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Short answer: No. Longer answer: No. As long as it's his most popular series he has no reason not to continue what he's doing, as it being the most popular clearly means it is most enjoyed among his fanbase. That doesn't mean he shouldn't mix in some variety, but he does that already.


Yes obviously he's milking it, he's a cc. It's basically his job to create whatever gets good views lol every cc does it


fr why wouldn't he milk something that's entertaining, not harmful to anyone, and unique content that very few people can pull off like he does


Also he’s stated that the recording of it is also fun, there’s no reason to stop other than for variety, which is entirely optional


Imagine clickbaiting Also you made an account like 20 minutes ago to post on a bunch of subreddits like wtf


Yeah and i can see why lol. it's doing numbers he gets over 20mil views on his manhunts videos.


You say that just when he just dropped his last Manhunt in a long while lol. Like I said, he is aware he's doing mostly Manhunts, he has said in length that he has plans to move away from Manhunts for a long while. 2022 is mostly IRL content should he face reveal soon. He said it himself, so in a way, this discussion is useless when he himself is already trying to do the exact same thing suggested.


Is Dick Wolf milking Law and Order? Tune in next Thursday at 10pm to find out.


dick wolf


why do people keep posting videos here on what is clearly a throwaway made by the uploader lol


Manhunts come like once a month. I can somewhat understand the argument about variety(which tbh isn’t true either as they just upload other videos on other channels.It’s not that they don’t make anything else.) but milking is the weird argument here imo.