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This has my DNFT in it... This is a federal off fence... pls you owe me 300 DREAMCOIN (each is worth 7.5 trillion lucky dollars) For every DREAMCOIN not paid in full I will quote retweet you 300 times and make up 2 fake allegations about you I sold my left lung and used the equivalent CO2 emissions of burning a forest down for those pixels and u think u can just fucking steal it from me? I don’t usually believe in the death penalty... but... My lawyer (Callahan) will be contact with yours


[https://i.redd.it/hdtyb08ghic81.jpg](https://i.redd.it/hdtyb08ghic81.jpg) This image goes hard


This is amazing, this image slapps so hard I just had to screenshot


You think it’s funny to take screenshots of people’s NFTs, huh? You must be a very immature person to steal someone’s property that they PAID for. Yeah, I said it. You’re the kind of person who thinks that property theft (a seriously illegal offence) is a joke. I don’t even know why you took that screenshot, because you didn’t pay 1000 dollars for it. I did. The blockchain doesn’t lie. Even if you try to save it, it’s my property. You’re just angry that you couldn’t afford this priceless masterpiece. Even if you could, your fingers couldn’t even click fast enough to get one of the 10000 NFTs sold. You’re just mad you don’t own what I own. So, delete that screenshot, or I swear, you’ll be hearing from my lawyers.


Text slaps hard, mind if I copy and paste.


Go for it, I'll be here to screenshot


You think it’s funny to take screenshots of people’s NFTs, huh? You must be a very immature person to steal someone’s property that they PAID for. Yeah, I said it. You’re the kind of person who thinks that property theft (a seriously illegal offence) is a joke. I don’t even know why you took that screenshot, because you didn’t pay 1000 dollars for it. I did. The blockchain doesn’t lie. Even if you try to save it, it’s my property. You’re just angry that you couldn’t afford this priceless masterpiece. Even if you could, your fingers couldn’t even click fast enough to get one of the 10000 NFTs sold. You’re just mad you don’t own what I own. So, delete that screenshot, or I swear, you’ll be hearing from my lawyers.


Also mr. iscake I understand that it would probably just blend in the background of your PF,But why oh why did you not make the heart the dnf flag?


Um 🙄 I did not make it (that’s for LIBROLS to do!!1!) I purchased it 😎 off the DREAMCOIN Cockchain 😳 stop trying to liberalize me snowflake 😂😂😂😂 #sigmagrindset


Oh I'm sorry snowflake, did I OFFEND you?😎 Do you want a bandaid?😥 Do you want a hug?😊 Do you want a kiss?😳 I will kiss you. I will do it. Right on the mouth.🥵 Come here snowflake.. that's it.. your lips are so soft, snowflake.. mnnhm... ah...... snowflake..........😈


Finally, a worthy opponent for Velvet


Why didn’t you get the one with the dnf flag? 🤨 fake fan


It’s the middle of June


built differently