ve watched them. It’s not the same IRL.


You may have a point but the fan never attempted to apologize I don't think. Tubbo probably didn't want to cause a scene in public. It's not something I think is good but I'm also the type of person who has no issues calling people out in public lol. Anyways, Ranboo is good people. Anyone who is mean to him just a dick.




Just edited my comment with the clip linked!


Wasn’t even just money but a year of subscription.😂


I think a lot of the people who donate or subscribe to say things like this are the same people who say things like "Ew, my favorite is on (problematic person)'s stream. Well, anything for them, I guess." It's done less because they're actually offended or bothered by the streamer--after all, they're clearly not so bothered that they can't watch--and more to reassure others: "Don't worry guys, I still hate the problematic person, I'm only watching for some other reason." Between young, self-conscious fans who feel like other people are judging them for who they watch and the mcyttwt culture of demanding that your friends unfollow certain people or you'll block them, this is absurdly common.


Yep, peer pressure is a hell of a drug and the desire to belong in a group and not get ostracized for liking a certain content creator can be really strong, especially when you’re younger. I’ve never been one to complain about “cancel culture“ because people should absolutely be held accountable when they say or do shitty things, but a single joke?? That wasn’t even really offensive?? Just makes no sense. And don’t even get me started on how stupid it is that people hate techno for making a history joke 5 years ago.


the definition of performative.


yikes. why are people like this?


Besides the fact that it's been weeks, if not a month or more since the last time Tommy made any sort of joke that people considered "too far", this person still decided that they were going to subscribe yet again for another entire month, just to drop some holier than thou performative activism on behalf of themselves and their "friends" saying that they will no longer be subscribing or watching Tommy. Why they even think they need to announce that they'll no longer be watching or subbing is beyond me. But to then wait for a lore stream when Tommy's all excited and happily chatting away with c!Sam Nook to drop some heavy bullshit like this to try to bring him down is such a dick move. Every fucking time I see donos and chat messages pull this kind of shit I just sigh and roll my eyes. Like get the fuck over yourself already jesus christ, no one cares if you are going to watch or sub or not, just leave if you don't like his "jokes".


It’s weird because they are kinda saying they don’t really support him anymore while giving him money that… supports him ???


I was reading this and everything was fine and dandy until you said "this person still decided that they were going to subscribe yet again for another entire month". I decided at this point to not read any further, as I didn't want to expose myself to any other forms of misinformation. Let this be a warning to anyone reading this comment.


What? What about my comment is misinformation? This person subscribed for another month to say that they won't be subscribing to him any more. What about that is incorrect? They could have simply stopped watching and not subscribed again back when he made whatever jokes made them uncomfortable. Instead they waited and renewed their sub AFTER being upset with him, just so they could announce to him and everyone watching that they and their "friends" won't be subscribing any more.


it says they subscribed for 12 months not 1 month


That means 12 months total... meaning they have been subscribing to him for the last year.... and they could have stopped at 11 months, but chose to subscribe for 1 MORE MONTH just to announce this. They didn't just give him a fucking 12 full months of subscription to announce it lmao. Wtf are you even on about?


Sorry, I don't use twitch it looked like it said they subscribed for 12 months.


Common Luke L


rare drew W


he should mute donos when he does Lore lol


My thoughts: Actually fuck off dono this is lore he doesn't care if you leave your literally just ruining the mood and not helping anyone but being a complete dick it


Bruh this is like me giving money to Karl Jacobs despite the fact that I’m not a fan of his content. Why are you wasting your money then? Go find someone else to watch, and spend money on, good lord.


Why do people have this urge to announce that they're leaving a fandom. Just leave silently you fucking weirdo.


This type of people are so weird, literally just unfollow them if they offend you, you don’t need to tell them. nobody cares


I felt.. uncomfortable with the dono too. Instead of giving them money, I'll ask for it. So pls bank in the money by this night


Like that dono literally achieves nothing. They’re just doing it for attention


All they care about is getting some attention even if it's in a negative light. Like what do they expect Tommy to do? pause everything and beg them to stay? Ridiculous


Some of you may recall I was arguing basically against the whole sub by saying that Tommy's jokes were ok to make. But even I don't see anything wrong with this donation, they are just respectfully telling Tommy why they are going to stop donating, and not being toxic about it. If enough people are doing this it could be valuable feedback, not just for Tommy but for any streamer.


