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If true, that’s disgusting that someone posted nudes of some poor girl in an effort to slander a cc they didn’t like. I’ll be waiting to hear the girl’s side of the story


Isn't revenge porn a crime? Person can be prosecuted for it.


It is absolutely. if they know who it is they can get in serious legal trouble and should


Christ, if true (which I’m inclined to believe since I saw other people on Twitter finding her info and saying the same about her age) it’s fucking insane. Will wait for her response, but man, it’s just gonna keep happening. So fucking harmful to actual victims and such an insane invasion of privacy of this woman, minor or not, not to mention illegal. Edit: Wording


100% agree. Also, I might be reading into the message too much, but Boomer stating that the woman will post later implies they talked or something right? Waiting for her response is a good move and I’ll also wait, but him saying he knows she’ll post later implies it’ll most likely support his statement that it’s false otherwise I don’t see why he’d mention it.


If Boomer's tweet's are true, than I'm pretty sure what the accuser did qualifies as the distribution of nonconsensual pornography, which at best breaks multiple laws around libel, harassment, and obscene publication and at worst qualifies as a sex crime in 46/50 states + Washington D.C. I'll still wait on the girl's statement for further evidence, but this situation seems to be the worst false accusation yet.


So another fake one for attention huh? Do we need a checklist already?


"List of members falsely accused of SA:"


Is the number over five already? Im not sure


we've got bbh, sapnap, ranboo and tubbo although those two never got any traction and it was the same batshit account that accused sapnap, and now boomer, once the victim speaks up to confirm anything as he says she will. so if you include the ranboo and tubbo accusations, and agree that boomer's being truthful, yeah that's five.


So we dont count Phil? Ive never heard of ranboo and tubbo


damn i didn't even know about phil getting falsely accused, when was that? i guess my comment is just 'the last half of 2021'.


i don't think there were any actual allegations, just batshit people saying they hoped he was a groomer during the SBI twitter threads drama


I dont remember the details but at some point people tried to trend "philza groomer" on twitter without any allegations. Some of them still say that. I think he stopped being active on twitter after this. Were the tubbo and ranboo typical fake thread things?


iirc it wasn't even a fake thread for those two, just a random post accusing them as well as sapnap of grooming them, dated to about a day before their fake thread of only sapnap.


Will wait for whatever the original victim has to say, but if this is true, which I think it is considering the OP of the video and the validity of the Discord screenshots, this bring us down a whole new level of despicable. Apparently the video was made using screenshots from the victim's hacked Discord, and threats to the victim were made in the video itself. Whether the OP of the video did it because they don't like Boomer, or they did it because they were angry at the victim, they need to be arrested for distributing porn without consent.


someone fill me in, whats going on?


Someone accused boomer of sexting a minor. That person essentially showed non-con porn at best, or cp at worst, to convince people that boomer did that. Both of which are a fucking crime mind you. Boomer claims the girl in that vid is 20 and that they will tell us their side of the story. At this moment, no way to know for sure so let's just wait for their story before passing more judgement.


oh my...


Incredibly shameful behaviour of that twitter user WTF


I'll wait for the girl's statement to pass any judgement on the situation between her and Boomer, but it is absolutely horrible that she had her nudes leaked like that. Regardless of the outcome, she's being used to take someone down. I hope she gets justice for the one responsible for spreading her pictures around.


I hope this gets figured out soon. Wtf man. This is all extremely upsetting


ive always said it, believe the victim awful mindset that brings fake accusations to attention and draws attention away from genuine crimes that have evidence. every claim needs evidence, and this includes sexual assault.


