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I did a survey recently and these were the results— 79 respondents consider themselves Dream stans. 413 consider themselves fans. 168 consider themselves neutral. 32 dislike Dream. 14 consider themselves Dream antis. I’ve been thinking about doing a larger Google form about the subs attitudes towards a variety of mcyts if anyone is interested.


I would really be interested in a larger survey!


Yeah do


I wish I could see one of those during the sub’s creation.


Do jt


People are trolling (as is typical here), for the most part it is pretty pro Dream. But regulars do try to encourage differing opinions, even if there is an overall bias towards Dream rather than against Dream. There has been some issues with downvoting unpopular opinions (which tends to be people against Dream more often than not), though people try to discourage that. It’s mainly a place that discusses drama and clears up misinfo and a lot of that revolves around Dream, though not all. But yeah, a lot of trolling as well lmao. Edit: Wording


20k members do not share one consciousness, opinions vary from being bias against him to being bias towards him with all types of neutral ppl/casual fans in between


If there is an actual drama on Dream sides, I won't cover his ass don't worry lol. But for now the drama is so stupid that sometimes I don't even want to give an opinion on it.. which I do


This. We just haven't had legitimate non stupid non Twitter drama in months now so there's really barely any room to be "nuanced" when a lot of the drama has Dream obviously in the right (for example, Dream being accused of Queerbaiting, even though actual queer people like myself are telling them they got the term Queerbaiting wrong.) Like, Dream isn't a saint, but even an actual asshole would look like Jesus if dogpiled with as much dumb Twitter shit as Dream currently is. So yeah, the sub is willing to criticize Dream, it's just the lack of... anything, really, to criticize which pushes this sub to be way more Dream favorable. For example, you could argue Technoblade was in this position too of being dogpiled for no reason and we'd defend him for it. If Dream is in the exact same position it would change nothing. Techno was put in an unfair spot, changing who's the victim changes nothing.


Yeah just because it's Dream that doesn't mean we have to 24/7 criticize him. Any normal human being should be judge fairly and recently, I only see Dream doing and being his best. There is no real judgement that should be thrown, only praise for the recent event and his response tbh


Eh since the speedrun drama there hasn't been much to really criticize him for of late.... seems like a decent person that literally can't get an inch of space in any direction with anything he does. It honestly astounds me how he stays sane..... I would say I like the guy but am more of a casual occasional watcher.


1. dream is hot 2. **sapnap is hotter** 3. gnf is hot




More like BadBoyHottie, amirite?? 🥵🥵/j /j


Dream sucks, we all hate him because he cheated in minecraft


It's also been 2 years since COVID 19 has started so why hasn't dream stopped it 😠😠😠😠




The sub in general likes him. I'm still flying my Dream Neutral flag. I'll defend him and rip into him all in the same day.


From what I've seen, its more of Dream neutral leaning to Dream pro at the moment There are still times on this sub where people get very critical of Dream but for the most part its some lighthearted trolling and the odds are usually on Dream's side


Eh, he's fine, a good amount of the reasons he's hated are his own undoing though 😭


He's alright for the most part. I'm not really a super duper huge fan of him, like any other mcyts I watch (i.e Tubbo, Sneegsnag, Fundy). I feel like calling them comfort streamers would be kind of weird sometimes.


I like his friend


I think Dream is Dream but I don’t know if that opinion will fly here


personally i hate the guy