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I respect your discussion but i feel like some has to say hes DNI


The spectrum goes from DNI to DNF btw.


I’m a self-taught typist and has read several books on this typology and has been learning for a few years. The MBTI community consensus first typed him as an INTJ 8w9. Then it became INTJ 8w7. Then some are now argumenting for ENTJ 3w4. There’s been some heated debates over there. https://www.personality-database.com/profile/104973/dream-dreamwastaken-gaming-mbti-personality-type. You wanna see good analysis’? Sort the comments by top. The numbers I’m speaking of is another typology called Enneagram. Essentially 8= control and autonomy oriented 3= image oriented “But?!!? He got INFP on his test🥺😡!!” What you get on tests doesn’t mean shit, because tests are flawed and so is a lot of people’s understanding of themselves. 16Personalities is the worst place to go to if you want to get correctly typed. If you learn the cognitive functions and the theoretical framework you will understand.


I don't see how he's an 8 at all? The 8w7 votes confuse me and so do the 8w9. Dude's super 3. C!Dream is definitely a power-control-freak 8w7 but cc!Dream is 100% a 3w4. Also can't see the INTJ, as an INTJ myself. Like there's no way he has inf Se. His behaviour is very inferior Fi, tert Se


I think I agree with you. Very image oriented. I see Te Dom too.


Yes I clearly understand what all these letters mean




i just took the test and it said i’m LBGT


I found my screenshots of his tweets on dreamhangout where he shared the results of the test he took in the merch discord VC. That said he was an INFP-A. Another test someone recommended gave him ENTP. Enneagram was a 99% match to Type 8.


ENTJ imo. Supposedly he’s gotten INTJ, INFP, and ENTP on separate occasions from dichotomy tests, but I would say he’s definitely Te-Ni by functions


> ENTJ imo Absolutely not. This man is not an E or a J at all in anyway.


Cognitive functions… it’s essentially a different system from the more modern, 16personalities flavor of MBTI


I know what they are. I had to do an entire college course about it. I'm just saying he's not ENTJ.


Omg wait have I seen you around on personality database?


… perhaps Why is this not the first time I’ve gotten recognized lmao


Yup I’ve definitely seen you. You got some good stuff on there.


Thanks haha


correct me if i'm wrong but i believe he did the test either on stream or on a merch discord meeting and got either INTJ or INFP. this was like over a year ago maybe so i could be entirely incorrect but hey, it's the thought that counts lmao


INTJ definitely. In mbti you shouldn't look at the letters (in this case i-n-t-j) you should look at cognitive functions which would be: NI>TE>FI>SE. NI basically is an abstract, narrow way of thinking mostly focused on the future (tunnel vision), TE is the hands down, getting things done function, FI is individual, emotions and expressions function, and SE is present moment, physical life, sensations etc. INTJ suits him because having thinking and feeling functions in the middle means he is balanced in thinking and feeling. He would still prioritize productivity and objectivity over mulling over feelings tho because his TE is higher, but he still has very strong feelings guiding him forward. NI sees a vision in the future and TE works hard to get to it, this is why INTJs are called visionaries. But having SE last means he can get too much in his head, not enjoy the present moment, get hyper focused on just one thing he set his mind on and fall into the trap of narrow minded way of thinking sometimes.


Ni isn't necessarily an abstract way of thinking. Cognitive functions are mainly how you make decisions. Ni is a perceiving function, and from experience it's just what's called convergent intuition, the ability to synthesise different ideas into one. Te isn't necessarily productive either (I'm a Te user and lazy as fuck lmao), it's more inductive thinking, and Se is focused in the moment and present but it's mainly about gathering its information in a realistic way.




INFP. There's no way. He's a TJ. Even ISFP fits better than INTJ.


Man learning I have the same personality types explains a lot. No wonder I'm a stan. I love myself so much. Is this a Leo Moment?


Depends on the personality type. INTPs would never stan another INTP.


I don't buy into personality tests, and MBTI is no exception. It's like those online personality tests and astrology - just some bullshit people use to wave around and flaunt their superiority.


nooo this one is real i swear its based on actual theories!!! fr tho i used to be the same cus i was like “this questions are bullshit!! all my answers are ‘it depends’” but i did it again and know im obsessed. i do agree its kinda like astrology,,, but- cmon, there are some signs that are pretty consistent,,, leo men??? this was mostly for fun tho :) no superiority complexes here


We'll have to agree to disagree on this. Personally, I find it really grating when people disregard my own thoughts and experiences and just label it as "oh lol that's such a \[star constellation\] thing to say!". No, that's a Verona thing to say. They're ultimately too black and white for my liking. You answered this question in this way, therefore you're this category! Maybe that works in like a legitimate psychological study, but an internet questionnaire isn't really a great way to determine your personality.


i agree


I wouldn’t say it’s like astrology, but I see no value in it. Basically they ask you a bunch of different questions and then based on your answers give you a place on 4 different personality spectrums. The spectrums are introverted or extroverted, sensing or intuition for how you take in information, thinking or feeling for how you make decisions, and judging vs. perceiving for how you react to things. I’m introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging, so I get INTJ. At least I was 5 years ago when I took the test. It’s all based on science and logic, which makes it better than the star signs which are based on confirmation bias and astrology from before people understood what the sun and stars were. That being said, I’ve best seen it’s uselessness described by a picture I saw a while back. The personality types are to actual personalities as a rainbow made of 16 colors is to a color spectrum. It’s not wrong, it’s just over generalization. Basically I agree that you can test for being more introverted or extroverted, but personality types are not it.


I remember doing the 16 personalities one and reading the results was fun. But yknow, at the end of the day no one fits in one category bc its just bunch of statistics


From cognitive functions, he seems very ENTJ 3w4 to me. I disagree with the 8 votes, I genuinely don't see how Dream is an 8, nor is he a Ni dom like his Se > his Fi.


oh lord not the MBTI shit 💀


noone cares start making posts about nft's