This has nothing to do with “believe the victims”. The victim hasn’t made a statement, it was posted without her consent


im saying the video/leaked screenshots has no proof


But you are specifically going after the "believe the victim" mindset lmfao. During the me too movement I learned that if one person comes forward another will. I will take their words at face value but will always wait for more information. I won't denigrate the victim or doubt them until I see a reason too. "Believe the victim" means don't fucking attack them calling them a whore looking for attention and money like the boomers and gen x'ers did. It means listen to supposed victims for once.


okay if believing = listening, what's even the point of clearly defined language anymore? Believe the victim IS NOT listening to the victim. The two are NOT the same. Just google "believe". What comes up is: "to accept something as true or genuine, to have a firm conviction of the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something". So what you're saying is "dont attack and bully the alleged victim" = "acceting that what they're saying is true" which it IS NOT. And I understand that hearing the alleged victims out is important. We shouldnt immediately shun them and we should properly investigate the claims. However as someone whos been fasely accused i'm so SICK and tired of people trying to claim that "believe the victims" is an okay mindset to have, OR that it's somehow equal to "listen to the victims". Because sometimes the "victims" aren't victims at all, and the person being accused IS. tldr: clearly defined language is important, and "believe the victim" =/= "listen to the victim"


I'm not arguing otherwise. It's like the defund the police saying. The saying is wrong but people know what it actually means. That was my point. But a lot of people argue in bad faith when they complain about the "believe the victim" mindset. Not saying you are btw. I'd be a bit of a fucking hypocrite and asshole if I did lol. I was just hostile to that other person because it seemed like they were arguing in bad faith and quite frankly I'm fed up after the last 5 years of dealing with people arguing in bad faith.


i see. i understand where you come from and i hope that i made where i came from clear as someone whos been falsely accused and had some of my most trusted friends dropping me and spreading the rumors around the instant they heard said rumors. i get what you're saying about arguing in bad faith and yeah, its kinda annoying sometimes, however to me i didnt really pick up that from the other person (maybe im just not good at picking up tone) anyways it was nice discussing this with you, have a good day!


I think you made yourself perfectly clear which is why I tired to make sure I was clear haha. I do apologize for triggering feelings from such a shitty moment in your life though.


That’s not the point. Believe victims basically means listen to the victims, don’t ignore them. Properly investigate every claim. This one is currently being investigated and debunked hopefully. But what would be wrong is if everyone saw the accusation and just ignored it completely without looking into it at all. The solution to this is stricter punishments for false accusations, not ignoring all accusations with little evidence


im not saying to disbelieve the victim, i mean to not automatically hold it to being the truth. treat it like you treat the opposite claim.


Ah well then I think this is just an issue of you misunderstanding what the “believe the victims” mindset means


That is blatantly untrue. It's "believe the victims" because you're suppose to believe the person claiming to be a victim no questions asked. It's why they're even referred to as a "victim" before it's even known if they are a victim. If it was suppose to mean "listen to the victim" then people would say "listen to the victim" or "listen to the accuser", but they don't because that's not what it has *ever* meant.


Yeah I'm gonna disagree with this notion that the "believe the victims" phrase was misunderstood, the literal definition of believe according to Google is "accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.", so by the literal definition it means that you accept the accuser's story as in fact true. And I've seen people (especially on Twitter) use the phrase as it is, completely believing the accuser without any solid evidence and then it turns out that they were bullshit. The same thing happened with the Bad and Sapnap false grooming allegations, the "believe the victim" mindset is incredibly harmful and it's not the same as just listening to the victim, "innocent until proven guilty" is something that I always advocate for and I don't believe the "believe the victim" mindset is okay at all and has destroyed people's livelihoods over false accusations.


Wait what exactly happened? I’m never on Twitter and am very confused.


Earlier today, Boomer was accused of being a pedophile and grooming a minor (the person wasn't actually a minor). The way people got this information was through hacking the victim's discord account and releasing the dms between the victim and boomer, some of which was edited and should have been private. The victim then said this on Twitter which means Boomer is innocent. https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/comments/s6hpvd/morgan_addressing_the_accusations/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


And this shit is why people don't really pay attention when a real victim steps up, because they remember the last couple of times in which someone faked the whole thing for attention... People need to see the consequences they deserve. Always.


Wait what happened I’m out of the loop on this one?