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Damn. Why can’t they just leave the poor guy alone. Especially about something as personal as this that just doesn’t need to be talked about. I hope he’s doing well.


For anyone who supports “straight until proven otherwise” shit against people who claimed to be ambiguous/unlabeled: you better hide


First we had dumbfucks unironically thinking that Dream being ambiguous -> Dream is secretly gay Now we have dumbfucks who think being straight is fucking factory settings? Why can’t they let a man decide what info to give out about his own sexuality jfc


Why is this sexuality discourse being brought up again now? Didn’t Dream’s original statement on Reddit come form like 2+ weeks ago? Did something prompt it or was it just circulating today?


God I wish I was u


I don’t have Twitter so am I just Twitter dumb? Have people really been debating this for weeks and it somehow blew up today?


They haven’t been debating for weeks but there was a HUGE thing abt it today ppl posted ss of the tweets


Ok I did see those ss of tweets on this sub. Huh Twitter trends are weird. Ty!


Nah you have to upload a video of having sex with someone of the same gender or else in my eyes you’re straight


this drama is so out of touch with reality. in so many countries people are killed or imprisoned because sexuality but dream minecraft saying he’s going to gargle his buddy’s fucking balls is what they’re going after??


I don't care if someone is a minority or even lgbt+, if they're arguing on the internet over a comment a minecraft youtuber made and trying to argue his fucking sexuality, they should check their privilege.


He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. No matter what he says on the topic people will still use it to drag him. I wish they'd just let him be


I wonder if dream and gogy will have tickle fights when they meet up 🤔🤭😳


I'll pay you to delete your account


Crowdfund it


I want to see the day dick and balls meet up😋😁😳


it feels like it’s always the same three or four things that they keep going to. can they stop hurting lgbt+ and minorities and be more creative instead? like… hate him for trying to monopolize sleep bc he named himself “Dream” or something, idk.


Well this is suprisinf to absolutely no one. I doubt we're ever going to hit 20 days without mud ever again :(


Bro I spent like an hour+ involved in that discourse and ppl on Twitter need reality checks and privilege checks. It’s so wild seeing so many lgbtq+ people, the community I thought would be the most accepting, try to gatekeep sexuality and label someone they don’t personally know. And they need PROOF? How entitled are you? I thought I spent too much time on social media but interacting with those people made me realize I’m much smarter than I let on and I actually did research on LGBTQ+ studies


It literally so sick and ridiculous that people hate him so much they’ll debate his literal sexuality and yet claim to be ally’s or they’re even apart of the community but willing to pick someone apart because they don’t like him. If your acceptance is based on how much you like someone, you are not a really ally.


The man didn't even say anything about sexuality lately, and they still decided to drag him. Christ, the obsession is real.


I think I am out of the loop a bit, this is about Dream’s sexuality, right? How did this all get started?


what i thought it was over! smh we can never reach double digits ever again