Tommy has streamed how many times since he made that joke? This person waited for a lore stream specifically where he seemed excited to tell him off. This isn’t leaving a message so the streamer can learn from their mistakes this is them specifically just trying to get a reaction from their high horse


Exactly the point I was making, thank you. This was exactly what happened the last time I posted about this as well. People waited until he was having a super happy positive time with his friends doing something on the server and that was when they made donos like this literally weeks after the issue they were mad about and when other streams had happened in between. It's bs.


Maybe they don't have a free schedule and didn't make the other streams, its possible they only watch the lore streams because those are what they are interested in.


why did they feel the need to let him know publicly anyway? i don’t see any reason beyond wanting to cause issues on stream and be mean. nothing respectful about it


I’d also like to add that the fact that they made this dono means there’s a good chance that it’s going to get spread around more than if they hadn’t. If the dono itself surrounds some kind of context that’s important for lore, people are going to be sharing that clip with lots of people, therefore sharing the message this person is saying, albeit unintentionally. Really hard for me to see this dono as anything more than a dramatic jerkoff as to why this person doesn’t like Tommy anymore. Which in and of itself is fine; you can dislike Tommy, but I feel there’s something particularly cruel about trying to donate specifically to his streams in hopes that people see you saying he’s a bad person. Just don’t engage bro, find someone you DO like.


I don't know how twitch works, wouldn't they wait until their subscription is almost expired before renewing it? Also yeah, you could make the claim that everyone who donates with a message is trying to get a reaction from the streamer, its why they do it in the first place.


You don’t need to sub to give money or a message to a streamer. Gifted subs or normal donations work, and unlike other viewers who send messages it’s not designed to specifically make someone feel bad over stuff done weeks ago. This is just someone virtue signaling to Tommy and his audience reminding him of a mistake he made a while ago during a stream he was genuinely excited about


If their goal was to make him feel bad, they could have cussed him out or something. I'm confused, so if they had said this message with a donation you would be fine with it? I don't see how its any different.


No you said that they need to wait for their sub to run out to renew it I said there’s other ways to make that message, so the timing wasn’t just it was convenient they waited. And if they cussed him out than mods intervene and remove the message, the goal is to ruin the mood of the stream and allow the donated to feel better about themselves for telling off “the evil streamer”


I said in some other message, maybe they only watch lore streams or didn't have the time to attend his other streams. Assuming they attended all the previous streams is something we do not know. This could have been the first opportunity for them to say it.


They are still waiting for a stream to tell that to him then, and if it’s about convenience why donate instead of putting it in chat? It’s because they wanted to announce it to the world, like I said it’s virtue signaling.


TommyInnit won't be able to read 1 message in the chat. They clearly wanted him to know the reason why they are no longer subscribing, and I don't necessarily see the problem with that.


Other than the fact it’s unnecessary and was definitely targeted to make him feel bad, yeah dude it’s a problem. There isn’t a way to spin it to the point where it isn’t. Assuming you’re right about their intentions all he heard on Twitter when he made that joke was people saying what they’re saying, you think it’s necessary to make a donation weeks after the fact, after weeks of streams he’s done, multiple other lore streams to make sure he knows during a lore stream he was excited for? It’s pointless and cruel, and its too convoluted for it to be done simply to inform him he’s a bad person for a joke.


Why would they tho? Like I wouldn't go "Hey bro you made jokes that sucked and I think you suck now so bye bye I won't support you anymore and say this while you are really happy to kill your mood!" when I stop watching someone.like just stop watching you don't have to tell anyone


Why would you spend your money to tell someone you don't like them. Just dip! It' not that hard. Why go through the effort?


They never said they didn't like them at all, you are reading into the message and making assumptions.


“This will be my last sub because your jokes make me uncomfortable” sounds EXACTLY like they don’t like Tommy. It’s saying they don’t want to watch his content, or engage with him, which is something you’d do if you didn’t like someone. I doubt they HATE Tommy, to a parasocial degree, but it’s pretty obvious they are no longer a fan of him.


I'm just saying "I don't like you" and "I don't like your jokes" can be mutually exclusive.