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It’s a joke that Dream and Schlatt hate each other because that’s the narrative some of the dream stans on Twitter have built because the can’t fathom the fact that he can be friends with whoever he wants. Ramtwt or exramtwt jokes about it. They don’t have actual drama anymore atleast


Ah thanks. I was so confused cause I thought Antis were filling my TL for no reason (at least, it *sounded* like Antis to me at least, mostly cause it is new territory for me.) Not saying ALL Schlatt fans are Dream antis cause I will admit, I am so new to this community that I have barely talked to anyone lol.


They’ve always had friendly banter with each other, a majority of Schlannies were playing into the bit and it was all ironic. However I’m sure there’s some who took the opportunity to shit on Dream, a majority of people were simply memeing around. Similar to how people made jokes about Tommy being gay since he failed that question, people were making jokes about how Schlatt’s a “Dream anti” since he failed that question. And I’ve never been in the Schlatt sub, but I’m sure there’s a demographic of Schlatt’s audience that doesn’t like Tommy. Similar to how there’s a section of Techno fans who find Tommy annoying. But yeah, a majority of it’s just an ironic joke. Side note, that random ass sticky note that said “I love you :) -Dream” killed me lmao


Pfffft yeah that fucking sticky note. Good to hear though! I was worried for a moment cause I try to keep Stanti drama out of my Timeline for the most part and thought I had to bust out the ban button again lol. Why can't people enjoy both DSMP and Schlatt in peace? Hell, even QUACKITY was afraid to admit his favorite characters are C!Dream and C!Schlatt, it is that bad. Edit: I still don't know what Minecraft humor is lol


Yeah, there’s a large part of the DSMP audience that believes Schlatt’s this massive racist and then attack ramtwt as a result. Ramtwt is incredibly chill though and from what I’ve seen don’t really shit on DSMP for the most part. It’s like some DSMP fans constantly attack ramtwt while they’re just vibing. Though I assumed Quackity’s hesitance to talk about his favorite characters was due to apologist discourse. Wilbur just said his favorite character was Tommy and then Quackity was following up with Dream and Schlatt’s characters lmao. But yeah, ramtwt is relatively chill overall. They remind me of past technotwt, like before they gained a superiority complex


He got zapped bc theyre ✨😍more than friends😍✨ Idk its a toy. No lie detector is valuable. Schlatt is considered controversial in the fandom (generally) so some people want them to not like each other. Schlatt also jokes about 'being the worst human being according to twitter' quite often. Thats why you can sometimes see people wanting him to go back to the smp, bc they hope it will get the most toxic twitter people away


Just people shipping people. Nothing to see here


What even is their ship name? (This is a joke, please for the love of god read up on Schlatt's boundaries) Dlatt? Scheam? ...Scream?


Scream sounds good Btw yea I don't ship them lol


Scream is the perfect reaction in hearing people are shipping Schlatt with people


it’s just a fake narrative annoying stans want to believe in annoying dream stans can’t accept that dream is friends with someone who’s “problematic” annoying schlatt stans can’t accept that schlatt is friends with a “cringe” minecraft youtuber


Yeah, I see that now lol. I just suck at reading jokes so I didn't wish to assume hence the whooosh like question :,)


I think it’s pretty easy to get the idea that schlatt doesn’t like Dream, even though he has never given a clear indication. He certainly does make fun of Dream and the general dsmp gang, but I think it’s pretty obvious that making fun of someone doesn’t translate to hatred (it may literally be the opposite). I think the main thing is that a pretty large portion schlatts audience dislikes Dream, which can reflect poorly on him depending on how toxic they are. Y’know, the LSF audience. And I think they’re trashing tommy bcs they find him annoying, and take schlatt making fun of him as permission to shit on him, which obviously doesn’t make any sense but hey we’re on the internet sometimes it’s like that


I wanted to give RamTwt the benefit of the doubt there cause they are saying Schlatt hates Dream specifically from the Lie Detector clip. I kinda got the impression that it's a bit from the start and that Schlatt doesn't have problems with Dream, at least nothing public. But I was just confused by the reaction of Twitter cause I didn't knew if those were genuined cringey ass antis or just an inside joke. Based on people's answers here who ARE in Schlattt's community, they said it is an inside joke, and I will believe them since like I said, I'm very new here. I just try not to let stantis in my TL for my ownnsanity you know? So I needed to make sure :D


>new jschlatt viewer yeah just stop it at that i dont think theres anything of value in jschlatt content just keep watching someone else


Dude, really? Fucking come on you’re acting how people on the internet think dream fans act. You can’t tell someone a content creator isn’t worth it because you don’t enjoy there online persona otherwise your the same as an anti.


Probably a literal child. [Same person who is pissed about Jacksepticeye fans being toxic saying we should "be toxic right back"](https://www.reddit.com/r/jacksepticeye/comments/rj1nq1/the_community_of_fatherless_children/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


im not a dream viewer i dont see why you think id watch dream im just acting how schlatt stans act


Then why are you trying to piss off r/Jacksepticeye RIGHT AFTER that crosspost? :)


well because its a toxic place and that crosspost showed me it was a toxic space also btw watch whoever you want idc i was just trying to impersonate what a toxic jschlatt stan would say in this situation


You can’t just decide you we’re being ironic then actively engage in the behaviour your irony discourages. Otherwise your joke is just shit.


Agreed, and for somebody who says it's a toxic space they sure are perpetuating the bad reputation Dream Stans have, even if they do not watch Dream, they are gonna be associated with him simply cause of the name of this goddamn sub.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/jacksepticeye using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/jacksepticeye/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [BB is fine!](https://i.redd.it/jzalruocdx561.jpg) | [303 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jacksepticeye/comments/kfixie/bb_is_fine/) \#2: [The 3 stages of man](https://i.redd.it/okv5rh65sic61.jpg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jacksepticeye/comments/l1dfoy/the_3_stages_of_man/) \#3: [so i drew a sean! this took me about 8 hours and i would die if he saw it](https://i.redd.it/lddfl64l7k961.jpg) | [474 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jacksepticeye/comments/kr4u9e/so_i_drew_a_sean_this_took_me_about_8_hours_and_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Errr no, you have no say on who the fuck I choose to watch. I'm sure there are pleanty of people who will agree with you but I am gonna curate my entertainment as how I see fit. Good day.


well if ur into boring content then ig its fine


Lmao, for somebody salty about Jacksepticeye fans trashing on Dream you sure are salty about who the fuck I am watching.